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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-OOSSORO00'1000300'15-'1 ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 FOa U1=FICIAL USE ONLY JpRS L/s3ia 6 March 1979 - FRANCE; NUCLEAR, MISSILE, AND SPACE DEVELOPMENTS FoUO No, 454 ~ � ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLIC~TIONS RESEARCH SERVI~E ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 NOT~ JPRS publicaCions conCain informaC~on primarily from foreign newgpaperg, periodicals and books, bue glso from newe egency Cr~ngmiseione and broadcgsCg. Materials from foreign-language enurces are Cransl~eed; Choae from ~nglish-lgnguage sources are transcribpd or reprinCed, with ehe original phrasing and other characCeristics retained. Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicaCors such as [TexC] or ~ExcerpC] in the first line of each irem, or following the lase line of a brief, indicate how the original informaeion was - processed. Where no procesaing indicator is given, the infor- maCion was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original buC have been supplied asappropriaCe in context. Other unattributed parenChetical noCes within the body of an iCem originate with the source. Times within items~.are as given by source. 2'he cont~nts of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudea of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GWERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 BIOLIOGRAPHIC OAYA 1~ Itepon Nn. ~8,i12 2 Ketipient'~ Acce~~ion No. SHlBT JE'RS I. . u e ~n u tu e . eport ~te _ FItANC~: NUCLCAIt, MISSILt;, AND SpAC~ DEVELOPTtENTS, 6 March 1979 No. 454 6' - 7. Aut6ot(~) 8� No.tamins Org~niarcion Rept, 9. P~rtamlo~ Or6~nl:~eloo N~me ~nd Addee~~ 10. Proiecc/T~~{c/Woric Uoit No. Joint Publicaeiona R~aearch Servise 1000 North Clebe Road ti. xo. Arlington, Virginia 22201 1~ Spoosalo~ Or~anisuioo Name aod Addre~� 13. Type oE Reporc 8c Period _ Co~ered Ae above IS. Suppiem~oary Nae~ ~ 16. A ~rneu The aerip,l report contains infot~nation primarily from French major daily newspapers end perttnent apecialized ,~ournale on French nuclear, misaile, and space technology, reaearch and development. - .[er iocd~ ~od Docnment Ao~lysi~. 17a De~cripco� - France Weapons Aeronautics Missiles Nuclear Technology 17?. Identititr~/OpeaEaded Term~ 17a COSATJ Fietd/Group 16D~ 18I~ 19F~ 22B ts. A~sil~biliq &~temeot 19.. Seeurity Clas� (This 21. o. o( P~6es � For Offic2al Use Only, . R'~P�"~ 19 - - Limited Number of Copies Available From JPRS. � p~ e�r ?.s: ~ b?� zz, p~;� LASS F ED ?ow NT~rs~ ~~o-~oi uico~�oc ~a~:a~~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 FOR OFFSCIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/8312 6 March 1979 FRANCE: NUCLEAR, MISSILE, AND SPACE DEVELOPMENTS E,+(~TT^ No . 4 5 4 , CONTENTS PAGE Naval Crotale Miasile Deliveries for 1979 Noted (Pierre Langereux; AIR & COSMOS, 3 Feb 79) 1 Ariane Erected aC Guiana Space Center (F~.erre Langereux~ ~.IR & COSMOS, 3 Feb 79) 3 SLBM Test in 1980 Planned (AIR & COSMOS, 3 Feb 79) 6 _ Ariane Prelaunch Preparations Detailed (Pierre Langereux; AIR & COSMOS, 13 Jan 79) 8 Ariane 1979-1980 Test Schedule Reviewed (Pierre Langereux; AIR & COSMOS, 27 Jan 79) 15 - a - [III - WE - 151 FOUO] _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100034Q15-1 _ ~OR OFFYCIAL U5~ ON*~Y r NAVAL CRC~~ALE MISSILE DELIVERIES FOR 1979 N4TED _ Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 3 Feb ~9 p 32 [Article by Pierre Langereux: "Four Naval CroCale Weapon Systems To Be _ ~ Delivered in 1979"] - fText] Four Crotale naval aurface-Co-air weapon syetiems built by Thomson-CSF will be delivered to the French Navy this year. The first system will equip the frigate lluguay-'~rouin (F67 class). Late lasC y~ar, aea trials of the naval Crotale entered the phase in which the missilea are launched against targets under operational conditions. Thfs second teat phase is ta continue throughout the coming weeks with addiCional - firings. Upon completion of theae test firinga Chia summer, the naval ` Crotale system wi.ll be placed in operational service. - This new CesC series follows a series conducted with the f irst Cwo Crotale syatems installed on the French Navy's teat ship Ile d'Oleron and the de- stroyer Georges Leyguea (C70 class). These initial tests were designed to check the Crotale's fire control system, its missile shipboard atorage and loading syatem developed by Che DTCN [Technical Directorate for Naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engineering], and fire dummy missiles to check operation of the launchers. All these syateme performed satisfactorily. In one of theae test firings conducted during December ati the Mediterranean Test Center, the Crotale miasile intercepted a CT-20 target drone. ~or this particular firing, the~miseile's warhead had been replaced a tele- metry unit. The missile hit and destroyed the target--simulating an attack on the test ship Ile d'Oleron--at a range in excess of 6,000 meters. This ~ direct hit from a ahip sub~ected to the platform movements Qf ~ mesiium-state sea, demonatrated the effectiveneas of the servocontrols of the mount for the radar that stabilizea the line of sight and ~uides the missile. These two functions use the same programmable digital computer. The naval version of the Crotale miasile is identical to the French Air Force's Crotale and uses the same subassembliea as miasiles designed for the new "10-kilometer aurface-to-air syatems," including the Shahine, developed - 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100034Q15-1 _ ~'OR OF~'ICTAL U5~ ONLY by Thomason-CSF. The Croenle mie~tle is normally equipped wiCh an infrnred proximiry fuee and armed with a 15-kilogram warr~end producing a b~reC nf fragmetteg locnll.ed in Cime and space, the fragmenta retaining the same , lerhality within ~ radius of 8 meters. The naval CroCale's apecific char- acteriatics coupled with an eff3cienC fire control system whose excellence wae recently dem~natrated an~w, make thia weapon system unquesCionably effective out eo long rangea. _ p - - ~ ~ ~ ~ Y 1.T ~i~ ~ . .~.rwrwrw~ ~ ? ~ . Thomson-CSF Crotale naval surface-Co-air weapon sysCem mount with eight ready-to-fire missil~s (in air-tight containers) on launchers. Miasile is radar-or TV camera-guided, as the case may be. _ - COPYRIGHT: AIR & COSMOS, Paris, 1979 8041 CSO: 3100 2 F.OR OFFICIAL USE ONLl' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100034Q15-1 FOR OFFIGIAL US~ ONLY - ARIANE FR~CTED AT GUTANA SPACE CENTER Paria AIR & COSMOS in French 3 Feb 79 p 33 [Article by Pierre Langereux: "Ariane in Guiana"] [T~xt] For the first time ever, an Ariane rockeC now Cowers above its launch pad in Kouru, French Gu:!ana. This European launch vehicle is mor.e than 47 meters high and weighs 207 tons when fueled. It was erecCed inside the launch tower in January. Newsm~n and representatives from member coun- ~ tries of the European Space Agency will visit the installation in early February. This version of the Ariane is the "fueling mockup" that will be used to teat automatic and manual fueling procedures until 15 March, Chen to conducC vibration tests on the launch p~d until late April, and finally, to qualify the entire Ariane launch site--launch pad, launch control center, radars, eCc--in May and June. These operations are parC of the Guiana Space Center's operational qualificaCion. The center is preparing for the first firing cf Che Ariane launcher now set for 3 November 1979. CNES [National Center for SpacP. StudiesJ is responsible fur the Ariane program. Principal - French contrac~$ include Aerospatiale, SEP [European Propulsion CompanyJ, Matra, Air Liquide, etc. ~ � � ~ . . - . . ~ ~ . . , { \ - \A s~. . . . 2;a!:�y..2a , r t` . 1 - i ~ First stage arrives at Kouru in special container module. - 3 - FOR OFFICIAL US~: ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-4Q850R000100034Q15-1 ~ ~OR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY - ~ ,..r. . ; - ~ ,1 � ; : v ~ ; . { , _ . d +Ai:~"~I4'~~~ .i~ }"y }~Y~� 1 ~'S f ~ a ` ~ ~ ~ , ~ . , i ~ .;;r rtr`` ~t j.~ . ,~4' Y~.= ~t ;;y.. ~ r`r 'r~ '~.1 ;{1 " - . j~ . _ m - Teat mockup of the M4 miasfle loaded in the tube o.f the submersible caisson at the CEM [Mediterranean Test Center] in Toulon 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY ' reve+~led that �inal ad~ustment and qual~.�ication of aubeyatema �or the new . MSBS M4 [SLBM: Submarine I,aunched Ralliaeic Misaile] will be completed rhis year i.n preparation f or Che ,~irati ,~light t~sC scheduled E~r 1980. The M4 is the firat French aCretegic ballisCic misaile armed with multiple warheada. Tt will have greater rnage and accuracy than the present SLBM's--M2 and - M20--as well as greaCer resi.stance to enemy defenses. The M4 will be put - into service in 1985 on-board the new auclear powered missile launching aubmarine (SNLE) called L'Inflexible. The laCter will be Che French Navy's eixth SNLE and the first Co carry the M4 misaile. L'Inflexible will be able to launch ita missilea from a much greaCer depth. It will also have a new faster and more secure firing syaCem. Tt wi11 be recalled that in 1980 France will have five SNLE's in ~ervice. Standing operaring procedure wi11 call for four of these to be manned at all times. This will enable a mini- mum of Cwo SNLE's to always be~at sea no matCer what happens. COPYRIGHT: AIR & COSMOS, Paris, 1979 8041 . CSO: 3100 - 1 FOR aFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 FOR OFFICYAt, USE OI~LY ARIANE PRELAUT~ICH PREPARATIONS DETAILED Paris AIR & COSMOS in French 13 Jan 79 pp 34-36 (Article by Pierre Langereux: "'Ariane': The First Flight is Postponed until October or November 1979 but Che Operational Availability Remains Set for Late 1980"] [TextJ The nex~ m?eCing of the p~:o~ect "Ariane" Board of Directors will be � 17 January 1Q79 eC ESA [Euronean Space Agency] headquarters, and wi11 be an important�stsp fo~ the European launch vehicle. ESA and CNES [Na;.ional Center for S~ace StudiesJ, the program managers, will present to the E~ard~the results of Lhe launch pro3 ect review which had been approved a few �~~onths ago ("AIR & CUSMOS" No 7~0, page 39). The Board of - Directors is m.:~de up of reprQSentatives from Che countries that are partici- - paCing in the pro~ect, and will be the first to be informed of the complete situation and of pro~ect details of at least a year after Che first laun~h of the new European rocket. Also Co be announced to the Board 17 January is the new sct~edule of "Ariane" _ rocket test flights during 1979-1980, as well as the newly revised plan of ~ operational missions for the European launch vehicle during 1981-1985. This - will necessitate making several additional launchers beyond the first five rockets of the series ordered by ESA. These series rocketsT like the test _ rockets, are produced under the auspices af CNES using the industry of 10 Europedn countries; the principal French contractors being Aerospatiale, SEP European Propellant Comnany, and Matra & Air Liquide. Three Crucial Problems Resolved . The "Ariane" pro~ect review presented to the Board of Directars will stress that three of the four identified problems have been, or are about to be solved in a satisfactory fashion. The inertial reference of the "Ariane" rocket guidance syRtem is now perfected, after ad~ustments that took much longer than was expected. However, the Fren~h LRBA Ballistic and Aerodynamic = Research Laboratory has been charged with confi~ming by a new series of tests - this qualification nf the Ferranti inertial reference. 8 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~QIt O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY 'I'hgt will fini~h the qu~lifir~tion of the firsC st~ge of "Ariane", Che quali- _ firaCinn fnr the second gtage being alre~dy C~mpleted. Th~ foureh e~gt of the first stage In flighe cdnfiguratidn, made 5 December 1978 ~C Verndn - (~ure), v~rified thp good working nrd~r nf th~ propulsian ~~~~mbly, whieh is m~de of four "Viking'' ~ngines that d~velop ~ totel thrust nf 240 mpCrie ton~ . - during 142.9 seconde, correspnnding to th~ dur~tion df nomingl f~ight (142.5 geconds). Thig Ceet has esp~cially demon~trated the ~ood hnlding pow~r, und~r normal condiCinng, of the new eub~tance S~PH~N 301. Ie ig ~ ph~nol ~nd ailicon resin which will be used on all the future nozzle cc~llg~is of the "Viking" engines of all the "Ariane" rockets ~(Cegt rock~ts ~nd ~eries roCk- ets). A new test to confirm the earlier res~~~3ts on the first gtage propulaion ass~mbly equipped with S~PN~N 310 nozzle collare wae previewed thig week. It - will hav~ a duratidn limited to abouC 50 geconde. The adjustmettts to the "Ariane" lgunching as~embly at Kourou (French Guian~) are completed. The test pragram for Che "fuel~ simulation" is in progresa, with a true "Ariane" rocket to verify the functioning of the fu~ling, drain- age, and pressurization syatems. IC began aC Che Guianan Snace CenCer with the erection of the firat stage on 6 December 19~8, followed by thp secnnd stage on 12 December. The test schedule, interrupted by the Christmas and New Years holidays starCed aguin in January 1979 with the building of the third ~ stage. At [he end of January Che three stage launcher will be standing com- plete on thp Kourou launch pad. IC will be the very first time a complete "Ariane" rocket wi~l be seen, set up as for launching. There will even be a - ~ retraction of the launch tower, but not a f~.ring. Itt ~ddition the members of Che "Ariane" Board of birectors will go to the Kourou site in early ~ebruary to witness the event. The fuel supply tests for the stages (UDMH and N104 for _ the first and second stages, liquid hydrogen and oxygen for the third stage) will progress during the first quarter of this year. ESA predicts the fuelir~g simulation teats will be finished early April 1979. Difficulties with the Third Stage A single crucial problem remains: the perfection of the third stage with cryogenic propulsion. However, it is a large problem, for some unforeseen dif- ficulties (the explosion of an engine on the test pad) tha[ recently arose are going to delay completion of the rocket and increase costs. During a test (EP2) of the third stage propulsion as~embly, conducted on 28 November 1978 at Vernon, an abnorraal accumulation of hydrogen gas in the cryogenic engine's combustion chamber caused an explosion which damaged the engine and its propulsion framework; the stage's main tank and the test pad (PF43) having been miraculously preserved. The incident has brought about a reorganization of the third stage test pad schedule. The "battleship" teats (With heavy tanks) con[inue at the rate of one per month on the other cryogenic test pad (PF42) at Vernon. But the EP2 propulsion assembly tests are suspended for several months; long enough to replace the damaged stage and modify some of the test pad safety precautions, = especially the burner for burning off any abnormal accumulation of hydrogen so as to avoid all risk of explosion. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ON~.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~OIt O~FICIAL US~ ONLY The "Arigne" Bogrd of UirecCorg wi11 be told dn 17 Janu~ry of ehe congpqu~nc~g nf thig incident, of the delays in the d~velopment gchedul~, and of th~ cose of the development program. ~he modificationa and repairg to ch~ ~eage $nd test pad--as well as the dev~lopm~nt delay~--up to th~ fir~C C~st flights--ar~ going to be refl~cted by some extrg exp~ndieur~~, whose ~xace amount wi11 not b~ known unCil late ~ebruary. Cost of Completion within the Allowed LimiCg ESA will esCablish a new ~sCimaCion of the "cost of compleeion" fnr the launcher "Ariane". This new cost will consume part di the Fr 412 million (1973 price) which ig a 20 p~rcent fingncial mar~in for technical difficulties cglculated at the beginning of the pro~~ce on the bagic development cnse with- out dffficulties, which was establlsh~d at ~r 2,060 million (1973). In gpit~ of thp new difficulties that were meC on the third gtage, CN~S ~stin~tes that the new Cotel completion co~t of pro~ect "Ariane" will remain "sharply lower" Chan th~ toCal authorized emount (120 percent), which gtill leaves an avail- able financial margin in case of technical difficulCiee during the tegt flightg. Therefore, the compleCion of the new launcher development is not threatened. Let us remember that in mid-1978~ well before the last incidente with the third stage, the project "Ariane" complerion cogt was estimat~d at 104.7 per- ' cent of the basic cost without problems (~r 2,06C~ million). Let us also . r~member that 5 December the "Ariane" Board approved the 19~9 project budgets (in payment credits) which included 143,042 million credit units for launch � v~hicle dpvelopment and 37.849 million credit units for production of the first rocket series. _ Delay of the First Shots = A new schedule of teat flights for the "Ariane" rocket will be announced = 17 January Co the Board of Directors, taking into account the favorable resultg _ of the project review and the difficulties encountered on the third stage. 'fhis new schedule is conceived to compensate, before the end of the test ~ flights, for the bad effecta of the last incidents so that the eperational date of the launcher won't be affected. Don't forget that is still the most important part of the operation. The delays Which are going to be announced to the Board on 17 January preserve the ultimate goal of the project without - risking coming to a dead end sooner or later over some crucial problems that must be solved. The new schedule has a rather long delay (about 3 months) of the first and second flights, the third flight being hardly affected, and the fourth not at all. The date of the first test flight (Lol) already slightly pushed back (from mid-Jun~ to late July 1919) a fe~+ months ago, this time is gotng to be set for late October or early November 1979. but certainly before the end of this year. 10 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~Ott d~FICYAt. U5~ ONLY _ Th~ beCOnd CeeC ~hot (Ln2) plnnned for early U~~embptr 1979, will nnw be ~t Che be~inning of 1980. '1'h~ third ~hot (Lo3) ~chpdulpd �c~r early Mgy 1570 would be put off no mnre Chgn a mnnth. As �or the fourrh ghoe (Lo4), ie would gt~y gC the dat~ set initiglly, whiCh ie c~id-Oceober 19L-0. , � , 1� j ~ ~ f ~ ~ M ` r~�� ~1-. F � ~ti � i t. ` ~ , ~ _I: . ~I ' . ~K.d~~' . � � ~ f~s y f ~r . . ^ a ~~r� _ "Lo2" payload: "Firewheel" satel- lite on top of "CAT" and "Oscar 9" satellite on the side. I~'irst Paylvads Unchanged ' Th~ first payloade placed on three of the four test flight rockets Will undzr- go no changes. The four rockets are all carrying the "Ariane Capsule Tech- nology" (CAT), ahich vill be in fact a small satellite (about 200 kg) placed in g geo~ynchronous tra~~fer orbit after having monitored the functioning of the launch vehicle during the entire flight. The first rocket will carry no othrr payload (except ballaet). On the other hand, xhe three other rocke[s will carry at least five satellites launched free of charge by apecial excep- tion. 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~OEt d~FICIAL U5~ ONLY ~ The ~e~ond roCkeC (Lo2) will l~unch twn smnll C~rmgn g~telliCpg--Che ~mgCeur r~dio s~tellit~ "Osc~r 9" ~nd the gcientific geCe111Ce "Firewheel"--whi~h will be plac~d in a g~o~ynchrnnuug transfer nrbit at 200-3600km inelined 17.5 - degreea over th~ equatnr. '1'he third rock~t will ~lgo l~unch two ~gte~liteg; the ~uropean meteo ~~telliee ~~MpCpOg~C 2" ~nd th~ Indian eel~communieaCinng _ eaC~lliCe "APPLE". 7'his will be eh~ firge ~aeelliee pl~eed in g geogtatinngrq nrbiC by "Ariane". ~inally, the fourth rn~k~t (Ln4) wi11 place ittto gengt~- tionary orbit the ~uropean mariCim~ tplecommuni~ationg gaeellite "MAR~CS A". If it proves unnecessary to add g shock ebgorber for the pogo e�fect (vibrg- ~ tiong of the liquid fuel pipes cauged by prnpulglon~ and also affecting it) for the launch, the (Ln4) rocket will serve to test in fli~ht the functioning of the "double 1~unch sy~t~m" (SYLDA) which will ulCitnately l~unch twn - eatellites eimultaneously. First Operational Shot in 19g1 Given these conditions, gnd unless Chere is a new eerious problem, the opera- tional availability ~f Che launch vehicle "Ar3ane'''--forecast at the pre~Qnt for Che beginning of 1981--perhaps even becember 1980--should not be aff~cted by the preaent technical difficulties. - - The first five "Ariane" rocketa in the series have been ordered by ESA for operational ahots beginning in 1981 (LS to L9). The first of these "promo- tion series" rockets could be available by December 1980. The secnnd ghould be dt~livered 3 nwntha later (March 1981) and the following gt 3-month intervals in 19,i1 (June, September, December). One of the rockets will remain permanently in reserve. The four other series - rockets are destined to put 5 satellites in geoatationary orbit (with a double launch). Theae are the European satellites "Exosat", "MARF.CS B", "ECS 1", and "5irio 2", as well as the ~rench satellite "SPOT". The launch of the sCien- tific satellite "Exosat" is scheduled for Aprfl 1981, that of the maritime telecommunications satellite "MARECS B" is scheduled for mid-1981, and the teleconununications satellite "ECS 1" launch is set �or late 1981. The scientific satellite "Sirio 2" should bp put in orbit (for free) in a double - launch (thanks to SYLDA) with "MARECS B" or, in case of delay, With "ECS 1". $esides, it is possible that this will be the first uae of "SYLDA" even though ESA still plans a test flight of it previously on Lo4. Ag for the fourth launcher of the promotion ~eriea, it will be used to put into geosta- tionary orbit the firat French teledetection sate113te "SPOT", scheduled for _ late 1983 or early 1984. Additional Needs for Series Rockets A certain number of additiona) rockets of the series (above L9) should, : moreover, be ordered during the coming month to take care of the new missions already approved or congider~d as probable. The manufacture of "Ariane" rocketa to be usEd b~fore the end of 1983 should in fact be approved early this year, productioci beginning during the second half of 1979. 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~012 O~~ICIAL US~ ONLY ~SA hgg egenbligh~d a n~w g~hpdul~ of op~rneinngl mi~giong wieh "Ariane" from 19t31 to 19g5. It obviously includea th~ first four 1~unchea already mention- _ ~d, g~ we11 ~ cprt~in number df new mi~sinng. Thp n~w mig~iong definit~ly forecaet for 15~1-1983 will nepd gt lea~r fuur addition~l eerieg rock~t~ (t10-L13). Th~y ~r~ a11 invnlving CeleGOmmun~Cg- ' tione satelliteg. Thig includeg a roekee for Ch~ ~urop~~n ggtellit~ "~CS 2" (lgunch in th~ Chird qugrter of 1983), ewo rc~ck~ts for the new ~rench ~aeel- lit~s "Telecnm 1 and 2" (second half of 1982 gnd mid-1983) and g rock~e for th~e aixrh Intelgat organization saC~llite "Intelsat 5" (wirh option for a - second rocket). The launch of this "Intelsat 5" by "Ar~~ne" is predi.cted for - July 1981~ which l~ad~ tn a con�lict of dates with th~ other launchea (af ~uropean g~tellites) that are also g~C for 1981. Nev~rth~l~gg, thig conflice can be eggily re~olved. Among Che poasible prospects uniquely corr~gponding to Eurnpean needs, aC leasC six other series rockets (L14-L19) can be predicted over and above these last missions. This is counting a rockeC for a meteo satellite "Meteo- ~ eat 3" (in 1982, a rocket for a direct Celevision s~eellit~ "H-sat" or its replacement (in 1983 or 1984), two rockets for maritime telpcommunicatinns satellites "MARECS C and D" (in 1982), and swo rockets for the telecommunica- _ Cion gatelliteg "~CS 3 and 4" (in 1985 and 1986) whose production has ~ust been approved ("AIR ~ COSMOS" No 745, page 40). 'I~enty "Ariane" Rockets This new missinn program represents a total production and launching of about 20 "Ariane" rockets, including the test flight rockets. This is for only the misaions involving placing satellites in geostationary orbit that are already approved or firmly predicted through the middle of the next decade. This does ~ not count the proapects for exporting them outside Europe. - Now ESA certainly intends to offer "Ariane" abroad, especially for launches (scheduled after 1982) of geoatationary teletommunications satellites on behalf of various countries. These include the Axab States ("Arabsat" satellite), Indonesia ("Palapa 2"), and Columbia ("Satcol"). � "Ariane" will also be a candidate for launches of other national or regional " satellites in Europe, like the future Scandinavian direct TV satellites "Nordsat" (toward 1984). The European launch vehicle wil]. obviously be used to launch future scientific and utilitarian ESA satellites (teledetection, et,:). Some of these satellites--notably "Arabsat"--could profit by a double launch from "Ariane", thanks to "SYLDA". The European rocket aill then be competi- tive With the NASA "Shuttle" for launching small satellites ("Delta" class), ae it is already for launching larf~ satellites ("Atlas-Centaur" class). This has been demonatrated by its b~ing the choice of Intelsat. ("AIR ~ COSMOS" No 744, page 41). 13 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~Ott O~FICIAL USE ONLY Th~ pro~pect of an imporC~nt improv~ment in "t~riane" performan~~ (payload in gpn~ynnhronoue tranefer orbiC 2300 kg inatead of the preaent 1770 kg) is nf a ~ nature to intereet Ch~ potenti~l userg ~ttd increase the Europea~ launcher's . ability to compeCe with ite principal rival, the American "Space ShuCC1e." A proposal for improvement of this ggpecC of th~ l~unch vehicle ("AI~ & - CnSM05" No 734, page 35) wge already pres~nted lgst December tn Che ~SA Board. It hag in Curn asked the "Arigne" Board of birecCore en mgke a recommendation with the goal nf starting the n~ceg~ary work thig aummer. A Program Co produce and Commercialize "Ariane" France hee now under ~tudy the poasibiliCy of cregting a"program" intended to _ ensure, in cooperation with iCe European paren~rs, the production and com- _ mercialization of the launcher "Ariane", to be developed by ESA along with gome already approved pro~ects. Thia program~ which would be named "Transpace" (space traasport) should pro- tect the intereata of the governments attd industriea participating in Che production and sale of the launcher and at the same time be dynamic enough to ensure the promotion of "Ariane" againsC the foreign competition, especially the American "Shuttle." The French Ministry of InduBtry and CNE5, pro~ect "Ariane" overseer, are loo~Cing for the formula moet suited to accomplish these tasks, in consultation with the other French MinisCriea concerned. France may prpsent the conclu- sions of these studies to its European partners in ESA by late January. COPYRIGHT: Air & Cosmos, Paris, 1979 9374 CSO: 3100 , ~ ~ 14 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 i~'dlt nl~'T~'ICLAL US~ ONLY ~ ARIANE 1979�1980 T~'ST SCHEDt1LE R~YIEWEU ' Parls AIR & C06MOS !n French 27 Jan 79 pp 39-40 [Artfcle by plerre Langereux~ [Text~ The naw datee tor the test llights of the ~uropaen Ariane rocket Were revealed on 17 Januery, at the 23rd a~eting of the board o~ directors of the Ariane progr~m. 'Phe rearranp~em~nt o! th� sch~dule tor the Ariane teat llights is the result of the 1ncldent thet occurred on 28 Novwnb~r~ durfng the test of the propulalor? unlt o! the third (cryoRenlc) st~Ra ot the rockot. According to the conclusfons o! the fnvestlR~Clon carrl~d out by CNES ~National Center !or Space 5tudi~sa~ thfs fncident Mas due to the raalttmction o! e satety dearice on the Rround (a torch-hold~r on the teat bench), end it does not brfn~ into question the desiAn o! the atage itsell~ the Surop~an Space I~gency at~tea. The nev achedule lmplies,~a v~a hav~ alr~ady ~?ritt~n (AIR & C06M06 No 748)~ a rather large del~y (~rotmd 3 aontht) tor the tirst two test llight launches, _ a littie i~ss (1 ~nth) !or th~ third launch, and none et aii for ths tourth ~nd l~~t taat llight. The ffrst launch (LO1) ot the Ariane rocket trom Kourou is no+? set for the b~gfnnfng ot Novembor ~aore exactly, 3 Novsmb~r 1979 (fnstead of mld�June 1979), The serond launch (L02) fa now planned tor the beginning o~ March 1980 (9natead ot th� bagfnafng ot Dece~~er 1979). Tho third leunch (L03) haa been put back to June L980 (instoad of th~ beglnning ot May 1980). The fourth i~unch (L04) has not been chanKed; it i� still plantted tor mid-October 1980. Thus thls r~erranq~msnt doea not change th~ dato planned for the end ot the t~st lLiRhts~ and !t alions Ch� date for th~ operatian~l avaflability ot the Europe~n launch rocktt to D~ k~pt at D~canber 1980~ orlgfnally pl~ruteQ. Thls ~k~s it posaibi� to k~~p ~ auirgfn of 4 ~wntha ~ith r~ap:ct to the !lrst op~ratfona~ launch, that o! th~ 4~ropeaa �cl~ntftlc satelllt~ Exo~at, ahlch fa ~cheduled to b~ put lnto orblt in April 1981. Th~ d~lays produc~d by th~ t~chnical probless ~ncountered !n the ~inal teat~ ot the thlyd st~~ do not, th~r~lor~, cow+proaia~ t!a b~glnnlnR o! Arfane~a uaa. 15 FOR O~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 NOIZ Ol~I~ [CIAL U51: (1NLY Unla~~ there f~ another �~rfoua fncfdent batWeon nrn+ end the end ot the CpsC flighta~ the oper~tlon~l leunches Mfll be eblo to t~ke pl~ce on the d~Ces _ planned by Arf~ne~~ u~eri. Md, 1n p~rClcular,by Che ffraC torelRn user the lnt~la~t organfzeCfon !or puCting one or more Intelaat S telecoiamunlca- tfons aatellftea inCo geo~t~tfon~. orblt. The cantract for the lfrst launch - of ~n Inte1~~C S satellite by Ch� .r~ane rocket ~s to be sfgned v~ry soon by ESA [~uropean Space Agency~ end IntelsaC. Moreovar, ESA !s plannfng a meeting at the ~end o! Eebruery to pr~sent the situatlon of the Ariene prograa~ ta InCeisat~ - Ffrat 5t~ges Shortened Flring on 11 January M incldent th~t took pisce during the second test�bench firing o! the prnpul- ' eton unit of the ~irat stag~ on 11 January 1979 aC Vernon cauaed the test to ' be shnrtened. A central pres~ura drop !n ChQ combuotio:n chee~ber of~ one of the _ tour Viking engine~ o! the lirst atage auComeCiceliy ceused the kest to be end~d �~ter only 8 saconds o! opQretion (lnate~d o~ the 80 �QCOnda plenned). The cauaea of the incident are not yet known exactlys the engine !a being taken ap~rt. But CNES etated at Che outtet that the ~ncident ia not cocutected Nith the beh~vlor ot Che nozzle throats in SEPHEN 301. Ie seores thet the pres� sura drop Ma� c~usad by a poor l~ed o! the englno~s g~s generator~ due to cry~[~ls that tormed lollowfng the dacontaaln~tlon o! the tanka~ carrl~d out lmmedfat~ly ~ft~r tha tfrst test�bea~ch tiring o! this atag~ on S Docamb~r 1978. The !lltora of ChQ g~� g~t?~r~tor aro beli~ved to h~ve be~n fouled by the crystale resuiting troa the cl~antng of th~ tanka alth eiethanol. Ths decontamfn~tlon aperation !s us~d only !or test-bench triala, fn ordar to claan the re~oafnd~r o! the hot pressurltation gasea out of the tenks �lter ~ � lonR�duration tiring, especi~lly in vlav ot the long time that may elepse between t~?o test-bench lirings with the aame propulaio~ unit. Thia procedure wl11 not be used during the teat fliy~hts und the operational l+~unchea at the Guyene Space Center, Mhera the operationa take place differently. The Ariane rocket !s dasfgned to reaiain fuel~d on the launch pad !or up to a aanth, afth ergol in the tanks. In case o! an aborted launch, the rocket remaina on the ramp end the operatlon o! tho tirst-staRe motora stope automatically attar 3.5 seconds. Thun there ia 1!'ttle hot acid ~d pressurization gaa; thus there is no need to empty the tanks or to decontaminate them before being able to attempt another t!rlnq !n the lolloaing 7 daya. Nlne Months from the First Launch 1979 vfll be the declsive yeer !or Arfana. Plans for the next 9 nanths includes the queliflcation firinAs on the test bench of the first tao stagea of the rocket (those !or the third �taqe wfll take place later); the qualilytng tests o! the Ariane launching camplex at Kourou wlth the "ergol model"; the opera- tfonal quelitfcation of all the lacilitfes at the Guyane Space Center; and the tfrst qualltyfnR lliqht launch of the launch rocket. The conatruction of this ftrst Ariane racket (LO1) will b~gin in m!d-March !n Mureaux~ at the Leun~her ~~natruction Site (SII.) ef Aerospatiete, the industrial architect af thc launch rocket. 16 FOK O}~FICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 ~'dEt d~'~ICIAL U5C ONLY The teata o! the "ergol model~~~t+ltich began in Januery 197~~ Wl11 bo com- plated at the and o! Chi~ April~ Mith the ettages of Che dynamfcai model of Ariane already Ce~ted et the SIL. Th� m~ln purpose of these tests ie Co vority the new ~yatem that automatlc~lly lead� liqufd ergol ~nto th~ rocket. - Moreovor~ th~ ~uropoan pra~r� v~ll bo lnvft~d et the begftuting o! Fabruary to Nitnosi the procedur~ !n Nhich an Ariane rocket wl11 be erected for the !lrat tima on the Kourou leunch pad, es i! fo~c a launch (but the en~lne4 will , not ba tired). The noxt meoCing o! the boerd of directors of the Arlane program Will ~lao ba held et Kourou, lrom 6 to 8 February. The procedure tor the operational queltlic.~ion o! th$ Arfane launch complex ek Kourou will Cake plece from M~y to Juae~ a?e part of the operatfonal valida- tlon ot ell the CSC ~Guyana Space Center~ lacillties~ tncluding the "do~m- - etream" facllltfes loceted !n Brazll. 'Phls program aill lncludQ~ in par- ticular, the launch o! saverai sounding rockets (Eridan) trom the CSG and the tracking o! an Americ~n satollite (GEOS 3), fn order to train the stef~ and te~t Che center~a equlpment before the tirat leunch. Tha leunch program for the l~ret Ariatte rocket (LO1) Will begin at the end o~ Au~ust 1979, to prepere tor the launch on 3 November. , A"llight~rorthineas review" aill be held earlier fn June 1979 by CNES snd tha principal lndustrlal organisations lnvolved (Aeroapatiale~ SEP (Euro- peen Propulsion Company~, Matra, A!r Liquide~ etc., in France). Thla moetfng will be very ieportant, because it wl11 commlt the partlcipsnts to the launch pro~;ram~ and qlve the gre~n 1lght to the leunch on 3 November. PIlqht Qual!lic~tion o! the Third StaRe 'I~e teat-be~uh qumllfying te~ts ot the three stagea of the launch rocket should normaily reault in t~o succesatul flringa aith two propulsian units of each _ stage, in order for that stage to be decl~red "r~andy to tly." It aes initially planned thet the qualilication o! the three stagea aould be completed befote the tir4t launch (LO1). Thia !s atill true for the tirst t~?o atages of the rocket. The tWO queli!lcation !lrings of the first stage Will take place at the end o! Aprl1 and in m!d-Auguat 1979, respectively~ at Vernon. ~ach test vill in� . clude, first, e short-duration firing (eround 5 seconda)~ tollo~.ed by shutdo~m of the enRlnea to simulated an aborted leunch on the launch pad, and then a long-duration test representing the normal operatian o! the atage. All these quall~yfnR tests for the first ataAe Wl11 of cdurae be performed with Viking _ enRine~, vhose nozzle thraats will use the neti material SEPHEN 301 (silica end phenolic reain) perfected by the SEP~ Up to no~r, there have been only two ffrinRs of prnpulsian units w~th throata made ot SEPHEN 301~ but the results _ are considered verg? satistactory, in spite of the incident that shortened the aecond firfng (see second aection~ above). Theae tests have sho~m the good behavlor of the neW material over a tot~l test duration ~qreeter than the nominal duration (142.5 seconda)~ and With tWO successive ignitiona of the four Viking angines of the staqe, which develop a thrust of 240 tona on litt-olt. When x-rayed after the tests~ the noztle throets made ot S~PHEN 301 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100034415-1 FOIt O1~1'ICTAL U5E ONLY - a~r~ almost !n their fnlti~l st~te, 1lke naw, Moreover, thea~+ t~ro !iringe Wlth ' th~ �~me propulslon unft took placa with more than a month bataeen thom, ~ Whlle tR~ maxia~um iolay DatweQn t~ro aucceesive ignitlona plenned !or Guyena wl11 ba on1,V 7 days. The aecond atage ot Ariane has xlresdy succeestully undergone !ta flrst qual- lt~catioa task tiring on khe bench in OcCaber 1978. A second tiring ia planned fos next February. I! !t !a alao succesaPul~ the stage will be conaidered - fllght qualitted; !f not~ there Will b~ e third tect on the bench betore the end of the sum~ner. Eur the third aCage, on the other hand, the qualiPicatlon tesCe Will be de- - layed ~e e reault ot dosign dilflcultiea. 'Phe testg on the Vernon PP 43 test bench ( tho incident ot 28 NAVember occurred) Will resume in mid-March 1979~ With the inatallation ot a new third-stage propul8ion unit. The flnal - teata o! the atage will thua reeume towerds the end of May or the beginning of .iune. Under theao conditfons, the ttao que+lilfcation lirings ot the third ' stega on the to~t bench can no longer tak~ place betore ~he firat launch o! Arlene. Thoy will t~ke place et the end o! 1979 and the beginnfng of 1980, - alter l~unch LO1; !n practice, the lirst qualitication o! the et~ge al11 thus Me perlormad !n Llight. Nowavar~ CNFS has imposed the requiremant ot ver- itying that thQ linal teata ot the etage have been satiafactorlly completed end that tye ataqe her been declared resdy for qualification~ before carrylag out the lirat leunch. Thus the tinal teeta perforaied by SEP on the ground before launch Wl11 m~ke ft poasible to check ell the lunctiona of the atage. This proc~dure, whlch ia peculiar to the third stage, thus inCroducea only �~1lght riak tor the auccess o! the test flight. BuC CNES chose this solution in ordQr not to dolay putting the rocket into use. ~ _ CAPYRIGHTt Air & Cosanoa, Paris, 1979 8429 . CSOt 3100 ' END - 18 � FpR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100030015-1