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SERVICE FROM THE FILES OF THE SPECIAL REGISTER/OCR r 3 dKgtlL'f 0- 00010034-5 CIA INTERNAL UJ5'EONLY f -0 0 (~ - if~ I M GER1 AN LYSIS D ISION FOLDER NO. ----- Declass Review by NIMA / DoD TOTAL: DO!OS HEREIN ___ 2 SEPTEMBER 1965 DOC REY OATS BY j OHIO COMP UPI OR1G CLASS f P TYPE AGES REV CLASS JUST NEXT REV AUTN1 MR I0-2 0 SEP 1965 Xl; OROUP I E.clyd~d Irem aulemuile ~de~wp.adinp and O In..I4I ,len TA INTERNAL USE" ONLY COPY PAGES .Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78TO4759A000500010034-5 .6 SEP 1965 jSERVIGE FROM THE FIT S OF THE SFEGIAL x~ l l~nl.Urn 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78TO4759A000500010034-5 TOP SECRET PI NOTES, A PUBLICATION OF CIA/IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION, HIGHLIGHTS SIGNIFICANT INTELLIGENCE ITEMS DERIVED FROM PHOTOGRAPHY,'AS WELL AS.CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE "PI" FIELD. P.I. NOTES 7/66 During the period 1 - 28 August 1965,,141 requirements were received from the following components: OSI - 26 ORR - 25 DD/P - 49 *AMS 14ap Program OCI - 13 DDS&T- 2 CGS - 6 OBI - 17* DDI - 2 DDS 1 25X1 Continuing analysis of recent photography =rission reveals a new airfield under construction I4.5 nm SW of Sha-Ho, China, at 36-53N 114-25E. The 111W/SSE concrete runway will measure approximately 8,000 by 200 feet when completed. Approximately 3,800 feet of the SSE end of the runway is complete. No construction was evident when the area was covered on photography of Initial construction 25X was observed on ':. 2 5X1 D I>iission provided the best II coverage to date .'. of the Szechwan Basin in Central China. Since many requirements have been directed at this region, particularly for AE activity, requesters may wish to review or update previous projects. Some of the complexes covered by cloud-free photography aie Cheng-Tu (30-4011 104-O4E), Lu-hsien (28-54N 105-26E), and Chung-king (29-3411 106-35E). -1- Approved For ReleasO&AW 16 SEP 1965 SERVICE FROI4 THE FILES OF THE SPECIAL REGISTER,/OCR Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78TO4759A000500010034-5 25X1 TOP SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONL Analysis of all reactor buildings and other key structures at the Kyshtym and Tomsk AE Complexes, USSR, is currently in the final stages. will be published in a forthcoming PIR by IAD/ABCB. The results are to be illustrated by detailed perspective drawings which 25X1 A total of 12 radar tracking sites (11-Type- Sites) has now been identified in the general area of Leningrad, USSR (Figure 1). Seven similar sites have been identified as extended range tracking facilities at the Kapustin Yar Surface-to-Air Missile Range, suggesting a system association. These sites may'employ BACK NET and SIDE NET radars. Thirteen separate gups of Type III-D single silos have been identified at 5 deployed ICBM_--complexes in the USSR. One hundred and seven of the 130 potential silos to fill out these groups are carried as confirmed or 'probable. Of the 6 Type III-C ICBM complexes, only one, Aleysk, now remains with 6 launch areas identified, probably because this complex has not been 9 to 17 launch areas. observed on usable photography since The other complexes have rrom. n ura on QS- 6 I-A It 1 1F it 3S-7/9 II-A II-B II-D III-A 5 29 30 23 2 2 2 3 10 53 6o 69 197 S-8 II-C 7 2 14. III-B 3 3 9 23 Large Single Silos/III-C 64 1 64 64 Small Single Silos/III-D 107 1 I ld~ 07. 107 1--de Totals 272 - 395 395 The current count carried by IAD of confirmed and probable ICB11 launchers at the 25 deployed launch complexes, including those under construction, totals 395. These are broken down by missile systems as follows: Total Launch Missile System/Launch Area Number of Launchers Positions Total Launcher Launch Sites Per Site By Type tio Cfi -2- taAp %2M 9 T A-RDP Approved For ReI s SERVICE FROM THE FILES OF THE SPECIAL REGISTER; Approved+ep4;t~4ease.2003/12/19: CIA-RDP78T047 9 OQ05000100 CIA INTERNAL U, TOP SECRET In addition there are 19 launch positions at the Tyuratam Missile Test Center (either complete or under construction') and .6 SSM launcharR of undetermined function at the Plesetsk ICBM Complex s'-: The Atomic-Biological-Chemical Branch is presently engaged in a photographic search of Indonesia for activities related to nuclear weapons testing. The current close friendship between Indonesia and Communist .China raises the possibility that China might conduct a nuclear test in Indonesia. The search has been hindered by lack of adequate coverage, predominance of cloud cover over the areas searched, and the large size of the search area. Indonesia, the largest country in southeast Asia, comprises an area of approximate1 575,900 square'miles and contains some 3000 islands, 25X1 25X1 MEW SAN ; ITES OUTSIDE USSR Analysis of photography from 0 Mission has resulted in identification of 7 new SA-2 SAN sites in countries o t id u s e the Soviet Union. Two of the sites are in India, bringing the total number of deployed sites there to 13 (See Figure 2). With the addition of I+ new sites in Egypt (UAR), the total there is now 27. A new probable SAM site has been identified at Peiping, making a total of 9 sites in defense of that city. ! Approved For ReleamA CIA-RDP78 CIA INTERNAL U 4759A000509 II 25 ~, p 16 5EP 1965 L ._ 5X1 Approved For Release ZQP : CIA RDP78TO4759AOq DAIyfiQ '$~` "u, 1.1v ti )p1A iLGARIAy n~ V.IlkIYa Lukt 0 KRIVO IINEV NH n^. MURMA Bolotoye 0 (ALININ a Y ROSE ~ ~Vlaolmir NE:PROPETROVSK y V STALING ZAPORO-ZH'YE AC'FNtt TIES 113 Zl HLY N TAMLiOV STAIIN_C,RJ` ROSHI LOVORA[Y Srr ZHDANOV~-`^ y 5F A riP A~ -"*11t 1 iSr+s' A- OGAR ~KyERCHp~``f nA -A StavroP?I~ EUROPEAN U.S.S.R. International boundary National capital Canal (selected) Soma 60ond-`aa ,A.nvn on ehn map -4 4* i,_d aria, (1032), not necassa.ilr nroyn;nd u daAnaiT. 6r tAa Un,nad Stataa C--mint A. U" w Stataa Govarnaiant Asa not racuan;rad A. ?onorpontion .1 Fatart;a, L.M., UiAuania into the Soviet Union Scale 1:16,150,000 0 100 200 300 400 Miles t,ti T1T~1 T' S 0 100 200 300 460 Kilometers 25X1 SERVICE FROM THE FILES OF THE SPECIAL REGISTER/OCR Approved For Release 2003/12A19 CIA-F DP78T04759A00050Q0'1 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY 71", 7T 17 Y 6 SEP 1965 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release zQQ P78T04759A00050001'0034-5 F u. s S. R u~,4 s. x 'ej AFG}1ANZSTA N Id~(U~.~ AND KASUL gyp. s "tu4Chip re) h*a' + RAW. -5r~flb ar (\+' PIN -7, -0131t * "Mmu La 1.4"k Ch rfdiga ,tZ / A NAMI/ AND ? AN[ NOT NFL ? SA-2 SAM SITE TOP SECRET FIGURE 2 Approved For Rele se - 78TO4759A000500010034-5 ,q `~ GANGTOK j ?'~* KATMANDU gtry ~JI~v~Yr$~:Ih n OLDER NO. - 1 1- - - - - - 7OTAL DOCS HEREIN ... 9 SEPTEMBER 1965 VOG REV GATE BY ~~ / ORIG C" P UPI TYPE ORIG CLASS FACES REV CLASS JUST NEXT REV AUTHI HR 104 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78TO4759A000500010034-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP78TO4759A000500010034-5 25X1 Approved For RAOdseS fi E/ 9 : CIA-RDP78T04759A 0 - CIA INTE I I PI NOTES, A PUBLICATION OF CIA/IMAGERY ANALYSIS DIVISION, HIGHLIGHTS SIGNIFICANT INTELLIGENCE ITEMS DERIVED FROM PHOTOGRAPHY, AS WELL AS CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE "PI" FIELD. P.I. NOTES 8/66 INDIA-PAKISTAN 25X1 D Mission I icovers a major portion of the Cease-Fire Line in the Jammu/Kashmir area between India and Pakistan. The coverage is approximately 80% cloud free and includes the complexes of Srinagar, Lahore, Ferozepore, Jammu, Amritsar, Pathankot, Sialkot, Arnbala and Rawalpindi. Major airfields and military installations can be observed; however, the small scale of photography precludes determination of military preparations along the Cease-Fire Line. 25X1A 25X1 25X1 A new two-lane road under construction has been imaged on both TROJAN HORSE and photography in North Vietnam. Proceeding north- ward from en ai or approximately 28 statute miles to coordinates 21-59N 101+-35E, the road parallels the existing meter-gage railroad. Work is proceeding rapidly on culverts and bridges as well as on the roadbed itself. Photogrammetric analysis of Dual LIEN HOUSE "A" boresight angles of elevation at Sary Shagan Site 13 has just been completed, using the best available photography to date. Results confirm the angles of elevation reported in CIA/PID Photographic Intelligence Report April 1965 (Figure 6, Page 5). This new analysis of excellent qua i y p o?ography, however, now results in an estimated maximum possible error of plus or minus five (5) degrees for both angles. 25X1 D Mission reveals that construction is continuing on the large engine test cell building at Zaporozhye Aircraft Engine Plant No. I+78, Zaporozhye, USSR. Three probable new test cells in a midstage of construction are being added. It is now evident that the construction activity in the southwest corner of the plant area is a new addition to the plant; a large building measuring approximately 51+0 by 250 feet, is in a midstage of 25X1 construction Approved For RW f 19: CIA-RDP78TO4759A000 0010034-5 CIA INT 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved F pr ReliaosP 3 ; 5 During 1964, the Atomic-Biological-Chemical Branch conducted searches in the Bukhara area of the Soviet Union to investigate certain unidentified seismic disturbances. The disturbances were identified as being the result of the use of explosives in the construction of a large irrigation canal connecting the Amu-Darya River with the Zaravshan River upstream from Bukhara. The current issue of "Soviet Union" (No. 196, 1965) contains an article, with pictures of the canal, indicating that it is now in operation. Recent coverage has not as yet been checked to verify completion of the en ire canal. r- I Approved For ReIcT P &6? ETi 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20QA 9 %G R&To4759A000500010034-5 Approved For ReleaseTQR2/1$K.1,AR ' 8T04759A000500010034-5 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY