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Approved For Relea 2004/08/02: CIA-RDP96-QV,c8~i901 2 p08004Y--0. 64
Scanning the Issue
On Bandwidth, Slepian, p. 292-This thought-provoking
paper starts off with a provocative question and a provocative
response: "Are signals really bandlimited? They seem to be,
and yet they seem not to be." Anyone reading these first two
sentences cannot fail to read further. The general reader will
be rewarded by an intriguing philosophical discussion of the
distinction between models and reality. The author points out
that physical science and engineering are composed of an
amalgam of two distinctly different components, which he
labels as Facet A and Facet B. Facet A consists of observa-
tions on, and manipulations of, the "real world." In contrast,
Facet B is a mathematical model and the means for operating
within this model. Symbols, and the means and rules for
manipulating these symbols, including the minds of men and
women involved with the symbols-these comprise Facet B.
Most of us like to think that there is an intimate relationship
between Facets A and B, but a close examination reveals a
correspondence that is most incomplete, tenuous, and impre-
cis.e.. Although we can credit the impressive progress we have
made in science and technology to this correspondence, care-
ful reflection causes us to marvel that this progress could
arise from such a ragged fit between the two facets. Follow=
ing this discussion of the role of models in the exact sciences,
the paper returns to the subject of bandwidth, and the author
applies the discussion to answer the opening question. He
then presents a new formulation of the 2WT theorem. Except
for an added appendix, this paper is a written version of the
second Shannon Lecture given at the 1974 International
Symposium on Information Theory.
Electromagnetic Fields in the Presence of Rotating Bodies
(Invited Paper), Van Bladel, p. 301-It is appropriate for a
treatment of .fields in the presence of rotating bodies to begin
by mentioning where such situations are encountered in elec-
trical engineering.. The application that first comes to mind is
the electrical machine, but there are many others, including a
fly wheel with magnetic suspension, a plasma column rotating
in a magnetic field, and a space object or the blades of a
propeller in an electromagnetic field. Traditionally, the field
in the presence of a rotating body is calculated by assuming
that it has the value at any given time corresponding to the
instantaneous position of the body "frozen in its tracks."
Although this "quasi-stationary" approach yields an adequate
approximation at low angular velocities, it gives no informa-
tion about the dynamics or relativistic corrections, which re-
quire solution of the generalized Maxwell equations in coordi-
nates that are "glued" to the rotating body.The paper discusses
the general formulation of the problem and illustrates the
theory by solving the simple configuration of a cylinder im-
mersed in an incident F. wave under several conditions. This
tutorial treatment is of interest not only because it describes
a little explored line of research but also because it provides an
example of the solution of a complex problem in a clear
theoretical fashion. Approved For Release 2004/08/02 :
No. 3
Wide-Band Guided-Wave Acoustooptic Bragg Diffraction and
Devices Using Multiple Tilted Surface Acoustic Waves, Tsai
at al., p. 318-Acoustooptic Bragg interaction, involving sur-
face acoustic waves (SAW) and guided optical waves, is a
promising subject of considerable current interest. This paper
presents theoretical and experimental studies showing that
very wide-band high-efficiency guided-wave acoustooptic
Bragg devices can be realized by employing multiple SAW's
that are staggered in frequency and tilted in propagation
direction. Design and performance figures of devices involv-
ing three and four tilted SAW's are described in detail. The
performance figures achieved to date already far exceed those
obtained with devices employing a single SAW. These results
demonstrate some of the potential advantages of the devices
over their bulk-type counterparts. Possible applications, in
addition to those common to bulk-type devices, include pro-
cessing of wide-band RF signals, high-speed optical pulse
modulation, acoustooptic spectrum analysis of wide-band RF
signals, and high-speed multiport beam switching and deflec-
tion for fiber- and integrated-optics systems.
A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilo-
meter Distances: Historical Perspective and Recent Research,
Puthoff and Targ, p. 329-In a series of experiments carried
out at Stanford Research Institute, both experienced subjects
and inexperienced volunteers were able to describe scenes
being viewed at unknown remote locations by other members
of the experimental team-sometimes with great accuracy,
and always under carefully designed experimental protocol.
The possible existence of such an ESP channel is significant to
electrical engineers, who have the background and knowledge'
to exploit statistically described channels through the princi-
ples of communication and information theory.. The great
potential importance of this work, should it be substantiated
by replication and further research, weighed heavily in the
carefully considered decision to publish this paper in the
PROCEEDINGS. We realize that many of our readers will
think this an ill-considered decision, as did one of the engi-
neers we consulted who said, "This is the kind of thing that I
would not believe in even if it existed." However, it is our
opinion that the majority of electrical engineers believe that
the investigation of ESP is a legitimate scientific undertaking,
regardless of their belief in its ultimate existence. Further-
more, we believe that the authors have been careful and
sincere in the design and reporting of this experiment. Their
work deserves scientific consideration and objective criticism.
We would encourage others to repeat these experiments and
to report their results, whether they be positive or negative.
We would also welcome critiques of the experiment itself.
In any event, the paper itself may be the most readable ever
published in this journal, and few readers will finish without
wondering forryat~leeaast bdiffftr Id a moment if indeed ake ESP to might be
Ci~S rUU/8TRb 266 W~t4 o8 m us all!
4/08/02: CIA-RDP968 WP0445 5
1 March 76 SG1
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
This paper publishes the
unclassified results observed
during the course of the SRI
paranormal project. The
editorial introduction in
"Scanning the Issue", is
pointed out for your con-
siderations. Finally, note
there are operational results
in addition to those pub-