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Document Release Date: 
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March 29, 1976
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Approved For Release. 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700090015-2 37 DDfS&T-l381-76 MEMORANDUM FOR: Associate Deputy Director for Administration FROc1: Associate Deputy Director for Science and Technology SUBJECT: Parapsychology Research REFURfNcg: Memorandum from A/DDA to .M)D/S&T dated 23 February 1976, Subject: SRI Report on Perceptual Augmentation 1. Because you have expressed an interest, as a Directorate, in the subject of parapsychology, I would like to outline our current research plans in this area, 2 As you may know, we elected not to continue the S I research project because of its substantial cost and because of the generally negative findings in the physiological por- tion of the research.,. For example, a promising earlier cor- relation between brain wave patterns and the on-off status of a hidden light inside a screen room was not substantiated by the most recent study. The operationally oriented portion of the SRI work did yield some very interesting findings. Unfortunately, these were open to question because of pro- cedural shortcomings, such as the lack of controls. lack of predoterrai.ned criteria for ?"hits v failure to follow accepted double blind .methodology, and the involvement of experimental team member s tier selves as subjects. 3. He do agree that the field requires close observation, however, until we can identify promising and potentially use- ful research alternatives. We have progrem,ed a significant survey project for FY-77 and a follow-on for FY-78. The FY-77 work will include an in-depth review of the recent literature, together with visits to laboratories doing sig- nificant research in the fiold. The contractor will be a reputable scientist who holds neither a position of flat rejection nor an aiutright espousal of paaranortal phenomena Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700090015-2 4 Approved For Release 2004/08/25 CIA-RDP96-00787R000700090015-2 SG1 I LSR/CARD/DD/SF,T: SUBJECT; Parapsycholog y 'esearc'h 11 generally. At the stir.:e tiMe Te will. attempt to determine internal criteria as to what types and levels performance would be Considered im .ort to of gencyrif they could be demonstrated.. p :t the ~x~ onc:y i Distribution: Original - Addressee I - D/OTS 1 - ADD/S&T 1 - D/ORD 1 - LSR/ORD 2 - DD/S&T Registry I - ORD Registry 1iayre Stovens SG1I 164arch 1976 Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700090015-2