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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100020007-'1 _ Z FEeRUARY i979 CFOUO 3179~ . i OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 FOR OFFICIA;. USE ONLY - J~~s L/5262 2 February 19 79 ~ ~ ~ YRAHSLATdONS ON T~L~COMMUNICATIONS POLICY, RESEAR~H AND DEIIELOP(~ENT ~ (FOUO 3/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RES~ARCH SERVICE , FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 NOTC JpR5 pubiiegeidna ~nnCgin infdrm~Cian primarily from Enr~ign newap~per~, perindin~lg ~nd bnoks, buC glso from n~wg ~gency Cranemissione and bro~dcaat~. Matert~Ls �rom fnr~tgn-l~ngu~ge sources are ~ransl~red; Chns~ frnm Cn~lish-langu~ge enurce~ i are er~n~crib~d or reprineed, wiCh Che original phrasing and other chargcr~risCice reCained. Headline~, ~dieorigl rpports, and maCerial enclos~d in brackeCa are suppli~d by JpItS. proce~eing indic~Cora euch ga [Texr] or ~Exc~rpeJ in Che fixse line of each item, or �ollowing th~ laet line of ~ brief, indicaCe how the original informaCinn was processed. Wherp no proce~sing indicator is given, the infor- mation was aummarized or extracted, Unfamiliar name~ rendered phonetically or transliterated are enclosed in par~ntheaes. Worda or namea prec~ded by a ques- tion mark and encloaed in parentheges were not clear in the original buC have been supplied asappropriaCe in conCexe, Other unaetributed parenthetical notea within the body of an _ item originaCe with rhe source. Timea within ieems~.~re as _ given by source. The contenta of this publicat~on in no way repreaent the poli- ciea, v iewa or aCtirudea of the U.S. Government. . COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIF OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TNIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 81BLIOORAPHIC DATA 1~ Report No~ 2. ~ 9, Recipient'� Aecei~lon Na. - sHtieT JpRS L/ 82 62 , t e~n t t e . epon ue TEtANSLATI0N5 ON ~~LECOMMUNICATIdN5 POLICY~ it~SEA~tCN ANU b~V~LOpM~NT, (FOUO 3/79) 6� 7. Author(~) 8. Perfamiea Ore~niz~tion Itept, No. 9. P~rformioa Ore~ni:�eion N~me ~od Addre~~ 10~ Pto~ect/Tuk/1Vork Unit No, JoinC Publicationa Research Service 1000 Norrh C1ebe ROAd 11. Caect~ee/Gr~nt Nn. Arlington, Virginia 22201 12 Spon~ot(na Orsu~lsuioo Nuoe ~od Addre~~ 13. 'Cype ot Report bt Peeiod Co~eted As above. i~ 1S~ Supplemene~tr Nae� 1 , Ab~tnct~ This serial report containa translationa from ehe world press and radio relating to worldwide politinal, economic and technical developments in telecommunications~ computers, and satellite communicationa. Coverage will be worldwidE with focus on France, Federal Republic of Germany, United Kingdam, Italy, Japan, the USSR, People's Republic of China, Sweden, and the Netherlanda. ` . ~ 7. Key pord~ ~nd Document Ao~lyii~. 17a Deaceiptoa Worldwide Computers . Satellite Communications Electronics and Electrical Engineering Telecommunications Telemetry 17b. Ideotlftera/Opeo-Ended Tecm~ 17a COSATI Field/Cnoup O9B~ C, F~ Z~B~ ZZB 16. A~~fl~bilitr Satemen~ 19.. Secuttty Cl~i� (Thia 21. o. o( Pagea ~or Officiul Use Only. R`P�"~ 12 I Limited Number of Copies Available From JPRS. � e~~ruy .s~ zz. P~~� P~ e S F .D ?onM Nr~ri~ ~~aso? u~co~�oc ~ouo�~~~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 ~a~ orr'ICIAL USL dNLY ~7PR5 L/8262 2 ~ebruary ~979 TRANSLATIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS PCLICY, RESEARCH AND DEVE~OPMENT - (FOVO 3/~9) CONTENTS PAGE ASIA JApAN NEC-Noneywell Techrtot~ay Tie-Up, N~C Computer StraCegy Disc~esed (NIKKAN KOCYO SHINBUN, 4 bec 78) 1 - Camputer Makers Prepare To Cope With IBM ~-Series (NIKKAN KOGYO SHINBUN, ll Nov 7$) 4 Nippon Electric Sets Up Overaeas InCegrated Circuit Plants (NIKKAN KOGYO SHINBUN, 24 Nov 78) 5 Nippon Electric To Produce Digital Exchange~ in Dallas (NIKKAN KOCYO SHINBUN, 21 Nov 78) ~ LATIN AMERICA CUBA 'PR~LA' Reports on Upcnming N~~ialined Radio Meeting in Nuvann (Leopoldo Formoso; PRELA~ 24 Jan 79) 9 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA INT~It-AFRICAN AFFAIRS Kriefs Kenya, Tanzania Microwave 11 . - - a- fIII - INT - 140 FOUO~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLX APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 ~Ott OFFICIAL USE ONLY JApAN N~C-HON~YWELL T~CHNOLOGY TIE-UP, NEC COMPUTER STRA~EGY DISCUSS~D ~ Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SHIN$UN in Japanese 4 Dec 78 p 12 /Texr_[ Nippon Electric Comp~ny (NEC)(President: Tadao Tan~lca) hae begun negotiating wiCh the UniCed States' Honeywel]. Corporat3on~ the world's Chird ranked computer cnmpany, regarding a computer technology aseistance contract. T'he time limit for thia negotiation ie until the end of 1979, whereupon "i� there is no declaration of intentiion by the two, ehe current contract will expire in 1982." As the negoCiation per se significantly affecta NEC's computer atraregy, meticulous preparaCions and decis~.on- making ekille are required. ~ In referring to thia matter, NEC characterizea the current state as "xe- toeing the mark and calculating the timing for riaing--getting ready to grapple /sumo symbolisme/" (ExecuCivc Director Akira Koike). Thep are in the midst of formulating secret etrategies with Chairman of the Board Ko~i Komateu a~ Che helm. The baeic policy of the N~C Co~r~.rd the said negotiation ia qutte firm. With respect to computer hardware, NEC holda that, "in terms of technology level, NEC has an upper hand; and there is nc:.hing to be learned from the other side." Speaking in particulars, NEC has developed the world's largeat auper-computer "ACOS-900," while Honeywell Corporation does not have a ccmparable machine. Moreover, last spring NEC had tienC samples of comput~er lo;sic element c3r- cuitry to CII-HB Corporation, ~'rance's largeat computer manufacturer, in which Honeywell is a capita? oarticipant. In rerms of technology including LSI element, NEC is superior to Honeywell. But the fact that NEC is paying several billion yen in technological aeais- tance contract royalty each year is regarded ae a cantributing reaeoa for the firm's bullieh positi.on. Judging from these comments, one would think that the relationship bet~reen the two fircae ie about to be severed, but that is not really the case. Re- ferring to NEC's long-term capital cooperation with tregtern Electronic as an example, NEC Board Chaisman Kobayashi elaboratea on t~e company's empha- aie on long-term relationships: "One of the easential factors in our firm's 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 ~�d~ orr'ICZAL USE ONLY develnpmene hae b~en ~.nduceion of overeeas eechnoJ.ogy and nurtiuring of the ~ame ae our own. Onr.e we decide on a ti~.~-up, we wgnC the other side eo reap benefiee from the union as we11." Board Chairman Kobayaehi argues Chnt the same holde true for Che NEC-Honeywell relationehip. . Aetually, Honeywell technology ~.e employed 1lberally throughout NEC's NEAC and ACOS series. The bas~.c technology used in maea pr.oducing the f~.ret domes~~cally manufaceured "one-m~chi~e," "NEAC-2200" parameeron format computer owea a great deal. to Honeywell. In Che meantime, Hon~vwell "Nippon HIS" (capital: 1 billion en) � eh3s summer ae one aspect of atrengehening itis competi.tive /against NEC~aCra- regy. Ie has be~un independent buainesa Activitiea which center ar~und amall ~ computers. NEC and Honeywell establiahed "NEC-Honeyarell Information Systema" in October 1972, and wae mr;rke~ing ~uch data pxoceasing related equipment as key tape nnd ao forCh in concert. Thus, the "Behindhand Overeeae Big Cap~.tal" Honeywell's direct part~.cipation in the Japanese computer marker, has 1ed to specv~gtinns regarding the impaired relationehip between NEC and Honeywell. At the Cime of inauguration of Nippon HIS, William R. Smart, first vice prea- ident of }toneywell (HIS president) who came Co Japan for that occa8lnn, pre- - aented quite a low profile on tihe iseue of the techn~logical assis~ance con- tracr re~..sion: "We expect the cooperative relationship to continue, but I wonder what NEC's thinking is?" The prevailing rumor regarding the current negotiation is that NEC has the upper hand, but there are factora which are not conducive to throwing over ~ Honeywell altogether. , Let ua look at the overaeas atrategiea of the top three domestic computer manufacturera to find out why. The top-ranking Fu~i~su, Limited, sigaed an operational/sales contract with the Siemens A.G. oc West Germany this epring in a move to gain a foot3~old in the European market. Hitachi, Ltd., also signed a xechnological ~xchange contract with a national policy corporation of England--CIL Company--and has formed a Japan-Burope league for combating the IBM offenaive. ~ NEC appears to be a bit behind in this reapect. Thc?ugh it may claim that ' there is ].ittle to learn from Honeywell's computer �:echnology, it is aCtracted Co Honeywell's vast software accumulation and its world-wide eales neCwork. Conaequently, it would be a tug of war between on the one hand NEC su~er- ~ large machine Cechnology (including co~unication) and the royalty question, and on the other, Honeywell's sales and software strengCh. With regard tc+ royalty, as Hoaeywell would not agree to rescind the entire amount, a suggestion has been made to apply half the amount toward the sale of NEC euper-large ma- chines. The NEC executives regafd this as "one possible aolution." They do not appear to be unreceptive to the iciea. . 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 F'Ok n~~ICLAL USE ONLY Une more Ching, N~C muse make g deci.sion regarding iti~ computiar ~?rchitecture (basic design conc~pr.) soon. This summer, Mi.teubiAhi Electiric announced itg intenCion to devalop IBM compatible machines. As a reaulti, NEC and Taehiba gr~ ~he only ewo domestic Firma ro go �or non-compatible format. Currently NEC (1) does no~ intend to make a transitiion to compaCible machinea in so far a~ Che hose compueere--Che moat importan~ of which is the CPU un~.t-- nre concerned;(2)terminnla gnd peripheral equipment for diatributed proces- sing, however, wil~. be compatible. , To the degree thae NEC strengthene ita Cie with Honeywell, non-compatible orieneaeion will be etY~essed. But in ehe world markee place where IBM has a deciaive edge, it is certain that IBM compatible machines wi11 continue to dominate. In order for the domes~ic tmnufacturers to grow, there is no other way but to ahifC the emphasis from the saturated Japanese market to the over- seas arena. Hence, the current negotiation's aim is a complex one and not ~ust a matter of royalty. NEC Comput~r Divi.eion's higheat auChority, Execu- tive Uirector Kaike, moved away from his somewh~t bu111ah stanae at the begin- ning of,spring, to a more flexible attitude: "We would like Co decide after carefully weighing the mer~.~s as well as Che demerits of the question." This ia nothing more than a apeculation, but in place of the exiating tech- nological asaistance contract, a stronger t~.e-up in the operations/sales sectora could result. Boa~d Chairman Kobayashi, well known as the bulldozing entrepreneur and the number one power, ia currently visiting Europe. How he cultivates the European market and faces the negotiation with Honeywell next y~ar wi~.l be of great inCerest. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunaha 1978 11460 CSO: 5500 � 3 " FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 I~'plt UFFIC IAI, USL ONLY ' JAPAN COMI'UT~R MAKEItS PREPAK~ TO COPE WTTH ISM E-SERIES . Tokyo NIKKAN KOGYO SH~iBUN in Japaneae 21 Nov 78 p 15 [Text] In order to cope w3th IBM's offeneive campaign and stiff competition ~ on the domeaeic ecene, the varioua computer firme all plan to reinforce the3r SE (salea engineer) staffa and businesa operatione. This iffi an attempC to compete with Che atrong probability Chat IBM will announce in January, or February at least, its E-seriea computier syetem, ia its Future Syatem (FS) machine, by developing a competitive new syatem and the redistribution of manpower from the bueiness point of view. Actually, Fu~iteu (Fu~i Tsuahin, Fu~i Communicationa) (president, Daisuke Kobayashi) has a three-year plan in the blueprint stage to reinforce their SE organization, while Nippon Univac (president, Jiro Fukunaga) hopes to rein- force i~s progxam by retraining ita firat-line salesmen. Elset,ihere, Hitachi Ltd, NEC, Mitsubiahi. Denki (Miteubishi Electrical Machinery), and Tokyo Shi- ' baura are seriously conaidering preferential reinforcement of their sales staff in the computer sales field and the expansion of their eales agency net- works. The reaeona for the decision by the various computer firma to reinforce ~ ' their salea staff are: (1) The growing trend in cut-rate competition wiCh 20-30 percent discounta on computer syatems; (2) The 8100 Iaformation System ~ and Syatem 38 announced by IBM in October have a two-fold gain in coat-perform- ance, and in addition, IBM ie iacreasingly stresaing cost-effectivenesa; (3) The domestic market for large machines ia saturated, and future salea will be mostly in replacements. Furthermore in view of IBM!s plan to announce in January or at least in Feb- ruary, its E-seriea, whtch reportedly has a four-fold gain in coat-performance and which might precipitate open warfare on the domeatic market, a reorganiza- _ tion of bu~inesa operationa at thia time seems warraated. ~ � Reinforcement of its SE ataff is also the cornerstone of Fu~itau's buainess strategy, but its plan, which calls for a threefold increa8e of its SE staff, ia still in a preliminary stage. Japan Univac plans a gradual but effective redistribution of ita sales staff, and it intends Co push ealea of smal.l machines auch ae the BC7 as well as the sale of large ~aachines. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinb~u?aha 1978 5576 CSO: 5500 = 4 FOR ~FFICIAL USE ONLY , ; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 h'n~ 0!~ ~T.C IAI. US~ ONLY JAPA?~d NIPPON CLECTRIC SET5 UP OVERSFAS TNTEGRATED CIRCUIT PLANTS Tokyo NIKICAN KOGXO SHINBUN in Japaneae 24 Nov 78 p 15 [Texti] NEC (Nippon Electric) (president, Tadao Tanaka) has _ revealed rhaC in order to promote the development of overseas marketa for Cheir semiconducCor devices, mainly IC's, they ` plan to reinforce their manufacturing bases in the European _ theater during FY 1979, and also to diapatch Naoahi Nakamura, attached to the chief of NEC's IC Department, as vice- president to operate as a aubsidiary of the Electronic Arrays Company in Che UniCed 5tates, following the already agreed upon purchase of the company. With this series of moves to ~ reinforce Cheir operations, NEC hopes to establish manufac- turing capabiliCy in trie United States, and in European and Southeast Aaian areae. In Apri1 1976 NEC eatablished NEC-Ireland in Aallaiba outside Dublin, Ireland, to sesemble TT1's, 4K RAM's, and this year, 16K RAM's to supply ECM couatriea through their local diatributors. Its current annual production level is 1.5 billion yen. Since employment at this plant has reached 150, which is approaching the 200 hiring limit for this diatr~.ct, NEC has had to consider alternative plans to enlarge their operation. Currently the following three measures are uader . cons3deration: (1) The expansion of the present plant and procurement of additional ~nanpower by offering bus traneportation, etc.; (2} Establish new plants in other parts of Ire?,and; and (3) Eatablish new manufacturit?g facil- ities in other ECM countries. In any event, NEC contemplatea large-scale introduction of automaCed equipment. . In the United States, negotiations were completed in June with Electronic Arrays (EA) of Mountain View, California (president, C L Wood), with which there had already been a basic understanding to buy their firm. The purchase - was recorded on 6 December at the California Justice Department, which for- malized the company's status as a subsidiary. 5 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 FOIt n~FICIAL US~ ONLY 5ubsequenr].y, Mr Nakamura, formerly chiQf of tiie IC Bueinege Depart~ment, was lefr aCtached eo the chie� of ~he department but appointed vi.ce-preaidenti in charge of techno].ogy at FA. Several of Che technical ataff are also expected to make the move ro iA, Production of PROM's and otiher existing producte ati EA are to be con~inued iniCially, buti ae soon as tool-up is completed, NEC- ` brnnd produc~s w311 be made and eold ehrough both of ite d3stribueors, NEC- America and I~I~C-MicrocompuCere. Saheduled target date ie sometime after the summer o� 1979. Overseas producCion ia being aggreaeively puraued by NEC wi~h the ment of NEC-Treland in 1976, follawed by the establishment of other aubsid- iaries such as NEC-Malaysia in June o.E the eame year and NEC-Singapore in August, and NEC-Hong ILong (partly manuractuLing) in May 1977. 'In ndditian, NEC plans to augment its local production facility in the United - Stiates because of the trade aituation, furthermore to reinforce ita European operations and linear IC manufacCuring by NEC-de Brazil in Brazil. Combining this with reinforcement of ita regional distributorship network, it hopea to arhieve a arable aupply position. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunsha 1978 � I 55~6 CSO: 5500 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 H'Ult (11~'F' IC I At. USL ONLY _ JAPAN NIPPON ELECTRYC TO PRODUCE D~GITAL EXCHANGES IN DALLA5 - Tokyo NIKKAN KOGXO SHINBUN in Japaneae 21 Nov 78 p 15 [Tex~] According ro information from induatry sources, , NEC (Nippon Electric Co) has finalixed its plan to pro- duce in the UniCed States, with a target date o� 1980, a time-eharing aystem digital exchange equipment for central office use. This is in reaponse not only to recent~.y increasing inquiries from independent American telephone companies concerning digital telephone ~x- _ change equipmenty which has resulted so far in suc- cessfully obtaining orders for equipment for 15 ex- - changes worth 15 billion yen, but also in consideration of the fact that, as a re�sult of ~he increased common inter~st by American and Canadian communicaCion equip- ment ~akers in digital exchange equipment, competition has :Lnrensified to the point where only local production ca~ o~F~x~ the adv~ntages of cost reduction as we11 as better mRintenance service. Amona Japanese exchange equirm~nt makers, Oki D~enki (Oki Electric), Fuji Tsushin tFuji Communications), and NEC have already been producing EPBX's in the United States, and Hitachi Ltd reportedly may ~oin their ranks in a year or two. However, revelatia:~ of the fact that NEC will be making exchange equipment other than PBX's for central offices, which wi11 be among the most advanced available, in the United States, is expected to arouae considerable reac- tion in industry circles. - Although the four ma~or Japanese makers of exchange equipment have been pushing with considerable success the export of EPBX's to the United States, there is now a movemenC to switch to local production all of the productioa now exported to the United States, particularly ir. view of Che introduction of low cost EPBX's on the market by Western Electric, the manufacturing - arm of ATT, and also taking into consideration the trend towards a stronger yen. _ 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 ~ox orrzcz~ us~; or~Y ' Oki Denki's subs~,diary, Oki Electronice o~ America, had already switched producCion from iCa cross-bar type PBX's Co EPBX's in 1975, and American Telecomm Inc, a~oint enterprisa with Fu~i Tsushin, converted ~.est year. For local manufacture of EPBX's and electronic b utton eelephonea, ~..e., key telephones, for the U.5. market, NEC built a p],ant in Irving near Dallae, Texas, which atarCed production in July. Thic~ repreaents NEC's first manu- facturing planr venture in the United States. It is rumored that Hi~achi LCd is aleo seriously considering fu11-scale production of ,j"rnX`~ in Atlanta _ in a year or twc;. ~ Aa can be seen, ~he four ma~or Japanese companies are acceleL~ating their EPBX production in the United S~ates, and they have also launched vigorous sales campaigns. Of these firms, NE~, a~.rhough its first priority is tio get production runn3ng amoothly at its Da11as plant, has also f3nalized iL�s plan to manufacture digital exchange equipment here w3.Ch a target date of 1980, and they have now embarked on concrete atudiea. According to private sources, NEC has had many inquiries from independent American telephone companies. This has resulted so far in successfully obtain~ - ing orders for equipment for 15 central offices. One recent order, worth 1.3 billion yen, was from a telephone company in Florida for digital exchange equipment for urban and suburban inatallation, and repoxtedly the recruitment of technicians has already started. TC ia also reported that exchanges which have already received delivery of ~quipmenC could probably be in operation by the spring of next year. _ ITT, Western Electric, and GTE in the Uni.ted States and Northern Telecomm in Canada are reportedly putting conaidc.ra'~le effort into time-sharing dibital ~ exchange equipment, and the competition to sell to the indepeadent telephone - companies is keen. From NEC's standpoint, more ordera means more users, such that improving maintenance service on their equipment becomes increasingly important. It feels therefore that its competitive position can be improved by both local production and consulidation of its loca'1 maintenance service organization. In any case at a time when four ma~or Japanese firms are realizing EPBX pr.~- ~ duction in the United States, NEC's plan for local producr.ion of digital ex- change equipment, which is considered to be the equipment of the future, is expected to arouae reaction in related as well as immediate industry circles. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunaha 1978 5576 CSO: 5500 . 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 , ~ ; l~Uk UA'H'tCtAL il;;is ONI,Y CUUA _ ~pR~LA' It~POIt'~S ON UI'CQMING NONALIN~U RAUIO M~~TING IN HAVANA ~ Hgv~n~~ pftF:LA in Spanigh 1855 GMT 24 Jun 79 pA - [Arti~le by Leopnldo ~ormn~o] (TextJ Hr~van~, 24 Jnn (~L)--'Che repr~~entntivee of 11 nanalined countxiee will meeC here in egrly F~bruery--only 7 mont~?s Away from their ~ixth eummit meeting--to diecueg impnrt~nt mnttere connected with Che field of radio- ~ communications. Two groups of experts from Che cooperaCinn committee of the nonalined counCries - rndiobroadcasting organization will purticipnte in thesQ discusaiona and, nmong othar Chings~ will discu~s the redimtribution af radio frequenciea at the internationnl level. This and other Copics will be analyzed by the world administrative radio conference, which is sluted to be l~eld in Geneva, Switzerland in October. The first of the two groups will be preaided over by representativea of Algerian Radio and Television 5ervice and the second by repreaentativea of "All-India Radio," which specializes in radio broadcnsting by eatellite. The sesxians will be held from 2 to 6~'ebruary at the "Havana Libre" Hotel in this capital. Deleggtions from the Democratic People's Republic of Koreg, Cuba, Cuy~na, Ir~q, Kenya; Ntgeria, Tuniaia, Yugoslavia and zambia will also participate in the evenr. T'he nonalined countries' first rndiobroadcaeting conferencc was held in 5arn~evo, Yugoslavia, from 27 to 34 October 1977, and was attended by 54 member countries, On that occasion~ an action program for the world radio conference~ which i~ to be held in Ceneva, was outlined and a coordinating committee presided - over by Yugoslavia organized. 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 !~'Ok U1~'F'1GIAL US~: ()NLY ~ Th~?t cnmmirte~ inc].ud~d 'I'uni~ia~ Alg~rig~ Guin~~~ Nigerier Togo~ ~'~nz~ni~, Z~ir~, K~nya~ zambi~~ India~ A~gh~nimC~n, Uemorrgtic Kor~ar Jord~n~ Fraqt MnlByei~~ Cuba~ P~ru, Pnn~mn and Yugoglpyi~. Lagt ye~r in Algi~r~, ~h~ grdup of expQreg h~1d their ~ir~C m~pting. ~hi~ ~ame grdup will new mp~C in rhi~ ~apiCgl eo begin a~oinC, coordinated ~fEort in Conn~cCion with Ch~ afnremenC~.on~d G~neva confarence. Th~ finnl d~el~raeton of eh~ A1giQrg meeeing eondemned the ideg of former - cnloninl power m~~intaining radio se~eions in tihe terriCnries of nonalin~d cnuntrie~ nnd, b~rau~e oE eheir int~rventionist ngCure~ likened these etations eo the pre~~nr.e oE n~ocoinni~l miliC~ry basee. Th~ "pirnee" wnrk carried uue by thp r~dio ~Cationg of cerCain Western Cnuntrieg, which prdduce ineerE~rencp on the nonalined counCrie~' local ~requenc:iee, was c~l~o danounced. On Che nttier ti~nd, thr documenC ~xpressed golidgriCy and support far the radio prngrums broadcase from varioug parts of the world by the naCional liberetion movpmenes. One topic eh~t wgs brondly discuaged and which will be debaCpd once again l~ere cnncerng tlie ~doption of aimed at guaranteeing a more equitable distribution ~f the fr~quencies at the internaCional 1eve1. nott~ in tt~e nonnlined cnuntri~s movement and in UNESCO~ the un~ust distribu- eiun oE radio frequencies ~nd the monopolization of the information and cnmmunications services by rhe large centera of economic power, particularly the transnational companies, has been denounced. The participants at these meetings will also take part in activities, incl~ding a visit to the Palace of Congreases, which is currently under construction and will be used as seat of the sixth nonalined summit next September. C50: S500 10 FOR OPFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1 ~Olt d1~F'~CIN, U5~ ONLY INT~R-A~RI~AN A~~AIIt5 BItI~~S K~NYA, TANZANIA MICRGWAV~--Fu~itau Ltd. ~nnounced Mond~y that it ha~ won rwn order~ Eor microw~v~ n~eworkg frnm Kenyx and Tanzania through C. Itoh ~ Cn~ Fi~it~u s~id the order~ werp pl~~~d by Poat~ ~nd Telecom~nuniegtions Corporationg oE the two Africgn couneri~~~ They are wor~h some 2,000 mil- lion y~n in a11 whi~h ~nverg equipment, ingtgll~Cion, mainCenance and personn~l trnining. ~Tzi;t~ (Tokyo MAINICHI DAILY N~WS in Englieh 9.~an 1~ ~ SJ CSO: 5500 ~Nb ; 11 POR OFFICIAL USE UNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020007-1