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Declass Review by NGA. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER TECHNICAL SERVICES and SUPPORT GROUP Vol. 1, No. 10 December, 1968 The following items are of general interest to those concerned with photo interpretation and related intelligence production. They are pub- lished by the Technical Services and Support Group, Development and ? Engineering Division, with the objective of creating better communica- tion between operational personnel and those engaged in R&D. Questions, comments and suggestions are encouraged and should be sent to Editor, R&D News Notes, Room 5S-453 Progress in Dry-Silver Program 4 1t ? The NPIC sponsored development of high resolution, dry process photographic media is continuing to demonstrate progress. The latest advance is the completion of an Air Force-funded, NPIC monitored, High Speed Dry Processor based upon design principles formulated under a previous NPIC development. The processor is designed to develop pre- exposed dry silver film and paper as well as dry diazo film and paper utilizing heat alone. The unit does not require chemicals, water or plumbing connections for operation and can process at speeds of up to 100 feet per minute. Two other units are being fabricated for the Air Force by thel in order to expedite the operational evaluation of the new heat processed system. The first unit will soon be delivered to Westover Air Force Base for test and evaluation. The Project Officer is asso- ciation with NPIC is classified Confidential; all other information in this article is Unclassified but is highly highly proprietary and should should not be discussed outside the Government not be discussed outside the Government under any circumstances. WARNING THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR USE BY U. S. GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL ONLY. COM- MERCIAL INTERESTS CANNOT REVIEW OR OBTAIN COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION. GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Approved For Release 2005/02SK-R~-RDP78B04770A001300030004-2 25 25 25 Approved For Release 2005/021S1 f'C $ -RDP78B04770A001300030004-2 Rapid Alignment Device Now Being Tested Undoubtedly many of you have experienced the difficulties involved in obtaining stereo from two images that differ anamorphically; i.e., the X and the Y scale are not the same. The Rapid Alignment Device recently delivered to NPIC by the will make this task easier. The device can be mounted on the anamorphic eyepieces designed for use with the Zoom 70, Zoom 240 or High Power Stereoviewer. The left and right images are superimposed and viewed through a monocular eyepiece, thereby allowing the operator to observe the relative effects of adjustments made with the anamorphic eyepieces upon the left and right images. One image is passed through a green filter in order to make it more readily distinguishable from the other image when the two images are thus viewed. The green color of the one image accentuates the red to yellow hue of the other image (depending upon the light intensity). This makes the two images even more distinguishable. This device is currently undergoing test and evaluation. Rapid Alignment Device is unclassified, but the contractual association of the Agency with the manufacturer is Confidential. is the Project Officer. The 25 25 ? RAPID ALIGNMENT DEVICE ON A HIGH POWER STEREOVIEWER Approved For Release 2005/041If -RDP78B04770A001300030004-2 Approved For Release 2005/02/4$$(RRRDP78B04770A001300030004-2 ? ? Air Bearing Used. on Mensuration Device ? The Micron Mensuration Stage is a unique, precisely built sta e designed to perform accurate mensuration tasks when used with the lI M-5 microscope or equivalent and an appropriate computer. The stage uses an air bearing concept that allows smooth movement in both the X and, Y direction. The air bearing is complimented with a precise roller bearing drive so that both coarse or fine positioning can be quickly obtained.. Optical encoders provide a plus or minus one micron readout accuracy. One of the many features of this equipment is that it may be turned off in the middle of a measuring job and turned. on again the next day without recalibrating or resetting the zero point. Distances of up to 100 mm can be read in both the X and Y directions. The Micron Men- suration Stage has been developed by the Rome Air Development Center under contract Ten units are already in use and, additional devices have been procure l. This is not an NPIC development. Information on this effort is available from RADC, Griffiss AFB, N.Y., Attention: 25X 25X Approved For Release 2005/02/'SE((R[kTRDP78B04770A001300030004-2 Approved For Release 2005/02S'K:RT7 -RDP78B04770A001300030004-2 An Interesting Technique for Viewing Large Areas in Stereo By placing a mirror on the bridge of your nose and. viewing the above right image with the right eye and, superimposing the left image as seen through the mirror with the left eye, a stereo effect can be achieved. This well-known technique can be used. to view large areas in stereo. The next time you order enlargements, order a correct image of one of the stereo pairs and. a mirror image of the other one. Have the two photos dry mounted. on separate boards and. spray a clear non-gloss enamel on them to reduce glare. By properly positioning the two photos and the mirror, small distortions of obliquity and scale can be corrected and the two images can be viewed, in stereo. A front sur- faced. mirror of at least 3 by 5 inches in size is preferable, but any mirror will work. This technique can be observed. on a rear screen projector in Room 5S-453 by contacting ? ? 25 0 Approved For Release 2005/025 C -RDP78B04770A001300030004-2