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r a NCjT ~'~.l.,~:A7/1E31.F 7() Approved For Rel~'~D~14/0~(~~C;CIA-;R3~7~9R002100020002-5 DEPARTMENT (~F THE ARMY OFFICE 171= l"HE ASiISTANT CHIEF' OF STAFF: F'U12 INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, OC 20310 -~,r 1@EPLY TO ATTENTIgM QP MEMORANDUM TIIRiJ VICE CIIII?i~' Ot~ ~'1'AI~ P' , AF'T~TY ARMY C~1JP~4~~1;AL COUN~~f~;L St1BJECT: GRILL. FT_,11N1I', (LT)--DI~~CTSIO.P~I .MI~;NIOi~t.l'~NDUM 1. (S/NOb'UI~Td) `T'hl~ U~ Army 1r~telll.gerlce al;:~ ~ecz.lrity CommancJ' (II~r`?COM) Project C:IF;.II::~ :4~'L/';MI~; investit_;,_xtes -:r.nd applies r~e?mote viewing pher~ornena in support oi' import~.irxt foreign inte.lli.~;enc.e a.nd iJ~ countc:rinte~:l.-l i.,;t,r~c;e requirements . Ii;SCOM employs activ{ duty rnilitary and DFu~partnlent of the Arrny civ .leans in the erecu- ti.on of the project;. Both the Defense _l:.ntell_i~;ence Agency (DiA) ar.~d INSCOM purchasE~ thr..~ scr?v ice., of .1?riv,xt~~ catztrra.ct i~c~r~,~~orrrrrl. irr support of GRILL F'L1~ML;. F'Y 82', i:I~d~>COP?4 plans tc trII~- pprove or a ease 4/08/16. CIA-RDP96~~1~~D ~3 r ~~ Declassify ort~__.__ SG1J Approved F9~CC~~~i~~/08/16 :CIA-RDP96-007898 ~~~~e~ -5 SUBJECT OFFICE SYMBOL SUSPENSE - DAbII-ISH Human Use Coordination for Project GRILL FLAME (U) DATE 12 Jan 82 ACTION REQUIRED ACSI signature of memo at TAB A. MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD. Describe briefly the requirement, background and action taken or recommended. Maat be rafficiently datailed to identify the aetioa without recourse to other soareea. 1. (C/NOFORN) BACKGROUND: The Army GRILL FLAME Project requires annual Secretary or Under Secretary of the Army review and approval. 2. (U) DISCUSSION: a. (C/NOFORN) The Army General Counsel determined that Army participation in Pro- ject GRILL FLAME constitutes "human use" UP Procedure 18, DOD Regulation 5240.1-R (TAB B , b. (U) Procedure 18 (TAB C) requires: (1) (U) Certification that an important foreign intelligence or counterintelli gence purpose is served. (2) (U) Subjects execute written informed consent. (3) (U) Experimentation is conducted IAW applicable HHS regulations and guide- 1 inl=_ s . c. (U) Representatives from the Army Surgeon General`s Office and the Office of the Army General Counsel provide medical and legal oversight of INSCOM GRILL FLAME acti- vities . d. (S/NOFORN) INSCOP2 contracts with. the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for GRIL FLAh1E support. SRI policy re human use is described in memo at TAB ,D. e. (S/NOFORN) INSCOM's GRILL FLAME activities in FY 82 include: (1) (S/NOFORN) Train two newly assigned personnel in remote viewing techniques. (2) (S/NOFORN) Continue performing operational remote viewing in support of valid Army intelligence collection and counterintelligence requirements. (Continue on plain bond) (Copt' d) IMPLICATIONS CINFO YES ~ NO ~ PRIM PROGS YES Q NO Q BUDGET YES ~ NO COORDINATIONS APPROVALS OFFI C E NAME PHONE INITIALS DATE / ~ k G C L S ~ M. CrQ~ BR _ DIR ZS r `~ ~_ Q J h E x i~'1) p I I ~ ACSI ~ _,_ __, ~ ..~ ~ '~- ~ - n ' DISPATCHED (DTO) ~ ~ j U i:a _ i~ SHOW ADDITIONALCOORDINATION ON REVERSE SIDE OR CONTINUATION SHEET TION OFFICE,f2 ~ Name, grade, phone and signature f CLASSIFIED E`I DTr?,P:Y 53-11 ~ ~ E\CL 3, 5 Dac 78 ~dO ~..+s?~'^,,,e-+,r,-ai' ~~. ~ JAN _.__..~Z_____ !~. __ _ DENNIS M. O'KEEFE MAJ GS 114 r?>;J1Ew c:~: _______ ~ ~ ~ - 'Oc DUD 5200.1-R(3) ACSI FORM 28, 13 Sep 71 ~ ~ , NGT ~`-~!. r "``" ~_'-`- ~~ Approved For Release 2004/08/16 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100020002-5 Approved For Release 2004/08/16: CIA-RDP9~-00798002100020002-5 cc~ ((~~ NGT R~:#_~:.. DANA-ISH SUBJECT: Human Use Coordination for Project GRILL FLAME (U) f. (C) The Army General Counsel maintained that GRILL FLAME activities involved human use and required Secretariat review and coordination UP Proce- dure 18, DOD Regulation 5240.1-R. The DOD General Counsel initially disagreed. The issue was decided on 17 Nov 81 with the DOD General Counsel accepting the Army position. A detailed review of this "human use" question is at TAB E. g. (S/NOFORN) The future of the Army program has been complicated by the elimination of Army FY 82 GRILL FLAME 0&M funds during the Congressional HA.C - SAC conferees' hearing. However, it appears that the Army request for five permanent GRILL FLAME personnel positions for FY 82 remained in the pro- gY?am. DIA's GRILL FLAME effort for FY 82 was fully funded for $330K. Army GRILL FLAME activities are contained in our FY 83 program submission and this will allow us to fully air the issue with Congress. In the interim, INSCOM plans to keep the effort alive by internal reprogramming until a final decision on future funding can be reached. h. (U) The current Army Secretariat authority to conduct GRILL FLAME activities UP Procedure 18, DOD Regulation 5240.1-R requires renewal in Jan 82. (TAB F_). Army GRILL FLAME activities will be continued subsequent to 14 Jan-82 pending resolution of the above described FY 82 funding issue. The ACSI memo at TAB A seeks this authority from the Secretary of the Army. f ._._._._.. Wq~1C 3.. (U) RECOMMENDATION: That ZA sign memorandum at~TAB A. 2 Approved For Release 2004,/08/16. ; Cri44:Rd~~~=b0~$~F~00~00020002-5 ~?