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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100020040-4 ~ ~ I I ' ~ ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 _ , FOR UI-FICIAL US~ ~1NLY ,7PRS L/8295 28 February ~.979 ~ ~ ~ TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS HND DANGEROUS DRUGS CFOUO 9/79) ~ . , , U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 ' NOT~ JPRS public~Cinns contiain informaCion primarily from foreign newspapers, pcriodic~ls an3 book~, buC a1~o from news ~gency Cransmissions and broadcasrs. MaCeriuls from foreign-language _ sources are Lrttnsl~ted; Ct~.ose from English-language sources ' are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and oCher characCeriseics retained, Headlines, ediCurial reporCs, And maCerial enclosed in brackets , are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [Text] or (Excerpt] in ehe firsC line of each iCem, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how ihe original informaCion was processed. Where no processing indicator is gi~?en, the infor- - mation was summarized or exCracCed. Unfamiliar names rendere3 phonerically or transliterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses~were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriaCe in context. Other unattributed parentheCical notes within the body of an item originate with the source. Times wiChin items~~re as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way repr~sent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. . COPXRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP QF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TNIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 `d BIB~IOGRAPNIC DA7A 1~ Itepott No. 2. Iteripient'e Arccesion \o. sHCer SPRS L/8295 , ~ A~ it r an bu tit a 5. epo~t atr 28 Februa 1979 ~ - TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS AND DANG~ROUS DRUGS b, , (FOU4 9/79 ) 7~ Authur(s) 8~ Ne~rforming Organization Repc, 9. I~crfurming Ur~onitation N~me snd Addre~~ 1Q, Projeet/Task/w'ork L'nit ~u. Joint Publicationa Researcl~ Service - 1000 NorCh Glebe Road 11. Coneract/Granc No. Arlington, Virginia 22201 12, Spon~oring Org~eization N~me and Addrea� 13. Typc of Report dc Pcriod Covercd Ae above � l I. 1S~ Supplemcntery Note~ 16~ Abscructs The serial report consists of translations from the warld press and radio . relaring to law, law enforcement, illicit traffic and personalities concerned with narcotics and dangerous drugs. - f 17. Key K'orJs and Document Analysis. 17a. Desctipcots Narcotics Drug Addiction = Law (Jurisprudence) Law Enforcement 17b. ldentifiers/Open-Ended Terms Dangerous Drugs ~ - Drug Control Drug Traf f i.c t~~. COSATI FirIJ/Group SK, 60, 6T 18. Availability ~tatement 19. Security Class (This 21. Xo. of Pages For Official Use Only. R`Poti~ ` 100 Limited Number of Copies Available From JPRS. 2� p~ e~~~r ~ias~ (1~his 2z. N~~~C UNCLASSIFIF.n A011M HTI!�]9 IREV. J�)21 . VSGOMM�OC '4~l7�P~7 TN(S FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 , , _ ~ ~ FOR OFFICZAL U5~ ONLY ~ _ . ~ , JPRS L/8295 " _ 28 Februa~y ~.979 ~ 'J ~ TRANSLA~130NS ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ' (FOUO 9/79) ~ . CONTENTS PAGE - AS~A AFGHANISTAN Brief s Goverrrment Hashish ~urt~ing 1 BURMA - Rangoon Township Couxt Ja~,].s~ ~IOman Hezoi.n Dealer 15 Years (MYANIlKA AL~N, 24 Jan 79) 2 Brief s - Opium, Heroin Users Jailed 3 - Poppy Suppression 3 Drug Arrest in Latha 4 Two Heroin Users Arrested 4 Three Caught Tn~ecting Heroin 4 HONC KONC Narcotics Coffinissioner Reports on Trip to Thailand (Kenneth Ko; SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 1 Feb 79).......... 5 ~ Drug Ambush Nets Key Man (SOUTK. CHINA MORN~NG P~ST, 25, 27 Jan 79) 7 Dogged Investigation Pays Off, by James Wong Suspect Appears in Court Judge Convicts 15 in Yaumati Case (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 19 Jan 79) 9 ' Kowloon Heroin Manufacturing Syndicate Uncovered (SOJTH CHINA MORNING POST, 19 Jan 79) 1G ~ - - a - [III - INT -138 FoUO) FOR f~FFT~TAT, 1T~r f1NT.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 I 's~ ` rox oF~xci~t, us~ ornY i CONTENTS (Coat~nued) Pgge Pep Pill Ring Smnshed (James Wong; SOUTEI CHINA MORNI,NG POSx, 20 Jan 79)...... 11 , Singer Jailed ,~or Drug Poas~sst,on (SOUTH CHTNA MORNING POST, 25 Jan 79) 12 - Two Drug Traffickers G~e Stl.ff Sentences - (50UTH CEiTNA MORNTNG POST, 26 Jan 79) 13 Author~,ties Purque Syndicate k'ormed To Lqport Drugs ~rom Pakistan (50UTH CHINA MORNTNG POST, 31 Jan 79) 14 Family, School Pla}r bnporCant Ro],e ~n Prevention of Drug - Addiction (SOUTH CHTNA MORN~NG POST, 21 Jan ~9) 15 Addict Population Said To 8e Contained (SOUTH CHINA MORNTNG POST, 30 Jan 79) 16 INDONESIA BriPfs ~ Police Aiscover Mazihuana Farm 17 MALAYSIA ~ 1978 Successful Year for Customs (NEW STRAITS TIMES, 27 Jan 79) . 18 ~ Police Seize Morphine Valued at $14 Million - (NEHI STRAITS TIMES, 3 Feb 79) 19 Briefs Morphine Seized at Sungai Petani 21 _ Drug Pusher Suspects Detained 21 PHILIPPINES Brie~s Troops Pind Marihuana ~lantations 2Z - h - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 , ~ i FOR OFPZCIAL USE ONLY - CONTENxS (Con~~,nuad) ~gge SINGAPORE - ra~,, CNB Porms Three xask Forces _ (Pau7. Wee; Tt3E &~RA~~S TT~S, 26 ,Tan 7~) 23 ~rie#s Drug Offender ~ 25 TEIATLAND Govexrnnent To Step Up llrug ~ducation Campai,gn (SANGKOK ~OST, 27 Jan 79) 26 Prime Minisrer Kriangsak on Drug Pena],, Crop Substitution (Bangkok Domestic Service, 1 Feb 79) 27 Border Police Seize Heroin A~tex Cun Battle (SANGKOK POST, 27 Jan 79) 29 More Than 6,500 Kilograms of Narcotics To 8e ~urned _ (NATION REVIEW, 30 Jan 79) 30 Kriangsak Co~ents on Current Narcotics Suppresst,on Efforts. (Kriangeak Chamanan Interview; Bangkok Domestic Service, 30 Jan 79) 31 _ Briefs Woman Carrying Heroin Ar~ested 32 _ Young Girl Arrested 32 Policemen Sentenced on Drug Charge 32 Two ArresCed in Chiang Mai 33 Four Jailed on Drug Char~es 33 - Heroin Seized on Malaysian Border 33 _ - Italians Arrested With Heroin 34 Burning of Narcotics 34 " Marihuana Seized 34 CANADA I3riefs Peruvian Cocaine Smuggler Jailed 35 - c - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/48: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 J I'OR OrI~'I~TAL US~ QNLY CON'.CGN'.CS (ConCittued) Page LATTN AM~KTCA ~iRAZIL Police Iteveal ToCu1 1978 llxug Seizures, M~3~n Rout~s (JO:tNAL DO SRASTI,, 5 Jan 79)..........~ 36 _ Long-Sought Drug Tra.EP~.cker ArresCed in Rio (0 GLOBO, 9 Jan 79) 37 Cang Members Reveal IdentiCies of $rasilia Traffickers (CORR~:IO BRAZILIENSE, 18 Dec 78) 38 Cditorial Calls for Creater Effort Against Drugs (Lditorial, Fernando Cesar Mesquita; 0 ESTADO DE ~ SAO PAUJ.O, 17 Jan 79) 42 Briefs llrug Cache in Sewer 45 Txaff icker Arrested � 45 COLOIKBIA � Supre~ee ~ourt President Criticizes U.S. Arug Traffic Policy (CFE, 28 Jan 79) 46 Minister Notes Drug Traff ic's Impact on Fishin~ Industry - (LATIN, 26 Jan 19) 47 Report Issued on Results of Antinsrcotics StruRgle (AFP, 5 Feb 79) 49 [3rieEs , New Measures Against Trafficking 50 Plane 5eizure 50 _ Cocaine Laboratory 50 - COSTA RICA Briefs Maritiuana Haul 51 - d - FOlt OFFICIAL USE ONLY - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ~NLY CCN'1'~N'1'S (ConeinueJ) pag~ - ?NFXICO - Stute Congress on Drug Addiction Prob],ems ~].anned (~L SOL DE SINALOA, 6 Jan 79)..., 52 - Mexico Outstripping United SCaCes in AnCidrug I3aCCle (I.A VOZ DE LA FRONTERA, 9 Jan 79) 54 prison Officials Charged With Corruption, Traff icker~' ~ _ Cscape (C?,1~KONTERIZO, various dates) 56 Croup Chief Held � Warden Accused Corruption Admitted Warden Replaced ~ Police Payo�fs Charged Guards Sentenced - Members of Heroin Distributing Ring Captured (EL MANANA, 13 Jan 79) 61 Son of Fugitive Trafficker Arrested With Illegal Jewelry (EL MANANA, 10 Jan 79) 63 Heroin, Marihuana Traffickers CapCured (EL MANANA, 9 Jan 79) 65 Briefs Search for Clandestine Runways 66 Cocaine Processing Laboratory Found 66 - _ Results of Campaign Reported 66 _ Cocaine 5ale Prevented g7 Urug Incineration Held 6~ Badiraguato Sheds Drug :;tigma 68 Cocaine Seized, Ti~ree Held 68 I' I:ItU 'Te~zcl~ers, Police To Join in Antidrug Effort (EL COMERCIO, 5 reb 79) 69 - e - - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY CONTENTS (Contt,nued) page , UIZUCUAY Trial, Hospitalization Follow Arr~~k of Drug R~ng Members (Vnrious sc;urces, 5, 6 Dec 78) 70 ; ralsiFied Prescriptio n Forms = = Prosecutions, PsychiaCric Tre~tment Natton Should l~ace Juvenile Drug Usage Issue (Cditorial; EL PAIS, 13 Dec 78) 73 VI:NC'LUI;I.A Cocaine, Marihuana 5zized on Colombian Border - - (EL UNIV~RSAL, 13 Jan 79) 74 Coc~iine Seized, Tnternational Gang Arrested (Freddy ~bina, ULTIMAS NOTIC~AS, 10, 12 Jan 79)....... ;~5 Tt~ree Members Arrested I~ourth Member Found - TraLficking ItouCes, Drug Use Discussed � (Jose Luis Olivares; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS, 29 Jan 79)..... 78 PTJ Arrests International Cocaine Trafficker - - (CL UNIVERSAL, 27 Jan 79) ~30 Briefs Tl~ree Traffickers Arrested 82 J - WESTERN EUROPE - AUS'l'I~ 1 A BricEs ~ieroir~ Dealer Arrested 83 Drug Si~uation 83 ` I)I:NMARK D~~ni51~ Press Urub Offense Reports (Cditorial Keport) 84 - f - ~ I~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 ~ , F~OR Or~tCIAL USE ~NLY , ~ CONT~N'fS (Continued) pag~ = Police Seize Heroin, Make Arrests (Hans Wiig; BERI,INGSKE TIDEND~, 10 Jan 79)..�........... 35 ~ Briefs - Morphine Smuggled in Shoes 87 Methadon Clin:Lcs Opened 87 rRANCE _ Drug Use Seen Increasing Again - (LE FIGARO, 15 Jan 79) 88 SWLDEN Police Seize Record Cache of Cocaine - (Claes von Hofsten; SVENSKA DAG~LAAET, .17 .Tan 79)..... 90 _ TUItKEY Briefs _ Hashish Workshop Discovered 92 Hashish Seized 92 ' Powder Hasfiis.h Seized 92 Heroin Seized in Istanbul 92 UNITED KINGDOM - Briefs Cannabis Smugglers Jailed 93 Smugglers ~ndanger Planed y3 _ g _ - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 AFGHANISTAPJ - ~ BRIEFS GOVI:RNMENT HASHISH BURNING--New De1hi, 1 FPb KYODO--The pro-Moscow Nsr Mohammad Taraki re~ime in Kabul has destroyed hashish worCh millions of dollars in Af- gl~anistan in line with its "revolutionary doctrines." The campaign eo set - Fire to hasliish and related products is reminiscent of the Chinese crackdown on opium after the Chinese revolution. The quantity of hashish put to the - torch was e~timared at 7,700 kilograms. It had been seized by antismuggling squads s3nce 1970 and atored at various warehouses in Afghanistan, the of- Eicial newspaper KABUL ~IMES said. [Text] [Tokyo KYODO in English no time given 1. reb 79] = C50: 5300 1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 BU RP~A _ Rt1NGU~N 'TOWNS}liP COUR'C JAILS WOMAN HCROIN DEALER 15 YEARS -};oon t1YANMA Af,1N in l3urmese 24 Jan 79 ,p 7 BK ['I'ext~ It~~np,oon, 23 J~1n--The Pabedan township court with U Tha U as chair- mriil anci with U P1~1U11~ M:llill~; Sei.n and U San Myinr as members, after hearing cl~~ir~;r.s unclcr Section, 6.13, 1~.Ii/11 and 14.D of the Narcotic Drugs Law a~;ai.~lst Kliin Nwe Yee, ~alias T33bi, 32, of No. 216--top Floor--in 32d Sereet, I'abedan township; ~h Too, 35, of. No. 29, Aingyi Street, Pazundaung town- si~ip; and Ye Tint, alias Maung Maung, 25, of No. 153, ;Z8th ~treet, Pabedan township, today found Che defendants guilty. - - Kiiin Nwc Yee, alias Bibi, was given a 15 years' imprisonment sentence--6 - years witl~linrcl labor under Section 6.B, 15 years with hard labor under - Sections .10.I3/11, and 1 year with hard labor under Section 14.D, all of which to be ~erved concurrently--while Ah Too and Ye Tint, alias Maung Maung, were ~;i~en a 10 months' impzisonment sentence each under Secti~n 14.D of the Narcotic Dru~;s Law. - - CSO: 5300 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 uu~tr~n gR~~rs OPTUAt, Hi.ItOtN U5I:R5 JAIL~b-~~M~mdalay, 29 Jan-~Mandalay Northeagt 'Townghip Cou;t No "l ch~ired Uy U Tun Aung tod~ny fnund Nyo tJin of rtalun-~~nyyo compound [n t~innd~~lay's wesrern Aungnan Yeiktha, guilty unrler 5ectior 6.t3 ot the Nrircot [c pru~;~s Law ,hnd sentectced h;m to 5 ye~rs' ~mpt�isonment. The same ~~ourt h.~nded dn~~n~ 5 ye~rs' ,~ail sentence e~ch to U~w Kyin of Khitt.7y~-win w~~rd nnd Khtn M~ung Win oC T~voy ward~for possession of seven :~m;~ll ~,nrketg of dried ori~~m, e~tch va~.ued ~t 1 ky~t. 5imilarly, Thein Tan ;u~d ~un~ Ky,~ing, .~lins Aung Naing, oE Haymar-zalat ward, who were ~~rrested _ for po:~veq~inn of ~ h~roin packet worth 10 ky~tg, were geneenced to 5 ycars' imnrisonment each by ehe same cour~ ~oJ~y. (Textj [Kangoon 130TATAUNt~ in t3urmese 3~eb '79 p 4 I3K] POi'l'Y SUI'PRL5520N--bemoqo, 28 Jan--Tow?~ship pnrty ~nd council of f icials cancerned h~ve been implementing Che resolution adopted at the fourth meet- ing oE ttie ~irst People's Assembly to carry out nationwide activities to - _ combat n~rcotic drugs which can cause national atrophy. As a result, poppy - cultivation in southern Shan State's Pekon townshtp in the 1979 poppy growing season has declined remarkably. Between S and 15 January, "~peration Spri~ig," P~rticipated by Pekon township party and council members, soldiers :~nd policc rersonnel, successfully destroyed a total of 84.35 acres of poppy ~~lant~~t ion~ [n the townahin--~8.9 ~~cres in Kh~nung-ai vill~~ge tract, 28.45 ;; tn Yinwc villa~e tr.7ct ~nd 17 acres in Ponglau villa~e tra~t, east ~~f M~n~; 1'n i re~crvoir. In order [o enable pea~s~nts, whose poppy crops were clrtitre~ycJ, t~? ~~ultiv~~tc othcr crops, the state has provided seedlings as weil ;i~; "3J,U00 kynt tc~ recl.~im 150 ac~:~s of farmland. In the 1978 poppy ~;r~~win}; ;;~~.iv~~n, a tot~l 5~167.5 ~~cres of poppy were cultivated in the - town~hi~~ :~nel wera elestroyed by party ~~nd c~uncil officials, soldiers and ~~ulicc c~~~cr:itin~; undcr "OpCration Agati." (Text] (Rangoon BOTATAUNC In iSurmesr ~ reb 79 p 4 fiK~ 3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 111t1it; ~i212f;~~'I' I N f,~'I'lil~--It.inE;c~c~i~, 22 J.iti~~tiuh-~ 1 ny~~cr. tor U Khin Pt~iun~ Win of I,,i~li,i 1'c?lic~r. tit.tttc�> ye,nrc~hr.~l Mytnt U c~f tl~e lzrh 5Cre~t, L~mm~dyw eown�a _ vi~lp, rtt thc top ~~f the ~2nd 5rrc~et, (,~7th~i town~hip, at 0800 tod~y. Uut, Ntvlnt U flecl r~fter thrc~wln~; riw.iy ,t ~~nck;~f;n c~f' theroin wdrth 10 ky~es Ernm hly p~~r_kc~t. Ile w~1s I~owever cnuE;l~r. 1~1ter and Latha Police 5tation h~s tnkett ,~cCion ~~k;ainyl- him under Seet[nny G(11), 1l. and 1G (D) nf' the Narcdtic Itru~;y L~~w. ~'t'ext ~ [ Rhn~onn Lt)K'CNA hYi. t'TiIU Ni:7.IN in 13urm~se 23 J~n 79 7_ IlK ~ 'I'lJtt Ill.kc)1N USI,ItS AIt1tLS1'i:U----'1'hnnUyuzhy~nt, 20 J7n-~~~cting on information th~e ;~ome y~~uths wer~ u~tnt, hcroin, members of the 'Thanbyuzay~t Town~hip I'cople's Cc?unril t:X~CUL~VC Committee .~rreqtcd rand queseioned Nwe Win and Myo Win, - who w~~re u~tn~; h~roln in ~l~c d~~rkne~s dn 2nd Aungmingaln 5rreeC ~C '1100 ~u~l~~y. Actii~~; d~~ tr.vtim~ny, seven ~ddicts--Cho Win, Y~kuC, 'TheC U, ~launf; Mriun}; 'Cnr, Kyi Shwe, Soe Ntay nnd 'Ch~tt U--were ulgn c~rre~eed. niL thc ttlne yot?ths ~ire now f~icin~; ch~r~es under 5ectiong 6(I~) ~nd 14 (b) of Chc N~ir~~ottc bru~;s L~1w. ['1'ext~ ~Rangoon LOKTIIA pYEITtIU N~ZIN in gurmese ')0 ,f~in 79 p 4 l3KJ 'I'lllil;l: (:~~Uc;ll'I' I(~.fl:C'i' I N(~ lil:k(IIN---Itan~oon, 29 Jan---A police p~trol unit led by Suh--in~~~c~tor U Khin M~un~; 'Cint, actin~ comm~nder of I3~han Township _ I'ol trc St~llion, 7t 1200 (dnte not y,iven~ :~rrested 26-year old ~Jaing pu alias Mich.~el~ 24-yc:ir old Sein ~tyint of. C.7mbe11 5treet, Jamar Ward I, B~han, ~nd 2'1-ycrir nicl II1,n ilt;~y :~lt.n~ Ni 'Tut of Jnmar 5treet under n bamboo grove near (1rl~~i~L wwtmmin~, ~~~ol, Kandaw~;yi Lake, Uahan, while in~ecting lteroin. The~� wcrc c~:iu~;h~ 71c~n~, wi th n syrin~e ~nd a p~ckage oE heroin. Aceion has been e,iken ;~~;;iin~.t them undrr Srr.tion 6(t3), 11 and 14 (b) o~ the Narcotic Drugs I,;iw. ('fext j ( It;ir~};c~on Ml'~N1tA Ai.IPI in gurmes~ 3b .1nn 79 p 7 BK~ CSII: S'l0O APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 NdNG KON(; ~ ~ . Nr\!tC()'I' [CS CnMh1i55I0NLk It[:POR'T5 ON 'I'I~IP 'TU 'THAILANU ~I~~;~y; Kc~i~}; SUU'CH ClIINA ~inI2NING I~OST i.n ~nf;li~h 1~eb 79 p 6 (~rttc:le by Kenneth Koj ('I'ext ~ which cos~s abnu~ S4S,000 u "thix roturn far cacccds Ptires paid to poppy kilo wholcsalc hcrc, with u th. ~ncumc IheY can gct from growers doubled thfs yea~ heroin ^antenl varying be� anyuthcrcrop. due to ~e poor 4foppy har� ~WCCn 25 end 30 pc~ ccnt." Onc "Buddha s~ick" - _ ve~t in the Thai sector of He elso noted thut a great rompressed marijuana will the infamous Ooldcn duced~i~opiumh~production When~htgrcachesSC n~adban Triangle, the Commiss~on� would be abwrbed by the strcets it will fe~ch 5120 for er for Narcotics, Mr Pcter country'~ estimated 600,000 ~,e pushcr. Lee, aaid. oddicts. Mr said for the forc� He~said the drough~ in Mr Lee, who ~pcnt four sceablc futurc the Golden northwtstern Theiland last day~ camping in hili tribc '~rianglc, cavering part of Septembet had cut opium villages in the Mae Cham Thailand, 8urma and Laos, production by as much as .area after takmg a helicopter Would remain a major source ha~f. tour over the poppyg~owing of drug suppiics despitt thc "But it does rsot rlecessari� villages, said the poor state of ~uccusful pilot Crop Substi� Iy mean tha~ reteil prices of ~hc cro~ wa~ very apparen?. Programme. the dru~ in Hongkong will ~~Lo1s of barren earth, in� �'$ut a useful start has - double.' stead of pics, could be Mr L~e, who rcturned re� p� p been made lo convince antly from a visit to Thai� scen," hc ~aid. growers thnt thcrc arc other land, ~aid the Thais produced ~~e also reported that equally profitablecrops. l5�SO Ions of opium in the farmers in the plains of north� w~~~ require a long timc 1977 harvest when growers ea~tern Thailand, wherc the and major in~ections of fi� were getting S175 for a kilo E01~ ~s P~r, had gune into nance and other specialist as� of raw opium. cannabis "in ~ big way" to sistancc from Ihc drug�con� ing 5800 for a nre pay I,a~isC,~udae nd a hc United I swng learncd t n~ the p lot "~s for local salu to uscrs Siates. schemc to othcr villa~es in thc nrca, the pricc is ap- "Marijuana.givcs a fa- which bre still growmg ptoaching 51,750 a kilo." vournble return to thc farm� opium. In Hongkong, ho said, thc crs;' he xaid. '�'It may ~akc even longer wholesale price for a kilo of One cannabis plant yields to spread the message in raw opium was alwut 513,200 5125 a year and ooc "rai" - Burma and Laos where crop rccently. the Thai equivalent of 2.6 �placement prc,grammes "And of course most of acres~ praduccs S2,SW have started only in thc past our addicts usc No 3 heroin worth of marijuana a year. yearor so." 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 llurmu, he Sa{J, prafuccs Mr Lec xnid Ihut cunlribu� Mr Lcc felt Ihat Thailand HU pcr Ccni uf lhe opium lionr w thc Unitcd N~uiuns had donc a first�CItl55 iob In Qrown In Ihc (3oldon Trianglc I'ro~rummc fur nrug Abu.rc dcvcluring thc crop au6sti~u� whilc Thuilnnd and Lao~ nc� Cun~rul, whf~h finuncex pil~~~ tiun pilu~ xchcmc and cuuld ~bunt fur Ih~ remalning 20 crup replu~emen~ 91;hCI11CY, .rcrvc u~ nn rxumple tn other pcr rent, frorn vunuu~ ruuntric.r urr in� drug�prcxiuc~ng counlrics. The five�ycar pilot pru� ~rcaaing "though nu~ ul thr Cuffce, hc suid, is onc of ~ramme invu~ving ~ivc kcy ratc ncz~ssary fur im~ict ~u thc {dcnl rrups, wi~h whfch lo - vlllagc~ und 23 ~alellftc vil� be madc," rcplucc upium bccau~c nnc I~~ge~ northea~t of Chiung thcrc urc ~till 700 vil� "r~ii" uf roffec curna ~hc Mni ondcd two years ugu. Ingc~ to bc cdvcrcd by thc funncr S 10,000 u ycur - u ~ul thc' UnGcd Natlona hricc guunintccd by unc extension pro ramme, hc - und Trailnnd which hed mujur munufueturQr un~il this contributcd 522.5 million forosc~s e cont nuous drug ~monlh, e~ch to thc ori inul ro ec1-- supp~iy from those Willegea, 8 p j The Crop SubstiluUon du~ ruffec ix +i lung�~crm - have decided to put up 52.3 programme clearly canno~ pfdjC~~'~~ � P~+~m tukcs ~hrec ' milliun each ro extend 1hc produce ruults es far a~ s~o YC+irw tu ruw. ~ schemc by another thrcc ping thc Ilow of dru ~ n "Ttic~ill ~ribev du not uwn years. Flongknng in thc Immcdiatc ~hcir furm lund. It ix Guvcrn� _ A mu~ter plan iy In hc fulure. mcnt prupcrl~~," ~Ar ex� finali~eJ by ~he cnd of Ihis "Bul thc ro'cct is hi hl P~+~~ned. month to cxtond Ihc schemc p~ B Y "7hcy urc .rhif~ing cultivu� ro'l00 villegea in thc Thni� dcsirnble as it is thc unly ~ur~ whu muvc when ~hc soil llurmcsc nrer. long�tcrm ho~e lo cut off bccumcx infcr~ilc. 'fhc plen i~ bascd on en drugsupplics.' "If ~hcy ronv~rt from ex~ensiun through ~ix wntcr� F~c . felt that one muin ~ gcuwing puppy Iu cuffec, shcd arons end Mae Cham, p~oblcm is t h t poppy ~hcrc will bc ;i nccd fur anmc growcrx livc un thc murgin of en area wilh morc thnn 100 form af lund ~cnurc, survcp- povcrty in undcveloped arca~, urs, und ~hc cstublishmcn~ uf villages, has bccn choscn us "Thcy livo in isolalcd _ ~he firot to be devclo d. lund recordx. ~ nreas and epart from rowing "Tha cost of the extension ~ "But thc Th;ii Govcrn� opium Ihctc is (ittlc t cy can programme is not known nnd do lo enable them to r~ise mcni recogniscs ihc problcm Thailand is invcsligoting thcir stendard of living owing +~nd is ~uckling it," Possible sour~ea of financing ~o Ihe dif(iculties of trans� Anothcr roblcm with cof� it, Mr La ~nid. porting and markating lheir fcc is that P is subjcctcd tu In calculatin4 the cwi,'he treditional (ow�value and discases and pcsts which can aaid, vorioux aspecu h~ve to high�bulk ci~~ps." ' . dcstroy thc plant if prompt be taken into conaiderotion. Ne said for thc samc rca� uclian is not ~akcn. "To market the ncw crops, � sona Mcaico is Ihe main sup~ "The farmers urc bcing you mu~t have tranaport and lier of heroin to the United taught how to fight plnnt dis� one of the first ~hings that g~n~~, end boih Pakistan and eases;' Mr Lee said. need be done is tu buil~l trunk Afghnnistan are increasin Anothcr substitutc cro is roads and link them wi~h 8 P feedet roads Io 1he mein thcir opium aupplia_to Eura kidncy, bcan which letchcs growing arcas. peam m~rkets. Mr Lee noted that 80 per lowcr priccs than opium. 'That posos a xi~eablc cent uf ~he heroin seizures in "gut upium is a labour- problem because the villages rerm~~y lasl year were intensivc crop - thc labour are situatcd in high areas cut iraccd back to the Middle ncedcd tu grow unc rai of by valleys and mountains. I:~i~ Ufter bcing transport� oPium c~in gruw thrcc raix of Bridgcs harc ~o bt buil~, cd Ihrou h Iran, Turke and k~dncy bcans." too, and they nrc capcnsivc. Y _ liaslcrn uropc. Hc rlso said that ~hc whcr "You :tlro h;ivc ~o ~ct up They ure posing a grow� cro ~ubsli~utes uscd in ~hc m;irkcling organica~inns ~i. ing ~~mpctition lo Southc~xt r~ wcll as (i~~vcrnme~~ .crvice. Asian coumries," he remnrk� Pilo~ .cheme included pot,~� wch ;u ~cha~l~ ;~nd rlini~. ~d. ~ocs, tcu, und pyrcthrum, a bccau~c yuilc ;i numbcr uf Ihc small, dair)-likc flowcr which formcr~ takc upium a. :i .im- produccs pyrethrins fur Ihc plc mnficinc u. nu hr,ihh ma~ufacture of pnwcrful - ~rrvicc. :irc ~urrcnil~ avail� insccticidc~. , :~hlc Ctil): 5~S(IU 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 ttorrr, KqNC UIZU(~ A~tiZil511 NI:T5 KI:Y MAN Uo~~ed Inve:~tig~tion I'ays Off Il~~i~}~ Kc~nh S(1U'I'll CIIiNA htU(2NiNC i'OS'f in Cnplish 25 Jan 79 p 1 _ ~ Arl tc le by Jamc:~ Won~~ ('I'exC j ~ Yesterday's operation, - Narcotics Bureau detec� ~hey said, was made after tives yesterday aeized SS mil� more than four months of lion wurth of drugs end er� inveatigation into the syndi� reeted a drug importing cate'sactivities. syndiate's key contact man is understood that ~ , at Kai Tak airport. Hongkong's anti�narcotics ~ The 324f IM of 'heroin ~iai~on officer in Bangkok base, which c~n be oonvertcd P~aY~ a part in the invcstiga� into morc than 100 IM of No tiont and gathercd informa- 3 heroin, were found iNside a~~~ o~ut the drugs' delivcry. suitca~e which arrived on on , And following protracted international fliaht from ~nquiries, a party of officen, ' 8an kek. . ~od by ChieF Inspecto~ Chris ' A 32-year=old member of Cantky, loid an ambush at a Thai airlinz's ground staff ~heairport. who drovic e van, allegedly to When the plane stop~ at pick up the suitc~u from the one of the aprons, o ficen - aircraft, was arrated by ~w � ma~ drive a van' ta about 20 detectiva who were ~'~~s ~he aircraft. hiding ncArby. He io said to hevt pickod Narco~ia Burcru offi~.en up one of the suitcasa un- said yc~terday's opcration ~~ded from the plane and , had plugged one of ~he mejor placed it in the van. ~ ~"I~x~~h~~ici' fur drug importa� He then allegedly drove ii~m ~mu Ilongkung. the ran lowardi the terminal Thc arrested man ix bc. bu1 stopped suddenly and ra , licvcd to be an imponant fig� turned to lhe aircraft lo pick urc in Ihe ~yndicate which up other airline crew mem� impurts drun,s by air through~ Officcn, who had ho contacts itation~d at Ihe air P~ to follow h~m into the term~- It is believed that the nal, then nwved in and inter� syndiratc had importcd drugs ~Pted the van. in ~hc same way bcfure. It is learned that the man ~ Thc drugs, which appran had worked a~ a ground steff w be af high qunli~,v, ore mem~er of the airline for ~ bclicved to bc intcnded f~r ~~ut 12 yean. Inc:~l conwmpt~on. He is expecie~ to ~ppear nfficen said ~rnffickerc ~n courl loday on a charge of now prefcr tu impor~ heroin ~on ef dangerous drugs base - a concenlrate - lo ~ unlawful t~afficking. ready drugs baause they are ~t ni~ht, oftiats carricd leu bulky an~ an be 'lcut out ~ ~etia of. r~id~.t4rou~h� :..;t~ out Nongkang checkin a ' number of adAresses foun~ on the man, but no funAer ar� rats were made. 7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 ti~i:~~ic~cL ~~~~ic~,try itt Court tlnut; Kc?n~; SUU'I'il CI11N~\ P1UItNINC 1'OS'1' ii~ l:nE,lisl~ ~7 .Jan 79 p 8 C'1't~xt ~ An eirline ground cmpluy� cc, MArr Szc�shun alin~ Cecil Marr (J3), appearcd bcfnrc - Mr B, J. Moylan at San Po Kong Court yeetcrday on n chargc ofposseseing danger� ou~ drugs tor the purposc of uniawful lrafficking, ' U i~ allegcd lhnt on Wednesday at Kai 1'ak air� port, Mar~ had (n his posu~� ' eion a qu~antity of aus~xctcd hcruin i'or thc purposc ol unlawful trafficking, _ No plea wa~ tafcen and he wat remanded in policc cu~ta ~ dy until next.Friday. (;SU: 5~OU 8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020040-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024440-4 ~ E~nNr, xoNr, ~ .IUI)c~l; CUNVIC'I'S .l5 tN YAUh1A't'( CASi. _ ll~~n~; Konk; SOU'I'll CHINA MORNING POST in Cngligh 19 J~tt /9 p 19 ('1'ext J ~ruth und wcrc cnrrobor~tcci 1'cn ~wU~c scrgcunt.r � � lurb thusc whu pay uw no1 to by rircumstuntiul cvidcncc in cind fiv~ run~tnblcs wcrc du xu," Ihc judgc suid, thc cuxc ul' thc 15 mcn bcfore ycstcrJuy cunvi~tcd cif In the courts Ilc suid thc drug stell ~,~m cun~ i~�~~y lu rvcrt lhc � upcratcd from vnnous pluccs Mr Michacl Maguirc, f~C, P' ~ in thc vicinity of thc Yuumati Whu wus broughl from Eng� ruursc uf juxtice in thc ~~c urdcrcd lhcm rcmand� policc stu~ion and a good hc rosccu~ion Yuumnti ~u li~c divixion da 's ~ukin s ot thc stull lund tu Icad ~ p cd in cuatody pcnding furthcr Y 8 in ~hc trial, wa~ nut prescn~ in bclwcen 1975 nnd 1976. ~~~~r~ncc.r in cuun. amoun~cd to 570,000. coun, but thc vcrdict wus Judgc I.iu, QC, will pax.s Hc ~hcn wcn~ on to takc Thc Crown h~d ullc~cd hcurd by Crown coun~cl grNt .cn~cncc at Vict~~ri,? Di~~rict m~irc Ihun six huur~ to reud ~hu? opcretors of ~hc stoll ikc n~W,on who a�istcd him And Cuur~ thi~ tnorning +ihcr hi.rrcusunsforthcvcrdic~. Chun Man�chiu and Ma Mr An~hony Rubcy for ~hc hearingmilignti~,nplca~. Ni~ iniliu) announCCmcnt Ting�ki~ wero grantcd frc~ ~ndcpendcn~ Commissin 7hc IS wcre Ihc lasl da ~v:~r rcccived in ~ilence, but to the canfincs nf thc ~~~~n~t Corruption. fcndnntv in thc Yaumuli fruit sevcrul uf thc mcn in the dock Yaumatipolice station, while Mr Joseph Lce ap(k~rcd ~ markc~ conspirucy cese which und thcir familics in tha pub~ fakc raids werc ~taged to for onc dcfcndunt. Wong Hu� wa<