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Approved For Releas T /T[ T05161 c MU @M0 [UP(MU SEARCH FOR URANIUM MINING AREAS IN CENTRAL CHINA 25 63017 25; DATE OCT -1965 ar~ COPY 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000500010001-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000500010001-3 Approve /07: CIA-RDP78TO5161A 00500010001-3 SEARCH FOR URANIUM MINING AREAS IN CENTRAL CHINA 1 Approved For R sia6 R" 25 25 CIA PIR- 3017 ~7k07 : CIA-RDP78T05161A 00 25 25 Appro~ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE NO(S)o AREA NO. 1 Location Map 2-3 Area 8 4-9 Area 10 10-14 Area 13 15-20 Area 14 21 Area 15 22-26 Area 18 27-33 Area 19 34 Area 20 35-36 Area 21 37 Area 23 38-40 Area 24 41 Area 30 42-45 Area 39 46-49 Area 42 50-51 Area 4 52 Area 9 53-54 Area 12 55-56 Area 26 57-59 Area 27 6o-61 Area 29 62 Area 33 63 Area 35 64 Area 37 65-66 Area 38 67-68 Area 40 Approved For R(T Approve eW f: CIA-RDP78TO5161AO 9 0500010001-3 I CIA PIR- 3o17 SEARCH FOR URANIUM MINING AREAS IN CENTRAL CHINA A total of 42 areas in Communist China were specified in the referenced requirements as sites of reported possible uranium mining activity. An initial photographic search within an arbitrarily assigned radius of 25 nautical miles (nm) was conducted to locate all indications of mining in an area, and if possible to determine whether such mining was for uranium. This report is issued in conjunction with a similar report, CIA/PTR-63016, Oct.165, covering mining areas in eastern China. With one exception, the search areas were located in a band from 97-OOE to 110-30E longitude in central China. The exception was a single location in northwest Sinkiang Province. Figure 1 is a map showing the names and locations of the areas studied. The search was accomplished b mining the first clear coverage found on KH-4 photography of 1963-1965. examining missions (if available) were used on a limited basis, especially in areas where some activity warranted closer examination. The use of several missions was usually necessary to obtain complete, good-quality coverage of the entire search area; in a few instances complete cloud-free coverage was not obtained. Conditions and amount of coverage are noted as appropriate in the References sections for individual areas. Only the larger mining operations are readily identifiable on KH-4 photography. Many smaller individual mines are probably not discernible. The features necessary to distinguish mining operations on small-scale (KH-4) photography in general are: I Approved For RXaL J/17 X1 CIA PIR- 3017 The geographic coordinates, a brief description, and references are listed for each area where mining activity was noted. These listings have been divided into three broad categories as follows: Areas of Extensive Mining Operations (Section I) Areas characterized by large or multiple mines, highly active appear- ance, and good location relative to roads and rail lines. Probably Insignificant Areas of Mining Activity (Section II) Areas characterized by remoteness, lack of improved roads or rail service, and small size. Negative Areas (Section III Where possible, the type of ore being mined has been correlated with collateral information, the most useful being the comprehensive area studies compiled by the Defence Intelligence Agency. Likely individual descriptions are keyed to the map location numbers of mines referenced in these studies. 1, 2/ Because of the time limitation imposed by the large number of areas, no sustained effort was made to detect changes by comparisons or to thoroughly review information. respectively). No firm uranium mines could be identified in any of the search areas from photography alone. One or more of the mining areas described might be suspected of having a uranium producing capability if other source material on follow-up requirements so indicated. The most likely candidates are the unidentified mines in the Kueiyang and Kaiyang areas (Areas 13 and 21 Approved For Rel d For RT~Tt~ S 15 i= I t I X, t Approved 25 25 cIA PIR-63017 Further study of those areas deemed the most likely candidates for uranium mining and milling operations is anticipated in answer to more detailed follow-up requirements based on this report and other source materials. Approved For Re11 W Y/ 7 : CIA-RDP78T05161A0 050 25 25 Anprpv~d For Release 2004/07/07 CI -DP78TO5161A000500010001-3 CHINA LOCATION MAP LON MOO,_ HM Ay JbMES , a O DARY ~ TOP SECRET RG MOt NF.`GGSSAR(LY Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A000500010001-3 41 ,,.,.....9 1. ~,. 3@ 189 03 21 3 370 r rrr r - AREA NO. 10 I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35 36 1 37 38 39 40 Approv %Fe "/07: CIA-RDP78T05161 00500010001-3 1-1 CIA IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION LEGEND (for Figure 1) NAME COORDINATES Changtu Changyeh Chaochiao Chenchi Chengtu Chienchiang Chilienshan (Mts) Chungking Chungkungchi Fenghuang Kanghsien Kangyuan Kueiyang Kunming Lanchou Lichiang Lonan Luchou Mengtzu Lungshan K'aiyang Nancheng Nanning Paotou Paise Salachi Telingha Tungjen Wuchung Wuwei Wuyuan Yentung Yinchiang Yinchuan Yumen Hsintu Hsichang Mienning Pinglo Wutu Kolamai Shantan 31-1ON 97-14E 38-56N 100-39E 28-03N 102-50E 28-OON 110-11E 30-40N 1o4-04E 29-31N 108-46E 39-1ON 98-42E 29-34N 1o6-35E li-1-40N 1o8-37E 27-57N 109-36E 33-26N 105-37E 32-26N 105-52E 26-35N 1o6-43E 25-04N 102-41E 36-03N 103-41E 26-53N loo-14E 34-05N 110-09E 28-53N 105-26E 23-22N 103-24E 23-50N 1o8-15E 27-04N 1o6-58E 33-05N 107-02E 22-49N 108-19E 4o-36N 110-03E 23-54N 1o6-37E 4o-33N 110-30E 37-15N 97-OOE 35-30N 102-07E 37-59N 1o6-12E 37-58N 102-48E 41-o7N 1o8-15E 19-27N 110-42E 28-o1N 1o8-28E 38-28N 1o6-17E 4o-17N 97-o8E 30-50N 104-10E 27-53N 102-18E 28-35N 102-11E 38-53N 1o6-32E 33-24N 104-50E 45-33N 84-53E 38-47N lol-18E Approved For R%Ps6j0ffq7 07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161A0 CIA PIR- 3017 25 25 25 25 Approve -7 FM -V PIR RE)PIST05161 SECTSON II EXTENSlIVE AREAS OF MWNG OPERATVONS Approved For aSEE 1/07: CIA-RDP78TO5161 25 25 CIA PIR- 3017 25 25 A rppoved M ~ 'Tr 0500010001-3 For ReePeST CIA PIR- 3017 Chungking, Szechwan 29-34N l06-35E WAC 495 Multiple mining activity, 29-26N to 29-38N l06-23E to 106-26E, in immediate area west of Chungking. Several different types of mining are evident from a sedimentary ridge with a general north-south strike. Both surface workings and underground methods are being employed with some appearing more active than others. There appear to be three dis- tinct trends: a) surface trenching and probable shallow inclined shafts at 29-30N l06-23E, 29-31N 106-23E, and 29-34N l06-24E, characterized by dark-toned waste piles, small heat processing buildings, and rail connections; b) vertical shaft mines at 29-26N 106-24E and 29-29N 106-24E, containing prominent headframes, hoist houses, small trans- former yards, machinery buildings, grayish-toned waste piles, and connecting roads, probably associated with ore loading and storage point on railroad at 29-27N 106-25E; c) surface diggings along out- crops at 29-27N 106-25E, 29-31N l06-25E, and 29-37N 106-26E marked by light toned appearance (Figures 2 & 3). Type - iron (siderite) and/or coal. (Map location Nos. 470 and 484 J ) Surface scarring, 29-21N 106-24E, 15 nm SW of Chungking on both sides of Yangtze River. Excavated area on east bank of river appears asso- ciated with conveyer-connected buildings and loading facilities to hopper cars on railroad siding Type - unknown, suspect lime- stone. Outcrop scarring, 29-23N 106-33E, 10 rim south of Chungking, and 29-31N 1o6-35E, 3 nm SSE of Chungking. Two prominent areas of surface work- ings in apparently the same stratum on west flank of a NNE/SSW-striking sedimentary ridge; road served, but no extensive buildings are present; appear relatively inactive Type - probable aluminum clay deposits.(Map location No. 4 Outcrop scarring, 29-32N 106-37E and 29-35N 1o6-38E, 3 nm SE and NE of Chungking. Two separate surface workings on east flank of same NNE/SSW-striking ridge q Type - probable limestone quarries. (Map location No. 485 Probable surface mining, 29-16N 106-26E, 19 nm SSE of Chungking. A small open pit in sedimentary strata near main rail line to Chungking; no visible connection between pit area and rail line. Workings are recent since not present on earlier coverage; does not appear signifi- cant in present stage Type - unknown. Approved For Ref J@WTOV: CIA-RDP78T05161A0p Approve ed For a E C 7/07: CIA-RDP78T05161 000500010001-3 CIA PIR- 3017 25 25 Possible mining site, 29-OON l06-18E, 36 nm SSE of Chungking. Light-toned clearing at crest of hill. New appearing road termi- nates at site. One L-shaped building in clearing. An obstruction appears to be across the road at the approach to the site. No waste piles are discernible Type - questionable; may be military-associated. Scarred area, 29-05N lO6-42E, 30 nm SSE of Chungking and 5 nm NE of Chichiang. Area covers approximately 2 square miles. No other per- tinent features evident. Another similar area, located approximately 10 nm west at 29-04N 106-32E, is slightly larger. Both areas are road served Type - possible oil fields.(Map location No. 547 2/) PHOTOGRAPHY (Partial Coverage*) 25 25 * Extreme NE and SE portions not covered MAPS AND CHARTS ACIC. USAF Operational Navigation Chart, Sheet ONC H-ll, scale 1:1,000,000, 2d classified ed, August 1962 (CONFIDENTIAL) ACIC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet 495-17HL, scale 1:200,000, 2d ed, December 1963 (SECRET) Approved For ReTeasSee ~DA76Z 25 25 Appi o`ved .pr Release:.20U4~6Z 07 YGIA-R[ ? i,+d9j"6 y y> 00 0 SECRET ice' t! v a I-or Releas6 2004 A-RDUP; FIGURE 2 =w. AREA 29-27N IOC-25E -Top SECRET ? N 106-25E Ap rived elease?e2004/077k ' ~I T05 SECRE T Approve CIA IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION Fenghuang, Hunan 27-57N 109-36E WAC 497 Extensive mining district, centered at 27-32N 109-12E, 33 nm SW of Fenghuang (or 11 nm south of Tungjen, Kweichow) in area 3 nm east of Laoshankou. The road-connected mines cover approximately 2 square miles and appear old but still very active. Located on plateau of what appears to be highly eroded limestone on the surface. The mining activity is probably underground, adits or inclined shafts. Waste. piles are usually being deposited in steep canyons surrounding the rim of the plateau; at least 11 separate waste areas can be seen, some with additional tailing dumps that indicate an onsite separation process. None of the possible processing buildings are large, and no additional larger processing plants are in the immediate area. A large number~of'old relatively small housing/support buildings are scattered throughout the area. The three tallest buildings are lo- cated at the road entrance and possibly serve as storage for ore. An improved road and probable powerline trace leads SW from the mining district (Figures 4-6). Type - possible mercury (cinnabar). J Mining district. centered at 27-45N 109-20E, 19 nm SW of Fenghuang (or 8 nm ENE of Tungjen). Numerous active mines covering approximately 1 square.mile similar in appearance to those just described. Probable combination of surface and underground mining follows primary veins trending NE/SW and secondary veins trending NW/SE along fissure zones. Nine separate areas are characterized by waste piles. Two tones of waste material,, but no large processing buildings are evident in the more developed areas; however, some initial grinding and/or small ini- tialpro`c'essing is indicated by the two types of waste. Housing. and support buildings are grouped around each mining site. Individual areas are road connected with a single road leading west (Figures'7 & 8). Type - unknown, suspect mercury. ' Probable-underground mines at 27-43N 109-11E on NW edge-of Tungjen, Kweichow.- Peculiar arrangement of housing and support buildings suggests an old mining area. No waste piles, but several discolored-areas are evident. Two elongated features possibly are subsidence areas; no large processing facilities observed Type - unknown. Approved For pip Approved 101 U CIA IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION CIA PIR-63017 Probable mining area, 37-34N 109-52E, 27 nm SE of Fenghuang (or 5 on west of Yu shuwan). Two light toned scarred areas containing a structure in each clearing are possible beginning of surface or underground operation near base of a hill. A small waste pile is present at the westernmost area; a small excavation is present near the easternmost area. A support area of dark-roofed buildings lies between the two clearings. Road served (Figure 9). Type - unknown. PHOTOGRAPHY (Complete coverage) MAPS AND CHARTS AMS. Series L500, Sheet NG 49-2, scale 1:250,000, 1st ed, October 1955 (UNCLASSIFIED) AMS. Series L500, Sheet NG 49-1, scale 1:250,000, 1st ed, June 1955 (UNCLASSIFIED) Approved For 49:asi For Fya4 25X 25X TOP SECRET Releas 2904/07/07 CIA-RDP78T05161A000500010091-3 FIGURE 4 R EA 10 27-32N 11 ?82E !fp=vsd-F=or Release '26 0/07/07 : CIA-RDP78T0a161A0005 or Release 2004/07/07 CIA-RDP78T05161A000500010001 ,3 TOP SECRETI roved For Release 2004/07/07 ; CIA-RDP78T05161AO00500010001 "3 Approved For Release 2004/07/07 :CIA=RDP78T05 6-,1AOO050 QL~ TOP SECRET v For Release - -ST05161A000 R0&1 0,0 -1'--3 I FIGURE 7 1 RE-i 1 27-45N 1 ? E ?p Fri 200 -RDP 0 OPCE TOP SECRETI A proved For Release 2004/07/01: CIA-RDP78TO5161A00050001t Approved For Release 2004/07/07 : * RbP78TQ5' 1-A0 O 0 For, Reloase''200410 710 - 'CIA . - T 1 A 50O 100:3 AREA 10 27-34N 109-52E -RUBE R 25 25") Approved For F lease 2004/07/07 :CIA-RDP78T0516IA000500010 " Tor SECRET Approveq CIA PIR- 3017 A /07 : CIA-RDP78T05161 000500010001-3 Kueiyang, Kweichow 26-35N 106-43E WAC 496 Surface and shaft mines, centered at 26-39N l06-22E, 18.5 rim WNW of Kueiyang (or 8 nm NW of Chingehen). Large active area of predominantly surface mines along a north-south trend 3 nm long. There are six major light-toned workings in apparently unconsolidated deposits. Waste piles are being formed by hauling gangue aside from the workings. A headframe for a shaft mine is located adjacent to the most northern working. Three other unidentified tower-like structures in the same area show no activity. Numerous trench cuts and small diggings for prospects extend another 5 nm north. A rail spur from the Chingchen area served the center of the mining area at a loading facility with two conveyers. A narrow-gauge track runs from the shaft mine to the base of the conveyers. A single hopper car is on the rail spur. No onsite processing is evident. Numerous support/housing buildings, some apparently new or under construction, are present (Figure 10). The two most southern. workings, which are only road served have ex- panded considerably in 22 years (Figure 11). Type - unknown. Shaft mines centered at 26-32N 106-33E, 9 nm WSW of Kueiyang (or 4.5 nm east of Chingchen). An old but partially active underground mining .area associated with a 4-track railroad siding. Dark-toned waste piles are evident at probable sites for inclined or vertical shafts, some of which appear abandoned. Nine gondola cars are located on railroad siding, and approximately 20 small ore cars are located on narrow-gauge track to mining area. The narrow-gauge track is in poor condition and appears to have been replaced by a road system. The road leads to a ramp for truck unloading at the siding. A loading facility with one conveyer appears new but not in use. Five apartment buildings, one administrative building, and one probable messhall located near the railroad also appear new. Other housing/support buildings are older. A small substation is centrally located in the mining area (Figure 12). Type - coal and/or iron. (Map location Nos. 236 /) Possible mining area, 26-32N 106-28E, 2 nm south of Chingchen. Twelve closely grouped areas of surface scarring are located near railroad spur serving the prevously described mines. One branch rail spur and another under construction connect to two of the light-toned scarred areas which Approved For R psSF 97 07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161AO 050 1 I 1 Approv ~d'For R?Q(fp 07 : CIA-RDP78TO5161 CIA PIR- 3017 appear to be shallow diggings in low-lying hills. Approximately 30 mostly barracks-type buildings appear newly constructed. Additional structural forms and trenches indicate?.further.,construction activity in the center of the area. Another installation near a large reser- voir may be-in early construction stage II 2 nm west of the scarred areas. Type - possible iron. (Map location No. 235 J) Surface mines, 26-33N 106-41E, 2.5 nm SW of Kueiyang. The largest of many light-toned surface workings and scarred areas around Kueiyang. These mines seem to be hillside quarries and are typical of similar areas except for a probable crusher building and a long overhead con- veyer from the mine to a loadin point on the railroad. Small waste dumps are apparent Type -.probably Kaolin and fire clays. (Map location No. 233 /) Probable surface mines 26-46N 1o6-47E, 12 nm NNE of Kueiyang. Light- toned scarred areas that appear to be surface workings in hillsides. Three separate areas are road served; one road terminates in a pro- mounced fishhook. Immediate area has a mottled appearance. Probably new workings as not seen on coverage. Poor-quality coverage precludes other details Figure 13). Type - unknown. Probable surface mine, 26-27N 1o6-58E, 16 nm SE of Kueiyang at NW edge of Lungli. Light-toned area with three prongs into hillside. Rail served. Poor-quality coverage (Figure 14). Type - possible gypsum.(Map location No. 240 J) PHOTOGRAPHY (Partial coverage*) most recent good coverage. ACIC. USAF Operational Navigation Chart, Sheet ONE-H-11, scale 1:1,000,000, 2d classified ed, August 1962 (CONFIDENTIAL) * 60% of area effectively covered by MAPS AND CHARTS ACIC. US Air Target Chart, Series 200, Sheet s 0496-1OA, scale 1:200,000, 1st ed, August 1959 (SECRET) Approved For RI RJEG 9 d7[07: CIA-RDP78TO5161A0 0504 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 4-prov w' se 4/ l07 : CI =RDP78T05161'Aa- 66 S C6`31 FIGURE PO AREA 13 3SN 106-22E For Releas ;2004(471 7