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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-R~P82-00850R000'100020004-4 2 ; ~ ~ i uf i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - ~7PR5 L/8259 2 ~ebruary 1979 r TRAP~SLATIONS GN USSR ~ESOURCES - (FOUO 3/79) U. S. JOINY PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 NOTC Jp~t5 publicaCiong cont~in information prim~rily from fnreign newspapers, periodicalg ~nd bndks, buC also from news agency Cr.c~ngmigsions and brondcases. M~terials from Eoreign-language gources ~re Cranslated; those from Cnglisfi-l~ngu~ge sources ` ~re transcribed or reprittCed, with Che original phraeing and oeher char~cCeristics reCained. Eleadlines, ediCorial reporCs, and maeerial enclosed in brackeCs are supplied by JPRS. F'rocessing indicnCors such ~s [TexCj _ or [~xcerptj in the firgt line o� e~ch iCem, or following Che last line of brief, indicaCe how Che ori.ginnl informaCion was processed. Where no procegsing indicator is givett, Che infor- m~tion was summarized or extracCed. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are - enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- - Cion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in coniext. Other unaCeribuCed parenthetical notes within the body of an iCem originaCe with the source. Times wiChin iCems~are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views ~r attitudes of the U.S. GovernmenC. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGUI.ATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCF.D HEREIN RE~UIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICLAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 I _ 1110LIbGkAF'HIC OAYA 1� Itcpo~t No, 2. Recipient'i Acceeeinn No, SNEET JPRS L/ 8259 u e ~n~ 1u ~ u c S. epo~t atc - TEUWSLATIONS ON USSit It~SOU~CE5, (FOUO 3/79) 2 Februar 1979 6. 7~ Au~hor(~) 8. per~orming Organizntion Itcpt. No. _ 9. I'crlorming Urg~niaotinn Name and Addre~e 10. Project/T~sk/Wotk Unit No. JoinC P~abllcaCions Reaearch Service 1000 North Glebe ROad ' il. Contr~ct/Gr~nt No~ Arlington, Virginia 22201 14, Sponaoring Organizuion N~me ~nd Addres~ 1~. Type o( Repocc At Petiod Coveced As ebove IS. Supplemer,tary Notes - 16~ Abscr~ct~ Thie serial report conCains information on energy, fuels and relaCed equipment; , fishing industry and marine resources; water resources, minerals, timber, and G - electric power. 17~ Key Iporda ~nd Documenc Analysis. 7a. Deicriptors USSR Natural Resources - Electric Power Energy ~nergy Conservation - F~sheries ~'uels Minerals Timber ~ '.,later Supply ~ llb. Identi(iers/Open-Ended Terms ~ _ I 17e. (:O~ATI F'ield/Group SC~ ZO~ ZID~ ZC~ $G~ ZF I6� .lvail�~b~licy ~tatement 19. Seturity Cliss (This 21. I~'o, o( Paaes F'OK OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Limited ~:umber of Reporc) 41 Coptes Av.~ilable From JPRS . ecuc~ty C ass (Thia 22. Pticc P,ae UNCLASStFtED ~'ONM N111�l: IR\V. l�)JI VlCOMM�OC t~~l7�~71 THIS FORM NAY BE REPRODUCED APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 _ i~~~>>t c~~~~~~~ ic: i ni, u;~i~, C)NLY = JPRS L/8259 _ 2 February 1979 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR RESOURCES (FOUO 3/79) ~ CONTENTS PAG~ ELECTRTC POWER AND POWER EQUIPMENT Research in Power Construction (L, I, Kudoyarov; ENERGETICHESKOYE STRpITEL~STVO~ No 9, 1978) 1 Increaeed Effectiveness of Power Cone~ruction = (G, A, Denieov~ et al.; ENERGETICHESKOYE STRpITEL~STVO~ - No 9, 1978) 6 FUELS AND RELATEL EQUIPt~NT M~in Probleme in Strengthening the Raw Material Base on the Coel Induetry F, Cherepovekiy; SOVETSKAYA GEOLOGIYA~ Nov 78) 14 _ Proepecte of the Oil- and Gas-Bearing Capacity of " Carbonate Deposita of the Siberian Platform (A, V, Ovcharenko; SOVETSKAYA GEOLOGIYA, Nov 78) 24 - a - (III - USSR - 37 FOUO] _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 l~'Uit Ol~l~'ICIN~ USE ONLY . ELECTRIC POWER AND POWER EQUIPM~IT - UDC 621.31.001.891 - RESEARCH IN POWER CONSTRUCTION ' Moacow ENERGETICHESKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Rusaiac~ No 9, 1978 pp 79-80 [Article by Candidate of Technical Sciencea L. I. Kudoyarov: "Problema of Administering Scientific Reaearch in th~ Field of Power Construction"] [Text] The decieiona of the 25th CPSU Congresa m~p out the basic directions _ of intensifying the adoption of key acientific adva~ces in the national _ economy. They include: Conversion to program-goal planning of acience, concentration of reaearch on the most promising themes, cost-accounting organization of reaearch and development, and impxovement of the syetem of ` eco~omic incentive for the aseimilation of new equipment and systeme of - wages paid to acientific personnel. - All national economy develupment depends on the country's power base, and a sector such as power construction determinea the effec~iveness of this development. . The resolution of current tasks facing power construction and the transi- tion to new directions relating to the accelerated construction of AES's ~ and the creation of maneuverable generating capacitiea in GAES's in the ' European regions, the development of a cluster GRES runaing on Ransk-Ach�.nek and Ekibastuz coal, the construction of large GES!e in Siberia, and also - the transmission of large quantitiea of electricity over great distances, - require substantial and c~mpletely new actentific studies. _ Science, as a modern production force, must be fully involved in the pro- cess of the reproduction of the power engineering base, fully responsible, morally and ma~erially, for the res~lts of ac~omplishment of assigned tasks. - Under the present syatem of planning of scientific resear~h, unfortunately, science frequently standa aloof froin the resolutton of urgent problems, and indicators of its effectiveness hardly depend at all on the successfuY accomplir~hment of assigned tasks. ~ At present, the basic shortcoming in the planning of ecientific reaearch is the financing and allocation of the wage fund based on the principle of the actual accompliahed Ipvel and the securing of the completed base. This 1 I~'UR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY ` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~ FOR UFFICIAL US~ ONLY ~ lead~ to u eituation in which the regults of previous invesCigatiune and accompliahmenta are utilized, while not enough attention is :ocused on the _ reaolution of new~ urgenC Caeke. As a reault, ecience becowes inert, pae- siv~ under conditione of changing situatione in the eector. In the author's opiaian, ti~e allocation of eppropriatione to eupport ecience = ehould reflecC long-range capital investmente in t~?e development of indi- vidual directions. In the next five-year plan, for examplefl it will be necessary to inveat basic funde in the deaelupment of nuclear~power, the creation of maneuverable capacities, the construction of large GES'e in ; regione of low temperaCures and permafroet, and the construction of super- powerful tranemisaion lines. For thie reason, it ie necessary now to fi- nance science in auch a manner as to reflecC in percentage8, at least ap- ^ proximately, the prospective distribution of capital iaveetments. Thie _ - will guarantee the concentration of scientific reaearch os~ promieing direc- tiona; it will make it poaeible to achieve a subetantial national-economy effect from i.nvestments in ecience. ~ The proper determination of pramieing linea of ecientific reaearch is a com- _ plex task. It can be resolved only on the ba8is of long-range aector , planning. At present, all sectors have development plana generally extend- ing 15 years, and development forecasts even farther into the future. Theee - must aerve as the basis for determining the neceeeaYy levels and basic direc- tions which can aerve ae the baeie of the aector's acientific development ; after a certain amount of confirmation by directive agencies. Plane of long-cange aector development can also eerve as the basis, and ineeparable _ componCut part, of the long-range plan of development of individual scien- ~ tific efforte. ~ - At preaent, for example, the key hydroengineering i~natitutea--Gidroproyekt ~ [All-Union Ordez of Lenin Planning-Survey and Scientific-Research Institute ~ imeni S. Ya. Zhuk], th~e All-Union Scientific-ILeeearc6 Inetitute of Hydro- ! _ engineering ime-~i B. Ye. Vedeneyev, and the Georgian Scientific-Research Institute of Power Engineering and Aydxoengi~neering Structures--have already w~rked oUt euch plans extending 15 yeara in the main ecientific airections. ~ They are baeed on a apecific anlaqaie of the ],o.:~-tange plan of conetruc- ~ tion of CES's up through 1990. The program oi GES cor?atruction includea about 40 long-range pro~ecta to be built in difierent areae of the country. An analyais of this program makea it poesible to determine the most promis- _ ing types of hydr~~engineering structuke8 and power equipment, to set forth specific tssks o:' a technological nature. and to formulate ehe requirements on other aectors of the national econony vith respect to supplying the . hydroengineering builders vith mc~dern equipment and mat~riale. Such long-range plan~ in acience cannot be drawa up correctly without a ~ detriled analysis of the technical level of the aubsector zs of today, with- out a comparison of the p~anned indi~stors of projects aga~nat eimilar in- dicatore taken from both Soviet and foreign scientific-technical docuaenta- tion. The accumulation of data cnaracterizing the present technical level 2 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..yM ? _ I~'OEt OI~I'ICLAL USE ONLY ~ mueC be handled by the key inaCiCutes in accordance with a unified procedure. ~'hen theee data must be submiCted Co the aubsector's head scientific- reaearch institute for ewmnarization and syatematization. At preaent there is a large number of surveys, card files, and refexence manuals whi~h fre- quently contain ~he eame informaCion but do not meke it posaible to correct- ly analyze the sector's ~echnical level. Work on unalyzing the aector's ~ technical level must go on conaCantly rather than being confined ~ust to the _ time of compil~tion of the 15- or 5-year plan, becauae the dynamics of in- - dicr~tors of the sector's technical level make it posaible to determine more graphically the feedback between pl~nning and the development of new equip- - ment and ita adoption in gractice. , ~ In this way,.having unequivocal data concerning the present technical level - _ and proceeding on the analysis of proapective power conetruction, it ia pos- - aible to determine both the thematics and the volume of neceasary acientific research. The assembly of aelected ecientific-research themes will make it poeaible to draw up a aubstantiated five-year program of scientific-reaearch work for pacl~ acientific direction. The inclusion of a theme in thie program of pro~ects for the aubsect~r muat " ' be preceded by the compilation of a TEO [Technical-Economic Subatantiation), w}?ich must include a br3ef description of the pro~ect, procedures for carry- - ing it out, an analysis of the proapects and timetables for gdopting the reaulta, and a chart of th~ technical level with indicators of patent clear- ness and the pro,ject~s economic effectivenesa. In addition, the TEO must - contain a consolidated calculation of labor outlays on completion of the pro~ect. In determiring the range of problems which must be resolved by individual institutea of the subsector, it is neceasary to take account of the scien- ~ tific profile of their specialiats. In addition, bolder use must be made of their abilitiea to resolve new tasks facing Soviet acience. In the aut5or's opinion, in the sector institutes it is most rational to set up a problem-solving atructure in wl~ich a number of specialiste of differing profile fn the institute form a collective designed to resolve a apecific urgent problem. The list of problems laboratories should be revised once every five years in order to er.hance the creative vigor of the acientiets and raise their motivation in resolving assigned taske effectively and promptly. The experience of the USSR Ministry of Electrical Equipmenf Industry and Ministry of Heavy and Transpo:t Machine Building indicates that progra~ goal planning yields the maximum effect only when combined with conversion to the new system of planning, financing, and economic incentive. At present, the USSR.Ministry of Power and Electrification's Glavniiproyekt [Mnin Administratiori of Scientific-Research and Planning Organizations) is ~ ~~ctively preparin~ to convert scientific-research, planning-deaign, and ~ technological organizatiana to the new conditions of planning and economic incentive. 3 FOk QFFICIAL USE ONLY _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~�oR nrricint. us~ ornY - IC muat be admitted that Che lack of aeriality and thc long eime it takea Co build unique pow~ar fr~cilities make it impoasib~.e to make full use of the experience of a~iopting the new sygtem in organizatione of the Ministry ~ of El~ctrical Equip~nent Induatry and the MiniaCry of Power Machine Eui'ldin~. 4 But a number of valuable recomnendations worked outgaministraCionfin Chesee and generalizaCion oF the experience of scientif ic ministries ahould be studied comprehenaively and utilized. M The fundamental principles governing the wark under conditione of the new = system are: Integral planning of the whole cycle of pro~ects, financing of them from a unif.ied acientific and technical development fund, and making incentives for c~llectives of inst~.tutea and each scientific worker depen- dent on th~ naCional economy effect gained by the adoption. To ensure unified principles of planning at all stages of developmenC and udoption of nec~~ equipment it ia neceasary to convert from the present sys- tem of them~tic planning to Che order plan. The order plan for NIOPKR _ - [Scientific-Reaearch and E~cperimental-Deaign Work] is not ~uet a document specifying the makeup, timetables, and volume of work to be completed but _ also an indispensable part of the institu~ion and designates theeob~ect ofan ~ - obligatorily stipulates the stage of adop adoption, the source of financing, and the economic effect of NIOPKR. , Depending on the volume of outlays, the order plan muat be approved by the ~ ministry management or the main adn~iniatration involved in the adoption. _ The distribution of pro~ects anwng the coexecutor organizationa musC not be made at random, at the whim ~f the client, but centrally via the scientific-~research institute designated as the head inatitute far the par- - ticular pro~ect or miasion. The order muat be renewed periodically for the head institutes, and ita implementation muat be monitored closely. Of even greater imporxance is the centralization of funds in the head ~ organization when carrying out pxo~ects within the framework of vital scientific-technical problems. To this day a number of. institutes are atill dealing with petty themes. This is happening not only as a consequence of the variety of sourcea of finaecing but also because of the poorly-considered fragmentation of scientif ic directicnality in the activities of sector institutes, substantial duplicaticm in their efforts, and poor ministry control over the inclusion of aector inatitutes in adjacent scientific- , technical programs. ~ Conversion to the new syatem of onomicnconsiderationseinntheiunified science- to strengthen the role of the ec planning-production chain. In the first,link of thia chain it ie necessary to etrengthen the connection between wages paid to acientific pereoanel and the r~uccess rate of their labors. 4 FOR OFl'1CIAL USE ONLY; APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY One meaeure of the success raee of ecientific-reaearch work should be the extenC Co which its reco~?mendationa are adopted in the practice of power ~ ' conatruction and the technical-economic effect gained as a result. "Adop- - [ion" ahould mean the uae of the resulCa of acientific~research work in conatruction pro~ecta, in approved technical doaumentation, noriaative- _ procedural documenta, and certificates of suthorehip. , An obligatory condition on enhancing the efforta of science pereonnel ahould = be a competitive aystem carried out on the baeis of Che results of comple- tion of five-year plana, and the main criterion should be the economic ef- ~ fecei.veness of rhe work done and the reaulta of adoption. , _ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Energiya", "Energeticheskoye atroitel'stvo", 1978 - 6854 , CSO: 1822 � ~ 5 FO?t i~r'rICIAf. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~ FOR U~'i'ICIAL U5~ ONLY ELFCTRIC POWER AND P~WER EQUIPMEN'r , UDC 621.31.001.891 INCREASID ErFECTIVENESS OF POWER CONSTRUCTION - Moscow ENERGETICHFSKOYE STROITEL'STVO in Russian No 9, 1978 PP ~6'~$ [Articlc by G. A. Denisov, Ye. A. Ge2'man, and Ya. F. Sokolov, engineers: "Introduction of New Ec~uipment--A Way to Raise the Effectiveness of Power Conatruction"] [TextJ At the 25th CPSU ~ngin8etaborc~roductivityein thenconstructioneof ed the ~ob of subetantially rais g P _ power facilities--kilowgtt ofdinetalled capacityfandiPerrkilometer8ofein- - labor outlays per stal].ed power transmission lines. ~ The re~tuction of apecific labor outlays sh~uconstructionliunit caPacitiesly ' ~ increaging capacities of power plants unde of power equipment (boilers, turbines, reactora, transformers, and so on), ~ and layout designs of power plan~rs in order to shorten utility linea~lock duce Che number of aeparate buildinga in the power plaat complex by _ ' construction, and so on, improving the 8toi~anizationigandfadministration introducing new and advanced technology, 8 tn the constructuresgof buildingsiand fgcilitiescofintain~anddauxiliary power nological. etruct equipment. Malyefs shows that in the next few years ona of the main ways to booat labor productivechnolo efinCCOnstructionpandrins allation work hile~simul- duce advanced t SY taneously improving structural technological effectiveness. T1ie d~velopment and introduction of new technology should be accomplished _ through the use of: advanced integrated technological proceases, scmet3mes requiring changes in _ facility design; - highly-productive mechanisma deaeloped by Soviet industry; 6 . , F~K ~FFICIAL USE ONLY , - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 , , 1~UH Ul~r7C;TAL i15C ONLY - apeci~l machinery for power conaCruction developed and ma*~ufactured by - organizaCiona und plants of Che USSR Minietry of Power ~nd Electrification - - , and Soviet Induatry; new building maCerials. It should be noCed that in thia regard the Miniatry of Powar and Electrifica- tion has done considerable work. For example, in capital construction from - 1974 through 1978 in accordance with approved plans financed from central - funds for the development of new equipment, 339 items yieldir,g a total eco- ~ , nomic effect of 225 million rubles wer~ introduced, compared with total outlays of 52.9 million rubles on research and development. The introduction of new equipment in leading construction and insta~laCion - organization+s of the Ministry of Power and Electrification has substantially reduced the cost and shortened the construction timeCable of facilities while aimulCaneously ~educin~ labor outlays. The introduction of new struc- tural componenta and technologies of building pile foundations in the con- _ - struction of the Kam~ Motor Vehicle Plant made it possible to shorten the zero cycle by 1.5 yeara and reduce labor outlays by 500,000 man-days. The extenaive use of the new technology in pouring concrete mix in the build- ing of the dams of t~e Cherkeya and Toktogul' GES~s tripled labor productiv- ity in concrete work. Gidroproyekt [All-~nion Order of Lenin Pro~ ect-Survey and Scientific-Research Institute imeni S. Ya. Zhuk] developed floating foundations for crosRing - aupports of 330-~Ci1~~rolt power lines; these foundations were installed in 2977 in the construction of the Zaporozh'ye GRES--Nikopol' Power Line across - the Kakhovskoye Reservoir. The economic effect from the adoption of the new � worka method, comp:~red with the pro~ect plan variant of building around the - resesvoir, came to more than eight million rubles. _ Orgenergostroy [All-Union Institute for the Pro~ect Planning and Organiza- _ tion of Power Construction] developed, and the Kuybyshev Elektroshchit Plant started the series production of, KTPB [expansion unknown]. In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, 2,279 35 to 110-kilovolt subs~tation sets were produced,. _ making it possible to save 16,500 tone of inetal and 8,500 cubic meters of cement; labor,outlays were reduced by 292,000 man-days. The total ~conomic effect over the five years came to about 31 million rubles. � The Minis~ry of Power and Electrification plans the development and intro- ~ duction of new equipment centrally in ca�pital construction. For this pur- pose, ~ew equipment glans are approve3 every year, one of which calls for cnnstruction industry enterprises and machine building plants Co start the - production of new items, while the other calls for new tpchnology in the ' implementation of construction-installation work. Both plans are f inanced by centralized deductions:from construction-installation organizations and _ ministry enterprises. 7 - I'Oit ~FFT.CIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 , ~ ~ roii c~rrcc;iai. u~;~ oNi.,Y In addition, every year the ministry isaues ~n Order increasing labor produrtivity, which stipulatee the basic meaeures involved in introducing _ new equipment und manufacturing new machinery and componenCa in the minis- _ rry's enterprises. ~ This system of planning has a number of drawbacks wh3ch impalr the effective- _ neas of introducing new equipment in capital coneCruction. The plans cgll only for the devslopment and assimilation of new Cechnologies and components - by construction-installation organizat~ona. They do not include, plana for i - the manufacture of the n~cessary experimental models of machin~ry, gear, and components neceasary for this. Becaus? most of the construction trusts _ do not have sufficiently powerful and well-equipped machine plants or an adequate system of component acquiaition, the development of experimental - modela either draga on for years or is never completed. In this way, a large number of uncompleted although generally effective solutions are ac- _ cumulated. This ia the basic reason for failure to further.develop certain effective solutions (auch ae~ for example, automatic welding of technological piping and components, cement and mortar storage facilities that can be set � up rapidly, and new, economical metal forms), block-built eubstationa that can be set up ra~idly are not being introduced at a fast enough pace, and so on. Yet conaiderable funda hav~ been spent on their development. Another defect in Che present syatem of adopting new equipment is the ab- sence of adequate, highly-qualified appraisal to determine the effectiveness - of new equipment designs proposed by the institutes. For this reason, 25 to 30 percent of tha measurea on new equipment for capital construction _ adoptea by way of experiment from 1973 ;�hra~gh 1977 failed to yield th~ , ~ desfred effect and, for tHia reason, cannot be reco~ended for extensive adoption in the ~iniatry's conatruction projecte. A number of experimental models of inechanisms necessary for the adoption of ' . new equipment are not being manufactured on time, which in the 14ng-run leads _ - to delays in the experimental adoption of certain advanced means and methods of organizing the work in power conetruction. A number of oth~r experimental - models of components and machinery developed ~nd manufactnred in accordance ~ with the plan of assimilation of new equipment of the ministry's industry ' have not been accepted for series manufacture because of inadequate analysis of effectiveness. The use of concrete based on lightweight claydite or aggloporite fillers far power line supportB makes it posaible to reduce their mass by 20 percent. Investigation and experimental work on the adoption of such supporta have been underway in GruzNIIEGS [Georgian Scientific-Research I~stitute of Power . Engineering~and Hydro-Engineering Structures] sinCe 1975, with the corres- - ponding~material outlays. But these supports have not yet become widespread in use. ~ It must be pointed out, moreover, that the system of material incentive for the adopt~~n of new equipment has not been organized properly. This is indicated by the fact that only about 20 percent of the items included in 8 ~ FOR Or'FTLIAL USE 0?YLY ~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 rox ox~~~ict~u. usc: oNr,Y the new r.quipmenC d~velopment plnn~ i.n capital con~truction ~re includ~d in b~iw~ order~, Ho thnt in~ufficlent u~e i~ being ma~f~ of the central bonu~ fund Cor tlie c~e~imilution oE new equipm~ne in the mini~try. Ttie ministry hae failed tn nrrnnge g eygeem nf extpneiv~ us~ of th~e mn~t eEfective posgible npplic~tfon~ with reggrd to new t~ehttologie~ of ' Con~truction-in~tnllation work arid gcientiFic and technological advanCes ~lrea~~y as~imilated by oeher minietrieg and departmenCa. . ~or example~ the inaCieutes of the Ministry of Power and ElecCrific~Cinn are working on several deeigns for the wQlding of nott-rnCating large-di~meeer - type ~ointe, but Che experience of the Minietry o~ Construction of Petroleum end Gna Industry eneerpriees is not being veilized sufficiently. Insuffi- cient use ie being made of. the experience of the congCruction minieCries wiCti regard ta the adoption of ductlesa heaeing syateme. According to egtimatea by ministry organizatinng, the annual reduction in the coet of congtruction of power facilities ehrough the adoption of new - technologies ~ust according to the plan financed from the central fund ~hould amount to at least 100 to 120 million rublea. In practice, however, the annual reduction.amounta to a considerably emaller eum. Therefore, , substantiel imprnvementa are required in Che planning and organization of ' the adoption of new equipment in power facilities. In order to eliminate Chese defecte and to make more effective use of cen- tral funds in capital construction and ~.ndustrial activities, the Main Production-TechniGal Adminiatration for Construction and Orgenergoatroy have - drawn up proposal8 calling for the development of a unified eystem of plan- ning applications and the adoption of advanced technnlogiea in construction- inetallation work, new machinery and equipment, and component items. They call for the formulation of a unified plan with the following sectione: development and assimilation of new equipment in capital construction; development and aseimilation of new equipment in industry enterpriaea; mnnufc~cture of experimental models of new equipment; payment of bonusea for the adoption of new equi~ment. For the plan section financed from the central fund for new equipment in r,~pital construction. the following are being worked out and adopted: te~�l~n~logies of conatruction-installation work and experimental models of effective construction components; - technologies and gear for the installation of prototypes of equipment; 9 _ FoR aF~rctni. us~ o;vt.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 1'f)It Ul~ I~ f AL U5~ nNLY . experimental con~onents for a number of pnw~r facilitiee; non-aeriee and non~gt~ndgrd roachinery, equipm~nt, and gear relating to ehe - new tecl~nology for eCructural de~ignn of power facility ~tructureg; ~ ~truceureg df pgcka~~-unit and eegeionary buildings for con~truetion basee and permanent baeeg fnr conetruction indu~try trugts; - layoue gnd str~zt~~i n gndiadministxation1ofnc natruction~~includingVASUpg. . ` formm of organ In accordence with chat section winthareldevelopedeandradoptedcentral indue- ~ trial ~ctivities fund, the follo ,q experimentel models of mgchinery~ equipment, gnd gear intended for series manufacture; � instr~u~nental gear and technological procesaes oF its manufacture; - irprovemente in the technolAgy of item production; prototypes of st~ndard automatic linea, a18o nea and adv~nced forms of - organization and adminiatration of production, i.ncluding ASU'a; normative documents and estimate calculations of prime cnst of manufactur- ing new itema. Work completion by all sectiona of the plan is monitored every yeer, and - timetablee are coordinated as follows. If the development of an advance technology in construction requirea the development of new machinery or the modernization of previoua items pro- duced by induatry, the section of the plan dealing with the assimilation of new equipment includes the appropriate itema with reapect to the devel- ~ opment of such machines. Converaely, the development and asaimilation of the production of new conetruction machinery or components are incorporated in thc plan if it is po9sible to make extenaive use of them on projects under construction. The section "Aasimilat~on of New Equipment in Capital Construction" includes the appropriate itema vith reapect to the experi- mental adoption of neW modele of construction m~chinery and new componenta in construction. Both aectiona indicate the development, manufacture, and adnption timecables. Experience hae ahovn that vhen an experimental model of a new item of equip- ment ie manufactured at one plant While the e~cperf.mental batch or series of the eame item ~s manufactured at another, the time neceaeary to introduce tiie new unit is extended by at lesat one to two years. This circumstaace must be taken i~to acco~t in the planning of the manufacture of ne~+ machinery. equipment. and compoaents. The proposed object of their adoption 10 PO~: Ot~'1~'LCIAL US~ OI~'LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ; ~Ott c1~~~r.tnL Us~ dNLY (conatruction pro~ect, ~ent~rpri~e) must be decided on two year~ before the item ie r~ali~~d. Veri~icution of ehe workgbility and reliability of gesemblipe uf machinery, equipment, gnd componenCe nr eechttological pro- _ c~~~eg which require addiCiongl imesCigation prior eu b~$inning the mgnu- factur~ nf th~ exp~riment~l mod~l~ dr th~ ~xperl.ment~l e~gting~of ehe tech-- nology, ~re al~d tak~~ intd ~ccount in ehe p1~n~~ The m~chinery, equipment, ~nd componentn gre to be te~~ted at the Kuybyehev Experimental-Tegting PlanC, the Solne~hnogorsk Scientific-~xperimental Complex of nrgenprgoeCroy~ or other ~xperimental bna~g of the ministry, and are coordingted with the Cime- tables for ehe produ~tion of experimental mddelg. Specification~ dn ~ompo- n~nt partg ~nd m~t~ri.~ls for the manufa~ture di the experiment~l model, also the mgnufacture of an experimental 3atch of ieems, are to be submitted to Glavenergokomplekt (Main Admi.nistration for ehe Supplying of Complete Sets t of Power ~quipmenr to Pow~r platttg, 5ubstaeiong, and N~tworkej and Glgvengb (Main Admini~tration of Mat~rial-T~chnical Supply] by Chp general pro~ect planner nnt l~ter thgn 1 April of the ye~r preceding the planned year. In the authdr's opittinn, it aould be advisable to set up a special earmarked material~reaource fund in the USSR Ministry of Power and LlectrificaCion'g _ ' Glavenab end Glaven~rgnkomplekt which could ar any time allocaCe mgterialg ~ gnd component parts for the manufactur~ and introducrion of new equipment. It ~hould be pointed out that theae purposee Would require not more Chan two ` co Chree percent of the total volume of funds allocated to the ministry for ~ capital construction, and for thie reaeon the propoeal ie quite feaeible. - This will make it poeaible to regolve more efficiently problems involved in the adoption and assimilation of nev eq~ipment (at preaent, materials, com- ponent parts, and equipment for the manufacture of experimental modele of nes,r equipment are allocated from th~ funds of the client main edministra- tiona). � For more efficient p~anning of the adoptian of new equipment, it ia ad- ~ visable to have compoaite and local plana. The composite coordinated plan for the five-year period (see chart), drawn up on the basis of orders of conatruction-inetallation organizatione and inetitutes, ig approved by the ~ ministry's management. On the basis of this plan, the client main adminis- trationa draW up tWO-year local plang. The compogi~e pldn t~umt be spprov~ed _ in the third q~arter of ehe year preceding the planned year, While the - local plana are to be drawn up in the fourth quarter. ~ The job of coordinating the work of formulating composite plane and sub- mitting them to GPTU5 (Main Production-Tectm ical Adminietration for Con- atruction) should be asaigned to Orgenergoatroy, Which is reaponeible for: organizing the collection of orders on item formulation; preparing plans of development and assimilation of new equipment; organizing the conducting of appraisal8 and conclusiona concerning the advisability dnd effectivencss of itema to be implemented in accordance With capital conetruccion snd industry plana; 11 FOR Ut~FIGIAL U5~ OiYLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OIt C~~'ICIAL US~ ONLY ' Order~ af construcCion and installc~cion truet~ ~ Orderg of inetitute~ Orderg of con~truction ~nd gubuctita of t~iinierry ~ gnd inetallaCion mai~n of Pnwpr and Electrifica- gdminigtretiang ~ tion ~ ~ Coneult~tion on ~evp.ral I~ormulation of compo~ite ; item~ with GPTUS plan in OrgenergoeCroy ~ ' Bxaminntion of composite plnn by commiseion of Minietry of Power and Electrification _ ~ ~xamination of composite plan by CPTUS an~l approval . by management of ~lini8try - of Power and Llectritica- ~ ~ tion + ~ ~ ~ormulation of tWO- Formulation of two-year Formulation of two- year plan for the plane by client main ad- year plana by in- manufacture of exp~eYi- �miniatrations for the aCitutes and aub- mental modela manufacture of experi- unit~ for the draft- - men~al models ing of pro~ect - documentation ? + ~ , Iaeuance of plane to Issuance Iaeuance of manufacturing plants of orders targeta for ? , for the acientific- Adoption of nev manufac- research equipaient tutce of aork experi- mental models 5tructure of Formulation of Compoaite Plan for NeW Bquip~nt annlyzing the effectivenesa of the adoption of ne~+ equipment by completed pro,iects (tc~ms); worktnR out specifi~c proposals for the extensive disaemination of advanced ~ experience on other conscruction pro~ects. 12 FOK 0~'FI~:IAL U5E O:~LY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 1~0[t c)1~1~'IC;t.AL i15L ~NLY 'Tt~e ndWigubiliey of includ.tng iteme (cnpital construc:tion an~ induetry) in the ptnn t'or new equipment mu~t be determined by n~pecinl commieeiom m~de up ~f npprc~pric~te repre~entntiveg of in~titutes, to be designaCed by Che - mini~Cry'd man~gement. The rnpid r~soluCion of a11 orgnnixntional problema dea1C with ir_ this ' urticle will make it pogsible ro gubatantially reduce the amount of time from Che beginning of pro~ect plgnning through to the adoption of new equip- _ ment in power congtruction. COPYItIGKT: .Tzdgtel'gtvo "Energiya", "~nergeCichpskoye stroitpl'stvo", 1978 - 6~54 CSO: 1822 [ 13 I~OR 0}~~ICI/1L U5E ~NI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 , i ~~n~t c~~rtc:rrt~, �~SE ONLY I~U~LS AND 1t~LAT~D ~QUXpM~NT . UDC 553.94.001.12 MAIN PROBLIINS IN STRENGTHENING TNE RAW MATERIAL BASE OF THE COAL INDUSTRY Moscow SOVETSKAYA G~OLOGIYA iri RuBaian No 11, Nov 78 pp 14-21 , - (Article by V. F. Cherepovskiy, Ministry of Geoloqy of tha USSR] [Textj A great deal of attentio!~ was devoted in "Main trends of development of the national economy of the USSR for 1976-1980" to strengtheninq and expanding the fuel-energy base of the country. The structure of the fuel- - enerqy balance must be improved and various types of fuel must be effioiently combined for this (coal, shales, water power and atomic energy must be used , more widely along with oil and qae). Further developmerit of o~her branches ; of industry, agriculture and transport depends on auccessful solution of this _ moat important problem. . Coal production should be increased to 790-810 million tona in 1980 compared _ to 700 million tons in 1975 and prospecting for cokinq and energy coal fields must be intensified, espeaially in the ~iropean USSR. Open-pit aoal mininq in the eastern reqions of the country should be extenaively orqanized durinq ' the lOth Five-Year Plan and durinq aubsequent years~. It is planned ta acce- lerate development of the Southern Yakutak coal region and to orqanize opera- tions for accelerated development of the Kanak-Achinsk Fuel-F.hergy Complex an~ ~ore complete development of the Ekibastuz Basin to siqnificantly in- crease the fuel-energy resources in the future, along with development of existing coal basina the Donets, Kuznetsk, Karaqanda, Pachora and others. In this regard a larqe volume of productfon and scientific research work muat be carried out, directed primarily taward strenqthening the mineral- raw material base of the USSR and toward further improv~ment of the methods - of prospecting to increase the efficiency of qeoloqical prospectinq work for coal. T't?e reserve of proven fields created in all coal basins and coal-bearinq reqions of the country and of sections for construction of new coal enter- priaes in total ensure the developa?ent of the coal industry planned for the lOth and futnre five-year plans. At the same time one cannot but take into account that the grawth rates of coal mining durinq subsequent years will increase even more with expansion of the sphere of its use.. This determines 14 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 I ~ ~Uit O~FICIAL US~ ONLY the need for acc~leratied construction of new a~>al enterprises in proven areas, the number of which canno~ meet the demanda of developing indus~ry in mos~ basina, according to preliminary calCUlatiiona. The moot significant gap between the need for coal and tha poeaibility of increeaing mining of it is axpected in the Europer~n USSR t?nc1 tha~ for coking coai is expected in o~her - basine. in thie regard it wae planned to prepare a r~serve of proven sec- tions in 1976-1.980 for to~al capacity of 254 million tons, inaluding 55.3 mi;llion tons~o� cokinq caal, and to confirm the amount of 13.6 billion tons of coal in the GKZ (State Comdniasion on Min~r~l Reeources~ of ~ the USSR. _ Yt should be noted that not enouqh was done durinq the firat 2 yeArs of the current five-year plan due to irregular diatribution of confirmed res~srves and due to an increase of proven capacities by yeare for the period 1976- - 1980. Therefore, fulfillment of the geological tasks in coal is the main requi.rement for the cloaing years of the five-year plan. - Nigh ratea of geoloqical proapectinq operations are being maintained i1i the - ~oneta Aasin durinq the lOth FiWe-Year Plan. Yt is planned to complete ex- plorations for cokinq coal in the outlying reqiona (the Southern Donbass), where new induatirial aections have already been determined. Work in the eastern regions of the basin must be continued, where new promiainq areas with high-qualfty anthracitea have been established during the past few years, whicfi will make it possible to aignificantly expand the raw material base of this scarce fuel and also to intensify exploration and prospecting for cokinq coal at deep horizons. It is planned to prepare aectiona with a total sheft capacity o� more than 40 million tons. Detailecl proapecting of the larqe Usinsk field of inetabituminous coal for construction of minea with a total capacity of 9 million tons ie being campleted in the Pechora Basin. Study of ooal-bearing deposits on the northeastern edqe of the basfn must be continued here with reqard to the extremely limited possibilities of developing the mininq of. ~okinq and lean aqglomeration coal in the European USSR. Specifically, the prospects of the deep horizons of the Verkhne-Syr'yaqin field of cokittg coal far more cea~plete geoloqical-economic analysis of it should be refined and explorations for highly metamorphisized coal in reqio~s adjacent to the Arctic Urals shoulci also be carried out. Exploration of an area to a depth of 1,200 m containinq coal suitable for coking is feasible in the Vorqa-Shor-Uainsk strip. Moreover, geoloqical-comnercial analysis of the qaseous coal reserves of the Pechora - aeries in the reqion of the Uainak meqasyecline must be carried out durinq - the next few yearg. Deapite its high ash content, this coal is distinquished by hiqh heat of combustion (~r of 23,000-25,000 kJ/kg) and can be widely ~ used in power engineerinq. The posaibilities of increasinq coal mininq have been essentially exhausted in the Moscow Basin. Ffelds with coal sean~s of reduced sulfur content lying at depths up to 150 m have been mainly depleted. Preparation of those sec- tions in which the quality of coal and mining-qeoloqical conditions will be 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OEt U~~ICYAL U5~ ONLY similar to exploitiable conditiions ig required ~o maintain the level of mining achieved (approximately 35 million tons). Construction of de~per mines due to law-quality coal au~d small size veing is not yet feaeible. - Z'he coal reserve8 in other well-known basin9 0~ the Europeun part of the counl:ry Dneprovsk, L'vo~v-Volyn' and in the Qrals are also limited. Only the no*-thern regions, where Lower Cart~onifesvus, Permiah and partiaily Jurassic depoeits, atill studiecl extremely weakly, are c~.~valoped, are apparentily more promieing for c~~termining new payable coal-bearinq areas. : Further study of Juraesic coal-bearing sedimenta is planned on the eastern edqe of tt?e Urals, but eatablishment of a sharp subeidence of them taward the West Siberian lawland limits the posaibility of detenaining fielcls for strip mining. The moat promising for meeting the neeas of the Urals for energy fuei, excep~ tt~e Elcibastuz field, ara the fielde of the Turgay easin in Kazakhstan. It ie planned to complete s~udy of fi~lda, eoonomically more favorable for ~evelopn~ent, in these regions durfng the currenti five-year plan. � The most rapid solution of the prablem of deep concentration and commercial use of high-aeh ooal is of importarit eignifiCance to increa8e the reserves of the coking ooal of the Keraganc]a Basin. i it ie planned to increase coal mininq from 130 to 160 million tons throuqhout the Kuznetsk Basin during the lOth Five-Year P1an� Z'!~e plan pr,ovidea for ~ an incret?se in the volumes of the qeological prospectinq work n~ainly to study reqiona praniainq to detern?ine acarce reeezves o~ cokiaq coal. The ~ moat interestinq in this reqard ia the aouthcasterr? pas~ of the basin,'where , a;ide distribution of coking and lean cakinq.coal is asataaed among the thick , - veins of the Upper Balakhon Fonmtion, lyinq at depths from 300 to 1,000 m. Overlapped by rodc of the Kuznetsk anc~ younqer formations� they are ~erY promisinq for detenaination of aiqnificant resourcee of acarce ookinq coal� ~ The coal of the Lower Halakhon Fonaation on the southweatern edqe cf the _ basin (the Berezovo lield) also taeri~ attention. It is pldnned to coatinue operations durirtq the lOth Fiva-Year Plan to develop a reserve of lsrqe sections with metabitwninous cokinq coal and to detes-mine and pro^pect for new fields for atrip mininq. It is planned to prepare aections for con- struction of mininq enterprisea with a capacity of 49 millfon tons in the Kuzbass, which will provide siqnificar~t develapment of coal in this basin ~ with reqard to the existiaq reaervea of prepared aections. Geoloql~cal prospectinq work in this direction aith regard to the planned gra,+th of coal mininq rates ahould be intensified in the K~ansk-Achinsk and Irkutsk basins of Eastern Siberfa, depsite the siqnificant reserve of pxoven . fields for strip mining. Exploration of new fields for strip mining under fav~rable geoqraphic vonditioas ar~d also more careful atudy of the quality of coal auzd the accconpar~yinq minerals are acoomplishe8 for these purposes. The resources and technological properties of cakinq voal of Sayano- Partizar~akiy Rayon of Che Kanek-Achinsk Basin must be more depandably ana- lyzed. " 16 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OIt OF~TCIAL U5~ ONLY Eapecially in~portant attention should ~e devotiad tio l.nveatigations on the aompl~x uae of minerals: refining of hydrogene~us coe[~, the use of waate gases in tihe ~hemical industry, liquid fuel produo~3on technology and so on. A nwnber o~ timely problen~ on expanaion of the mineral-raw material resources of ~he Arctic regions of 3iberia and tihe Far East is advanced by construation of the 9aykal-Aniur Mainline Reilroad. ane of ~he firat large obje~~e planned ' gor indu~triai development in the BAM region ia the Sou~harn Yakutek Basin. T}ie nead for i~a high-quali~y cc+king coa?1 is high. Fulfillment of the plan - _ on ar~ increaee of the proven reaerves in the Sout~:drn Yakutsk Basin is re- lated to qrea?ti difficulties due to the law coal density and unexposed coal- ~ bearinq content. Sn this regard a aigni�icant inorease in the volua?es of - geo],ogicel proepactiing w~ork to refine the proapec~s of the basin and to _ determine large fielda in Aldano-Chul'mar~akiy and other rayone, more accea- aible for development,.is provided here in thia r~gard. New sections for mining enterprises with a to~al capacity of 6 million tona will be axplored during the five-year plan. A tenae aituation with fuel resources has developed in the southern regions of the Far East with regard to depl~etion of the Raychikhinskoye liqnite field the main supplier of energy coal. The hydrogenous coal proven during � the past faw years in Amurakaya Oblast (Svobodnoye and Sergeyevakoye _ fields for strip mininq) have both lawer economic and qualitntive indicatore compared to tihe Raychikhinakoye field. Z'herefore, continuaCion of wide exploration far new coal fields in Amurskaya Oi~last and 1Qiabarovakiy and Primorskiy krnya remains one of the main tasks of qeoloqistg durinq the � lOth Five-Year Plan. Special attention ahould also be devoted in this case to regions ad~acerit to the BAM which have still been little atudied geologi- - cally. We note that the promiainq Lfanskoye coal field, exploration of which - is planned for completion prior to 1980, has already been discovered in l~abarovskiy Kray imnediately near the BAM route. There are esaentially no adequate reserves of proven fields for developme�t of mininq on Sakhalin. Almost all the fields developed here are distinguished by a eomplex qeoloc,~ical atructure and mining of them is related to high ~ material expenditures. Moreover, one of the larqest fielda of high-quality enerqy coal on Southern Sakhalin Gornozavodskoye (Nevel'skoye) has b~en underexplored up to the present time and hgs not been prepared for desiqn of a larger mininq enterprise. Complete explaration of this field will significantly inq~rove the fuel-energy base of Sakhalinskaya Oblast. Alonq with complete exploration of the indut;trially developed fields of SaWlalin, it is f~asible durfng the next few yeara to beqin exploration of adjacent well-known coal-bearing areas to create a reserve for construc- tion of new modern ~mining enterprises. The forecasted estimate of coal reserves in the USSR, made in 1968, indicates the comparatively limited possibilities of sharp expansion of the coal- bearing areas with cokinq coal in exploited basfna. T'he problem of intensi- fying qeoloqical prospectinq in scientific research work to study new basins ~ 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~o~ o~rtct~. usL ornY promiging for determinatiion of larqe tieclinological coal fields, especially scarce coal cokinq and lean calcing, is pr~eaent in this regard. The exis~ _ - ting need of incluntry for theae types of coal during the next few years end primarily tio support the ~uropean part of the coun~ry cannot be eati~�ied withouC creatiion of new raw material bases. One may conclude on the basis of the completed investigations that de~ermina- tion of large reserves of cokittg coal ia possible only i.n the northern basins of the country, o� which the most promiaing ie the Taymyr, loaated in the immedia~e vicinity of the Northern Sea Route. The Pyasinakoye field located : in the lawer courae of the Pyagina River, navigable for ocean-going ahips, should primarily bo stu8ied hare. 'rhe predicted reserves of primarily - coking and lean caking coal only to a depth of 600 m coa~prisa more than 1 billion tone, and throughout ~t?e weatern part of the basin as a whole tlney comprise 5 billion tons. Additional investiqations of LOPZ (Leningrad Oblast Pedaqogical Institute~ of the USSR A,cademy of Sciences t+nd o� IGI [institute .,f Mineral Fuels] of the Ministiry of the Coal Industry of the _ USSR, carried out in 1974-1976, confina the presence of coking coal here. It is feasible for the Krasnoyarsk Geological Administration to provide drilling of two-three lines of boreholea in ~he Pyasinekoye field durinq the current five-year pl~un in order to obtain dependable data on the quality of the coal an~ of its proapects. Exploration to determine coking coale aind estimates of them in the Tungues, Lena and Zyxyanak basins should also be continued. It is planned to expand work to analyze the resources of fuel shAlea, etudy cf which was reetricted for a long time only to industrially developed ~ regions of the Baltic area, aith reqard to the enoxmous aignificance of all types of fuel for development of the national economy oE the country. The main task of these investiqations shoulc] be to determine the posaibility of revealinq large fields of fuel ahales in shale-bearing formations of the Phanerozoic on the territory of the country. A large complex of scientific research work for further improv+sn~ent of the methods of study, search and exploration of fields to increase their effi- ciency and quality and also to increase the dependability of data must be carried uut for aucceeaful fullillment of the decisions of the 25th CPSU Conqreas. Attention must be concentrated in th~ following main directions in the _ fiela~of science. Development of the fundamentals of this atudy, which is the theoretical foundation of a complex of search and prospectinq for solid fuel minerals, should be continued in the field of study of coal-bearinq formations. All staqes ~f geoloqical atudy, search, exploration and exploitatioan of coal basins and fields should be bnsed on concepts o! caal bearinq formations. The main task of study of the latter in qeneral forn~ia to determine and 18 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 . F'Olt n~~tCIAL USL bNLY ~ ~ refine the regularitiies of location, condi~ions of formation, ~he history o~ development and a11 aulysequent changea. '_'his problem can be formulatied . more concx$~ely as de~ermination of ~he conditions o~ �ormation and variation of coal seams, ~heir paragenesis with countiry rock and to determine ~ha - principlee o� arrangement in space and time. Understanding these principlee makee it poseible to prediat the coal-bearing content, the behavior of the coal seams and variation o� the properties af coal on a sound basis in genetically ~ifferent types of coal-bearing �orma~ions. inveatigations must be cont3nued to improve the methode of lithological-facial and forma- tion analyeis, methods of s~udyinq the atructures of fields, conditiona of forniatian and transformation of orqanic matter, phyair,al, chemical and _ technoloqical methoda of investigatir~g coal and fuel shales and more atten-- tion should be devote8 to workinq out the genetic and g~~logical-induatrial clauasification of eolid fuel minerals and to eg~abliahing the regularity caf arrangement of pe~t, coal eu~d fuel shale fields. There are important advances in inveatigation of the coal-bearing formstiona in the USSRs the main principlea of their structure and conditions of formn- - tion have been established and the real composition end quality of coal of the main basins has been atudied in general form by methods of coal petro- _ graphy and coal chemistryt the reqularity of the mar:ifestation of regional coal metamorphism and the epiqenesis of country rock have been eatabliahed - with high reliability and the principles of development of folding and - faults and the forms of manifestatf.on of magnatism, clearly zonal in nature, hnve been studiedi severAl schemes for classification of coal-bettring depo- ~ � aiS:s, basins arid fields have been proposed and the fundamentals of genetic classification of coal-bearing formations by a complex of genetically re- � lated features have been worked out. - � The achievements of Soviet coal geology made it possible to lay the scienti- ~ fic bases for complex formation analyais of coal-bearing masaes in which the paraqenetic relationships between the main genetic features of coal-~bearing formations are used: thickneas, phase composition, evenness, coal-bearinq _ content, the metamorphism of coal and the epiqenesis of country rock, tecto- nics and magmatiam. Takinq into account and using the variations of these features are the basis for developing methoda of explorati~n and scientifi- cally based prediction o� the coal-bearinq nature both by area and by depth. The term "faxmation" is underatood in most cases abroad as formation, series and other stratigraphic subdivisions and does not include the concept of formations as regularly structured geoloqical bodies, accepted by most soviet coal geoloqiats. However, there are still many debatable and unresolved questions in all _ fields of coal qeoloqy. Specifically, there is no ~enerally accepted dPfinition of the concept "coal-bearing formatfon." The phase composition of coal-bearinq deposits is frequently determined eubjectively and contra- dictori ly due to the absence of a qenerally accepted method of lithological- , . phase analysisj much h~s not yet been tied together in the understanding of evenness (cyclicity) of coal-bearing masses and in establishing the quanti- tative relationships of it to coal-bearing content, which plays a primary - 19 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 FOR O~~tCIAL U5~ ONLY ro1Q in predic~ing ~he lattar. Some problems of tihe phenomenon of co~l meeamorphiem, ~ho role of one or another factors ~preseure, time and so on) are unclear. All these and other unresolved proble~ms in t,he field of coal , qeology require further, more oxtensive study. ' tnv~e3tiqations to d~termine the optiimum density of the exPloration network in epecific qefllogical-industrial regions of the mai.n basins of the U5SR - ahould be intenaified in the field of aearch and exploration methods. MariY problems in the field of exglora~ion mf coal fields must be aolved, as is said, not so muah in words as in skill. Unfortunatel.y, qeological prospea- ting orqanizations in some cases proceed along the path of extrenie constric- tion of the borehole system and a~n increase of the vdlumea of drillinq and laboratory inveatigat~.ona without inadequate basis for this. in this reqard saientific ~uatifica~ion o� ~he density of the network at each etaqe af the . geoloqical prospecting process i~ Prloaical structureWand the mining qeologig - sufficient informa~ion about th~ geo g cal conditions of fields. . As before, the main thinq in aolution of the indicated problems remains drilling boreholes a method whose resolution is very low. To correct this situation, aerioua measures must be implen~en+~ed on technical reequip- ping of drilling operations for a sharp increase of the sinking rate and to increase the yield of the coro by the mineral. Moreover, the method of conducting geoloqical prospecting operatione for aolid fuel minerals n~ust be essentially imgroved aind introduction of the lates~ advancea of qeophyai- cal, nuclear, electronic and com~uter tiechnAloqy must be accelerated. One of the tnost important problems of prospecting coal fields is timely prediction and establishinq fault disturbances in coal fielda'for optimum _ planning of mininq operations usinq highly efficient mechanized equipment� The exploration oos~lex, which includea drilling of boreholes and investiqa- ~ tion of them by qeophysical m~thods (loqqing), doea not now provide detes~nina- tion of disturbances with aunplitude less than 15-20 m, which coa~rise a sig- ' aificant frac~ion of all the disjunctive aepe~ts enoountered in the mine field. Geoloqical data on the dislocation of veins acquire very important signifi- cance at the modern staqe since the veins of al.most dll coal basins are sub- ject to this process. Widely distributed small faults (with amplitude less than 10 m) are eeaentially not determine~d even with significant concentra- tion of boreholes. This is'explai.ned bp the fact that they are located beyond the ranqe of resolution of the test borehole network. Iaw-amplitude - displacements remain undatermined even on the drilling lines of so-called reference profiles. Geophysical inveatiqations must surpass qeological prospectinq work and must be widely utilized (especially aeismic radioscopy, radar methods and so on) durinq the period of turninq over Primas7f sectio~s for operation and exploitation. There is a need to develop essentially new methods of prospectinq and con- version frma study of single points to study of an aren by v~lumetric, three- ~ 2!" FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ron c~rrrcr~u, usE ot~Y dimensional methods. The problem of illuminating the interborehole and - near-borehole space is extremely important. In this regard investigations must be continued on further improvement of prospec~ing methods, being oriented mainly ~owax~l geophysics. The Ok~tyabr' granch o� VNYlqeofizika [All-Union Saientific Research Institute of Geophyaics] in the Kuznetsk Basin has begun working out me~hods of seismic prospecting to determine and ~ _ trace faults of coal seams in the interborehole space and in mines. Pre- ' liminary da~a. indicate the high potential capabilities of geophysical methods in increasing thQ informa~ion content of prospec~ing data. However, problems of predicting tectonic displacement during exploration have still not been clearly resolved. DonbassN~L [Donbass Scientific Research Labo~atory), ` VNIIgeofizika and production adminis~rations must intc~nsify scientific reaearch in this field in order to work out dependable procedures and hard- ware which pern?it an increase of the dependability of determining vein dis- placements du~ring prospecting. _ Attentfon has now been intensified toward complex development of fields and implementation of environmental protection measures. Complex coal and - _ shale refininc~ made it possible to organize industrial production of v~aluable chemical by-p:-nducts. However, only 60 percent of the resources of by-product components cor.~tained 3n coal is now being developed (for example, only 0.5 percent of the~ sulfur ts utilized). Methane resources are now taken into account primaz~ily by coal mining enterpris~s. There is a need for more ex- tensive study and analysis of the resources of this gas, specifically, the - objects of stL~dy may become gas-coal (methane-coal) fields. Utilization of by-product methane will be helpful in the struggle for gasification of = the mines and will help to improve working conditions. Investigations to determine the regularities of variation ~f the material composition and metamorphism, which determine in the final analysis the _ properties of the extracted fuel, must be intensifie~~ in the area of studying the quality of ~oal and fuel shales. A lag in study nf the materfal and composit3on and also of the technological properties of coal delays solution of the problem of the interchangeability of coal of one basin with that of another. Requirements on energy coal for powdered burning in the combustion chambers of large boiler units where impurities of easily sublimated compounds of alkali metals have a harmful effect, have increased. Study of the material composition of this coal must be carried out at the modern level with re- gard to the need to solve an entfre complex of problems related to that of utilization of highly mineralized waters and the use of coal of unusual composition. An example of this complex study is the Bogdanovskoye field in the Donbass. Improvement of the methods of determining the optimum c~mplex and volume af samplinq and study of fuel minerals, which ensure receipt of the universal characteristics of their quality and all possible directions of use, should be continued at all stages of geological operations. - 21 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 rox orrzcza~, us~ ornY Ef�orts mus~ be concentrated in the ~ield of s~udying mi.ning-geological conditions on improving the methods and tecnnology of gas sampling since the e��ectivenQSS of inv~stigations of ~he na~ural gas-bearing content nE . coal seams is still low. Up to SO percent of the sampies are nrna rejected _ becausa oE their nonzepresentativc nature due to the imperfection o� the - hardware and methods. As a result ~he characteristics of the gas-bearing content of coal seams by area and depth are of. little value in some cases. Along with imprcving the existing methods of predicting tha gas-bearing content of coal fields and the stabilit,y o~ country rock, special attention should be dQVOted to develapment of inethods of predicting the blowaut danger of rock and coal by geological prospecting data, improvement of existing and development of new hardw~re for study of gas-bearing capacity. New, more ~ffective methods of studying the physicotaechanical properties of - rock, the geothermal regimes of future mines~ hydrogeological conditions ar.,d the directi~n of using the water of coal fields mu~t be developed. Introduction of new methods of studying the borehole profile and interbore- - hole sp~ce, detailed lithalogical division of profiles, determination of the - coal complex and the physicomechanical properties o� country rock, determina- tion of low-amplitude displacement, disintegration and washout of coal seams must be provided in the field of geophysical investigations. Work to intro- - duce methods of field qeophysics (seismic, gravimatric, electronic and mag- netic prospecting) with the use of their results at all stages of geolagical _ operations from determination of new fields to refinement o~ the struc- tural ~::tails of the mine field or section should be sharply intensified. The complex of geological-geophysical methods of prospecting to inerease the completeness and dependability of investigations, primarily on forecas- ting displacements of coal seams, study of the morphology of seams, the gas- bearinq capacity and blowout danger of coal and also of country rock must be further improved and measures to increase the geological and economic effectiveness of coal operations must be developed, specifically, the reso- lution oi exploration methods naw used. Z'his is far from a complete list of ~he problems faced by coal geology. ` Unanimity of science and practice is required no~a as never before. In this - regard I would ].ike to turn special attention to the need for extensive study of the enozmous factual materials at the disposal of the science of exploration practice. The science of coal cannot be successfully developed without relying on this richest information which requires deep analysis. Hawever, preliminary processing of incoming materials and core samples are poorly accomplished in some cases, which leads to a loss of valuable infor- mation which permits one to recognize and decipher many natural phenomena. Deep geological interpretation of logging diagrams and a complex approach to analysis of primary input materials are required to correct this situa- _ tion. We are talking abc~ut joint geoloqical-geophysical documentation and about combining the efforts of qeologists and geophysicists and their methods to obtain the maximum information. _ 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 N'0!2 (ll~'~ICtAL i15L ONLY 5e~rch-explaratory op~ratl.on~ for coal cen !.n tuxn noti be effec~ive if ~he dpeaific principlos of forma~ion and spa~i~l nrrangementi of such diverse cnal fielde in ehdir etiructur~ are not ~aken intio aCCOUt1~ and if progr~~~ive mothod~ of ~kploretion and tf~e latest hardwn~re which cbntrib~t~ to an in- cret~se of tlie'lavel of geological prospectiing and acientific reeearch work are not utilized in da11y practice. The ~ask poa~d by the 25~h CPSU Congresg for a eiqnifican~ increase of fuel- energy rasourcee will ba ~c~lved auacessfully. 'Phie will be a weighty cnn- tribution of mining gaologists to atrangtheninq and development of ti3~e matierial base of the coun~ry. COPYRIGNTs Izdatiel'gtvo "Nedra", "Sovetskaya geologiya", 1978 6521 CSOs 1822 _ ~ 23 FCR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~Oit Ui~'~ICIAL U5~ tlNLY ~'U~L5 ANU It~i.J~T~n ~QUII'M~N'~ U~ 553.98~.2(571.5) P~tO5P~Cm5 dF' 7'NE OIL- ANU GAS-n~11RINt3 CAp~ACYTY OF CAribOtiAT~ b~pO5IT5 OF' TH~ SIg~ftIAN pLAT~ORM Mo~~ow 50VET51tAYA G~OLOGIYA in fiuegian No 11, Nov 78 pp 22-34 (Article by A. V. Ovchare~ko, Ministry of Geology of the ttSF'5It~ (Text1 Z'he 5ibexiau~ Platform may in Che future becou+e a naw large bage of the petroleum ar?d qag indugtry. Gag fields have begn digcovered here within the boundary Meaozoic deprea~iong of the Yanigey-1Q~atar~qa trouqh and the ` Vilyuysk eyneclige. Tha Meao~oic-Upper Pateoxoic Cerrigeneoug deposits are mainly productive. Poaitive resulte have b~en achieved during ths past faw 'f~are alonq the Tungu~aReye syneclise and the t~l~psko-Hotuobinakaya antauliee. ~it~eir area coc~riges more than ona-third of all the promisinq lands of the Siberian platform and the profila consist8 of primaril;~ carbonata depoeits of the Late Riphear~ and Lawer Paleo~oie. ~ several amall oil ar~d gas fields Sukho-~qusskaye? Nizhneletninskoye and Volodinskoya have been diacov~ered in the Tunqusaksya ayneclise within the Kureyako-Letninskiy arch. Ztie main hydrocarbon deposits are confinad to cracked dolanites of the La~ar Cambrian. oi1 and qas inflaws from dolcanites of Riphean aqe have been found in the southern part of the Twigusskaya syn~clise in the Kuywabinakaya area. A uare complete p~ofile pf I.ower Paleazoic daposita hag been rev~aled in the eastern parts of the Tursgu~akaya syneclise c?t the Vanavarakaya pa?rametric well and ! a pay~nble oil inflow has besn fotmd in this ~rell from the sand~ of the Motakaya formation. Ha+ever, the most aiqaificar~t qeological rosults have bean obtair~ed alonq the Nepska-~otuobinskaya antaclise, within Which the Srednebc~tuobinskoye, Verkhnevilyuchanekaye an8 Vilyuyek-Dzherbinskoye gas field8 and also the Markovskoye, Yaraktinskoye ar~d 1~ya~koye ga~-oil fields have been discovered in the Yakutakeya ASSR and Zrkutskaya Oblast. 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~ox o~~icrnL us~ arn~t I , ~ Ha6op~~~'~ ' ~ c~ri=,tamaN~cKUU ~ ?l.~a� npoyu - npocud ~1~ 5 fi _ ~t~ _ o. 1~ H - - .i ia ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ = i rlhOdQpt`~'A~Q~ e. - . M ~ (2 ~ ' O/rq7l~tdddQ 16 ~ ~ , ' ~~~`:dcp4d. 1 10 ~ I ~ a ~ `,~'`-~~A' ~ ~~~~r~~4 0? ~ ~.~.=~9-~`` s n� ~ie ~ ~,~'j1`�~; ~ ~~6~ ~ . ~ ~ ~c,~ \ ~ ` ~r~ `~�lQ ? b Q 0~ i.~~~a,pb 9 ~ry tl ~ ~ _ ~ ~ . ~'a ~ a t. - � i i,~' ~i = ' /~p~~ro~n~~rdcx~~; a~Q ~ - , tune~WQO~~., ~~O ~ I~ ~ ~2 QJ ~4 ~S ~AM:~Po� h+cxcN (10) ~]s ~ [~9 ~1a a0~ ~ ~ yner+e o~o n . e p 0 Fiqure 1. 011- and Gae-B~aring Capacity uf Carbonate Ca~nplexae of Siberian Plgtform: 1-- qaBroil fields in carbona~e coatiplex i~ 2-- qae fields in carbonate ocmplex Y= oil and qas manifegtationss 3-- in c~plex i= 4-- in con~lex 22j 5-- in coa~lex III= 6-- in complex N= boundarie~: 7-- of Siberian Platforms 8-- of larqest structures of sedimentary mantle elements= 9-- of main arched upliftss 10 eections of the absence of a sedi- c~entary mantle~ the fiqurea on the chart are the main arched uplifts: 1-- Kamovekoyes 2-- Vanavarekoyes 3-- Nepskoyef 4-- Mirninekoye= 5-- Suntarskoye= 6-- Ilin~yskoye= 7-- Chun'ekoyes 8-- Gurunskoyet 9-- Bakhtinskoyet 10 Suringdakonskoye= 11 K~ochochumskoye~ 12 Yuktemiyskoyet 13 Ayanekoyei 14 Ledyanskoye= 15 Olenekskoye= 16 Munakoye KEY; 1. Yenisey-IQlatanga trough 7. Vilyuysk syneclise 2. Leno'At~abar trougll 8. Priaayano-Yeniseyskaya syne- 3. Zvnqusekaya syneclise clise ~ 4. Ar~abarskaya antecliae 9. Nepsko-Botuobinskaya anteclise 5. Privicerkhoyansk trough 10. Angara-Lena terrace 6. Vostochno-Yenisey terzace 11. Aldanskaya antecliae 25 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OEt 0~~'ICIAL U5~ ONLY ~i~he main gag and oii depo~itg in all ~h~ enumerated fi~ldg are confin~d to gand~~one~ of th~ Lower Cambriiut, Wendian and itiphean, lying at the bae~ af the e~dimentary mantle. No siqnl.ficane deposira were determin~d in the cai- bonate profil~~ the fr~ceion of whi~h comprises approximaeely a0 perc~nti of tihe ~ntire thicknega of tihe gedimenCary mantle (2~000-2,500 m), ~inae geolo- gicgl prospectinq w~rk was primari~ly orientied toward Low@r pgleo2oic and W~ndien~itiphean terricreneous deposie~. - ltowever, geologicai data have appeared clu~ing the pagt few yeare which permit a higher egeimate of the pro~pect~ of the oil- a~nd qae-bearing capacity of the carbonate profile of the Siberian P'latform. Tt wag egtablighed that th~ Wendian-Riphean and Lower Cambriar~ carbonat~ depusite of the gedimentary mantle are univergally developed. They are a thick magg of lime~tones and dolomites which alternate with salt banchea axposed ovar the enCira area of the pintform. Th~ carbona:.e rock ie reqionally oil- and gas-baaring (~igure 1). Oil and gag feature~ and frequently inflawa of them were ugually noted directly undez salt-bearinq gtreekg which se~cve as dependabie ~:overs. Local oii- and ga~- accumulation zones are ~ometimas controlled by streakg of other dense rock , argtilaceoue limegtonee bnd dolomites, gepare~ lenaeg of gypstnn, anhY- drites or salts. Stratiqraphic deposite are knawn where azqiliaceous rACk plays the role of a shield. , F'our oil- and gas-bearing complexes can be distinquiehed in the carbonate profile of the Siberian Platform (Fiqure 2). The propaqation characteris- tics ot theee complexes caused by each other indicate aeveral independe3r?t %,?cles of oil and qas fonn~tion anc] oil and q~ accumulation to which tiie r.arbonate formations incluaed between reqionai oii an8 qas barriers corre- spond. The most ancient oil- and gas-bearinq complex I is represented by Riphean- tAwer Cambrian cazbonats deposits :.nd teniyr~~~~~ i3 also found amonq them on sections of intensive dawnwarpiaq. This coenplex is shielded on the entire Siberien Platform by a 150-meter salt bench in the upper part of the Usol'skaya formation of the Iawer Cambrian. Porous-cracked dolomites and lisnestones of Riphean aqe, exposed by deep boreholes only in the Kuyumbinakoye field, are ~eposited at the base of the complex. A rather oomplex structure of a Riphean productive mass has been established here in which aevera~ oil and qas pools are includ~d. Judqinq by the position of the water-oil and oil.-gas sectiona in the profile, the pools are hydrodynamically unrelated to each other, which iadicates the presence of atreaks of dense impermeable rock bet~t+een them wl~ich fulfill - the role of local oil and.qae barriers. Riphean limestcnes and dolomites of the Kuy~anbinskolte f~e'.d are distinquished by a complex structure of porous space. Aa indicated hf samplinq results, the yields of individual wella ditfer sharply frosa each other. Pzoductive horizons eseentially do not correlate aven ia adjacent we11s. . 26 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 i~t)k t1H't~'(C1AL U~L nNLY tYP ~aHC,ruu ryw~~CKUd Npxy~c~x~~ Mta�.ta'fro~NOA !oM ~aHqwmeump AKymu.n n ~5 ) s vrcaoe ~ y otu F �mo~er~ e n~monotr 0 0: vereo~ ti ROAOnItl oo ~ Q oi vPlROA E rPt.fOA v ~ _ ~ 4~ 1 DAOMR ~ 4 "4i KOAG~~RO ~ . KOACM,tO ~ ~ ~L` ~ - ~ li - tiz ~ia - - ~ ~ ~ - - _ . _ ~is ~ + ~a.~ . h t ~e + _ + . ~xz ~s + * ~Y ~ y ~ a y Q. �a , j + ~25 I V + ~ - ~ ti~,~ n'.~ ' _i. . . , ~ t ' s 1~ ~23 ~ ~26 ~ s ~g__ + + + + + 31~+~ ~ V * a b . t R ~32 ~ + + ~ 2q ~(30< b d Z N e a i ` ~ ~ - ~ 6 ~ ~0 3 ~ , ~ ~ + + � a 34 ~ 3 ~ t ~3y = + + + ti S + r a ~3 a ~35 ~ . _ d a le N * 4 ( - ~ I~ 42 ~ ~ 3 (40 ~ ~ 4 > (43 0 ~ ~46 i t =r ~ ~ o � 4 ' ~l, ~2 . ~ 4 Q4 ~s , Figure 2. Comparison Diaqram of Profiles of Carbonate Deposits of Siberian Plattorms 1-- oil- and gas-bearing _ limestonea~ 2-- limea+:onesx 3-- dolomiteat 4-- ealts= 5 clays ~ I~Y s ~ ~ 1. Tnrukh~inskiy Rayon 14. Anqarskaya and Litvintsevskaya _ 2. Kuyumbinakiy Rayon 15. Anqarekaya and Litvintsevakaya 3. Irkutsk amplitheater 16. Kellorskiy 4. Southwestern Yakutiya 17. Metegerekaya 5. System 18. Bulayskiy 6. Formation 19. Bulayakaya 7. Norizon 20. 8ulayskiy 8. Litholoqical column 21. Bil'chirakaya 9. Oil- and gas-bearing complex 22. Icherakt~ya 10. Letninskaya 23. Bulayskaya 11. Evenkiyakaya 24. Birkinskiy 12. Verkhnelenskaya 25. Charskaya 13. Verkhnelenskaya 26. Olekminskaya (Key continued on following paqe) 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 M'Ott n~~tCIAL U5~ ONLY 27. C~mbri~n 38. ogingkiy 2~. iGoatiingkaya 39. Yuryakhakiy 29. gei'skeya 40. Riphean~Wendian-Cambrian ~ 30. Bel'eksya 41. Pletonov~kaya 31. Atnvskiy 42. Motskaya 32. Tolbachan~kc?ya 43. Motakaya - 33. Khri~Coforovskiy 44. Uet'kutiekiy = 34. Usol'skaya 45. Preobrezhet~gkiY - 35. U~ot'gkaya 46. ~innovekaya ~ _ 36. Oginekiy 47. tiipheau~ 37. Yuyedayekaya Carbonate deposita of the Motskaya fornv~tion of ne~ e~ ~r8 ong �~a , posited withfn the Kuyumbin~koye field directly o p dolomit~s aith significant interruptiion in the aedimentary accumulation. ~ormation of er ind~pendenti oil- and gas-bearin5 coa~plex controlled by Motekgya claye er?d argtlo~tithe Siberian Flatifor~aewhererterrigeneotsg deposita the Aiphean in tihe pax' are maintained in it. , Carbonate roak of the Motskaya foxznation, revealed in the Kuyumbinskoye _ fie18 directly above RiPhean formations, are follawed over the entire re- maining territory of the Siberiar? Platform. In thia case their awxim~m? thickneas t300-400 mi cofncides with zones o! inteneive sediment accumula- tion (the central r,nrta of the Anqara-Lena bencr? of the Prisayan-Yenisey syneclise)~ thi~~saections of theeNepskiy7and,KamovakiY~a~ches. _ blieh~d in the uP , 2he carbonate deposits of the l~otekaya formation ure c.~atinquished by re- qional oil- and gas-bearing content. 011 a.-:~ gas inflows o~ dilfert,nt intensity were obe8krved sn ecllseCwithin1theKureyako-Letninskiy r~~ part of the Tuagua Y Yn when they were exposed. ~ro productive beds have been detarndneg in~t1'?e~~aen~e Preobrazh nskiypskiy arch in th= carbonate depoaita of horizon, from which a 9as intla? with a yield of 62,000 m3/day and a small quantity of oil have been produced in an area of ~rk~ft~eyf ~~~on.g A e same~ r~ame. has been determined ir? t1'?e central par payable gas inflaw could be produced from them only after hydraulic-acid treetment. - The Uat'-Kut horizon has been determined in the upper part of the Motskaya foizaation in the Preobrazhenskaya area. A qae inflow with a yield up linq 7,000 m3/day and an oil inflaw up to 1.8 t/day were obtained upon samP of it. OiI and qas featurea were also noted in the Markovakaya and Ust'- Kutskaya areaa� The greatest numberc~~�nats complex~isfco gi ed t� the Ueolfska?ya~formation. pools in the lare 28 FOA OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 0 N'Ok n!~'~ICIAL U5~ ONLY - - ComparatiiveLy thin b~n~h~~ df rock eal~, which performg tihe role o~ ~ ehieid for the Pr~obrazhengkiy and Ugt'~Kutiskiy produc~ive horiznng lying below, hava bsen e~~nbiished in some area~ ati ite bae~. in those locatiion~ where it ig ab,~ent, featiureg of oi1- and gas-bearing cdtttienti in the upper p~rt nf ' the Motskaya formation have not been established. oil and gae gre �ound primarily tn the lower part of the U~ol'~kt~ya formation coneigtiinq of a 100-150-meter thickneae of carbonate rock. Two productive horizone the Yuryakhskiy ar?d Osinakiy have been determined here. The Yuryakhskiy horizon hag been establiahed only in the northeastern part of - the Nepako-gotuobingkaya anteclise in the Verkhnevilyuchanskaya area and Consiete primar3ly of dolomi~es and dolomi~ized lim~stones approximaCely 20 m hhirk. Gae inflows with yield up to 120,000 m3/day were obta~ined when _ they were sampled and lnaiqnificant inflows of qasified oil were also not~d toqether with ges in some caees. 7't~e Yurydlchsk3y horizon is shielded by a 25-meter bench of strongly arqilla- ceous limeatones, above which geg-satiurated porous-cavernous-crdcked lime- stonee and dolomitie~ of the Osinakiy horizon are primarily depoaited. Litholoqically, both horizons do not esaentially c~iffer from each other and the bench of argillaceous limestonea separating them is not digtributed everywheret therefcre, the horizon may be regarded as the lawest part of the Osinekiy oil- and qas-bearing hori~on found on the entire territory of the Siberian Platform. Cerbonate deposita of the Osinskiy horizon are located directly under a thick salt-bearing mags on the greater part of the platform, which providea dependable ieolation of the oil and gas pools formed in the carbonate rock. The nature of the collectors is complex and porous-cracked and cracked- porous-cavernous typea predominate. individual streake or len8ea of in- creased capacity are usually distributed amonq cracked carbonate rock with low porosity, as a result of which the productivity of productive wells. frequently does not correspond to data of field geophysics or core sampling. Considerable improvement of the collector properties of productive deposits in the zone of tectonic displacements and also in sections of development of crqanogenic and aguifer limestones among carbonate rock of the Osfnskiy horizon has been established by drilled wells. The latter indicates the poasible presence of riphogenic aystems in the carbonate deposits of the Siberian Platform. Z'he greatest number of oil and qas manifestations in deposits of the Osinskiy horizon wa~ noted in the territory of ~rkutskaya Oblast. This is related to the larqe volumes of drilling operations carried out here. Whereas the Osinskiy horizon has been tapped by more than 300 wells in Irkutskaya Oblast, the number of theae wells comprises 56 and 32, respec- tively, on the territozy of the Yakutskaya ASSR and Krasnoyarakiy Kray. Most deep wells which expose carbonate deposits of the Osinskiy horizon have b~en drilled in the Markovskoye field. Oil inflows with a yield from several 29 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~'Oit U~~ICiAL U~~ ONLY Many invegti- tieng of liters to 306 ~/day hav~ been obeai.ned in 16 of them. gatnr~ axplain rhese di~ferenceg in yields k~y the wide rdnge c~~ varintiion of tha colleator propertien of the productiive mass. ~n1~~are~linggon ~k?e as t,he effect of flushing fluids and methods o� tapp g filtration properties of productiive beds are not taken into account to tihe proper extent i.n this case. A~ the ~ame Cime work carri~d ouL during ~he past few years ne Yakutnefteqdxrazvedka and Krgsnoyarskneftegaxrazvedka trugtg to eatablish the potential capa~ities of the col.lectior bads under optimum conditiior~s of tapping and ~amplinq of ~hem shawed that the enwneratied factors considor~bly affecti the productivity o~ ~he wells. Payable oil and gas ~.nflowa from the Osinskiy horizon were also found in the _ ilimskaya, Potapovskaya, Atovske~!a, Khristoforovskaya. Osinskaya and other areae. Confinement of oil and gas pools Co local uplifts ia typical for all of r.hem. Beds of increased capacity have been de~ermined amonq cracked rock in tapped nrofiles of the O~inskiy hori~on and their thickness and porosity inc:ease toward the arch. A qusher inflow of qag with a yisld of more than 180,000 m3/day has been obtainQd from carbonates of the Ugol'akaya fonaaticn in the Irkutsk area, Search-explora- located in the southern, more developed part of the oblast. eion operatiions carried out previously for terrigeneous deposits of the , Motskaya fonaation did not yield posat~ ~g8g~t8ificant flushingrofQthe~ contain oil and gas pools with reqar 5n profile. There are far fewer data on the oil- ~a thisbcircn~~~Cent~falreadyinoted horizon in Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Nowever, oreviously, does not indicate in i+ny waY the lawer proapects of oil- and ~ Profilea gas-bearinq content of the described n~ss in the given region. of Canibrian carbonate deposits for individual wells are rather cle Several correlated with rxk of the Irkutsk amphitheates of the saa?e aqe� - promisinq carbonate masaes have also been detenatned in them which are controlled by thick reqional oil and qas barriers oonsistinq of salt- bearing formations. , As indicated by sam~ling resulte, there is porous rock fav~orable for oil and qas accumulation in the Osinskiy horizon. A stratal water inflaw with a yield above 50 m3/day has been fourtd in the Tayninskaya parametric well upon testing of limeatones of Osinakiy horizon. A characteristic feature of the profilii ftthasifiedeoilasaturation of~limeatones ofYthe Oainskiy - syneclise is qh 9 horizon (the Sutyaqinskaya well). The payable qas content of the Osinakiy horizon has also been established in the easterr~ part of the Nepsko-HOtuobinskiy antecliae in Yakutiya. Porous- _ cavernous type collectors are widely developad here in the Srednebotuobinskoye qas fielizat onyof erimarysdoleanitesl a8 ePlacea~entd�~lic~estones andealso cryatall P 30 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~OIt tl~~ICIAL USL ONL~i organog~nic limeston~~ witih lixiviati3on cavitiigg and cavern~. Gas in~lowe of diff~rent intensity have been found upon ~amplir.g of them. The maximtnn yield wae 200,Ob0 m3/duy, but th~ inflowa wer~ nonp~yable in mos~ wa118. Carbonatie-halogan deposit~ of the gel'akaya formation are located above the Usol'akaya formmtiton which form tihe oil- and gas-bearing con~~ex rr. The formation ia divic~ed into three subformationg lower, middle and upper by;lithdlog3cgl fQatures. The lower dnd middle eubformations consis~ pri- ~ marily of rarbonate roCk up to 400 m thiok. They include the main produa- tive horizons of thie complex. Halogen-~ulfate formetions of the Upper gel'skaya gubformatione are noted abov~e which serve as a reqional oil and gas barrier. 7'his structure of tha Hel'skaya forma~ion ie main~ained in pra~tically the entire Siberian Platform. Its analoq in Yakutiya is called the Talbachanskaya formation and the upper parti of the Kostin$kaya formatiion corresponde to i~ 3n Turukhanskiy Rayon of Krasnoyarakiy Kray. beposit~ of tihe nel'$kaya formation have been ~tudi~d more in irkutek~yg Oblant. 2w?o productive horizone hav~ been determined in i~s lawer part here. The low~r I~risCoforov~kiy horizon is located directly at the base of the formation and coneistis mai~ly of dolomites with sparse limestone streaks. ita thicknees is uaually 50-60 m and ig up to 140-150 m in the northweatern part of the Yrkutsk amphitheater. The 1Q~ristoforovakiy horizott is ~hielded by carbdnate roak which, unlike the productive profile, is less cracked and more arqillized. The oil- and gas-besring content of the horizon was firat established in the I~ristoforovskaya area, where intensive deqasification of the clay mud wfth periodic oil discharqes was noted upon tapping of it and a weak oil ~ and qas inflaw was obtained upon sampling. 5uperficial oil and gas mani- featations upon tapping of this horizon were also noted in the Salykhtinskaya, Ust'-Kutakaya, Markovskaya, Verkhnetirskaya, Kasatkinskaya and other areas. Tappinq was accompanied in many cases by intensive absorption of the clay~ mud, which indicates the presence of porous beds. The Atovskiy productiv~e horizon consisting of dolomites and limestones up to 45 m thick was determined in the roof part of the carbc~nate profile of the Bel'skaya formation directly under th~ haloqen formations. Tfie - secondary porea formed in carbonate rock as a result of their lixiviation and aulphatization comprised the maia capacity of the productive profile. Moreover, hiqh porous intervals have been eatablished in different parts of the productiv~e mass in the profile of the horizon. Their total thickness _ increases in the arched parts of local uplifts (1Qiristoforovskoye ar~d Dirkinskoye). In this regard the larqe uplifts are of primazy interest for oil and qas prospecting in deposits of the Bel'skaya forn?ation. ~ 4'he clearest oil and qas features in the Atovakiy horizon were noted in the IIirkinskaya and Atovskaya areas. The clay mud was intensiv~ely deqasified upon tapping of the horizon in the first of them. Gas inflaws with a yield up to 10,000 m3/day were obtained upon sampling of the horizon. The rock of 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 t~'O~t O~I~'ICIAL U5~ ONLY ti.he A~dvskiy horizon ha~ 3.mproved colleetor propertiie~ in all tihe c~rilled we11s. The horixon does no~ contain gas everywhere in the A~ovgkeya area. infiows of it were obtained oniy ir~ one of eighti drilled welis. intnn~ive gas nwnifest~tiions from the Atovekiy hori~on w~re recorded in the goi'shera~vodnaya ~nd idzrigto~orovskaya ~reas. 5ignl.fican~ ebeorptiions ~up to 140 m~/hr) of the flushing fluid (well 8,1NikiCakayn~ bf~~elhorixon. id~ristoforovakay~) were noted in many area~s ~pon tapping Thi~ ie obviousiy related to the abnorn?~?lly low bed pregaures in the pro- ductive beds. The deposi.tie of the Hel'gkaya formation and i~g analogs are widely developed on the 5iberian Platform, but da+:a on the litho~.oqy, physical-collector properties and oil- and gae-bearing contant of the productive profile are based on materials of individtu~l welle tihroughout Krasnoyarskiy Krey end Yaku~iya. Concepts of the proslpecta of the oil- and gas-bearing oontenC of the c~rbc~atie profile of Bel'skaya formation are based on fragmentary data on superficial gas manifeatations upon eappinq by individual paran~etric welle. Thus, oorous-cavernous dolamites with numerous inclusions of liquid bitumena through the microcracks, pores and small caverns have been tapped in the ~rnysskaya test well and in one of the salt-exploration wells drilled within the Prisayaao-Yenisey ayneclise within the lower and middle parts of the Hel'skaya formation. A hot qas inflow with yield of approximately 12,000 _ m3/day was obtained upon samplinq of them. 'rkie doloiaites ot the Bel'akaya format:~n aze also impreqnatecl with bittm~ens in the Fedinskaya paraanetric well. uil saturation of dolamites of the Bel'skaya fornwtion has also been eseablished in the eaore northerly regions of Krasnoyarskiy Kray. ~'hus, oii-iu~regnated dolomites were uplifted from the central part of the fonm- tion in several wells in the Kuytm~binskoye oil and qas field. Extensiv~e ~ development not only of cracked but aleo of porous-cavernous rock to which the most inteneive oil and qas manifestations are confined was reoorded in . this case. The deposits of analoqs of the Bel'akaya forn~ation the Zblbochanskaya and E1'ganskaya formations have not been sampled in Yakutiya, althouqh ofl featuras were noted in the core sample upon tappinq of them in the Nelbinskaya and Syul'dyukarskaYa Parametric wells. Increased qas indica?- tions were reoorded simultaneously with this in the latter well upon passaqe through the upper part of the 4blbochar?slcaYa formation� Abundant oil saturation of the limestones and dolaaaitea of the Zblbochanskaya formati.on was established in one of the core-'sample holes drilled to the north of the Srednebotuobinskoye field. A gas intla+ with yield of approxi- mately 6,000 m3/day was obtained here fraa the unsePa~'ated mass of the 'rolochanskaya and E1'qanskaya formations. ~ More extensive oil distribution in that part of the Tolbochanakaya formatioa which is located df rectly urider salt-bearinq formetions ia typical for the 32 FOR OFFICIAI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~dit h~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY de~eribed profil~ in Yakatiiya. Be~id~g ~h~ previouely mentioned we11~, ~he bi~umen conten~ of carbonatie deposi~g wAa notied in the Murbay~kaya perame~ric weil drilled in the northeaetern part of rhe Nep~ko-gotuabinskaya nnteclise. The halogen-carbonate formatione of tihe Bel'skaya formation ar~ ovexlapped everywhere by carbonnt~ rock of the eulay~kaya formation sufficiently main- tained in ~hickne~g which rompriae oil- and gas-bearing com~lex YTY. The gat~-bea~ing depoei~a of the Ar~garakaya fonna~ion approxima~ely 200 m tihick loaated above perform the roie of regional oil and gas barrier. Carbonates of tt?e Sulaygkaya formation are cheraQterized by ronsiderabie con~tancy of thirkne~s (120-190 m1 and are found in pra~ticslly the entiire _ area of the Siberian pla~form. ~imilar depoeits in Wegtiern Yakutiya ar~s called the Olekminskiy horizcn, while rhe upper part of the Kcstinekay~~ formation also eonsisting of carbona~e rock corresponds to them in the northwestern par~ of Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Depoaits of oil- and gas~bearing compiex ii2 have been s~udied in n?ore de- tail in tha Irkutsk amphitheater, where they have been tapped by more than 350 wells. The Bulayskaya formation is universal~y representad by cracked dolomites with numerous porous-cracked limestone gtreakg. Thin salt seams sometimes appeaz am~ng carbonate rock in the more aubmerqed regions. - Gas-saturated limeatones maintained along the strike, which have been named the Birkinskiy horizon, have been established in the profile of the Bulayskaya formation in the 8irkinskaya and 1Q~ristoforovakaya areas of Irkutskaya Oblast. Gusher inflaws of qas with a yield up to 80,000 m3/day and condensate with a yield of 7 m3/day hav~a been obtained upon aempling of them. Increased gas indications (the Krivolukgkaya, Osinskaya and Potapovekaya) w~re noted in many areas upon tappinq of Bulayskdya formation. The rock is impreqnated with liquid gasified oil in deposits of the Bulayakaya forn~ation in individual wells drilled primarily in the northern part of the oblast (Markovskaya, Nepskaya and so on). Tappinq of the carbonate deposits of ~ the formation was frequently accompanied by catastrophic abaoYptions of the clay mud (up to 95 m3/hr), which indicate9 the presence of poroua strata - in its profi le . . The prospects of the oil- and qas-bearinq content of the described cnmplex and in Yakutiya, ahere it is repreeented by limestones ead dolanite~s of the olekminskaya formetion, have been positively evaluated. The reqional oil saturation of the Olekminskaya formation has been established in the northeastern part of the Nepsko-Botuobinskaya anteclise (Murbayskaya and Syul'dyukarskaya areas). Ho~wever, no oil inflows oould be nbtained in a sinqle well upan testinq. It is obvious that this was caused by signifi- cant c~oolinq of the interior of southwestern Yakutiya, where the bed tempera- - ture at the depth of deposition of the Oleka~inskiy horizon (9A0-1,000 m) does 33 POR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~Oit U~~YCIAL US~ dNLY not exCeed 2~-4�C. 'i'his circumstiance undoubeedly leads to a significant in- . crease of tihe vi~cogity of oii in the bed and makea i~ difficult ~o exCraa~ it to the surface withouti using ~ome seconc~ary metihods o� actinq on the _ bottom zone. Moreov~r, inteneive qas manifeatations wore noted in ~he aarbanatie mas~ of gul~y~kiy age at the bottbms of eor+~ welle and n gae diecharqe with yield of more than 300,000 m3/day occurred in th~ Verkhnevilyuchanekoye fiala upon tappinq of the at~sorption zone confined to the cracked limestonee of thie complex. Gas manifestationg from thig canplex wore algo esrablished in tY?e ~ 5yu1'dyukarekaye parametric well and absorption zoneg of the flushinq fluid. are confined to it in the Sradnebotuobinskoye field, as in the Verkhnevilyuchanskoye field. The prospecrs of aii- and gas-beaririq aontent of the gulayakaya forma~ion in Krasnoyarskiy Kray have been etudied coneiderably less. Thick benchea of carbonate rock, primarily lin?estone, have been tepped by individual ; wells. Porous-cavernous dolomites with a sharp petroleum odor were found in the Tayqinskaya and KuYumbinskaya parametiric welis. The total thickneas of the oil-saturated rock is approximately 150 m. Wider development of poroua collector e n ~~e incthe iawer pnr~oflthe thickness of halogen for~ma~~ions, inclu q Angarakaye~ formation, are typical for the carbonnte profile of Kra~enoyarekiy Krey. :he totai t}?icknees of oil-gaturated limeatonea increased eiqnifi- cantly in the Kuyumbinskoye fielc] because of ttiis. ~'he cnrbonate profile of the Siberiar~ Platiorm crame the oil- artd qas- - bearing coa~plex N aith a total thickness up to 600 m. Z1ie deposits of ~ the camplex, dated to Anqarskaye and Litvintsevekoye time, are dev~eloped almost ur~iversallX a~nd are represented b~Y lime8~ones ly~q ~gillaceous haloqen rxk atreaka. T'he latter jointly with the uppe deposits of Yhe Verkholenskaya forntiation perform the role of an oil and gas barrier. - Tt?e deacribed atructure of camplex N is easentially preeent over the entire area of the Siberian Platform. Analoqs of the Anqarskaya and Litvintsevakaya formetior.s carbonate deposits of the Charskaya, 1Qtar'Yalakhskaya, Icherskaya and Metegerekaya to=mations are related to productive atruc- turea within Yakutiya (MirninskiY arch) and the Verkhnekostinskaya aubforma- _ tiion f?hose oil and qae saturation is contxolled by arqillaceous rock of the Letr~inskaye fosmation, is related to productive structtu'es in KrasnoyarakiY Kray. ~ Deposits of the upper oil- and qas-bearinq coatplex in Irkutakayn Oblast hav~ bean studied abre. Carbonata roclc comprises a fraction of 150-200 m total thickriess of 600 m of the Ar~qazakeya arid Litvintsevakaya fonaations which cotaprisa it. Zfie lattor are deposited primarily in the uppar pazt of the deecrl.i~e8 oomplex, alternatinq ~+it?? benchas of 8ulfate-halogen rock. 34 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~Ott O~~YCYAL US~ ONLY - Severul productive horizons are localin~d in th~ oarbona~e pro�ile due to the c~hielding e~fec~ o� g~l~g, anhydrities and gy~aums. The Hil'chirakiy and KeZlor~kiy horizong and a atiratum of alqal dolomi~es have regionel dietribu~ion within the oblas~. All the named horizons have much in common ~ in the litihological plan tihey are represented by dolomites and limestones and porous-oraaked, creoked and porous-cavernous collectors. The produc~ive horizons are loeAted betiween ~hick benches of rock salts. The latter are not universnlly distiributec~ and ~oining o� separate horizona into a unified produ~tiive ~~rbonate masa is pos~ible in sections where their thickness and ou~ompping dre reduced. The same oil and gas manifestations as in the more anaient carbonate masses oil saturation of the cdre sample, absorptiion of fiu~hing fluids and surface manifes~ations during drilling up to gas aischarges are noted in tt?e given complex. However, the greater distribution oE gas maiiifesr~tions with aignificant gas inflows reachinq 100,000 m3/day or more throughout the area compr~red to the previously conaidered complexea must be noted in this case. ~ Obvi~usly, such intensive gas manifestations are explained by the shallow = depths of deposition of productive deposits and by the wide development of lixiviation of carbonate rock in individual sections, due to which Y.arsk and improvec] cnllec~or zones are foa~med. Depoaits of oi].- and gas-bearinq complex N within the northeastern part ot the Nepsko-Botuobinskaya anteclise in Yakutiya have been tapped by sparse parametric and core-sampling wells. More extensive development of sulfate- - haloqen streaks; is typical for them, due to which determination of a large nwnber of prodt~ctive horizons compared to the Irkutak amphitheater is posaible in the~ carbonate profile. , Improvement of the porosity and pern~eability parameters in the lower part of the carbonate F~rofile fn the Charskaya formation is typical for oil- and qas-bearing complex IV. The most intensive qas manifestation~ in core- sampling boreholes, drilled in the immediate vicinity of the Srednebotuobinskoye field, have been obtained from here. Besides qas satura- tion, inclusions of solid and liquid bitumens and in aome cases intensive impregnation of cavernous carbonate rock by liquid ofl have been noted in the carbonate dnposfta of the Charskaya formation. Materials on the oil- and gas-bearinq content of the upper part of a car- bonate profile, related to the Icherskaya and Metegerskaya formations, are sparser. There are only data on the absorpti~n of the clay mud in the Nelbinskaya parametric well with intensity up to 5 m3/hr, which indicates the presence of porous rock here. Dsposite of the Metegarskaya and Icherskaya formations are characterized by universal distribution of absorbfng horizons in southwestern Yakutiya. � A stratal water inflow with qas was obtained upon sampling of one of them in t,rell 610 of the Verkhnevilyuchanskaya formationt the gas yield exceeded 1,000 m3/d~?y and the water yield comprised approximately 400 m3/day. 35 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 I FOR CIFFICIAL U5E ONLY ~ 5olid bitumens were noted in the core eample ~aken Prom both formations in core-sampling and hydrogooloqicul~borehole~s in the im~tediate vicini~y of the Murbayskaya paran?etric w'ella~iiWa~ rebearing~hori oneaand dete~rmina ions~of ties upon testing of inclivi mnthane qas were also observed. of both horizons were obaer~?ed Similar gas ma?nifesta~iong during eampling upon teating of tihe hydrogeological borehole3 also drilled in more southerZY regions. All these facts indica~es ~e~dgofntt?eir possible oil~and gas' ' Icherekaya and Metegerskaya formntions bearing content. Undoubtedly, forniation of oil and gas pools dRpends to a significant de9ree ~ _ on retention not cnly of collectors but also of covers in the profile; since displacements of the oil and ~q~s~barrii~8 p~s o� ~e producti ef mass ancl _ oil pools are ~?oesible due to th of the dense rock overlapping them� ' ~he deposits of the upper of1- arid 9as-be8~e5o~~Pdatai n the~ge e alysimiy ~ have essentially not been atud9:ed. There Y Iarity of the carbonate-halogen profile of the At~garakaya and . Litvintsevskaya formations of 'the Tungusskaya syneclise and of ~?~n ~arac- ' Angarskaya bench. However, taking into account the previously q ; teristics of the oil- and gas-beaz'ing content of the upper carbonate complex ~ in Irkutskaya Oblast, one can optimistically estimate the prospects of its analog in Krasnoyarskiy Kray as we , - - The given materials indicate~the regional nature of the oil- and qas-bearing , content of the carbonate profile of the Siberian Platform. As can be seen , from Fiqure 1, its oil and qas saturation has been eatablished in practically all areas of the reqion where deep'borel~oles liave been drilled. Oil and qas . features and their payatile inflbws have~been nated in the entire ~~e~oil- carbonate rock from the Riphehn'to the roof of the Iawer Cambrian. and gas-bearing content is ccinfined in most cnses to carbona~te rock lying directly under regional oil'aiid gas barriers. 011 and gas manifestations have also been found in iridividual~dolomite and lin?estone benches ~sri~a ed similar in composition, but with higher density ai'id less cracking, above them. Rather contradi.ctory `n~at~rial:S ~ iin tlie' oil- and 'gas-bearing content of the carbonate profile ~ dra~rs''~tCe~~Ci~h`to' iteelf ~ in= ~hose ~areas ~ where several deep wel ls have been drilie~:''` r` bil' `or ' gas' features =~aere frequently not ~ ~ established in the preserice~ 8f' oil ~ an8 ggs mat~i�e'st~tions ~ or even of hydro- carbon inflows from in4ivid'ua3~iritervals in~ one or~ tv~o wells~ in sin?ilar sections~of the profile of th~ remaininq wells. ManY invest3.9ators ~~ters - these cases by the absence of persistent strata with high capacity p and by the developtaent of pritt?~ily'cracked collectors in the carbonate pro~ ~ file. However, the previbusly'd'escribed correlat~on of regional oil and qas barriers and the.persisteiice of individual carbonate complexes and oil- - and qas-bearing horizons over`ttlb entire~area of.the Siberian platform - contradic~ these concepts. 36 FOx OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 I~UIt (1t~!~ tC1AL USL oN1.Y 'i'he low genloqic~~~ effectiveness o� gtudy of ~he d0scribed prufile ig ex- plained mainly by tha fact that main attenrion waa devoted for a long ~1mp to the t~rrigeneous d~posie~ of ~he W~ndian and Riph~~n the base of the ~edimentary mantl~. The carbonatie d~posStg of the I,ower Cambrian lying - above were drilled m~inly without core sampling and they were eesentiially - unteated with regard to nverlapping by tiechnical Core ~amples. Study of tihe oil- and qas-bearing content of the carbon~te profile was also carrisd out within limitied volumeg during drilling due to the larqe diameters of the boreho,leg and the absence of ~he appropriate equipment for boreholee. 'I'he carbonate ~epogitg in the boreholee were affectad for a lonr~ time by _ the driiling r.ud as a reaule of orientation of deep drilling toward the lower horizore of the eedimentary mantle located in the upper parti c~f the profile. p~�~etratiion of th~ mud filtrate into the atratum occure as a result duo to capillary hydrodynamics and the filtration parameters of the etratum decrease. Since numerous halogen etreaks in ~ha carbonate profile lead to a eiqnificant increase of miner~liza~ion of th3 drilling mud, the dept}~ of ~ filtratQ psnetration into the stratum increaseg significantily and its phyaical-collector characteris~ics are ~educed. The volumetric paran~aters of the atrata also deteriorate due to plugqinq of the porea with slurry and by formation of an argillaceous crust. A clear example of deterioration of the filtration properties of productive horizons due to prolonqed contact of the stratum with clay mud ia Lhe ~e- sults of testing well 1 of Balykhtinakeya �ormation. A gas inflow with a yield of approximately 50,000 m3/day was initially obtained in it upon samplinq durinq drilling of the dolomites of the Khristoforovakiy horizon. However, no gas inflow was noted into the exploitation column prior to the tested inten?al after completion of the well by dril'_inq and subsequent sampling. The results upon teating of the Osinskiy horfzon in the Srednebotuobinskoye field are similar. Gusher qas inflows with a yield - up to 400,000 m3/day were obtainPd here immediately after it was tapped in some wells (wells 9, 36 and sQ on) upon testing of the promisinq profile. Nowever, the qas inflows decreased significantly upon teating of the eatne intervals after the wells had been driven to the planned depths ar~d they were oompletely absent in some caaes (wella 2 and 4). The situation is aqgravated by the ;Eact that the productive horizona of the carbonate profile, especially of its upper part, are distinguiahed by a bed pressure deficit. This leads to absorption of the drilling mud and to sharp deterioration of the volu~netric parametera of prc~ductive horizons and to loss of filtration properties. Besides plugqing the porea by filtrate and slurry, absorption leads to mixinq of the sodfum chloride of the absorbed mud with natural highly voncentrated brines. As indicated by the inveetiqations of A. Ye. Zheleznova, A. N. Zolotov and L. V. Nikolayeva, salt crystals which reduce the porosity and permeability parameters of the productive bed may be formed due to this mixing in the rock pores and cracks. 37 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~ox o~~i~t~~t, us~ ocrt,Y 5ignificane deterioration of the colleoror propertiieg of produative horizans duriny tapping and samPling of ehem may alsu be caused by precipitatiion of ~he sa~t~ itt the borehale ghafe and bot~am zone of the be~ due eo diaruption of thermodynamic equilibrium in the interior. S~ ig shown in I1, 2~ tih~t the bnteom zone around the borehole ~haft fs aooled by the drilling mud ~Q during drillinq and tegting a~'?d~ah~drin~horizong~containinggbrineslwith ` ga1Cg in the water~bear~nq ~tra ga~ or oil may algo precipieata out ag a r~s�alt of Che effect af both faGtar~ in the borehole ~,~?aft and bot~om zone of t~,e bQd. Intengive satur~tion of the productive carb~nate profile by a filtrate of hiqhly mineralized drilling mud leada to distor~ion of the true cct~?ercial- geophysical characteriseics of otl- and gas-bearing horizons and to approxi- mation of it to t~?e parameters of water-bearinq ~tratia. Because of this frequentily promieinq intervals of the profilQ in the welle were noti de~er- minad by field-qeophyeical methode and ware not tested in time. All thi~ e~cplains why larqe oil and gas pools have not yet been feund in the c~rbonate profile. At the eame time the qreat thickness of this rock, numerous oil and qas manifestatione and other features permit one to talk about the siqnificant prospects of the oil- and qas-be+~rin9 content of the described masses. The lack of discoveries of large oil and qas fields indi- cates the abgence of a scientifically developed method of finc7ing the car- bonate profile rather than o! the low prospects of the described oollQCtors. Development of a method of tappinq and study of the oil- and ga8-b8arinq content of c;arbonate deposita taugt be accelerated, using eaientific-practical develor,~~nte realized in other reqions of the USSR (the Volqo-Urals and Ttman-~echora oil- and gas-bearing provinces). It caust be Caken into account in this case that the oil- and gas-bearing ~arb�nate rock is leas informative than terrigeneous collectors. For accelerated and dependable analyeis of the proapects of the oil- and gas- ~ bearing oontent of the carbonate profile.of the Siberian Platform, it has been propoaed that a camplex of qeologicafollowinCal ~~surea be carried out, the most importar?t of which are the g 1. An increase of core san~linq from the praiuctive profile and atudy of the 3rrangement of the mere volua?etric porous and porous-cavernous oollec- tora in reeerves in the carbonate massea. Determination of the bioqenic formations, development of which may indicate the presence of Riphean systems in carboaate complexes of the Cambrian, is of important significancQ in investigation of the core sample. 2. Expansion of the existing compl3x of field-qeophysical investiqation of boreholes by inclusion of neutron u~thods. acoustic and inducticn loggin9 in it which are more effective durinq invasti4ation of carbonate preductive horizons. 3. Extenaiveinvesti ations by theBiZalezh'~" prcqraa?~Busedxto determi en the and seismic 9 38 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . / APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~dk o~~tr,tnL us~ contour of oil and gas pools ~nd thug reduca tt~e nwnber a� deep wells drilled to explor~ the fields. 4. S~ucty by sei~mic progpecting, beeide~ the refl~eting horizon~ in terri- geneoue depoeits of the Wenc~ian and Riph~~, o� ~t?e wave characteristics of earbonate deposi~s with r~gard ta the pre~ence of pmductiive magsea in them. - 5. brilling gpeciai boreholes with planned dQpthe of 1,000-1,500 m in ind3vi- dual, larger areae. The purpose of thie drilling is qualite~ive atiudy of the oil- and qas-bearing content of the upper carbonate complexes without loases of filtration pror~erties of promieing horizone as a result of sinkinq welle to deeply gubm~rqed d~posits. F'or thie purpoee it is rational to uee _ ligh~ drillinq rigg of type BU-80 ~nd 8A-2000. - 6. Developmant of a rational technoloqy of tappinq and testing oil and gas pool~ in carbonate depoaits with deficit bed pressure. Tdppinq eimilar productive horizons in liqhtened muds and invert emulsions ehould occupy a speaial place in this. 7. Passing throuqh the intervals of the profile with expected carbonate bnd~ with ~ubinterval testing of iP. Varioua depreasions and the standing _ time in the inflow to determine the optimum sampling aonditions muat be used in thie case. This method made it posaible to eetimate the productivity and scalea of the oil- and gas-bearing content of the Riphean carbonAte mass under conditiona of maintaininq ite main volwnetric parameters even at the drilling staqe in the Kuyumbinakoye field. Development and inq~lementation of a conerete scientific-production proqram to improve loqqinq, tappinq and samplinq of the carbonate profile will make it possible to obtain essnntially new qeoloqical information on the least atudied, but highly promising part of the aedimentary m~ntle of the Siberian Platform. The practice of searchinq for a carbonate profile when main:attention was devoted durinq the first staqe of exploration primarfly to the terriqeneous profile arid when the carbonate rock beqan to be cazefull;Y studied only after a reduction of the qeoloqical effectiveness of search ope~rations, should not be repeated during search-exploratory operations on the Siberian Platform. The carbonate profile shou~d be studied wi~h regard `o its litholoqical- textural characteristics and aimultaneously with the lower part of the sedimentary mentle consisting of terriqeneous rock. HIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Arstsiferov, A. S., "Precipitation of Salts Fram I,ower Cambrian and Wendian Brines in the Irkutsk Amphitheater," GEOLOGiYA NEFTI I GAZA, No. 4, 1974. ~ 2. Fuks, B. A., V. V. Kazanskiy, T. i. Moskaleta et al., "Tapping and Testinq _ Productive Beds of the Lower Cambrian of Eastern Siberia," GEOLOGIYA NEF'TI I GAZA, No. 2, 1977. 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02148: CIA-RDP82-44850R000100024404-4 ~Ot~ O~~ICIAL U5~ ONLY 3. Drabot, D. i.~ A. N. Zolotov and A. Z. 1G~ntorovich, "Geokhimicheakiye kritarii otsanki pergpektiv ne~tegazonosnogei dokembriy~kikh i nizhs?ekembriyskikh otlo~haniy yuqe Bibirskoy platformy" [~e ~~~emiael Criteria ~or ~valuatiing tihA Prospeats of the Oil- and Ga~-B@ering Contenti - of Fracaaibrien end Lo~Ar Can~brian ~epoeits of the 5outhern Siberiair~ Plat~orm~, Moecaw~ Nedra, 1974. 4. lGontxorovich, A. N. V. Mel'nikov and V. S. Starogei'tsev, "oil and Gag Geoloqical Regionsli~ation of the S~barian platfona," GEOLOGIYA NFFTI I ; QAZA, No. 2, 1976. 5. Sac~sonov, V. V. ,"Yrkutskiy nel~qazonosnyy bas~eyn" (~e irkutak Oil- eu~d ! Gas-~earinq Ba~in~, Zrkutek, Vost.-Sib. lan. izd-vo, 1975. 6. Trofimu3c, A. A., "The Prospecta o~ Findinq oil and Gae in Eastern Siberia - artc~ in the Far East," GE02~0(iIYA NEFTI I GAZA. No. 5, 1971. COPYRxGHT: 2zdatel'stvo "Nadra", "Sovetakaya qeoloqiya", 1978 ; 6521 END ' CSOs 1822 40 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020004-4