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APPROVEE:) FOR RELEASE= 2007/02/08= CIA-RE:)P82-00850R000'100020002-6 ' . . 1979 i- OF i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOR OFFICIAL U$E ONLY , JpRS L/8257 1 February 1979 'TRANSLATIONS ON I.AW OF TNE SEA (FOUO 1/79) U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 NOTE Jpit5 publicaCinns cnntain informntion primarily from foreign newspaperg, periodicgls and books, but also �rom news agency erangmisgions and broadcases. Mgterials from �oreign-language snurcee are CranslttCed; thnge frnm Englieh-language eources are transcribed or rEprinCed, with the original phrnsing and _ oCher characCeriseics rerained. Headlines, editorial reporCa, attd material encloaed in brackeCs ere aupplied by JPRS. Proceagtng indicatora such as [Text] or (Excerpe] in the firat line of each ieem, or �ollowing the _ last line of a brief, indicate how the original in�ormation was proceeaed. Where no procesaing indicator ie given, the in�or- maeion was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar namea rendered phonetically or transliCerated are enclosed in parentheaea. Worda or namea preceded by a ques- tion mark and encloaed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied asappropriaCe in conCext. Other unattributed parentherical notea within the body of an iCem originate with the aource. Timea within irems..aze as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way repreaent the poli- cies, viewa or attitudes of the U.S. Governmene. COPYRIGIiT LAWS ANp REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHI� OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRL THAT DISSEMINATYON OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. w APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 61BLIOGRAPNIC DA7A 1. RePort No, JpRS L/ 8257 2, ~~~�M.�"'~" J, Recipient'~ Aece~aion \o, ; SHEET - I , t e�n u ci~ e epon ate -1 TRANSI.ATION5 ON LAW 0F 'I'Ni: SCA, (FOUO 1/79) 1 F bxua 1979 ~ 6, 1. Author(.) A- Nor(ocmint Qrg~ni:ocion Rept, 9. iiettorminK Oisiknisiktion Name and Addrese 10, Proleet/Tesk/Work Unit No, Joint Publicatione Rarearch 3ervice 1000 NOrCh Glebe Road il. Contnct/Gront :Vo, Arlington, Virginia 22201 12, SponiorinS OrlIani:uion Name and Addroom 13. d Repoct bc Period ( Cov:te As �bove ~ , I 4 13. Supplamentuy Noas I 16. Abstnet� I This report contains information from the world press and ~ radio coverage of the ~ oE the Sea conferences and negotiations, territorial seas and straits, ' r.oastal and international seabed economic areas, marine polluCion, scientific research and fisheries. , I ey or e an oeument Ana ysu. 17c. Descripton ' Worldwide Pollution ~ T:nvironmental Control ~ ISiological Oceanography i Petroleum Fishery ~ ~ ~ 1 17L. Ident itlen/Open-Ended Terms I I 17s. COSATI Fleld/Group iC , FiN ,'iA, 8.1 I ~ ~ 18. vellabllity Statemene . Secutlty !as� (a, is 1. o. of P~pc~ ~ T'or Official Usc Only. Ri orc) ^ c~ , ~ 9old b F1TI8 Y 29. �uc ty ..i ( ,l. . nce Bpringfield, Virginia 22151 ?a � ! F r ~ . ....~..nw.~~.~.w NsCOMM�OG 14911�P1l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOI: 0PPIC1l1Ia U51s ONLY , JPRS L/8257 1 February 1979 TRANSLATIONS ON LAk' OF THE SEA (FOUO i/79) ' CONTENTS PAGE WORLDWIDE ArFAIRS US51t-Japan Fiahing Talks Continue (Various sources, various dates) 1 USSR Refuses To Discuss Salmon _ 'JAPAN TIMES' on Talks, editorial ' 'ASAHI' Reports Ponomarev Remarks on Fishing, by Chuma Of�icial Hails Outcome . ASTA INTER-ASIAN AFFAIRS Japan-ROK Continental Shelf Talks Hit Snag _ (YOMIURI SHINBUN, 25 Nov 78) 4 JAPAN Keidanren Urges Government Push far Ocean ExploitaCion (NIKKAN KOGYO SHINBUN, 2 Dec 78) 6 _ Maritime Safety Agency Marks Remote Islands, Reefs - (THE JAPAN TIMES, 4 Dec 78) 8 LATIN AMERICA �.,INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS Cuban-Mexican Fishing Relations Described as rriendly (Victor M. Copa; PRELA, 9 Nov 78) 9 ' a - [III - INT - 136 FOUO) POR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOk 0FF1CIAL USL ONLY WORLDWIDE.AFFAIRS USSR-JAPAN FI5HING TALKS CONTINUE USSR Ref.uses To Discuss Salmon ~ Tokyo NIHON KEIZAI SHINBUN ln Japanese 23 Nov 78 Morning Edition p 4 OW [Text] 3ources conoerned with Japan-Soviet fishery nogotiabions disolosed on 22 November thut, ab ttin fishery balks now underway in the roreign Ministry in Tokyo, the Soviet side has refused Japan's proposal to hold tha first sesslon of the Japan-Soviet Pishery oommitbee as part of the aurrent Tokyo Pishery negobiations. Under an agreement roached between Japan and the Soviet Union on fishery cooperation this April, the Japan-Soviet fishery aommittiee will hold annual meebings alternating bebween Tokyo and Moscow to discuss catoh quotas for sa]mon fishery in the northwestiern Paoitio. RQfusing to acoept Japan's propo3al to open the committee's Pirst meeting in Tokyo as part of the aurrent,fishery negotiations, the Soviet side said: "This delegttion was not 3n:,tructed to discuss the committee issue." As a result o1' bhis refusal, prospects have dimmed for opening talks on next year's salmon fishing in the norLhwestern PaciPic bhis year in Tokyo. Thus, Japan faaes the possibility that there talka may be held in Mor;cow sometime next year. - COPYRIGHT: Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha 1978 'JAPAN TIMES' on Talks OW211343Y Tokyo TEiG JAPAN TIMFS in English 20 Nov 78 p 2 OW--FOR OFFICIAL U3E ONLY [Editorial: "Fishery Talks With Russia"] [Tcxt] Japan and thc Sovict Union opened this past weekend what is most likely to L+e toup,h prolonRed ncgotiations over Pi:,heries. pfter the two countries declared 200 miles _ of thcir orr-shore waters as exclusive tishery conservation zones last year, Poreipn Pish- ing in thc adJacent :,cas have become more an object of national poliey than of i'ree enter- pr3ae. And p,iven thc well-known Soviet displeasure about the Japan-China treaty of last Septembcr, the political climato is less than a jovial one. 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOR nFFICIAL USE ONLY Tha nurrenb tialks aonoern tho allowable levoln of fish haul in 1979 for bhe bwo oountrios in oach othori:; 200-milo zono. For this year, ttie Soviet Union oonoeded Japan a quora of 850,000 bonn, ofP 29 peraonb from the 1977 levei. Jupan, in roburn, permibted the Soviet fishing Ploot to haul up bo 650,000 bons of fish in bhQ Japanese 200-mile zone, or 19 _ peraent lean than 3n 1977, Onao thQ Japanese fish3ng indusbry grosged a fish haul of up bo 1.7 million tions a year ~ in bho northern Pac3fia areas now onolosed by Rusaia's 200-mile 13miti. The 1978 aeiling, ` then, amountis to n halving ot tho previoua peak. Tho 3oviets are being asaured nearly nc much fish haul in the Japanose aoastai seas as bePore bhe arrival of the 200-mile ' fishory limitations. The present tishery negotiations will mosb oertainly see a repeat oP bhe aonf':ontiatinn bebween bho Japanese-advooabed principlo emphas3zing hiatorioal interesbs and past Pishery reoords, on tho one hand, and the 3oviet argument Por a striab pariby in the two aountries' i'iah haul in tho restriated zonea, on tho othQr. In bhe previoua negotiations over tho 1978 quotas, Japan managed to make a small dent on bhc 3oviets' reciprooity prineiple, by seauring something more in the 3oviet 200-miie zone that it gave to the Soviet Pishing Sleets in the Japanese 200-mile zone. Onoe again this time, we will have to fall baok on "bhe histor3cal interests" and ask the 3oviet Union for permiscion to fish moro in Sov3et waters, while attempting to limit the level oP - 3oviot fish catch in Japanese waters. An increa:,e in tha Japanese quota Por north Paoii'ic !'isheries, aoaording to the 3oviet parity prinaiple, is expected to be reaiprooated with a matching increase in the 3oviet catch in the Japanese ofP-shore wabc3rs. Such a bargain would add to the eulQuish of hali' _ a million small Japanese Pishermen living on aoastal rishing. - Clearly, Japan is the more disadvantaged party in the present negotiations. In addition to a Pavorable dcal in fi:,hing quotas. Japan seeks a longer-term agreement with the Russians to reduce uncertaintie:, of the present one-year arrangement. This is an occasion to Pind - out the extent of avowed Sovict willingness to develop good neighborly relations with this country, in 3pite of the diPferences over the nature of our relationship with China. COPYRIGHT: THE JAPAN TIMES, 1978 _ 'ASAHI' Reports Ponomarev Remarks on Fishing Tokyo ASAHI SHINBUN in Japanese 21 Dec 78 Morning Edition p 2 OW [Correspondent Chwna] ['Pext] Mo:,cou, 20 Dec--on 20 December the Japanese 3ocialist Party [JSP] delegation currently visitini; the USSR hcld another energetic round ot talks with 3oviet oPPicials on tishery problems between ttic two countries, including gathering sea tangle in tha northern Waters around Kaigara Island. The 20 Deaember session was prompted by criticism i'rom concerned quarters that conclus'Lons reaahed ab the previous meeting with Fish Industry MJ.nister Ishkov on 19 December were anibiguous. First, at its second political session wiLh Suslov on 20 llecember, ttie JSP delagation entrusted him uith a letter of request adclreszcd Lo Pi::ti Indu:,Lry Miri3ter Ishkov. In this latter, the JSP delegation stated 61iaL "iti order to ext;end a tielping hand to small fishermen and medium-and small-size 2 FOR OFrICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 b'Ok nFFZCIAL U5E ONLY Ciulierio:; 3l our cquntry, wo w111 makn pauiLiva et'fort;c tio f0I'illA 11@W orgunization ot' sm.~ll J'lc;lir.vuion, mQCllum-nI al cAm;iil-,;.ll0 1'.L;liarLa;; ;iriQ mod.Lunt utxt :;tn;i11-,ize t;rnde f'irnnn in placo ul' l,liu lu,auarib t;voriLcr d;ipun P:Luiiarlao Auuucinl,luti, 'P}ie new ori-;ant'LuL'iun wi11 endeuvol, Lo deYend Llio :Lnl;eroal;o ol' it:; mcmber3 frou ,.i pouit;ion fpvoring Jqpan-U95K friendship." "ltagarctint; Lha gal;harini; oY Lant;1Q in waLers uround Kaigara Is1and," it aontinued, "wc will trtvQ Lo reuolvc tha problam Prom tho untne posiLion. I"~trthermore, as for the proposed Jnpan-U53ri Joint; proJeats in3ide the Soviat 200-mile limit, we propose that the Sovieb side, soparately fron intergovernment; negotiutions, agreo to bRgin them at an early date, allowing L�hQ organization wo reeo~mnQnd to participate in thent using the Japan- 3oviet trade as:,ociation as an intermodiary." nrror the JSP lotbor was rond at today's mQOttng, Ponomnrev, candidnte membcr ot the Politburo, sAid bhAb "the Soviet lendership will ace to i: ttiat the 3oviot fish indugtry ministoi, aonsiders the inberestis of bkie JSP and Pistormen oi' tloklcaido.' Ponomarovis remark Itas boon intarpretod by the JSP dQlegation ns meoning thaL "btie new proposnl of the JSP has beon i'uily aaaepted." Basod on this devolopment;, the J5P is expected to seti 1lp a new urganization to replace the Greater Japan Fishorio:, Acsaciat;ion. NeverbhQless, the delegation requast;ed anobher meeting with Ishkov ' i obtain i'urt;her asctrances. Ttie J5I' hao long been workinE for a now orgAnizabion to roplaee the P1s11eries association. llowover, the assoaiation kias a long history and ourrently runs extonsivo and divarsified btlsinrssnesses. Accordingly, whather the JSP ~an iarm a new orgariization to takc its rlace ramains tio bo saen. COPYRIGHT: Asahi Shinbun Tokyo Honsha 1978 Off.icial Hails Outcome Tokyo THE UAILY YOMIUItI in English 16 Dec 78 p 1 OW [Text] Fisheries Agency Director-Cieneral Seifi Mori Friday welaomed the outaome of the Japan-Sov'Let fishery negotiations, especially Japan's sucaess.,in maintaining the same quota for its catch for next year as this year in the Soviet 200-mtle Pishery zone. The negol:iation, in 2'okyo since November 18 were Por deaiding J'.ranese and 3oviet catch quotas in each obher's 200-milc zone. _ 3peaki,ng to new:;men following the concluyion of the talks, Mori said the outstanding . result wa:, Japan's winning an ovcra].1 quota of 750,000 tons , though the quota was 100,000 _ bons short oP last ycar's 850,000 tons. Thc Sovict negotiators tried to hold down the Japanese quotia to 700,000 tons. Mori said L-ftc 750,000-tion (luota was very sivnif3cant because it removed Japanese fisher- mcnl;, fcarn bhat tticy mighL� bc obliged to reduue the number of their P33hing vessels operaLinr orr tric ;;ovict Par t:ast next year. Mori also noted the Japanese success in holding down to the minimum a Soviet denand i'or equal quota:, tor Japanese and Soviet Pishermen oPP each other's coast. The Japanese side insisted on taking into accounti pacb fishing records. COPYRIGHT: Yomiuri Shinbunsha 1978 CSO: 5200 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 , FOEt OFFICIAi. USE ONLY iNTER-ASIAN AFFAIItS id JAPAN-ROK CONTIlQENTAL SHELF TALK3 HIT 3NAf3 OW030600y Tokyo YOMNRI 3HIN'SUN in Japaneae 25 Nov 78 Morning Edition p 8 OW-- FOR OFFICTAL USE ONLY ~ [Text] Which enterprise 3hould undertake exploration and praspecting in the jo3nt Japan- ROK continenbnl shelf dovelopment projeat 3n the East China Sea remains to be determined as bot;h Japan and the ROK insist on undertaking it themselves. Art informed source on 24 November said that unless a settlement is reached in private-level negotiations, the matiter wi11 have to be settled through government-to-government negotietions. If and when this happons, rougher going is Poresoen sinae nabional prestige will be affeoted. Hence, the Japanese firm involved in the private tialks--Nippon Oil Development Co, Ltd., a subsidi.ary of the Nippon 011 Co, Ltd.--views the matter with apprehension. Under an agr;aement between the two governments, Japan and the ROIC seek to develop oil and natural gas in an 83,000..square-meter area in the East China 3ea in the Joint develop- ment projF,ct. Japan has picked two mining concessionaries Por the projeot--the Nippon 031 Deve7.opment Co and the Teikoku Oil Co, Ltd.--and is now in the process of ohoosing an operator, or a Pirm to underbake exploration and prospeoting. = In the beginninFe,;apan thought that there would be no problem in picking a Japanese tirm as the operatcr in view oP the i'act that tihe Nippon Oil Development Co has a teohnical tie- in with an Nnerican maJor. However, the private-level negotiations held thus far have shown that a 3outh Korean enterprise ia also keenly enthusiastia about becoming the oper- aCor for tho benoPtt of ncquiring mining technology and has no intention oP qielding. Ac a ro:.ult, tho continental :,helf devplopmvnt project has hit a snag. Whictiover side becomes the operator, the two countries will have equai ~44ghts over crude ~ oil bo be discovored and, therePore, there irill be no harm to eiicher s',de. However, the Nippon Oil Devolopmont Co says Japan should not concede in the compet:tion. It says: "Wo neQd to acquire technology Por ILture continental shrlf develor:r~ent and by all means ; wu xnnt to undertake it." i , i - ~ 4 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOR OFi'ICIAL Il5E UNLY Undar t�he b3lateral agreomont, when ail opernL�or cannob be ca].ocbod in prSvatie negotiatiions 3 monthr, after min:Lng concecsions aro grantad, tho mattor 3s bo Ua put bo goverrunent-to- govornmonb negotiations. If worst oomes to worsb, ib would have Bo be dooided by lobtery. }[owevor, if 3t roquires governmenr-to-govorrmient nagotiatiionn, faotors other than ttio prinaiplo ot euonnmy nnd technianl cbandardtt w311 inbrude into thQ development projeot, wtiiah has already been used as a political tool. Ifenee, thera is no guaranbee that the " projeob may nob beoomo a cumplicabed problam again. COPYRIGHT; Yomiuri Shinbunsha 1978 CSO; 5200 5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JAF'AN 14 KEIDANREN URGE5 GOVERNMENT PUSH FOR OCEAN EXPLOITATION Tokyo NIKKAN ICOGYO SHIN}3UN in Japanese 2 Dec 78 p 1 (Text] In the near future the Federation of Economic Organizations (Chairman Toshio Doko) will make recom- mendations to the government regarding the establish- ment of a body Co promoCe the exploitaCion o� the ocean in order to move forward wiCh oceanic development. These recommendations will probably press the govern- ment to establish a basic promotional sysCem on the grounds that even Chougli use of the ocean's resources is an important problem for Japan rhere are many deficiencies in its system for promoting oceanic devel- opment, such as reliance on the privaCe sector. At the same time, the recommendations will be intended to serve as counter-recessionary measures for such indus- tries as steel and shipbuilding which are struggling with a structural recession. At present, the recommendation incorporates such items as (1) tackling the exploitation of the ocean as a national project by establishing an "Oceanic Development Commission" which, like the Atomic Energy Commission would be direcrly under the prime minister and would be entitled to budgetary allocations; (2) putting effort into the technology of exploiting the ocean in order to cope with the era of the 200-mile terri- torial limit; and (3) promoting the exploitation of manganese and other mineral resources. While Japan .*.alks about the importance of exploiting the ocean, thus far, the private sector has taken the lead in Japan with the government following. Because the risks in developing the ocean are great, there are increasing demands from the private sector that the government put more effort into this area. The Keidanren had been wrestling with this prablem mainly in its round- table on the exploiCation of the ocean (chaired by Isamu Yamashita, president of Mitsui shipbuilding). With a basic policy of changing from 6 FOR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY private secCor iniCiative to a publlc sector iniCiative, and proceeding with this as a national project, the Keidanren puC Cogether a new policy Chat a ayatem be establiahed for promoting the exploitation of the oceana, and it decided to recommend this policy to Che government shortly. The first item in the recommendation is the establiahment of a consolidated agency to promote the exploitation of the ocean; Che Keidanren holds that an "Oceanic�Development Commisaion" should be established which, like the Atomic Energy Commission and the Space Activities Commission, would be directly under Che prime miniater and would be entitled to budgetary allocationa. In the Keidanren's judgment it is neceasary to promote expl.oitation through this organ as a naCional project and on a national scale. Furthermore, the recommendations maintain that with the advent of the - 200-mile territorial J.imit, adjuatments in oceanic exploitation and fishing will be necessary nnd measures such as greater funding shculd be Caken Co encourage the advancement of technology in oceanic exploitation which will take these ad3ust:ments fully into account and will respond to the advent of the 200-mile territorial limit. Furthermore, since Chere are abundant mineral resources on the ocean floor, a tecommendation is being considered that, for the present, every effort should be put inCo the exploitation of manganese. COPYRIGHT: Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunaha 1978 9111 CSO: 5200 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 rQlt OrFuc rnr, trsr:, Ortt,Y JA PA N , MAIt1TIINE SAP'ETY AGENCY riARKS REMOTL ISLAND5, REEFS Tokyo TI1E JAPAN TIM[:S in Cng] ['1'ext ] ypkOHAMA (Kyodo) - Tlie MArltlme Sntety Agency t M5A 1 Is now placing stntion marks on remote IslAnds and reets whose im�ortance has assumed new dlmenslons with advept ot the 200�mile terrftorlal ltmlt. Thc -work Is almed at ac- curately locating remote islands and reers, But Its true obJectlve Is to reglster them as natlonal propertles and to take steps to show to the wcrld that Japan etfectively controls them. During the tirst stage ot work, about 40 station marks wUl be erectecl on Islands and reets belonging to 'l? islpnd groups located around Hokkaido in the north to the Senkaku Islands in the south. Most of them are lsolaGed and rocky, and difFicull to ap- proach. MSA offSclals are reaching them aboard' smail boats or landing on them (rom heUcopters. In a recent -operation, the MSA put up a statlon mark on lnanba Isiand about 220 km south of Tokyo. The MSA patml boat Shikine tirst trled to approach the Island but failed because ot reets around the Island. Because of this, three special rescue squad members were ish 4 Dec 78 p 2 taken to the island by a hellcopter and descended onto the island by a rope ladder. 'Che hel`copter had to make repeateci nttempts before successfully landing sIl, the three men because of aTr tur- bulence over the island. � After landing on the island, the ofticials dug a hole 30 em deep And About Su cm !n dfarr,ater and then set a station mArk in the hole with, the words the "MS,1 ftyrography Department" inscribed on it. They then filled in the hole with conci ite. 7'he statfon mark Is a demonstration oC Japanese territorial claim over the :sluncl. Such station marks have deen placed on about 1,200 places- in various parts of the cotintry. since the Meiji era for measuring lotations of islAnds and configurations of shoreltnes. The MSA has begun puttfng more of them since August thls year to cope with problems arlsing out of the 200-mile territorial limit and the S(na Japanese dispute over the Senkaku Islands last $ummer. - Since August, tt has so far set up marks at 11 places including Oshima island west of the COPYRIGHT: 'I'Ilr .Tt1PnN TIMES 197$ CSO: 5200 8 FOR OFFICIEL USE ONLY Matsumae Peninsula ln Hohkaido, NanatsuJima Tsland north of the Noto Penlnsula, Niuko and Yome lslunds in the Ogasawara Isiands, Kitu Iwojima IslAnd, and YokoateJlma in the Amami Islands. The MSA plans to complete the flrst stage' ot setting up marks at 40 places by the end ot the year. , Jutaro Azuma, protessor at Tsuda College, said under in- ternatfonal yaw, it Is necessary to have some klnd of national adminlstrative agency make territorial c,lalms to uninhabited lslands. In this respect, it Is significant to set up MSA statlon marks on uninhabited isiands to make territorial claims to them, he Added. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 VOk UFFICtAL USL nNi.,Y INTEIt-AMI:RICAN AFF'AI1t5 QUgAN-MEXICAN gI9N7NO IttitAT7oN5 bE.SCRIUCb AS PtiIhNDLY PA102235Y HavOna PHPLA in Spaninh 2030 dMT g Nov 78 pn--H'Oh dF'F'ICtAL U3E ONLY (13y Viator M. CopoJ (TextJ Havantk, 9 Nov (PL)-�Cuban-Mezican fishinp, relations refleot the ties of friendship acid aooperation that have hiGtbCieally prevailed betueen the peoples and governments of the tuo eountries, it uas revealed today in this aity. , In an exalusive intecwieu with PFtELAj Racael Cabrera, the CUban Aishing Industry Minigtry's direotoi, oC internationel relations, said that the fishing agreement betxeen the tuo ' oountirien does poE have an expiration date. Cabrera explained thnt the douument states that it will be in erreet until either of thr. Luo parties ends it by tbrmal riotification preaented 6 months prior Lo the antrual bilateral meeting. = He added that Mexico annually determine3 the amount of the cateh, the number of veasels and the conscrvation measures that the Wban fleet must implement. In his opinion these measure^ are designed to prevent harmful methods of exploitation thbt could aCt'ect the fir,hing reserves to the detriment Of Mexioana. The Cuban fleets, hc rmphasized, ztrietly abide by these regulations whieh are supervised by ver�potsible idexionn authoriticc. Cabrvc�a aaid that Cubnn vessels operute in Mexican uaters together With faeLorq ships or support ves3ela that also havo the respeetive operating permits. IIc explained that ail GUban vrsscl3 opcrate legaily in Mexioan waters uaing the corresponding fiahing pcrmita issuecl in accordance uith the agrcement betueen the tWO countries. Nor thic: reason, he naid, it !s impossible for the nunber of 6Uban vessels oper8ting in Mexicnn waters to exeeed the numbcr authorized by FtexlCO. Wriny, the Cishinp, :,cason n prior to the signing of the agreement, that is, during the qeara iq'jG-1yy*/ nnd 19'r'(-19'/8, the (.tibon lishing flcets have aiWays operated fewcr than the number of authorlved zhips. 9 FOR OFFZCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Oabrera maid that no Cuban i'iahing vegsei hae evcr operated in Mexioan waters uithaut the proper Cishing permit. tn tihe fishing lndustiry. Oabrera gaid, relatilong are based on the agreementi betWeen botih uountrieg on the govereign right to use natiural reaouroea for the benefit of their reapeetlve peoplee ag rell an on the maximunt rational utllizabion of suid regouraee. Ne eaiphasized that G1iba and Mexion are at preaenti oooperat3ng uith other I.at1n Amerlaan ooutntriee in the lntegration of their ei'fortg to aohieve harmonioug developmenC of their reapeotive fiahing industrieg. CSO: 5200 END ~ ~ ~ 10 FQR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100020002-6