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APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000'10062-9 ~ 3i JANUARY i979 CFOUO S179~ ~ i OF 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED F~R RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ,7pRS L/8255 31 January 1979 - ~ ~ / TRANSLATIONS ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 5/79) ~ U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SER!/ICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 NOTC ~ - ,~Y[t5 public~Cinng ~one~in in~drmuCion prim~rily ~rom ~nr~ign newsp~p~rg, periodic~L~ ~nd bonks, bue also frdm ncw~ ~~~nCy rr~nsmiggi~ng and brnadaas~~, M~eeri~ls frdm ~nr~ign-langu~g~ gOUYC~S ~re rr~nslne~d; rhog~ frdm Cnglish-Lgngu~ge SdUYC@S _ ~r~ Cr~nscribed or reprinred, wiCh Che original phraging and orher Ct1ElY~CCOY'~5C~~5 rer~ined, Headlines, edi.COrittl reporCs, ~nd matieri~l enclo~ed in brnckets [J ~re suppli~d by JpIt5. proC~gging indicaCors such ~s [Texr] or [ExcerpCJ in Che ~irst line of each item, ~r following Che lasC line df a brief, indic~r~ how ehe original informaeion was _ ~roc~ssed. Where no processing indic~tor is given, Che infor- marion w~s gummgrized or exrraceed. ~ Unf~mtliar n~mes rendered phoneeicaLly or er~nslieeraeed are = enclosed in p~renCheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- eion m~rk and en~losed in p~reneheses were noC cle~r in ehe original bur have been supplied as appropriaCe in conCexr. ' OCher unatCributed parenCheCical notes wiChin the body of ~n item originaCe with Che s~urce. Timea wiChin iCems gre as gtven by source, ~ The conCents o� this publication in no way represenC the poli- - cies, views or acCiCudes of the U.S. GovernmenC. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF TIIIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 'CEtANSLATI0N5 ON NAEtCOTICS ANn t)ANGF~R~US UItUCS b, (~OUd 5/79) - 7, rlu~hur(,1 6~ Pe~lorming chgania~tion Itrpt, V d, 4, I'crfunuin~: t)rpani~..uiun ti,imc end r\J~III'V9 10, Nroject/i'e4k~uutl: Unit N~~, Jninr Publ.tcnCidns Rascnrch Service t000 Ndrth Glebe Road 11~ Contract/Gran~ yo~ Arlington, Virginid 22201 r 12. ~p~~nYorin~ c)tg~nix,~tiun ~amr and A~1Jrc~9 1J~ Typc ot Heport ~ prriod Covered As ~bove 14~ 15. 5upE+lementury Notes I6~ Ahr~r,~rtv The serial report consists of tr~nsl~cions from the coorld press attd radio ~ relating Co law, law enforcement, illicit traffic and pc:raonuLities concerned � with narcotics and dangerou~ ~lrugs. 17. Kry WutJ+ ~nJ Uo�ument Analysis. 170. Descriptore Narcotics � Urug Addiction Law (Jurisprudence) L~w Enforcement 17b. I~Icntifictv/Uprn�I:nJed Tctms Dangerous Drugs Drug Control Orug Traf Kc v~. c.~)~ATI Picld/Group SK, 60, 6T 18. Av.~il.~b~l~ty Statemrnt 19. Security Class (This 21. \o. uf Pagra For Official Use Only. R~po~~1 1,27 _ Limfted Number of Copies Available From JPRS. � ~ccurity Claas (I'his 2~. c+� p~ IJ~C'LA ~IFIFn APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 - JPR5 L/6255 - 3]. January ].979 TRANSi.ATIOi~S ON NARCOTICS ANn DANGEROUS DRUGS (FOUO 5/79) CONTENTS PAGE SOUTH ~AST ASIA BU1tMA Uungers C~used by Drug Use (~diCorial; WOttKINC P~OPLE`S DAILY, 'l9 Dec 78)........... 1 - 28,900 Acres of Opium Poppy Ueatroyed ~(~JO1tKING PEOPLC'S DAILY, 7 J~n 79) 3 Three SenCenced Co Jnil �or Drug Offenses (WnRKINC P~O~'LE'S DAILY, 3 J~n 79) 4 I.~rge Haul of Opium at Tachilek (THL WORKINC PEOPLE'S DAILY, 24 Uec 78) 5 lieroin Seizures in Rengoon (THE WOI2ICING PEOPLE'S DAILY, 23 Dec 78) 6 Briefs Heroin Seized ~ Heroin Dealers Arrested 7 ~ Opium Seized in Shamo g _ Drug Search g Police Arrest Heroin Addicts 8 - {1~NC KONC More Women Turn to Drugs - (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 15 Dec 78) y _ World Health Organization Drug Fighters To Train (SOUTH ~HINA MORNINC POST, 15 Dec 78) 11 OCficial Response to Concern Over Drug Ships - (SOUTH CHINA MORNINC POST, 15 Dec 78) 12 ' - - rrrr - iNT -138 - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~l ~~I , ~ , CONT~NTS (Coneinued) Page r~ ~mneh Hern3n Ring (SOUTH CHINA MORNTNC POST, 16 Dec 78) 13 ; , 5ix race Drug Uenling Charges (SOUTH CHTNA MOItNING POST~, 17 Dec 7$).....~............ 14 ~ WAiter ArresCed WiCh ~5 Million in Drug~ in Suitcase (50UTH CHINA MORNING POST, 19 Dec 78) 15 ~ ;I '1'hai Womnn Gets Six Years �or Drug Se~uggling 'i~ (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 20 Dec 78) 16 ! Ateorney General Argues for Tighter Bai1 Lawa (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 21 Dec 78) 18 I ~ _ ExperimenCal Acupuncture Drug Clinic To Close ~ (Vivian Lee; SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, 29 Dec 78)...... 19 ~ I Opium in SuiCcase, Pakistani Denies Ownership I - (50UTH CHINA MORNINC P~~ST, 4 Jan 79) 21 I i NarcoCics Bureau Seizes Drug Manufacturing Center I (SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST, various daCes) 22 ' . { ~ Smoke Led To Raid ~:I Three Cet 10 Years ~ Last Defendant Sentenced `.I Briefs I _ Kai Tak Heroin Seizure 24 .I. Drug Charge Remand Zq _ Doctors on Drug Charge 24 ~ - Three Seized in Kowloon 25 I Underwater Drug Hoarcl Seized 25 ~ INUONESIA ~ ' Briefs ; Marihuana Disc~vered 26 ; _ .IAPAN i ~ I Kyu~iw Customs Nab ROK Sailor for Drugs ~ I (TH~ JAPAN TIMES, 30 Dec 78) 27 ; . ' , i i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 CONT~N~S (Continuad) p~g~ BriQEg . Urug 5mugglc~r Arrested 2g MALAYSTA U.5. ExperCe Train Drug Rehabilitation O~f icers (NEW STRAITS T]MES, 16 Dec 78) 29 5u~pected Trc~f�ickers He1d Under Emergency Ordinance (NEW STRATTS TTMES, 25 Dec 78) 30 Nnrcotics Arrests, Trialg, Sentences IteporCed (Various eources, ~various dates) 31 . � KeC'~ittl on Traff icking Charge - Three Years for k~os~ession . ~ighC Sentenced for Posaession Three Tried on Hero in Charge Sarawak Soldiers Charged Snrawak Heroin Arrest PAKtSTAN Br ief s One Million Dollars in Drugs 34 PEiILIPPINES Briefs Drug Pushers 35 _ SOUTH KORE/1 Br ief s Drug-Related Crimes 36 Drug Smuggling 36 THAILANll Provincial Covernors Told To SeC Up AntinarcoCics Centers (NATIONAL REVIEW, 23 Dec 78) 37 - Br ief s Antidrug Unit at Airport 38 Australian Neroin Traffickers 38 ~ -c- APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 _ ~ CON~~NT5 (Continued) p~ge , ~ternin Tr~f.Eickin,g Charges 3g ~ ~ Mnrihuana plantation Discovered 39 Heroin posgession Charges 39 - Drug Raid ~ 3g CAIQAllA ~ Jail for 'buCch Connection' Hashish Smuggler (TH~ GLOB~ ANll MAIL, 10 Jan 79) 40 I3r iefs . Sentencing in Coc~ine Case 42 Seven-Year Terms Q2 Coca3ne Smuggling Chgrge 42 EASTERN Ei~ROPE BULGAltIA 'BTA' Reports T.mprovement of Drug Smuggling ConCrol (BTA, 3 Jan 79) 43 LATIN AMERICA ~ ~ - BItAZ? L ' ' I Operation tincovering InCernational Cocaine Ring Detailed ~ I (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 16 Dec 78) 44 ~ i Cocaine Seized, Distillery Uncovered (0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO, 30 Dec 78) 47 I - Arrest of Argentine Reveals Cocaine Route to Canada I (FOLHA DE SAO PAULO, 13 Dec 78) 51 ~ ~ i Police Assist in Rehabilitation Effort of 300 Addicted ~ Youths i (JORNAL DO BRASIL, 18 Dec 78) 53 , Brief s ! U.S. Drug Traff icker Sentenced 56 ; Drug Rehabilitation ' S6 i ~ d ' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 CUN'1'l:N'l'S ((:c~neinu~d) Page COLOME3IA - New Bogotg Police ChieP Appo~.nted (EL TIEMPO, 7 Aec 78) 57 - Drug I;aw neclared Ccnstitutional ~ (EL TIEMPO, 8 Dec 78) 58 - Itecent Atlantic Coast Seizures (EL Txa[P0, 28 Nov 78) 60 'Godfather's' Son Ki11ed (Alba Li.a Medina; ~L TIEMPO, 1 Dec 78) 62 E3ricEs - MuriFwanu Seized 64 MEXICO MarihuanA TrafFicking lting Captured, Convicted (Variaus sources, various dates) 65 ArresCs in Several States Traffickers Held for Trial ~ ~ Charges Denied, Coercion Claimed One Released, Others Jailed - Reteases, Reduced Sentences for Jailed Traff ickers (EL SOL DE 5INALOA, 15 Dec 78) 68 Antidrug Coord~nator Details 1978 Campaign Results _ (EL SOL DE 5INALOA, 22 Dec 78) 69 = kancher Sentenced for Crowing Marihuana - (LL DIARIO DL PIEDItAS N~CRA~, 14 Dec 78) 70 Heavlest Traff ic in Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon (CI. MANANA, 31 I)ec 78) 71 � (:c~cuine Selzecl l~rom Airplane in Chiapas (~tAKIU lll's NO(:AI,ES, 13 Dec 78) 72 ~ Army Antidrug Brigades Accused of Harassment, Torture (EL DIARIO DC NUEVO LAREnO, 29 Dec 78) 73 - e - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 CON'fCMrS (Can~inued) P~g~ ' Owner o~ Poppy, Marihuane "rinnt:ations Held for Tri~l (~L SOL UE STNALOA, 23 Dec 78) 74 Mexico Now Transfer Point for South American Druga ~(EL SOL D~ 5INALOA, 14 Dec 7'8) 75 , Cocaine I'rocessing I,~boraCory Discovered in Ensen~lda - (LA VOZ b~ LA FRONTERA, 24 bec 78) 76 i Cocaine Traff icker Captured in Ciudad Juarez - (~L FRONTERIZO, 19 Dec 78) ~8 - Results of 1978 Antidrug Campa ign Descri.aed , (~L MANANA, 1 Jan 79) 79 Marihuana 5hipment Confiscated in San 1,u~.s Potosi - (EL DIARIO b~,NUEVO LAREDO, 14 Dec 78).~ 80 Sl~ippers qf Cocaine From South America C~ptured (EL SOL DE SINALOA, 2.Dec 78) 82 Drug Theft at Health Center Prompts New IncineraCion Policy (EL FRONTERIZO, 29 Nov 78) a4 Truck Driver Caught With Marihuana Shipment in Tamaulipas (EL MANANA, 22 Dec 18) 86 Brief s Marihuana Shipper Jailed g~ - New Mariiiuana Growing Areas 87 Migration Agents Exonerated 87 Imprisoned Trafficker Transferred gg Three Drug 'Czars' Sentenced gg _ Heroin Trafficker Arrested gg Traffickers Escape Federal ~~eil gg Cocaine From Colombia Seized 89 Heroin Confiscated gg Various Drugs Seized 90 ~ Confiscated Marihuana Burned 90 Convicted Traff icker Released 90 , Cocaine Traffickers Caught 91 Customs Cuard Claimed Accomplice 91 Marihuana, Opium Gum Seized . 91 Heroin Aistributor Capture~i gl . - Town Councilman Among Traffickers 92 f APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 _ CONmi;N'CS (Cone inued ) Page r~;izu - arle�s _ Cocaine Seized 93 UItUGUAY T~'ive Tried ior Mnrihuana Traffickers (~L PAI5, 23, 24 bec 7�i) 94 Trial Court Hears Pleas Addict's Tip Brings Indictments V~NCZUIsLA P'1'J Investig~te Coc:rzine Trnfficking Ring (I~'rancisca Comez; UL7'IMAS NOTTCIAS, 3 Jan 19).......... 96 Briefs ' Drug ~telated Murder 98 NEAIt EAST AND NORTH AFRICA EGYPT Legislation Sought To Confiscate Lan,d of Opium Growers (THE ECYpTIAN GAZETTE, 28 Dec 78) 99 WESTERN EUROPE AUSTRIA Briefs llrug llealers Arrested 102 ~ Hero in Smuggler Arrested 102 Two Austrians Arrested 102 Heroin Dealers Arrested 103 ICELAND Court Sentences Hashish Smuggler (MbRCUNBI.ADID, 22 Dec 78) 10[~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 FOR US~ u?vi,i J GONTLNT5 (CoCninued) Page NOItWAY Briefs ~ Increase in Drug~ Seized 105 Dealers' Automatic Weapons 105 Drugs Crom FftG ~ 106 - Record Drug neaths in 1978 105 PORTUCAL Hashish Conf~scated rrom Colombians (0 DIA, 8 Nov 78) 107~ Arricle Looks at Urug Enf~rcement Effort ~ (EXPRESSO, 14 Oct 78) 109 _ SWCll~N Closing of Wards Hurts Gtockholm Drugs Treatment - (Editorial; SVELISKA DAGBLA.DET, 15 Dec 78) ' 113 ~ ~ TURKEY ' Brief s _ Narcotics Protocol With Egypt 115 ' _ Narcotics Seized in Istanbul 115 ! = UNITED KINGDOM , j _ Drug Haul Doubles as Smugglers Switch to Brita in ~ _ (John Weeks; THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 4 Jan 79)............ 116 : kleroln Smuggled in Boxes of Noreign Prawns ~ (THC DAILY TELEG~RAPH, 10 Jan 79) 118 ~ ~ - Briets ` Cannabis Smuggling Trial 119 ' - h - APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 BUItMl1 DANGCIt5 CAUS~D nY DRUG USE kun~oon WORKINC P[:OPLC'S DAILY in ~n~lish 29 Dec 78 p 2,BK (l:ditorial: "An UnbeataUle CombinaCion"] - [':.:xt] 'Che threat po~ed by narcotic drugs is being combated as a matter of ovcr.-ridin~ national importance. The magnitude of the danger is b~yond - comp~nrison in Cl~e depCh of human degradation and despair which 94ickly fo:llnws in tt~e wake of Che initi~~l drug-induced euphoria. Opium was bad enough on its own before Che advent of modern drugs--not a few of which are clerivecl from opium itself but whieh are ir!unensely more poCent than the ori~inal. The mosC well-known and doubtless the worst scourge is heroin. In spite of a hosC of other varieties of drugs, natural and synthetic heroin still is the number one drug which has brought the greatest extent of suEfering and misery to mankind as a whole. Among other well-known and common natural drugs is that of cannabis origin-- eithcr "marihuana" which are the leaves and flowers of Indian hemp or "hashish," the resin of the plant. 'Ctie m~1in tar~et in combating the drug menace iias, of course, been the elimina- tion of. all known sources of cultivatior~ of opium and Indian hemp. Timely detection and eradication of such cland~stine plantations constitute the most - essential aspect oF the action taken since such measures hit directly at the very source oP druR production. '1'tie ,lmount of opium plantations destroyed during the 1976-1977 opium cultiva- tion season totaled over 8,700 acres and in the following year, the amount - destroye~ ~umped to over 10,300 This was carried out under Operation Taung Htaik Pan [Mnuntaintop Flower] under the direction of the Central Narcotics Control Roard. ~ The me ~ would be e useful im rove� me~ls may bc frus~ra~cd 1'rom "A defendant who i~ re. p the outset beeaute ~ha de� fwed 6~ii has ~I~~yt been ment to the adminiitration uf fendan~ abeconds before tht able ~o apply to tAe Hi h ~uj5~pe~a king et ~he iccond ~11bf^eY'~eneral can aci;' Court for ~ roview and b a~e readin~ of the ~riminal s~~d Mr Hoblcy. to epply to ene jnd~e ~Aet A safc uard is built inlo ~nothat Ithe i~ untrooat~ul:' ' Proceduro (Amendnient) (No the ro g ' ~Ij Bill, which conuined the P P~a~ Ihe ncw sec� But he so~d thot undtr the . new propcx~ls, Mr Hoble ~ion roquira that ~ defendan~ propaed I~w; tM deci~ioe of ~~d: y who i~ ~o kept in rustadr ~he HI`h~Coutt jud~e oe ~ "The oommuni~y finds our mus~ be btought befora a nriew of bril ot the instanoe ~ systRm of criminal justia High Court judge wi~hin 48 nf the Attorney~0enenl de~;~aive i~ it~ ~dministntion h�~n' would be fi~a~. wilh no ~pp~l raulu in perwrq accused of But Mr Hobley added ~ha~ by ei~her prny. se~iow crima ivoiding ~rial this propaal wa~ itron~ly ob The (in~lity o~ the dedsion by ~b~condina.'� kM~d to br ~he Chief lwtia. on ~ nview of b~il will be ~ He wld th~t the o The AuorneyQeneral tanpered bp rliowin ~ dr I~w did not tm ~ did no~ e~pect ~ flood ~ter~d~nllo ~ ~p in to ony r K� o t a p p l i a u i o n s ~ o r rcv kw o f H l j h Cou r t ~~je i f I h ere is o ~tr~inl on the di~cro~ion b~il decuion~ and that Ais material chin e in dtcum� which magntates and lud ges p o w e r t o t e q u i ro a m a n t o ~ e i t a n o a o r t o t~ i e trid j u d Aave with rapect to bai l. detained pending a review axe his trial hu oom~ ~ "Wfut it wiil do is to give wouid ~'be eaerciscd with A"more controreaial" ' the Crown a ~i ht to hare . 4 gra~ cue." propoul of the Bill is that the decisions of magutratu and He s~resscd t h a t he AttotneyGenenl, whete ~ di~?tict jud`a ~nnting boil thou~ht ~he new proposals m~~iitrate or ditttict jnd~e ~eviewed in tAe igh C'ourt ~t wou d affect q we~ul im� Ms annted bail~ an inter� Ihe ini~anco of the Attorney proremen~ in the odministro� vene and requiro ~he ooun to Ceeenl:' ~ion of 'ustia, and enable a order Ihe ddend~nt'~ deten� He wid that the 6ill frcih m~nd to be brou~ht in a tio~ in cwtody pendln~ the wwld put ~he pro~ecution in difficult c~st. makins of ~n appliation for C50: 5300 18 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ NdNG KONG _ ~X~'~[tIM~N~AL ACUPUNC'rUtt~ URUG CLINIC TO CL~S~ Ndng Kdt~ SdU~H CHtNA MOttN~NG pOS~ tn ~ngligti ~9 bec 7~ pp 1, ~ ~ ~Areicl~ by Vivi~n L~~~ _ ~`~pxC~ Tung Wah Ho~pital'~ acu� punewra eleetra~~imuoltbn SARbA that new contracu clinic, the only one of I~~ kind w i I 1, be, dr~wp up ~ ne~?t in the world to employ the month;' uid e sociel wo~ker~ Chinae tecAnique ~o cura Mr 3tephen Low. drug addicts, li to clae at the ~~Some of u~ wha h'd - end of thi~ munth. interviaws wrned ~hem down 1'his it despite Ihe under� becaute we tAought we would slanding of ~he it~fl' thit itayun." clinic operattoni will mntinue Thc IS~nember �err. nnd the clinic will be pu~ made up of five sxiel work� under the Society for 1he Aid en, thra rogistered nuna, ond RehAbili~aUon of Drug two laboratory techniciana, a Abuun in April. clerk, two messengcn pnd The cllnic was s~oned o~ a two amahs. said they wcre one�rear experiment in July giren to undentand the ciinic - la~t year. with fund~ of about would ooniinue under the t~.n,000 from the Notiaul Mtdical ~nd Health Ikpart� Inatitute on Drua A~uie� of inent in an interim period the Unita! Stota. from next month to ~he end of When the original term March, ond then be tronsfcr� endcd, the (loveremen~ dave rcd to SARDA in April. it anolher life nf si~ months rnd a budget nf mo~c than The ba~is for their under� 5200,000 so ihe technique ilanding came from � meet� ! rnu~d bc ~ested furl'xr. ing on Deamber 8 betwan I~ is believed the ~ucceu tAe nuistant Secrct~ry for ~ ratc for Ihe clinic, which ht~ Security (Noroolia), Mr procased more than 1,000 Borren Leung; the head of the paiicnu, is moro than IO per clinic. Dr Wen Hsiong�lai, ~ �nd mtmben of SARDA. in Memben of ~he iuff were which the trinsfernl proce� ~hocked on Wednad~y when dure~ to SARDA in April they arrired for work to di~� were di~cu~xd, ~hey ~aid. cover ~ nolice ~nnouncing 1he Thi~ wai folloaed by the ~ closure of tAe 18�month old meeting on December 14 clinic. when the iuff said they were We wcre only informed promised verballY they would on becembcr 11 in ~ meeting ~ I 1 be absorbed w h e n with an exccutire officer of SARbA.taok over. ' the Medipl and Health De- partment and with the administ~ativc ucteurv of 19 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 And un UC~CfflbC~ 17, ~ Meanwhlle, the ~taff - SARUA drew up a pra~w,rd ~omc of whnm uro part�timo, budgat fur ~hc cllnic nftcr the othcre with cuntraot~ ending Iakcovr~, lhla month wlll bo taken A,r~ kr~mnn P~?r ~he Nur� cata of by conUn~ency plans , . ru~l~:~ Uivlaiun uf Ihe 5c~rn� drawn up by the Medlcal and - luriat'~ 5ccurhy Hranch, Mr Nealth Uepurtmcnt, Mr So ~ddie So, ~uid ~e~terday tho ~a~d~~ maUe~ was d nu~undcr~~nnd� 1)octnrr whd indicaled - Ing und thc fuwrc pl~~n pcr� prcvlouety they did not wl~h cclvcd by Ihc ~tuff was mcrcly tn roncw Ihcir conU~rtx w{II a SARUA propo,nl whirh be gb+orbed by Tung Wah hud ~till lu mcet Ihc xppruvai Hapital, of the Action Cummiuce ~ 5~ial workera wcro Agatnst Narcotlc~,o body th~t acconded from SAttDA and adviscs ~hc Unvcrnment dn all wili return there, narcntic~ pulicy, � IVunce and minor et'aff . ACAN mat Iny1 Wcdne~� wll) be given one month'e dny and membcrs dccidcd the eeverance p~y eo they can e~pa~iment had bcen ndc� look for other work quete~y pmlonged fnr its pur� By the time it closea, Mr pusc~, tha~ findings nra wffi- ~+~~d the clinic will hrve ricnt nnd inxpny~r~' money treated all its exiating doten ~hould not bc ~pcnt dny fur� or mora patienls. ther, Ne explaincd thatpa tients Mr 5o implied it was a go through 14 days o~ detoai� caae of uverconfidence thAt iication, and ~Ince December led to thc ml~undontand{ng, ZI, the clinic ha~ not accepted "Whcn it Icwks likely thc any ncw paQcnt~. propoeei will come through The clinic, at premises and everybody i~ eatisficd, borrowed from Tung Wah in then promiaea muy bc made," po Yec Strat in Sheung ha safd. Wan, ~xperimented with the - A report w~ittcn by the AES terhnique on 300 ulect� clinio'a chief, Dr Wen, has ed voluntecr drug addicts. becn eubmitted for eveluation ~ Other patients who ~Iw to ACAN und a copy has wcnt to the clinic wero treat� been unt ~o NIDA in the ed but dota wu not kept on United 5tates. them. Mr So said until both The AE5 technique besi� ACAN and NIDA conclude cally involva thc inurtion of that the acupuncturc clectra an ac~~puncturc nadle into uimulation technique is cost~ both opter ean of the p~tient effective for curing a large and thu supply of a ve~y low number of out�patient drug volteQe clectric current eddicts, e decision wili not be through tAe nadle, so that made obout futuro clinip. painful withdrawal symptoms of drug addiction would be iupprasal. CSU : 5:300 20 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ftnNG KdNG j OpIUM IN SUITCA5L, 1'AKIS'rANI U~NI~S OWN~CtS1~II' llnng Kong SnUTII CHINA MURNING YOSm in Lnglish 4 J~n 79 p 9 ~'1'~xt~ A 26�ycar�uid pakistuni wai ~crused in the High undcrneath scven polythane Court ye~terday of having bag~ contalning raw opium, raw opium In tho falae bottom Muhammed hed denied of hI~ ~uftcat~ whcn he ar- knowlcdga of thc presencc of rived from Karachi v1a Bang� opium In the iuitcaae and said kok, he had not cawod thc ~uit� Ali Muhammed p~Ieaded caac to bc brought to Hong� not uilt to tnffickin in kong. y e M~ Mera~h told the jury 9.09 la of raw opium, the Crown's ca~e wa~ ths~ the Crown couruel Daniel suitcnu bclongod to Muham� Mara~h told M~ Ju~tla me~ because ho h~d the koys 8aber and a Jury that to it, the clothing fitted ~ Muhammed rrrived et Kai him and hc hcid the luggage Tak airport at 8.45 pm on ta~ which ootrespondod to the _ July 2S lut year. ~uttcase., - A~ ha wa~ Qoing through The value of tho opium cwtoau with hii luggagc~ ~ waa rnror SI00,000. if oon� cuitortu oftiar found wma ~~n~ into p~epnred orn'um t6ing irregular obout hii ~uit� the value would be t330,000. Hearing oonti~ua today. Tho pfticer ~ot a ~crow� Mr Later Kwok u da driver to prite open tha bot� knding Muhamm~d on the - tom of t6e iuitaiu end found instructions of tha Director of Legal Aid. CSU: 5~00 21 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 liONG KONG NAltCO'CICS I3UIt~AU 5LIZC5 UKUC MANU~AC'TUItING C~NT~It 5moke L~d To It~id Ilon~; K~ns 5nllTtl CHINA MORNING YOST in Cnglish 19 Uec 78 p 13 ~'Cc:x t~ Nurrulic~ Bureuu ufficcr.r All fuur pl~udcd nol guilty luunchrd un c~iriy morning bcfurc Mr Ju~Uco Addison. r+iid an u rusp~clcd Jrug Cruwn cuunxel Peter bun� m+inuf;iriuring ~~ntrc ~ihcr cun ~uld thc judgc und jury ~mukc wur xccn iuming uul uf t hu ~ Niircotic~ Burcuu offi� u pipc in u Il,it, thc Iligh ccrs, ucting un inf~umntion, - ('uurt wu~ iulJ ~c.~crdu~�, kcpi u clusc watch nn thc ~op Fu Chun�run (4U), Ng ~~ruf Mun Yiu Building. - tit;~n�yin~ ( G.t ('hung Thcy snw smokc, which Ch~:ung�~xi (J9) und u 2S. smcllcd likc dungcrous drugs ~r+~r�uld wi?mun, Ch~ng bcing manufncturcd, coming �ung�mui, wcrc juinlly chs~rg� uul of u pipc. ed with m;?nuf;icluring dun~ A purty uf Nnrcoticx Bu� ~!rruu~ drug~ nnd ~x~sxession rcuu officcrs ruidcd thc (lnt a1 uf iicclylutic rubxtainccs inxidc 2 um un April 18. ~i Ilnt in Man Yiu Buildin~. Mr Uuncun suid further M;in W;ii Strcc~, Yuumati, inquirics Icd to the raid of un April 18, unolher flut in Yuct Wnh ' Chung wu~ furthcr churg� 5trccl, Kun Ton$, whcrc I 1.8 cd wilh ~xn~ccsian uf ucc~ylul� li~res of acetylutic substnnca - ic zub.r~+incc~ in a fliit in Kun wcrc foond. 1'un�, Ncuring continues today. Three Get 10 Years Ilong Kong 50U'Cll CI(INA MOItNING 1'OST in Cnglish 30 Dec 78 p 11 ~I:xccrptsJ Thrcc mcn wcrc cuch scn� in Man Yiu Building, Yau� Icnccd lu 10 ycurs' imprisun� mati on April I8, the scn� mcnt ycstcrd:iy af~cr thcy tenccs to run concurrcntly. wcrc found guilty of m:+nu� A 25�year-old woman, facturing dangcrous drug~ Cheng fung�mui; ucquittcd with �r markct valuc uf about on the first charge but con- 53.4 million. victcd on thc lattcr, was scn� Mr Justicc Addixon at thc tcnced to 3'h ycars' jeil. Fligh Court alwscntcnccd'Fu Chung w�rs also found Chun�sun (40), Ng Man�ying guil~y on unothcr charge of (61) and Chung Chcung�po posscss~on of acetylatic sub- (J9) lu fivc y~ar~; imprison� stanccs in a flat in Kun Tong mcnl for po.~.ecssion of accty and reccived five ywrs' jeil, latic .rub.rt~ncc.~ insidc u(lat again to run concurrently. 22 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 ~II Puur had plcud~d nu~ � Thc unx~un~ uf urrlylu~lc gullly tu thr thrrc rhargnb, aubytuncea aelzed �bout ~n p~s~ing ientenre, Mr I S,8 Htres rould be proc� Juvticc Addi~nn snid Judging eaecd Into hcroin a1 a market from Ihc inp~rumcn~s sr~zcd, vnluc of anmo SJ,41 milllnn, ~ho fiat mlght b~ a ccnUc nnt Crown cuunael Pctcr bun� nnly for ~eroin menufacwr� cun~prwccWcd. ing but alao di~trfbution of Defencc roun~cl Miad ~s� drugY, thcr 1'oh appcurcd for Fu, Mr F~e alao beliaved all thc W, Murrincr appcared fur fnur defendnntr played Cheng, Mr M, Hnrwnney a Impurtent roles in thc drug pea red fur Ng and Mr A. ~ centro, H~an appcarcd fn~ Chung, Lgsr UetendanC Senrenced il~ng Knng SOUTH ClIINA MORNING POST in ~nglish 3 Jan 79 p 9 ~l:xrnrpt~ A ~9�year�old Nun waa yuterday ~cntcnced to ninc ~wn~iAddiwn in thaYH gh ' Couri for m~nufacturing den- gerow dru~. ~ Au Yeung Sei�piu pleaded guilty, CSO: 5300 23 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 HONC KONG BItI~F5 KAI TAK H~~OIN 5~IZUR~--A1ere cusComs offic~rs ~t Kai Tak Airpor~ yester- dgy yeized five pounds Nn 3 hernin concealed in thg aides of two cardboard boxes conCaining preserved se~food ~nd orher groceries. The refined heroin was packed in half-ounce bttgs, each nf which would have ~etched about $250,000 on Che black m~rkee. A aenior customs o�ficer said a 38-year-old man who ~lew here from Bangkok on board an internaCional flight hnd been arreseed in connecrion wieh the seizure. He was expected to appear in San Po Kong Cnure Comorrow. 'The heroin, which was believed to be more ehan 50 percent pure, has been taken eo ehe Governmenti ChemisC for examin~ation. Sources said lnst nighe ChaC it is rare to find refined No 3 heroin being - smuggled inro }Iongkong. They added ChaC it could have been "cut" wiCh other substances before being sold eo addicCa. Most heroin sold in Hong- kong ranges from beCween 20 and 23 percent in puriCy, the sources said. - ~TexC~ ~Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST in Engliah 17 Dec 78 p 10~ DRUG CHARGE REMAND--A 52-year-old man, Kong Ka-on, appeared before Mr F.W. Blackwell in Tsun Wan Court yesterday on a charge of posaession of dangerous drugs for rhe purpase of unlawful trafficking. It is alleged that Kong had in his posaession a quantity of dangerous drugs in Tsun Wan, New Territories, on Monday. No plea was taken and Kong was remanded in ,jail custody until December 29. [Text~ (Hong Kong SOUTH CHINA MOItNING POST in English 20 Dec 78 p 16] DOGTORS ON DRUG CtiARGE--Two medical pracCitioners--David Wong Wing-hong (51) and Frank Yu Yu-kai (46)--were yesterday charged with rrafficking in - a dangerous drug--Merh~qualone. Wong is alleged to have comu~itted Che offence at 508 Nathan Road between December 4 and 13. No plea was Caken. Mr W.A. Wilson at Causeway Bay CourC remanded the two cases until January 4 pending chemisr reports and furCher inquiries. Wong and Yu were each granted bail of $5,000 each plus a surety in Che same sum. ~Text] ~Hon~ Kong SOUTEI CHINA MORNiNG POST in English 21 Dec 78 p 16] 24 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 7.'1tR~;L S~IZ~b IN KOWLOUN--C~~:~~~~ms n~1'~.cer~ ~n plaincloth~;~ duty yeAterdc~y arre~C~d Ct?rec mcn itt Kdwlo~n Ci~y ~~nd seiz~d ~nc nound r~f Nd ~ herni.n ~nd 2~ lbg n~ mdrphinc w~rCl~ $t+Sp,UdO nn tlie r~t,~i.l m~~rlce~. mhe ufficer~ ~arlier urregr~d two men wl~o wer~ .Cound ~n b~ in ponsegsidn o~ heroin. A~ear inrerroga~iit~ ehe men, the o.~fic~rs raided a~~.aC in the gam~ digericr and ~rreyted ~ man on el~e premises ~~Cer ~eizing Che morphine. mhe men will be ch~rged witti poeseqsion o~ d~ngcrous drugg tor the pur- poge of unluwtul Cr~~Eticicin~. Thcy wtll ~~pp~~r in S~n po Kon~ Court t;omorrow. (Text~ (1{ong 1(oc~g SuU~C~i ct[iNA M01tNiNC PUS'I' in Ettglish 31 Uec 78 p UNUCRWATEIt U[tUC EtUA~,U Sf:I7~D--N~rcoticy Clure~u deCecCive~ yesterday uttcnver~d an und~~rwurer o~,ium cenCre in Aberdeen. A genior of�icer of Ctie burc~u sntd last ni.gtiC t}iis w~s ehe e~.m~ he had cnme acro~as ~n underwater storl~e Car.iliCy being used far prepared opium, ~~ltl~ough raw upiwn h~7d been .Crcyuctttly found c~n the segbed. ~ollowing the seizure of Che rivc potmdr~ af rrepared opium�-worth ~bouC $50,000-- from u rope ttCCucltc~d eo an abandoned junk off Aplichau, Itnynl Navy divars aearched Che nreu. Uetectives suid the opium may have been atored Chere for some Cime Che drugs ~~ppeared eo be o1d importg. betecCives received information about rhe underw~ter seorxge cen~re a few days ego. They boarded n,junk 100 yardg off Aplichau ~bout 1 pm ye~terday and pulZed up a rope, where deCecCiv~s found a tin weighL�ed wiCh rocks conCaining Chree packets of prepared opium. (TexC~ ~Hong Kong SOUTIi CHINA MORNING POST in English 3 Jan 79 p 1~ CSO: 5300 25 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 TNUON~SIA 13ItiLi~5 MA1tIftUANA bISCbVCR~D~-J~kart~, 5.1~n (AI%p)--One hecC~re nf cultivated m~7rihuttna tr~es wa~ found in rt~e ?niddle oE gengkulu wildernese (SouChwest _ Sumc~Crn), Jnkarta new~pupers repor~ed Cod~iy. The Indnneginn police have nrresCed su~pects on gueplcinn of cultivgCing Che m~rihu~tttt. Local people eupported the pnlice in arresting them ,~nd diecnvering the mari~~uann field. Mcanwhile~ in p~l.emban~ (~ilso 5umatra) th~ policc have conFiscaCed 2.25 kg~ of opium c~nd ~ rrevted four people charged wieh the tr~ding of the drug illeg~~tlly. (Text] [Nong ho~if; Ai'~' in Eng].ish 1351 GM'T 5 Jan 79 BK] _ CSO; 5300 26 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 ~OR O~~ICIAL USC ONLY JAPAN KYU5HU CUSTOMS NAB RdK SAILOIt ~Ott DRUGS Tnkyn TN~ JApAN TIM~S in ~ngli~h 30 b~c 78 p 2 - (TpxtJ Kitakyushu (Kyodo)--A Snuth Koregn eailor was plge~d under grregt by police Friday on chargea of vinlating the Cugromg Law and Che Stimulant Druge Conrrol L~w Eor tryin~ tn smuggle gbout threa kg of etimulane drug intn Japan. The grreared w~g Kwon Chdng Nw~, 44, g~gilor fr~m pug~n, who worlcg ge a cook aboard the No 8 Cho~i Gn, g 246.27-Con c~rgn boae. Kwon wa~ stopped by officials nf the Mo~i Cugtomg Inspection nffice ~t abaut 5:30 p.m. Thursday when rhe boat arrived ae Mo~i Port. Ke was found to have two kg nf gtimulant dru~~ in two b~gs 3n his ~ackeC pocket, police said. The customs officialg ~l~n cnnfiscated an~ more ki]ogram of stimulanC drugs hidden on the bo~t. y The customg officials said that thi$ is the largest amount of atimulant druga confisr~t~d by the Cust~mg Office since the end ot th~ war. Kwon told police that he had been asked by one of his friends in Pusan to hanci the stimulant drugs co a Korean man in front of Shimonoaeki Station Thursday evening. The Nn 8 Chnie Go has m~de 66 trips to Japanese ports since 1969 but this is che Eirst time that it has b~en involved with sCimulant drug smuggling. Police were aYso questioning the captain of the ship in connection with the smuggling Case. COI'YRIGHT: TH~ JAPAN TIME5, 1978 C50: 5300 � 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 JApAN gRIE~S nItUC SMUGGL~tt ARIt~ST~U--Kob~, 9 Jgn KYODO--Hyog~ po11c~ confiecated ~ueaday 2.7 kilograma of gtimulant drugs worth aboue 1.08 bi113on ygn, tha poetwar record ~eiz~d ~e ~ CimQ in Hyogo Prefecture, emuggled by a South Kbrean - freightar crewm~n~ Police arreseed ehe gmuggler, Chong Kyu Bum, 49, a crew- man aboard the 537-ton Ki Yong Ho, when he w~e found carrying 1 grae~ of gCimulanC as ~~ample for dealit~g in Amagagaki, Nyogo Prefecture. Police egid Ch~ng wae g m~mb~r af a Soueh Kor~an emuggl~r ring directly connected _ with a stimu~gne drug m~nufgeturer in Pusan, South Korea, and he sold drugs to ~angs in 'Tokya and Oeaka regi~ng. The 2.7 kilograma of etimulant was found in coined-lockere ae the Jgpanese National itailwaye OAaka 5tation from two locker keys Chong carried. policg believe Chong himself smuggled _ gbout 5 kilogrmng of drugs into Japan and the reat of 2.3 kilograma was sold to J~panese underworld groups. Police searched tha SouCh Korean freighter '1'uesday afternoon. The fr8ight~r entered Osaka porC Sunday. Police a1~o aeked South Korean authorities through the International Criminal Police Organization (IN'r~EtPOL) to investigate the drug manufacturer in Pusan. (TextJ [Tokyn KYODO in English no time given 9 Jan 79 OWj - CSO: 5300 28 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 rtALAY S I A U,:S. t,XPCt2T5 TEtAIh' pttUG RLFIAnILITATION OF~'ICCIt5 , Kun1~ Lumpur t~~W STItAI'C5 ~'IMCS in English 16 Dec 7~ p 5 (~'pxt ~ KUALA LUMPUR,'P'ri. Weliare ~ervicea Miniater Datin Paduka Ha~~ah Aiehah C~hani hae oalled !or the eettin up oi a eeperate drug rehabilitation eentre for criminal add~ct~. At pre~ent, orfminal addieta are treated at the exlgting centree. However~ their prebenae hew created uneasineae among other inm~te~ who come ior voluntary rehabilitation.' Thera le already ~u h' Beelde~ medlcaf at~ eentre tor orlminat~ ad� tontfon, ehe ea1d, a druB dfot~ In ~ Bep an , rehabll~te?tton pro� Oelangor~ and t~e gramme ehould inalude Mlnf~ry's dd has besn materfal afde 1n the form eought ~or by the Priwn ct ~kf11 trdnln~ and ~ob Departmeni whfeh 1~ plscemente. uktng tor ~0 welfue ot� 8he raid tM ]~1:~1~try ~Q~iy, was unable to u~e the ~~The Mfnlitry 1~ ~tf11 "cold tdrkey" method ot ~hort of tralned otticer~ treatment ae ths centrei tor drug rehabllftatfoe. were not well�equfpped. We eenonly ~Ive ~uch ~un The tratntng pra a1d when thers �re gramme, ioiA~~Y eaough trafned ~ta!!," ~po n~ o r e d b y t h e� ~M to~d reportarr ~itar s Malaydsn and U.B. (~ov meetln~ arlth Dr. Robert ernmanv, wae almed J?t Dendy, l~tr. Harvey traWng drug rehabllits~ Frledmsn and Mr. tfon ot(tcera In couniel~ Thomu Conway ot the ing technlgues and U.S. Nattonal In~tltute ot eu~ervls~on. Drus Adminfitratton ~We Ara not here t~ here todey. lmport techniquee lron - 'The experta are here thc United 6ta~tes but to tor el`ht montlu to trafn work cioeely wlth cw iZ0 drug rehabflitatfon Malaystsn oounterpart~ ottteera Rnd heip the ln xurther refining {ho~e M1nf~tr deveiop e trefA� t~t ~ 8~r�~y ~~M _ ~ng ~y~em, wsed here, Dr. Dendy -Dat1n Paduka Hs~~ah eald. Atshah aatd the M1nb ry The fint cour~e or. wss concerned with the eupervtdon would star~ rehabllltation ot addlcb next week, to be foUaaret atter they had been de� counsellfn e t ~9u~A r toxtLled fn the hapltal~. g ~ C50: S'i~~ 29 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MA t~1Y51 A 5USi'E:C'CCn '1'ftACt~ ICKLft5 li~t~b UNbr(Z ~irttCLNCY dtidlNAhC~ Kua lu Lumpur rICW 5TnAIT5 'CIMLS i.n Engli~h 25 Ue~ 7~ p 12 C'Crxt j JOHORE BARU, Sun, ...r evldence. ~~~d, At lea,~t ZO ~o le ~u$� p�~~~~ ~nureee eald tdday: Mobt nt thoee eent to Pufau p~ Th~ only wa to ~ut thpm ott Jeru~~k wera~ ploked up In pected ot being nVOlved from thotr ac~ivftlee le ta de� Johore Baru~ Muar and Batu 1n "bl~ tfine drug traf- tatn them at Pulau Jera~ak Pahat, r~garded a~ the wor~t ftCltltlg ' in Johore have under tho ~mergenay (Pub11e drug aceaur In Johore. None of Order and Preventfon ot them wa~ Invoived fn been se11t to Pulau Jera� Crlme) Ordlnanae, 1089." ak thl~ ear, "eophf~tloated" tratfiekft~~ Y They e ~d the drug eltuatfon the eouroee ~aid, Moet ot them were detalned ~h the~~,wa~ cnuefn muah - 1n poilee "clean up" opera� � c:on~ettiR r~ oniy' ~to theg 1fee~ ~~t year~ a euepeot aent to tfone in vartour dlatrlCte, but to the ubl( ~ pulau Jereiak ww touttd to be p c an we a bfg tlme traftfoker ln ~iuar Altogether, 80 people were "Ae eueh we are tett with tto and a notorloue at~rter too, qent to Pulau Jereiak tor chol~e but to round up ae He went abou~ fn an Alfa varioua crimtnal aelivftfea, many euepe~te ab poeaible~ Romeo, earrled aut hL ae� 91~ey cnWd not be brnught to tound to be lnvoived fn drug tivftfee wlng wslkle taUtlea~ � couct becavee ot Inaut[icient tratfieking In bfg way," they and hlq vlotimi were maf~r etudenb. ~ 8tudent�addlets wete p hla ~~contacts who kept clckera were being held, hlm Informe~ ot the ~up� pending trfal. ptleaneededtorotherad� Thfs year~ Johore d~~~' pollce msde three maior ! These actlvitlei eame dcug arrerts, tnvolvfng to 11 ht when the head� oplum sn~a and hero~n mne~er ot a Muar echoot tre�Ickfna, tound a walkie tnikle In a "hardened" addict'~ The blgge~t gsn s bag, eel:ure wa~ made ~n Jeram E~tate, Muar 722 on heroln where three men were _ The aourcee sald that arreated and 848 kflo� , thle year, 88! 8t'gms of thF drug were , people recovered. were proaecuted tor drug In Permaa, Pontlan, ottences. polfce arre~ted a man Of theee, 7Z2 were and ..-::ed about ]00 80 werc convloted for ott katl`het biggest iel:ure fencee In~oiving thl~ year. morphlne afrd 34 tor On Oct. 6 they ~efz~d poaeeealon ot,o lum. The f,~00 gms o~ heroln end reet were g~~a caaa. detalned three army The aources eald at Penonnel. leset another 10 ~u~� ~ (:til)' 5'i()~ 30 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~dl1 tJ1Y i fi A NAttCd'['IC5 Al21tC~7'~, 7'ltIALS, S~iVmCNCCS tt~1'Ott~'Cn R~eei~1 dn Trnffickiu~; Ch~r~~ Ku~l~ Lumhur N~W STttAt`i'S `CtM~S in Ln~ligh 22 nee 7~ p 7 C~x~rrrE ~ KVALA LUMf~UEt~ ~e~~,~ abeenae aE~ie Thur~. The Hfgh trfat ~?nd nekpd hlm it he Court today ordereda M~u1d ifke to en~age r~trtal for Abdu1 ~har e~unsel. M~1ek bin Abdu1 m~ tri~i ~ u.e ue 8hukor~ ~7 who w1?e ~enb ~n hb ~u~roent, ~enteneed ~o Ilte im� en innueneea ene pNeonment on a drug ~~~fl~~ ~~u Ma~lei~. irattloking eh~?rge, ~ J~~ q~,uhaa c~e ~ ke had earll~er ap� convtet~on and ~et ulde tee peRled agalnst hle eon~ eanteneo Impaed on AbdW Wotlon and epntenee Im� b"~ne e'd be~tor~e ino~t~har p0~ed by the 8peelsl cnurt prnWent. al~atoiul Court on 8ept~ ~ Abdul Mtlek wu found ~ Y~~r~ ~ tuUty ot tntttakln~ 1n ie7,o Federal Jud e Mc, ~m ot herofn at 'M� te - ~u~ttee syed ~t4~m~n J~Idn ipoh on Oct. ~a, ~bou d~h4ve Infoe~med oth ~men~hp Mer~e Abdui Me?lek of hf~ ~uMequentlr ecquttted end dl~cfierRed. ~ Thr~e Yenrs fnr Pnsse~sion Ku~2a t.uropur NCH 5'1'itAt7'S TIM~S in ~n~iish z~ nec 78 p S ( T~xt ~ KUALA LVMYUK~ Wed. F'or the ti~et charge of - Cteaner Ttang Ewe po~apea~ng 137 grammee mch, S7. was ~entenccd ot heroin, ehe was ~en� by the Seafoni Court tepced tn three years' ~ here today to three il?i1. yeara' yall tor hsving dangerou~ dru6u. gnnthcr three ntenced to 8he pleaded uguflty to on the aecond char,e o~t twn chargci. The ot� B tences were commltted ~~mor~ h~ne3 gmmea at a howe in Kampung P 'The ien� Maxwell on June Id~ teneea are to run concur� 1070. ~ ' . rlatly. 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 GiE;l~t ~etlLetlCCCI F~dC I'dw~~~gidn Kun1~t Lumhur A1LW 5Uh'1)AY 't'tMt.S i~~ l;~t~li~h t)a~ 7g p 13 ~ 1~'~H, g~t,~ ~igI~t ~trnw tub~ ot heroln on charg~e of hsv~ng 0,10 pedpl~ p~~aded ~u0ty Ndv, ie ~t the )unatlon ef gm herotn ~?nd an~ ~ellet ~t the m~gletrat~'e J~~g+~ ~hat and J~len d~ ~p~red o lum on ~ourt her~ today to ~~mp~"~ p~~~~~ Nov ie ut J~1sn t4m� vurioue dru ChAr~ee, ~e ~n Chon~, ?0, ot pung Psloh, Manalembu ~te au In wht1~ twn nt cre w~re I Are~~ w~ tlned~e,O~p or ~ Van drfv~r Belk P~ns ~equltt~d und did� ~I pan~theni 1 o hrv :N~ng,~i,ot8hadnPark, charged, wh~n th~ n~ � g~~r~ofn nn ~wa~ ttned Noo or two proaenutlon withdr~w 1~~ ~month~' ~a11 tor h+?Wn~ ihe eh~r`ee ~gatnet Kok~Chtn and~Ctiln Ch~~ iJe an Le ~n ~Boori ~ir~i th On ~ Nyn~~p i~ook, 40, ot Kennt, both 3a, qrho were ~~W ~~d +~ad~ Cenn~n~c aarden, wae ~3, ot Ounun~ riapat, ~allad [or nlne montMr ~ointly charged wlth ~wae tlned No0 oc thret : or having O,io gm he~aln 1m were acqultted ~?nd month~' ~ait on lvr~o In a~plaetle paokot ln dleo~nrged when the pro� 'smended ehsrae~ o~ hav Jalan 7a~ yee~, eeeutlon withdrew the ~n O,OA g~ haroln Rnd Hun Hee 6~n~, ~9, ot char~~ agalnrt them ~~~18'mmorphlneonOet. BU k I t M e r a h N e w atter Lee's ebnvletlnn, 16 In ~grewe3er Road, Vllta p, wae alen sfled The uourt wad told tha Y1P ~k Keon~, ot tor n~ne monthe ~or II~ thr~~ werp arreeted by a W~~~e~ wu t?ned le~sl po~~eul~n ot 0,17 pollee pacty fn an empty ~ or thtet monttu' dl ~ ~m heroln on Nnv, e, houee whllp emoking ofi two rhal~~ ot ha~�lt Id the ~ama eourt wlth eom~ othere, `0,10 gm herofn ~nd 40~ Tang Yau Chuln, 99, o~ p, gubblah, 9T, ot ~n Jatan~oh~Pua~ Cfisha, 81mpang Pulal, w~~ aleo Kampung Bereham, wiu monthe ~sl~l tor havinrha Hned i~00 or tour month~ ~at1 on two ~ Three Tried on N~roin Chgrge Kual~ Lumpur N~I~ SU;ibAY '~IDtES in Cnglish 29 Dec 78 p 13 ' ( Cxcerpt ~ KUALA LUMPUR, fence at ; the~ Kok Too 8at. - Two men, ac� Hotel tn JalAn Pudu hera yuftted on a drug on J 1 i1 ip. � charge today~ tound Teo~i wee, howevar, t h e I r e e d o m jaiitpwhent hene ~eaaea ahortllved - they gu~~tytoaaecon~char~e were re�arreeted tor ot pos~ei~ln O.I6 (urther detention and gramme~ t herofn at the Interrogatlon. . aame pla~ The two bue ~ con� Ea~liee,' a pork Mba ducter Tan ~heok Chye, aeller, Yong Hwa Ted, 26, and esleeman (3an a6, told the court that at Chal Lal, together wlth a about ! p.m. that day, he poultr l~rm worker went to ~Loom 810 In the Teoh ~oang 8an, were Kok Too Hotel to buy earller tourtd not gullty drugs trom Teoh Foong on a charge ot having 9an a11as 8unny. had 11.2 grammed o[ heroln. Ne eald two other The were a1leged'to ereons (Identltfed a~ have commltted the ot� he room wlth~Te h~~ 32 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 5;t1�;~t,~~ilc Sct 1il tt~t�~t CI~:tCy?~�cl N'urilri Itrlrill 14C11tP(l:n itlil,l,l`I'IN i~, ~tny~,) i~al~ ) 1 ~f~ ~ ('Cext J KUCfttNCl, `Twn Chang, ~nd Ahdul eentral pntiee ~tetlon, _ ~oldier~ rharded fn~ ulle� aahln~ bin Ahmad, 7~, but when the e.iue came ~d herdin traltitking ~tl~ nf the '1'hird grt~ up aga{n re~ently m~Ki~ h~va been tr~nsterred ~~de, pcnris~en Ca~mp trate Mr ~h~n K~y 1'oh frum police ~tation tn ~ere, we~e provi~ionully ngreed wlth r proseCUtinn pri~on cwtocly pending ~~Athe~~m in ga erto(kthe mir~id~tand unt them rt complatinn of investigat� camp dn Nnvember 1~, ptl~on to owolt r(u~the~ ie~~~ {ntu the case, Nn plea~ were taken rnurt appearance naet Priv~te~ `1'an Kialc And ~l,er were held at che 5aturdar. 5~eE~w~~k Neroin Arreae Ku:~ln Nelr~it I3nRrlrn 1tUt~l,isT1N in Lnkliah 23 bec 7~3 r].~~ , (Lxcerpt~ KUCHIN(l. What ~~ad been given I~y Clearge icolded Oeorge tor bring� had bten a midnight p~~er, the man Abdul inR "tbat dangemw party at hb ho~ with Kari~n h~d named a~ the thing" into the houte~ triend~ turned into o? di� drug owner, E{e added (lenrge toid ~te~ (o~ 31 �yrar~old P~~~~ ~ttered 1n all hc~ not to worry, ond Abdu) Karim frin Ali direct n~ ai police rafd� y milk ' when ehp policc camr ed the houie. Corporal e~he~ shi dren u Abdul calling. Maleoim Voon nuhed Kuim called hi~ wife to into the kitnc~n to tind wi h~rhehroin, and ~ano'w Ccotgc Petcr and Abdu) aaid he eheard aGeo~rge in jai~ for eiglu month~ Karim; imide tIM match� ~n~ittinq tb the polDce for druR pns~e~~ion. ~X he dropped wcre 27 i~ W~~ hi~ matchbo#, - Abdul Ko~im, nn ex� orange a?lourcd tubei building labourer, claim� and chemieal nnalyu~ ed the heroin wun't hL. ~howed they contnined Ne ~aid whcn ~ome h~roin. friendi turned up IS rni� ~~ul Kuim ~aid nute~ before midnfght Whcn ano~her polkcmau+ b~t~ging c~ke~ and othcr ~~d up the matchbox thing~, one c~lled Oeorge �nd uked him who it had ehe drug. belonRed to he uiid he But magiurate MrChan didn't know~ it w~i the Kay Poh rejected the (int time he d seen it. ~tory~ iayinR a policeman Ne claimed Gearge had te~tified ~eeing Ab� then ewice said the boz dul Karim drop a match� wx~ hi~. Abdul Ktrim box cont~lning the drug, ~ded hi~ wite ctied ~nd and iimilar te~timony , C5o: 5300 33 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 pAKISTAN , HttI~~5 ON~ MILtIdN UOLtA~5 IN U~UCS--Knr~Chi, ~0 U~c--dv~r Cwd hundred k~ld- grumm~~ of ch~rr~~ (Indinn h~mp) ~nd npi~m woxCh ne~rly one million ~ dollgrg in int~rn~einnnl mgrkeC wn~ g~iz~d `ru~gd~y by p~lice h~r~ in g ~urprig~ raid, dffiCi~l snurc~g ~~icl, A pgki~e~ni nemed Hg~i Sher Moh~mm~d ha~ b~en ~rr~~ted nn ch~r~p~ of ~muggling. [T~xl�J ~Rgn~oon TNi: WORKING i'~OpLC'S UAXLY in ~ngligh 22 Dec 78 p 2) cs~: s~no ~ 34 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 PHILIprINES n~tI~FS URUG pUSHERS--The Conetabulary Anti-NgrcoCice Unit (CANU) h~~ announced Che arregt of four more prohib~ted drug d3gtributore eo nine the number of persons n~bbed in lege Chan 72 houre. CANt1 chief Col gienvpr?ido Felix id~nCified only the leader of the group (Yoctt~io) Tolero of Tondo; Manila. mhe i.dentities af the three oCher guapecCs were temporarily wiehheld pending further invegCigaCion and follow-up operationa. [Manila FEBC in Englieh 2330 GMT 12 Jgn 79 OW] C50: 5300 35 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ saumx xo~~n ~x~~~s b~UG-tt~LATEn CItIM~5--'Ch~ drug-r~laCed crime r~C~ ~h~wed e marked decl~ne - lgst yenr'geemingly Chnnke to etrength~ned control. According to Che 5eou1 Ui~tricC prosecuCion, 579 persona wer~ progecuted �or involvement in crime~ relnC~d to hemp gnd orh~r illegel drugs, compgred wiCh 786 in 1977 ~nd 1,662 in 1976. ~he prosecution ~gid of ehe bnoked person~, 297 w~rc rel~red to hemp-smokinR with those in their 20'a making up around 55 rercenr. Seudenes beldw th~ gge of 20 accounCed for abouC 8~4 percent of tho~e booked for hemp-gmoking~ The proaecution said the eCatiatice ehowed that hemp gmoking was dwindling among etudents and Che general publta while increasing among women lurkin~ ~round U.S. military unita. IC ~lsn said in th~ p~et hemp wae smnked in group~. But nnw ehere was a growing t~nd~ncy to Cake to hemp individu~lly~ ehe proaecution eaid. [TexCJ [Seou1 TH~ KOIt~A TIM~S in ~nglish S J~n 79 p 8j UItUG SMUGGLING--Kobe, Japan (AFp)--A crewman of Che South Korean freighter - Kiy~ng, plying between Pusan and Kobe, was arrested here Monday nighC as th~ nlleged courier of 2.07 kilograms of stimulant drug, worth about 800 million yen ($4 million), police said Tueaday. [Text~ (Seoul THE KOREA TIM~S in ~nglish 10 Jan 79 p 8J CSO: 53Q0 36 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~1~AI LANU PROVINCIAL GOV~IiNORS TOLn '~0 S~T UP ANTINAI~COTICS CCNTERS 8angkok NAmIONAL f~VI~W in Engli~h 23 Dec 78 p 3 BK ('Prxti~ baputy Inberlor Minintcr Pr~m mingular~on has ordered provine3al governora thrcugh- out th~ oounbry to npood up bhe ea~ablinhmenti of provinoiai-level anti-ngrooriog nentras _ bo oradiaatQ drug ~r~Ci'icking. Zn hig order dated boa 20 which was digtributed to aii provinaial ~pvornora, ann Pr~m exprasaed eonc~rn over the wideapread drug trnffieking in rurai arca~ danplte the I~overnmenti~s error~ tio guppress it. Drug smuggl3ng and i;ratfiaking have opre~d tio bhe provineea, ore~tiing ger3ous oriminai probiems, he 3ndioa~ed. 'Co ssoive the problem suna~safuily~ ~en Prem said, all partiiea oonoerned ~?ugt coordinate and cooparatg in tihe prevention and ~uppression of narnobiog. Tho operabion muati be deois~,ve and ~tieady, h~ ~aid. Pravinuial anti-naraotiias oentiree uhioh $hould be get up au soon as poss3ble would be headcd by ~overnorg of tihe reapec~lve provinces, he said. 't~he centres, whieh uill be operated by oompetienti governmenti agenaies, will map out plana and measuren on drug prevenbion and suppression and aot as eoordinatior :ritih government agenc3aa ooncerned with ~olutions of the dru~ problems 3n tiheir respec~ive provinces. Antii-naraotie~ centre~ mu~t conduct their operat3ons in aocordance wibh a two-point t~ol3oy aa folloWSt 1. 7b propagatie the danger oi' drugs at ail levels of aduoation and to help organize onCi-narsoties alubs or aa~aeiation~. 2. In their suppre~~ion~ officials must crack doWn on every souree of drug production, (?rodacera, traCPickers, ~1rug addicts end influenbial people behind the drug traffickin~ ring~ Ui'1'i~1a1J Yhould als:o preventi tho inf'lwc of drugs into the Qountry, imprpve their - intelliGence ~yn~em, or~enize orientbtion courses on drug suppression and take legai ections aCain~t Lovernment ofticials ~+ho igr?orQ their duties concerning drug supprassion. ln Chc noi�tih, Gen Prem said, plana on ttie cultivation oi' substitute erops and the reduction of _ opium planbation~ cultivated by hi113 tribe people should be mapped out. He also ordered ali t~rovinco~ to report to thc Inrerior Ministry before the lOth of ev ery month their progresa on ~IcvE; :.uppreaston operations. CSO: 5300 31 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ TNAILAND nRI~~'S ANTIllItUG UNIT AT AIItpORT--Th~ Offi~~ of Narcoeicg Control. Board (ONCB) wi11 ~er ~P e ep~ci~1 unit at Dnn Mugng IneernaCional AirporC Co check on auepecC~d courierg l~aving the country. ONCB S~cretary Gener~l Pn1 Ma~ Gen Ph~o 5ar~~in ~aid yesCerdgy (26 Decembpr] Ch~C the Civil Aviatiion Dep~rtmenG will provide convenience for Che checking of dru~~. The new unit ie expected eo be est~blished nexC year, he said. H~ qgid rhat authorieies had arrested num~roug p~rgons ete~mpeing eo amuggle narcotice out of the cc~untry during the ~i~hth Asian Game~. The drug courierg believed thgC authorities were _ too busy with the nChleeea and the ggmeg to check them thoroughly, Gen~r~l Phao said. The seereCery general sgid drug traffickers had recently ~ ch~nged eheir smuggling routes thraugh Burma to ~outhern Thgiland. (Text] (Bungkok NATION REVIEW in English 27 Dec 78 p 3 BK] - AU5TRALYAN HEROIN TRAF~ICKERS--In Thailand two Australians have been charged wiCh the posseasion of 1.4 kilos df heroin. They are (George Buckley Bullick), 37, nnd (Donald Roya1 Wooster), 42, both of Melbnurne. They were arrested yesterday at Chienmai in northern Thailand. Police said that in a search oE a hotel room occupied by the two Australians they found 1.4 kilos of - top-grade heroin packed inCo four plastic bags inside a auiCcase. The police alleged that (Bullick) and (Wooster) bought the heroin for $18,000. Its market value in Australia would have been at leasC $500,000. Both men will appear in court nt Chiengmai on Friday, and the police will oppose bail. The police also said that further charges relating to heroin trafficking were being considered. [Text~ [Nelbourne Overseas Service in English 1230 GMT 17 Jan 79 OW) HI:ROIN T'ItA~rICKINC CHARC~S--Bangkok, 5 Jan (AFP)--Charges were filed yester- duy ~gainst an Italian national for attempted heroin trafficking and export- ing. Antonio Raiano was arrested.last 3 November with 2.4 kilograms (5.3 pounds) of heroin, and reportedly confessed to the charges during interrog~tion. At the time of his arresC, Raiano claimed Co be the son of a hiRh-ranking police official in Rome. The Italian Emba~sy in Bangkok 1~7ter rclcased n statement saying only that his father had pabsed away 'l yc:ars u~o. ~Text) [Hong Knng AFP in English 0550 GMT 5 Jan 78 BK] 38 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MAR2HUMIA PLAN't'A'TtON 1)ISCOV1:tti,U-~-1'nc~lw,~b Khir1. Kh~n--A 1~rge mnrihugn~ plt~ne~tidn w~a diy~r~vercd 7.;,;~t weeic ~?t ~ Ilurme~e reb~ls' ~ernnghold in Ch~ mhai~Burm~$~ bnrder I~ere~ n milit~ry gnurc~ repdrt~d y~~tierday, The di~covery w~a mnd~ ~fC~r Che ~trangtldl.d w~~ ct~pCurpd by Karen Cronpers l~~t week~ The 5U-ra~i pl~nentinn cduld produce ~bc~ut 50 tnn~ nf m~rihunn~ g year, moaC - of which would be gnld tn l~ca] n~rcdticg er~ffick~r~ fnr g~l~y~broad, eh~ gourr.e ggid. H~ ~~tim~ted Cf~~t for the l~~t 3 y~arg uneil Che Capeure of th~ seronghold lasC w~ek~ ~~veral hundred tona of marihuana �rom the pl~ntation had b~en smuggled ~brn~d, Th~ le~der of ttie rebel~~ General Bo L~t Ya, g d~Fence mi~~ister in ttie U Nu regime~ wae ki11~d with Chree body- guardg nn 27 November laqt vear in ~ clagh with Karen troop~rs~ [Text~ (Bengkok DANGKOK POS'T in ~ngliHh 8 Jan 79 p 1~K) H~ROIN POS5C55ION CHARG~S-~'Two p~rgnng were grreseed aC Chgn-ch~o R~etaurant on Vibhav~di-RangsiC Ro~d last nighC on chnrgea of pnsseseing 1~400 g~rammae of Nn 4 heroin woreh aboue 250,000 bnhC~ Narcotics Suppreesion police report,~ nd. Police identi�ied the arrested as S~ri Homchamod, 43~ a truck driver~ nncl Yakdi Tl~nsatt�mmakun, 34, n taxi driver~ The two men told police they , were hired for 3,000 b~ht to deliver the heroin, whinh wae found packed in ~nur plAetic baga~ to an unid~nti�i~d custnmer in Che restaurant. (Texti] It3gn~kok BANGKOK I~OST in English 10 Jan 79 p 3 AK) DRUC EtAID--Metrnpolit,7n police arrested four persong~ including an Air Force noncommiesioned ofEicer, and ~+eixcd over 2 kilogr~mmes of high-grade heroin in ~ I~ouse r~id i~l Y~thum 'Lhan:t yesterdny afternoon. The four euspecCe were idenCified as Petty Officer Surin Yaiying and his wife, La-ong, and Thongauk Tanya and his wif~~ ~lmphan. (TexC~(Bangkok BANGKOK POST in Englieh 12 Jan 79 p 3 BKJ CSO: 5300 39 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 CANADA JA~L ~'Oit ' DU'TCI~ CONN~CTION' NASN~3N 9MUGGLE1t rdrdneo TN~ GLOg~ AND MAIL in ~ngli~h 10 J~n 79 pp 1~ 2 ~mext~ A man descNbed ae ?he He h~d oper~torg in tndla ~ngl~nd ~s a Int~r~r in t!~ Dutch Co~mectlon behlnd a who ~muggI~d the hashish i~tc 1~50s und roanug~d to multl�million~dollar drug� into C~nada, others who b~ome ~n ~nglnc~r, amu~11ng ring wo~ aen- ttew In from En land W gell Mr, pomer~nt ~Id the tenc~d wl~ yreer~ In ~all und th~ drug and et~ll othere in ~600~000 tlne r~pr~nt~d the fin~d ~600,000 yerteM~y tor ~urope und Canuda who amount ot money that htr. cnngpl~Nng to import a6out ~ coll~eted and irensported Sanah~ tdok out ot Canada ton ot h~hlgh. the cash to ~urope wber~ it in ihe drug ectlvttleg w Atter laeing a month~la~g wa~ put in 9wiss b~nk uc- whleh h~ plegded guftty. leg~l battle to r~dict evi� cout~t~. At afe point he tNed Mr. Ccama~a?emy satd denoe agalnst hlm In ~n to hava money smuggted out in an intervi~w atter the tHu~l raurdereSln~~3angha ~r ~nad~ In th~ doors ot a cue ~ t'~11~ ~ ~9, Bave up and pieadec~ Swiss auttarities tro~oe imposed on an Individual in guilty atter the proeecution Mr. Sangha'a ess~~ on the Capada. and detence lawyera agreed request of Cunadian authoN� DuNng the tNai potioe on a sentence. tles arho tound f~ had ptacec! sald th~y hadsp~nt mo~ce The RCMP estlmated that hla 111ega1 proce~+ in gold~ thun =100,000 in thA investi- the ton ot hashish he smug� gitver sWcka and bonds~ gat{on but they selzed 1~100 gled in hed a wholesale val- Incluc~ing thoee ot OntaNo puunds ot the ton o[ hashish ue ot ~mllllon and a street Ny~ro. 1n addltlon he put amuggled in and =184~000 vnlue up to ~Mmillion. i~f,000 ~nW two Namllton which was being smuggled Mr, Justlce John 0'Drls. apanment buildinga. out o( Vancouver in a car. coll c~ncurred with the sen- 1n 1988 Mr. SanAfia Nas 'tt~e ~udge said Mr. 5an~ tence and garre M~. Sanghg conWcted In EnaTand ot gha ~~opereted trom a oon~ a year to pay the tine or tace importing narcoticg and trol tower In the Nether- thr~e more yeara In Jall, served three yenrs ot a tive~ lands" where he was sate ~ederai prodecuWr AN year sentence. At the same b~caau~e tder+e was no extrn- Coomaraswemy called it tlme he earned a doctorate dition treaty with. Canada "the worst pos,aible case of in laser technology. tor drug often~oea. ~ trs?tficking in hashish whlch Detence lawyer Joseph Mr. Co~marasaem aaW haa cnme betore the courta Pomerant described Mr. the man was caught a~ a in Caneda. He (Mr. Sangha) Sangha as a oontMte man year ago by Betglan pol a wu:~ ut the ~op o( thls large, who wants to oontinue study ~n a stroke ot tuck tor au. internutlnnel organltatlon ot Ing wfiile he la in prlao~t. He thoritles. At the time ~Ytr. drug trattlckera which had sald the man Immigrated to SungMa was dHvlnR ~hrou~fi connections on three conti� Beigium an h~ way oadc a nent~?. his aenctwvy in tbe Nether- � lands. Aher his arr+est be 40 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 lu~t a~ ctwrt b~ttl~ tn stay In t~l~ium ~nd h~ wue @xtru� dlt~d tn Gunada tu gt~nd trIAL Pmvinu~ly thrc~~cuuri~rs and b bagm~n idr the puy. mpntn r~rulv~d t~rm~ r~ng~ ing trom twn tn t~v~ yrear~ fu~ th~Er rul~ in th~ 107~8 cu~, � M~, Cdomarugw~my ~td In an intervlew th~t twa ntt~~ pfitlCl~lHiS Ifl th~ CA9tl . ~r~ Itvi in the Netl~rtatfdg ~nd t~~ and cantat be extradlted und8~ pr~nt tawe, C5d: 53x0 41 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 - CANAnA DRI~~S S~NT~NCtNG iN COCA~N~ CAS~~-gr~mpenn~-M~nu~1 ~~~~1~nr,~e, ~4, nf Limg, p~ru, th~e ~~~ond mgn Co~lvi~t~d in ~~muggling Cg~~ invn.Lvin~ ~oc~in~ with ~n egCim~t~d ~Cr~~e va1u~ o~ $1-mi111on, w~g ~pnt~n~~d y~sterdgy en 10 ye~r~ in p~nie~nti~ry~ lti~ cd-~ecu~~d~ Lui~ G~rci~, ~b, glgo nf'�Limg, r~~eiv~d eh~ ~arn~ ~~nt~nr~ dn Wpdn~~d~y. Th~ C~r~ m~n hnve b~ea ~ri~ndg ~inc~ rhildhood. Th~ tac~ wer~ ~rr~,~e~d on Apri1 9, 1~78, ~~ter cusCOms offi- c~r~ ~t Toronrd InC~rn~tio~~1 Airp~re eh~~k~d Mr. ~~c~lan~~'~ euitca~e b~cau~~ ie ~meil~d of fr~gh ~1u~. ~t�y fdund 3.z pound~ of 91 p~r cent pur~ coc~in~ hidd~n in the lining. (~~ext~ ~rdron~o ~H~ GLOg~ AND MAIL, W~~K~Nt~ ~UI~ION in ~ngligh ~ Jgn 7g p 11j S~V~N-Y~AR T~itMS--Thund~r Bay (Sp~ci~l)--~ro Thunder ~l~y men wer~ e~ch g~ntenc~d y~eterd~y to g~ven y~are in prisnn for importing marijuan~ inCo C~nad~ frnro ehe Unit~d St~e~~. Sentencing I~n It~ymond Smieh, 26, and Alexand~r ~rank Nowgk, 25, Judge Patrick ~itzG~rald of digCriCt courC ~aid the pun~shment w~uld not hav~ be~n gd harsh had he not l~~een required by 1~W to impdge g minimum ~even-year term. Both men, who are firsr offender~, wi11 be ~ligible for parole aftpr aerving a third af their ~ s~nCence~. The twrr m~n wer~ arre~ted at the Pigeon River border crosaing on Aug. 8, 1977. (TextJ (Toronto THE GLOBE AND MAIL, WE~KEND EDITiON in Er~gligh 6 Jgn 7g p 11J _ COCAINE 5MUCGLING CHA1tG~---Miaeiseauga--A Chicoutimi, Que., woman has been charged with smuggling two pounda of cocaine into Canada in her brassiere. - Congtgble Ronald Bellanger of the RCI~' drug aquad at ToronCo International Airport said the Peruvian cocaine~ sewn into the bottom part of a brasaiere a woman wng wearing~ has a wholegale value in Cactada of about $100,000 but would retail on the streetg for up to $500~000. The 25-year-old woman was r~turning from Lima when she was searched by customs inspectors at the airport. (Textj (Toronto THB CLOB~ ANb MAIL, WE~KEND EDITION in Englieh 1 3 Jan 79 p 2J CSO: 5320 42 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 BULGAFtIA ~87~'A! R~POitT5 IMPItOV~M~NT OF' DRUG SMUGGLING CONTROL Sofia BTA in ~ngliah Og15 GMT 3 Jan 79 AU ~!'AgainsC nrug Smuggling"--BTA headline~ [mrxt] ~ofin, 3 Jnn, BT11--In 1978 bhe ausboms nuChorities have unaovered 85 oases of _ amuggling with neurly ~,300 kilograms of drugs. Compared to the previous two years bhis qunntity ia c~nduaed, In 1976 iti was 5~120 kg, end in ~97? 4,88~ kg. The Bulgarian auatoms authoritiea are of the view that due to the utrengthened control ~he smugglers take ~tlll fewer risks tio oro~s the Bulgarian frontiers, mhe cases of heroin smuggling have become quite frequent oP late. It is obvious that the lnbs tot~ its obtaining are being moved nearer to the produotiion centers, nearer the raw material souroes. Under the ciroumstanees the customs otPicers~ vigilanae continues to be t?lert although the dru~ addiction problem does not exist in Bulgaria. Now more than ever, comUating drug addiction, especially drug smuggling, requires the united international efforts. This was the purpose of the first in~ernational customs canlerence for cooparation in combating drug smuggling, which was held last September in V arna. Organized by bhe customs administratives of Bulgaria and the USA, it was ~tt;ended by representatives or 24 countries, the UNO and the Customs Cooperation Council. 13ulguria is expected to host ;~gain a customs expert meeting in the aut�umn o: 1979� 'Che expec~ts will review the practical results of the conference and will give recommenda- Llons on futuc~e ~c tion~ a~r,ainst Lhe illegal traffic. CSO : 5300 - 43 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 Bt2AZ TL dPCI2ATZON UN~OVEIt~NG tN'I'~1tNAT~ONAL COCALN~ RINO D~~AIL~D itio de J~n~irn JditNAL UO BItASIL in pnrCuguege 16 n~C 78 p 16 [Texe J`I'h~ Ministry nf Jugeice hag ~~teCarmin~d Chgt Cwd cn~Qin~ er~fEi~kers of the y~-C~lled "int~rn~ti~n~l Mafi~ ~onn~~tinn," arrest~d in ehe cnurg~ nf "oper~nCi~n extermin~tinn," whiah gave th~ ~ddiCinnal benefit of 17 kilogr~ms oE coenine seizccl, ~r~ being h~ld incnrtmunicadn unCil rhey hnv~ been que~- tidned by the U. S. pnlicc whn ~r~ invegeignCing Chp magg7cre and collective yuicide ir P~~stor Jim Jones' People'y T~mple. 'Thnse men were cdnnected with supplying the fnllowera of Jim Jan~s' sect. 'Chey }~~d muint~ined thxt relaCion~hip (and evenCually drug smuggling) gince the time when Jnnes lived in ~elo HoriznnCe, before gertling in Guyana. One of them arr~sted by the ag~nts nf rhe U. S. Drug ~nforcement Administra- tion, who ~lso took part in the operation had pgssed rhrnugh Che hands of the Guyanese polic~, whirh permitted discdvery of the network's internatinn~l connections, Successful Beginning The inquiries ledding to the dismaneling of that international gang began with the arrest of Afr~nio Celso Pereira Martins and Wanderley Campeln, who had smuggled from Bolivia part of the cocaine hidden inside an accordeon. The pnir were living in the Hotel Paris in Sao Paulo, and in Cheir possession thc n~ents of the Armed Tactical Pursuit Group found a little black notebook ccmtaining series of addresses. The Armed Tactical Pursuit Group is an u~~cr;ition7l group u~der the Sao Paulo office of the DPF [Federal Police De- _ ~~:irtment]. It is under the commnnd of District Cederal Police Chief Arthur Carbone ~ilho. ' Lnvestig:atione centered on the names written in thAC liCtle notebook, which were list of consumers serviced by the traffickers, m~de possible the iden- tiEic~tion of a group ot cocaine smugglers who were operating with the "water- tight compartmen[" tect~niyue. At the moment when Chief Carbone Filho was giving inform , c ~ . ~,"~f ~c , S , h � F~i ~ . 7 t ~ ~ T:'~tr . ~ \ Ei tik e2 ~ \V~KiM~(il C ~'~1.. ~~~LL~~~'~~,T - F ~ y`''c2~ ~k a aa n'"t a! z } ~i ~,q = ,A) fi y ? ~ lw A i19.:, . ~ ~ ~p{'.V~.tio.~C\ti "E?~$ .a'�q'~~`Zi. L'rv h~ 3 ~e ~ ~ . : - , ;~"~ft~~ }j� 7717 CSO: 5300 57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 COtAMBIA DRUG I.AW bECLA12CD CONSTINTIONAL Bogota BL TI~hiPU in Span~sh 8 bec ~9 pp A-1, A-2 [ mccerpt ) Th~ drast3c 1aw that rApresses drug traf~3a, cofPee sraug.. gling and the 311ega1 arms trade was decle?rod constitutio~al last n3gh~ by the Supreme Court of Justice. Nevertheless, some p rov3sions were stru~k dororm for be3nq 3mpreoise and lending themselves to poasible arb3trsYiness. These 3nclude s _ norm thet was intierpre~ed as an ~~escape law'~ for those who disobeyed the orders of the m3litary torces and the National Police. Decree ~144 was dictated by the presen~ administration last 4 October based on the prerogatives of Art3cle 121 0~ the Constitut3on on dis- turbance of public order and state of s3ege throughout national ter- ritory. The noxms are being appl3ed with special str3ctness in La Guajira where restr3ctions on the use of national air space and on _ drug trat'fic have been established. In accord with the Constitution, this decree was reviewed by the Su- preme Court so that it could rule on 3ts constitut3.onality. Luis Sarmiento Buitrago, the president of the court, was in charge o~ this. After several modifications arid criticisms, last niqht he is- _ sued a decision that the statute is constitutional eoccept for ~c- press parts which were declared unacceptable. _ One of these is the part of Article 3 which states: ~~Violators will be subject to the action of these forces (military and national po- _ licQ) when they resist or carry out actinns that indicate their in- tention to flee after beinq ordered to remain 3n a specific site, to land or take a certain route.~~ The court felt that this provision was too imprecise and could justify fatal excesses. . One provision in Artic le 6 states: ~~In case t,y confirming decision of the appropriate authority the resolution of the governor, intendant 58 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ _ or Qonunis~ary i~ rcavokdd and, oon~~qunntly, th~ qood confieaat~d mug~ b~e r~turn~d, thie will ba r~~Cuzn~ad 3,n i~C~ pr~sent eta~a aYF~~r ~h~ in- ~~r~sted party ,p~?ye ~h~ eQCpenee~ of taain~enanco ~ storag~ and s~ouxi~y. The court ro~eot~d ~his provigion ~for ci~ar oone~~.~u~~.nnal viola?t~.~ns s3nc~ 3~ ig no~ ~Ea3~r ~Cha~ p~rffion who is d~alar~d ~.nnoa~n~ has ~o pay th~ ~xpen~ee o~ ma?int~nance, s~oraqe ~d ~~our3~y ~or his cn~m - ass~~ whiah was xa~urn~d to him clame?ged or obsol~t~. O~her d~tails wer~ al~o declaxed unconat3.tu~3.ona]. but ~hey cou].d no~ b~ expiained s3nce wag ~o ~,ste whan ~ha ar3m3na~. d~.vis~.on n~ ~ha court closed. Neveztheless, 3t ~.a kr~own ~hat ~.n the mo~ive p~?x~ of ~h~ deo:tsion, the cour~ was vexy ~cp13.c3t that ~he prov3sions 3.n ~he a~a~ute apply e~xciusiv�ly to drufls, oof~'ee and ~.liegal arms ~xada and do not ~ctend to o~hex f3.elds. '771~ CSO: 5300 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~LC)MB IA n~CCsN7' ATi~1N7`$C G'OAS7' 5CIZUR~.S gogota GL ~~6~1PC7 3n Spanish 28 Nov 78 p A-6 [Tex~~ The result of the secur3ty measures ~mposed on the At].ant3c - Coast by the nat3onal governm~nt in order to control drug traffic is 170 Colombians arrested and at least 36 sh3ps, 12 airplanes of dif~ f~rent types and three tractors conf iscated. Also the most mod~rn and sophisticated hxgh-frequency radio equ3pment _ has been seized from the drug traffickers, according to off3.cia1 reports. Sources of the Secand Brigade based in Barranquilla told the televi- ' - sion news program "Cine Visfon" that the results of 40 days of opera- - tions in that region of the country have been satisfactory. The sources indicate that during the time in which the drastic se- - curity measur~s have been in effect, 59 revolvers and 37 pistols of di.ffereY~t calibers, two G-3 rifles used ~cclusively by the military forces and two Punto Treinta rifles have been confiscated. Also 12 Punto Treinta carbines, one Thor~pson machine gun, 22 shotguns of different calibers, 3,893 rounds or ammunition for weapons of dif- ferent calibers, 2,300 percussion caps and four N6C grenades have been seized. In the operations carried out throughout the Atlantic Coast region~ 64 Foreigners involved in drug traFfic were arrested and placed un- der the jurisdiction of the appropriate authorities. As to marihuana, 3,~47 bundles, 1,962 bales and 97 hectares planted with m2rihuana have been discovered. 60 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 7.'he S~oond Briqada addad ~h~?~ 1,6 radio rocaivaxo and txangm3,ttiar~ and 6 modern VHE~' aommunioatione g~~s u~ad by a3r nav3gation ~?u~hor~.- ~i.os h~?ve baan conf iec~?tod. 'itle ma~erie?1 ~a3zed also inolud~s thz~a sa~1e~ us�d ~d ~he maz~.huata p~?ckad in buridle~. Al~o 12 a3.rpl~eg ~d sma17. a~.rora~E~ o~ d~.~Efarent ~ypes a~ w~11 as 86 ship~ in the ~oux por~s n~ ~h~ At- lan~ic Coast~-San~a Me?~ta, Rinhacha, Barranqu311a and Cartagena--were - c~onfisoa?~ed by the authorities. 7717 C50: 5300 61 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ COLOMB]'A ~ ~ I I ~ ~ 'GUn~ATFt~It ~ S ~ SON KILL~D ~ Bogota EL TTF,~ipO 3n Spanish 1 Dec ~8 p A-2 ~ [Art3cle by L3a Medina: ~~tGn3fa~her's~ Son K311ed 3n Revenge~~] ~ ~ [Text] Mede113n, 30 Nov--The bloody vengeance unleashed 3n drug tra:E- ~ fic c3rcles collected a new v3ctim in the past few hours. Ram3ro Gomez Giraldo, 24-year�old son of Alfredo Gomez Lopez known by the . ~ police as the ~~Godfath~r," was killed. , In spite of the secrecy of the authoz3ties on this case, it was ~ learned that Ramiro Gomez Giraldo was in an establishment in the ` western sector of this city called "Grill E1 Zarape~~ when he was at- j tacked by a pezson who shot him five times and killed him. ' I Accoxding to some vers3ons, the person who fired the shots was a ~ friend whose identity has not been revealed. Nevertheless, it is ~I also stated that two people riddled him with bullets and fled. ~ a , ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ~ r : , i ~ ~ . ~ ~ , . ~i~ ~ i ! i Ramiro Gomez Giraldo killed ' i ~ i ' 62 j i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 The socxe~ in thie cap3tal reoa].1ed how in the pas~ w0e1c Huqo Lopez Aaevedo who wAS a].legedly ~~~he second" in the "God~ ~a~her~~" organ~.zation based 3n ~he Uraba zone wa~ also r3,ddled w~.~h bullets. rt waa strong].y rumored ~ha~ bo~h murders ware rela~ad; ari investiga?~3on ~o olari:Ey ~he facts has begun. I~ was fnd3cated that Alfrado Gomez, tho ~boc~a~hez, has 13.ved 3n Cartogena :Eor same The "Godfather" was linked in 1974 to a vast smuggl3ng r3ng near Palmitas for wh3ch he was tr3ed. Authorities in this department expxessed serious fear concerning the imminence o~ a new wave of violent deaths within the gangs since the . last two murders can unleash vengeance among their members. Yn recent weeks this city has been the scene of a great number of violent crimes; in less ~han a week, eight people have been kilZed under suspicious circumstances. 7717 CSO: 5300 63 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 COLAMBIA ~ BRIEF5 - MARiHUA1YA 5~TZED--Santa Marta--Yn a spea~acular shoo~out, army troops from Cordoba Infantry Battal3on No. 5 based in the city of Santa Marta seized 850 bundles oF inarihuana, arrested 15 people and c4nfis- cated seven vehicies in an operation carried out 3n the B1 R~aten re- gion of the town of Aracataca 100 kilometers south af Magdalena De~ partment. According tio the firs~ reporta from a top m3,13.tary spokes- man 3n Santa Marta, the operat3on took place after some :Lnvest3gative prxadures to counteract the action of the drug traffickexs. The site where marihuan~ was being exported, apparently using an airplane on a clendestine landing strip in the area, was d3scovered. When the . troops learned about the activities oF the drug traff3ckers, they tried to arrest them. The gangsters fell back and, us3ng modern weapons, took part in a spectacular confrontation with the military troops. The troops strategically repelled the attack agair~st them and wounded some drug smugglers who were removed in the midst of the shootout by their comxades who managed to fiee in the underbrush. Nevertheless, the arnry managed ~o seize 850 bundles of marihuana and - arrest 15 people who were taken to the judicial jail in Sar~ta Marta. [Text] [Bogota ~L ESPECTADOR in Span3sh 30 Nov 78 p A-19] 771~ CSO: 5300 64 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 M~XICO ~ MAttIHUANA TRAFFICKING RING CAP'TURED, CONVICTED Arrest~ in 5everal State~ Piedrae Negra~ CL DIARIO DE PI~DRAS NEGRAS in Spa~nish S Uec 78 p 6 ~TextJ Mexico City, 4 December--After a difficult inveatigation, the Federal Judicial Police, during the pasr 14 houra, arrested eight drug traffickers who were operating in various parts o� the country, from whom they succeeded - in seizing 9,000 kilograms of marihuana valued at aeveral Choueands of peaos. In making the foregoing announcement, the Office of the Attorney General of the ttepublic noted ehat the arrests tnok place in Nueva Leon, Oaxaca, Chi- huahua, Guadala~Ara, Coahuila and Sonora, where those arrested were placed at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministries. In each case, an investigarion is being conducted to di5cover their contacts, both in the country and abroad, since some of them were acting as distribu- tors and middlemen. Durin~ this operation, the Federal Judicial Police arrested Guadalupe Bel- . Cran Molina and Miguel Angel Gomez Molina, in the town of Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, and confiacated a ton of marihuana fxom them. Their accomplices, Ismael Zavala Gomez and RoberCo Gonzalez Velez, were also apprehended, and stated that they had a storage place for such grass for ~everal years in that town. The same thing was done in Oaxaca, where the drug trafficker and marihuana distributor and middleman, Antonio Hernandez Perez, was arreste~l. He was purchasing the drugs in Palomares, to ship and se11 them in the northern - part of the country. At the Cieneguitas farm, which belongs to the municipality of Valle de Juar- ez, Jalisco, police agents arrested Silvestre Sanabria Mo~ca and Rodriguez - Loza Oroaco with a ton and 212 kilograms of packed marihuana, 10 kilograms of seed and two scales. The public ministry opened the preliminary investi- gation. 65 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 t~ik~wi~~, ln Chc bard~r enwn d~ Nognl~~, Sonor~, .Eeder~l agente d~.gcover~d Sg kilagram~ n.C p~ck~cf inerihu~na ~b~ndon~d, near ehe United 3Catae border; gnd eh~r~fore eh~ auChnriCi.~g hav~ i.n~.einC~d gn ~.nv~eCigati~.on. TrnffiCkers Eteld fnr ~ria1 Nu~vd L~r~edo ~L UTAItIO U~ NU~VO LAR~DO ~.n Span~.~h 14 Dec 78 Sec B p 5 ' [T~xt] Yegeerd~y, rhe 10 members of ~ dangeroue drug eraff~.cking ring ChaC , was rec~ntly diabanded gnd captured by the forces connnanded by Margarito M~ndez ltico, during a"blitzkrieg" cnrri~d our recenCly near Vallecillo, Nu~vo Leon, were r~m~nded to eh~ third dierrice aoure, he~ded by Andres Cruz Martin~z, �nr a crime egainaC ti~alCh in ~.Ce varioue degreea, depend- ~ ing on Che particip~tion of each and every one of Chem tn the case that ~ conc~rns us. _ Those r~manded are laborer ItoUerto Gonzalez Veliz, aged 28, a worker from Sabinas HidnlRo, Nuevo Leon; businessman Horacio Garcia Gonzalez, aged 26, of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas; driver Guadalupe Beltran Molin~, aged 27, of , Los Mochis, Sinalo~; businessman A1berCo Gonzalez Garcia, aged 52;,driver Ism~el Zavala MarCin~z, aged 30, of Los Mochis, Sinaloa; driver Miguel Conznlez bias, ag~d 56, of MonCerrey, Nuevo Leon; Ramiro Estrada Salinas, aged 49, of General Trevino, Nuevo Leon; bartender Jaime Villarreal Trevino, aged 47, of Parae, Nuveo Leon; ErnesCo Median Lopez, aged 37, a farmer from Cullacan, Sinaloa; Ramon A. Bernal, aged 49, a farmer from Culiacan, Sina- ' - loa; und Cnrique Gonzalez Quintanilla, aged 49, a laborer from Cerralvo, ~ Nuevo Leon. The whole complicated matter unfolded on 3 December, when they inCercepted a ~ 1970 I~ord Galaxie 500, with licenae platea KBC-088, in the viciniCy of Cer- ralvo, Nuevo Leon, with a"vacant" sign on the windshield, Monter- rey driver Miguel Gomez Diaz. He was accompanied by Guadalupe Beltran Mo- lina, who carried photostatic credentials identifying him as a federal in- spector from the automobile registry. The latter confessed that he had been engaged in drug trafficking for a year, and that he brought the marihuana ~ from Sinaloa. He said that he had a ton of marihuana hidden at Che "E1 En- cino" farm, which was found and confiscated. ' Subsequently, the orher members of Che "Mafia" were captured. They were well organized, since they purchased the drugs for 300 pesos, and them f.or 1,250 pesos per kilogram in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas. In view oE t}ie large size of the organization, the preliminary statements of the 10 criminals will not be taken unCil tomorrow. - Charges Denied, Coercion Claimed - Nuevo Laredo ~L MANANA in Spanish 15 ?ec 78 Sec B p 2 [Tex[~ The 10 members of a well organized ring of presumed marihuana and l~eroin traffickers appeared before the third district ~udge yesterday to 66 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 n~k~ rh~ir pr~~.iminc~ry ~e~rem~ne. 7'h~y aLl cynieally deni~d be~,ng guilty ~E ehr. ch~xg~~ which th~ I~'edexul Public Mini~Cxy hu~ b~ought again~t Ch~m, and nt ehe ec~m~ timc rtiey claim~d eo hgve U~~n rdrtured Uy eheir captor~. ~ Those making ~Catiemenrs were Hornnio G~rcin Gonz~lez, ~nriq,ue Gdnx~l~z (~uin- C~~3~.1n, Gundalupe B~ltrnn Molin~, Itobereo Gonzal~z Veliz, Jaime Vi.llarregl, ~rnesCo Medina Lope~, boroCeo dliveira Vi.llnrre~~., ltamiro ~eCr~da Salinas, Ysmael Zavaln Gamex and Itamon Acosta Bernal. One by nne they were geared on the defendants' benCh during the c:nurge of rhe ittveseig~Cion~ ~nd ali ngreed in tiheir staeement thae they had nev~r been pn- gaged in drug Som~ o~ Chem argu~d th~t they did not know one ~~na rhe x. Cynically, based on the recommendations of Cheir defenders, they stated that the fed~ral agenCs httd beaten them and "forced ehem to confess things ehat they did nor do." It may be recalled rhat, on 3 December, Che Federal Judic:ial Police c~ptured Mtguel Angel Gomer. Didz and Guadalupe Beler~tt Molina, who claimed Co be an inspector from ehe Federc~l Itegistry of Motor Vehicles. Beltxnn Diolina said that he was engaged in drug trafficking, eimultaneously noting that he had a shipment of 56 burlap bags of marihuana weighing 1,000 kilograms hidden ae the "~1 Encino" farm locared on the highway between S~- binas and Moneerrey. 'Chose drugs were seized by the I'ederal Judicial Police. One Released, Others Jailed Nuevo Laredo ~L DIARIO DE NU~VO LAREDO in Spanish 16 Dec 78 Sec B p S - [Text] Of the 10 drug traffickers who were held for trial in the third dis- trict court for marihuana trafficking, charged with a crime against health in the degr~e o~ marihuana trafficking, only one, namely, bartender Jaime VLllarreal Torres, aged 47, managed to secure his release on bail, since he - only committed a crime of concealment. Judge Andres Cruz Martinez issued an order for the official imprisonment of Guadalupe Beltran Molina, Ismael Zavala Gamez,Mi~uel Angel Gonzalez Diaz, Roberto Gonzalez Veliz, Horacio Gonzalez, Ramiro Estrada Salinas, Ernesto - Medina Lopez, Ramon Acosta Bernal and Ernesto Gonzalez, for the crime of possession, trafficking and transportation of marihuana. It is quite possible that the defense attorneys will file an appeal against the order for official imprisonment issued by the ~udge. 2909 CSO: 5330 67 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MEXICO Et~LrASC5, ItEbUC~n 5~NTI'sNC~5 ~b~t JAIL~b T1tAFFICtC~RS Culincnn CL 50L D~ SINALOA in Spgnish 15 Uec 78 r 6 (Cxcerpts] 2~ i~ expected thar, nexe ye~r, about 88 inmatea of the Sinaloa Soci~l Rehabilir~tion Institute who are aerving sentences for federal and common Crimes will recover their preliminary release, on the basis of the eocineconomic seudy being made of each of the filea of Che Office of Attorney Gener~l of ehe Republic. Our informane, Mr Lauro E3eltran Montoya, also remarked that two inmates have glre~dy been released, namely, Ben~amin Garcia Martinez and Jorge BelCran Mer- cado, referring us to 352/77 and 3540, order 486/78, respectively. , Mr Casildo Chaver. Uriarte, who has been confined in the Sinaloa Social Reha- bil.ittttion Institute (IRSS) for about a year, is having his case investigated, based on �ile No 109/975. The crime with which he was charged ie drug traf- f.icking. A socioeconomic study is being made of the records of another intnaCe, AstoY 5errano Valenzuela, invoLved in proceedings No 66/976; and he may go free d~ring the Eirst few months of the year. The other cases being inveatigated by the Office of Attorney General of the Repubtic include those of the following individual : Marcelino Velazquez Salnzar, a native of Badiraguato, who was accused of the crimes of purchas- inF opium gum, and transporting, selling, manufacturing and possessing hero- in, facts which are recorded in file No 284/76, dated 14 OcCober 1976. He was held for trial by the Federal Public Ministry, and preliminary penal invesCigation No 456/76 was conducted. He was placed at the disposal of the~ clistrict judge and sentenced to 8 years' imprisonment, a term which apparent- ly was reduced by 2 years owing to his good behavior. It should be noted that, by 20 December, Mr Lauro Beltran Montoya will be required to appear at the O.ffice of Attorney General of the Republic to learn ; the results of the studies made of the aforementioned cases. , 2909 CSO: 5330 68 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 M~XICO AN'TIDltUC COORUZNATOR nE'CAILS 1978 CAMhAYGN R~5ULTS _ Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanigh 22 Dec 78 p 10 ('fext) The activitiea carr~.ed out by the Federal Judieial Poliae, with ehe unlimited gupport of Narianal Az~my forceg,during the interval from 1 Decem- ber 1977 to 30 November 1978 resulted in the deatruction of 15,635 poppy planrs, 2,435 marihuana pl~nta and 103 mixed plantatione. The areae on which Chose plantations were located totaled 1,314, 1ti7 and nine hecCgreg, respectively; and the work wae done through the use of the apraying syatem over Che entire atate and on the bordere of Chihughua and Durargo. This information was provided by the official apokesman for the coordinator of the antidrug traff icking campaign in 2one 06, and indicated thaC seizures were made of 150,508 kilograma and 382 grama of marihuana, 627 kilograma and 106 grams of seed of the same grass, 66 kilograme and 977 grams of poppy seeda, 94 kilograms and 17 grams of opium gum, 59 kilograms and 826 grams of heroin and 65 kilograms and 750 grams of heroin cutting substance. - A total of 3 kilograms and 796 grams of cocaine were confiscated, as were 3 kilograms and S10 grams of cocaine cutting subatance, 190 grams of hallucino- genic mushrooms, 3 kilograms and 800 grams of peyote, 8 liters of diluted opium and 473,514 toxic pills. Twenty-one laboratories were located and destroyed, and the implements used in them were seized. Arrests were made of 980 persons, of whom 19 were of foreign nationality , and 312 firearms were confiscated (187 short-barreled and 125 long-barreled), in addition Co $,000 cartridges. A total oE 118 vehicles were se~zed as evidence of the crimes in question, as we11 as seven aircraft and a boat, all of which were used to carry drugs - inside of the state. in the opinion o� the federal authorities, the campaign per se was satisfac- tory, hut this does not mean that there will be any letdown in all the neces- sary vi~ilance; because an effort is being made to keep the production, plnn[ing. manufacturing, distribution and traffieking of drugs and narcotics in the ~one in which the state is located to a minimum. 2909 CSO: 5330 69 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MEXICO . ~ANCH~R 5CNT~NC~U ~OIt GROWING MARIHUANA Piedrn~ Ne~rgs ~L DIAItIO DE PIEbRAS NEG~AS in Spanish 14 Dec 78 p 1 ('Cext] 5eb~stian 5oCo Burks, the millionaire rancher from Melchor Muzquiz, Co~huilg, who was capCured by forcea of the Federal ,Judicial Police for en- ga~ing in tl~e growing of marihuana was sentenced yesCerday by the federal ,judge of ttie second diatrict courC in this town, Eduardo Aguilar, upon the concluaion of Che Crigl to which he was brought for a crime against health in the degre~ of plantin~ and cultivaCion of cannabis indica. ~eder~l Judge Aguilar g~ve Sebas Cian Soto Burks a prison aentence of 4 yeare and a fine of 4,000 pesos; and he is not entitled to a suspended senCence. A~ may be recalled, Sebastian So to Burks was arrested by the Federal Judicial Police and, withouC puCting up any resistance, was taken by his capCors to _ Che "5oga" ranch in this municipality of Muzquiz, where they found 243 mari- huana bushes . T}~is occurred on 19 June 1978. He made a full confession, stating that the marihuana which he planted and culCivated was for his personal consumption. The federal court was of the opinion that, since this was his first offense - and he had no record (understandably), in addition to the fact that~he had not resisted capture, he should receive that sentence. The penalty establish- ed in Article 194 is from 2 to 9 years' imprisonment. ~ It m.1y be recalled that there was a very sCriking occurrence in this affair, a trasic one; because the convicted man~�s wife died after visiting him in the preventive jail, while returning to her residence in Melchar, Muz- quiz. Unoff icial sources sCated that Sebastian Soto himself caused the situation and the lack of de.fense, by refusing to notify his relatives, and making - them think that he was ~ree, traveling in the interior of the country. 2909 CSO: 5330 70 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 M~XxCO H~AVI~ST TRAFFIC IN COAHUILA, TAMA,ULIPA,S, NUEVO L~ON Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 31 Dec 78 Sec A p 2 [Text~ Mexico City; 30 December--The states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Co- : nhuil~ axe rhe ones ~.n which the hesyiest drug tra~ficking has been occurring recently, since the areas o~ Sonora, Sinaloa and Ba~a California havz come under extremely close surveillance by the ~'ederal Judicial Police. Upon noting that Che drug traf~ic increased in the so-called "Zone 11" since October; the chief of that police force, aided by army troops, ordered an intensification of the surveillance; and positive results were accrued, such as the confiscation of 14 tons of marihuana and the arrest of 250 drug traf- ~ ficers. In addition, an XB-HUH Piper plane of United States origin was captured, and seizures were made of a quarter of a.kilogram of cocaine, 10 kilograms of no- vocaine, 34 kilograms of heroin, 20 LSD pi11s, 72 high-powered weapons and 26 cars with Texas and CaliPornia license plates, all with an approximate value of 90 million pesos. In the towns of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas; Culiacan, Sinaloa; Palomares, Oaxa- ca; Mexicali, Ba~a California; Tapachula, Chiapas; Los Mochis, Sinaloa; Agua _ Prieta, Sonora; Navo~oa, Sonora, and other ad~oining districts, the afore- mentioned number of drug,traffickers were arrested. They were carrying to Zone 11 a variety of drugs, such as marihuana, cocaine, novocaine, peyote, psychotropic pills and heroin, because of their inability to operate in other ~ areas which are being gu~irded by forces from the police and the army detailed to those locations. 2909 CSO: 5330 71 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MEXZCO - . COCAINL' SLIZLU I~itOM AIRPLAN~ IN CtIIAPAS Nogaleg bTAtt20 DL NOGAL~S in Span~eh 13 Uec 7$ p 4 (TexCj Mexic:o CiCy, 12 becember--'I'he ~'edergl Judicial Police inCercepted 69 mil].ion pesos' worth nf pure cocaine which was being carried in a two-engine eurboprop CE~ssna 310 plane, gr the international airport in Tapachula, Chia- pas, wherc the pl~ne crew w~s lik~wi~e arrested. _ This confiscat:[on brings the totgl drugs to be gold in Che United States and interGepeerl here during Che pnst 24 houra Co over 769 million pesos' worth. 'l't~e cocaine wa~ in containers which usually hold beauCy produeCs, and was :crared in Che plane'A barCery. I~'ederal Judicial Police agents arrested Taylor and Karen Luisi TrouC, after , � ehey had noCiced Che plane making frequenC trips without permission from the aeronautics auChoriCies. _ Upon being quesCioned, the plane's crew revealed Chat it purchased the cocaine in CuaCemala so as to sell it later in the United States. With this new seizure, ttie Office of the Attorney General of Che Republic has I become the Mexican department that has caused the international drug traffic the greatesr devastation. 'Ctiose who questioned the drug traffickers have provided the other police forces _ in diEferent counCries with importanC information leading to the capture and disbandin~ oE rings ttiat are operating in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, _ Colombia and E1 Salvador. I~c~r example, wit}i Che arrest yesterday of Gustavo Gonzalez Sanchez, Pedro Joa- ~~uin Guzman Colin and the brdthers Alejandro and Jesus Mora Rolon, there was ' :i dlscl.osuxe o.f the leading cocaine supplier in Guatemala, as well as of the - place wliere vehicles were being outfitted with secret compartments for ship- ping drubs. - 2909 CSO: 5330 72 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 MCXxCd ~ A1tMY ANTZDItUG BRIGAD~S ACCUS~D OF HAIir15SMENT, TORTURE ~ Nuevo Laredo CL DSAIZIO D~ NU~VO LAR~DO ~n Spanish 29 Dec 78 5ec A p 2 (Text~ Chihu~hua, 28 Uecember--ResidenCs and various arganizations ~n Che mun~.cipali~y of Mnxelos, Chihuahu~, complained here of countless incidents involving hnr~asmen~~ torCure and arbitrary ection on the part of �orceg from the Mexican Army gss~.gned Co tasks relating ~o "Operation Condor," to combat the drug Crnf~ic in the Chihuahua mounCains. Mgnuel Herngndez Osorio, spnkesman fnr Che accusers, said ChaC the eroops have _ spre~d tex~or in Che area, and that it is a.misfortune eo 13ve in Morelos, to ~ fall inCo Che hands of Che mil~tary and to be poor. _ Hernandez Osorio came ~o this capital to reporC the incidents and said thaC he represented the Supreme Council ofTar~nhumara in Morelos, the local Cattle- men's Union and ~he asaociations of union members, communal farmers and min- ers' unfons of Ch~ area, which is located in the heart of the Taraltumara mounCains. The informcr stressed the fact that, using the excuse thaC they are conduct- ing investigations, the troops assigned to the Fifth Military Zone commit all types of abuscs against the r.tvilian population, including the raping of women, torture and robbery. Hern~zn~ez Osorio showed a long lisC of these types of harassment, prominent _ among which are the following: constant raping o~ women, who conceal the Fact out of shame, aLthough there is Cestimony given by Mrs Valentina Bo~or- quez, of the 5anta Rosa farm, who was assaulted by two soldiers, on�1 Novem- her of this year, and was then beaten and le#t unconscious by them. 2909 CSO: 5330 73 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MEXICO OWNLtt bF pOPPY, MARIHUANA pI,ANTA~I0N5 HELU FOR TItTAL Culi~can ~L SdL DE SINALOA in Spanish 23 Dec 78 p 6 (Texr] Miguel Angel ronaecn Silvn, who is the owner of two plots of land on which mari.huana ~ud ~,oppy plantations were discovered, was remanded to the - disrrict ,judge ior crimes ggainst he~lth. According to inEormation provided by Humberto Davila del B~sque, agent nf Che ~ederal 1'ublic Ministry, Che inveseigaCion that was conducted caused this in- clivtdual to be tur.ned over to the competent authorities; because Chere aXe in the settlements of Los Amoles and Rancho del ltincon two plantaCions over an area of about .1.,250 and 900 square meters respecCively, on which the afore- mentioned plants were grow3ng. This individual was arresCed when members of the State Judicial Police and _ ~irmy Forces assigned to "Operation Condor" were making their usual Cour of - the high locations, and found Che owner of the aforementioned land as he was inspecting the plantaCions. ~ _ 'Chcy immediately took him tothi:~ Cown, and completed the preliminary inquiry, ' The captors took some samples for analysis as convincing proof of the type ~ of plants that had been sown, and destroyed the rest. - In addition to the crime for which he was remanded, Fonseca Silva is also ~ regarded as a presumed murderer; and, since this is a common crime, the of- Eice oE the state prosecutor was noCified of his arrest, so that 1.t could, ~ in turn, open the pertinent investigation. 2909 CSO: 5330 74 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 . rc~xzco MEXICO NOW TRANSFER POINT FOR SOUTH AMERICAN DRUGS Culiacan EL SOL DE SINALOA in Spanish 14 Dec 78 Sec B p S [TextJ Mexico City, 13 December--Fernando Baeza, a senior official in the Of- fice of the ACtorney General of the Republic, told EL SOL DE MEXICO that Me- xico has ceased Co be the leading producer of the marih~ana Chat is consumed in the,United States, but has become tihe bridge between Csntral and South America and the United StaCes ~or drug trafP~ckers. The official based his in4ormation on the fact that, during 1977, the army and Federal Judicial Police exterminated~7S percent of the mar.ihuana and pop- ply plantations in our counCry, and on the reaept c�aptures of Colombian, Fe- ruvian and Mexican traPfickers in the states of Chiapas and Ba~a C~lifoz;~ia Norte. ~ According to the official, this busineas is being combated, first of all, with electronic sensors located on unidentified landing fields operating on the southern and northern borders of the capital of Che republic. a This apparatus makes it possible to detect the presence of aircraft, and iC immediately sends the signal locating it to the radar equipment and communi- cations systems of the Federal Judicial Police, thereby making it possible to capture the dangerous cocaine traffickers who have been operati:zg with impunity. Iiaeza Melendez discussed the variety of systems used to combat drug traffick- king, and not only the plantations but the shipment to another counCry, which is always the Uiiited States, the natural border with Mexico. The 0�fice of the Attorney General of the Republic has requested that the United States Government exercise caution in conducting commercial transac- tions, because the aizplanes or trucks which carry the goods that are import- = ed return from Mexico loaded with drugs. He said that the ~udicial authori- ties of that country have already been alerted to this. 2909 CSO~ 5330 J 75 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 MEXICO COCAINE PEtOCESSING LABORATORY DISCOVERED YN ENSENADA Mexicali LA VOZ DE LA TRONTERA ~.n Spanish 24 Dec 78 Sec B p 12 [Texe] Mexicali--The ~ederal Judicial Police discovered a clandestine labora- tory in which a Bolivian chemist was processing cocaine, and succeeded in seizing from it t~a1f a kilogram o~ paste (the base for producing Che powder), - as we11 as chem3cal producCs, at his residence in Ensenada. As a reault of ehe police operation, a ring of five individuals, who were arrested, was broken up. The v~lue of the paste, of Bolivian origin and brought in by means of a unique procedure, was noC disclosed; however, it was claimed to be considerable, since it is the base ~or producing a larger amount o� the drug, which is the most expensive in the world. The agency o� the ~ederal Public Ministry has aC its disposal the Bolivians Felix Ben~amin Guzman Arancibia and Victoria Arzabe Chaver, and the Mexicans Humberto Hughes Carbone, Yeomans Vingocheat and Victor Ayon Valen,cia. The first two reside in Ensenada, where the laboratory was found; the next two live in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, and the last in the Pro-Family Life development in this capital. This information was provided yesterday by the assistant ~gent of th.e Federal Public Ministry, Abdiel Lozano Chantes, who noted that the chemical compounds, inr.luding the paste, would be sent to Ti~uana, to the laboratory of the Office of the Attorney General of tlie Republic located there, so that they could be properly analyzed. Felix Ben~amin Guzman, a metallurgical chemist, arrived in Ensenada from Bo- livia a few months ago. Before leaving his country, he ~oaked several of his shirts with cocaine ~aste. Then, when he arrived here, he talked to his mother, making a long-distance telephone call, and asked her to send t~im the shirts, which Victoria Arzabe did, When they arx~.ved, he removed ttie paste. The ring was discovered after the arrest of Humberto Hughes Carbone, wt:o was apprehended by~ the Federal Judicial Police recently in Los Algodones, Ba~a 76 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 Cal~.forniA, while he was waieing ,~or a purchaser to whom he intended to ~~ii 25 grame of coca3ne. Ne revealed ro the pol~.ce thae Fe1ix Ben~amin had given him ehe drugs to s~1~.. As a result, the latter was arresred at his residence in ~nsenada. x'he co- caine paste was ~ound inside a emall suitcase, and in Che txunk of his cnr were aeven plastic gallon bottles containing acetone, one containing sulfuric acid and two flasks containing hydrochloric acid. There were also some re- - flectors, a scale, wrapping paper and two glasa containers, among oCher things. . Hughes had con~essed thar Victor Ayon Valencia previously purchased severgL "pedazos" [a i:tteie over an ounce] of cocaine ,�rom him. The latter was lo- cated and arrested at his residance in the Pro-Family Li~e development. 2909 CSO: 5330 77 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ' MI:XxCO COCAIN~', TRA~FICKBR CAPTUIt~U IN CIUDAD JtJr~1t1:L - Ciudad Juarez EL FROTiTERIZO i� 5paniah 19 Dec 78 Sec A p 4 [7'exej Ye~terday, agents of the Feder~l Judicial Folice under orders from Comdr Florentino Radillx ~allnrdo dealt Che drug traffic a strong blow when they capCured an individual in a hotel in thia town with 12 ounces of cocaine, and, aC the rrh~a falseab C~om containing remnantsiofdaashipmentgofrmarihuana tank-truck wiC Ricardo Mares Touche, aged 25 and a native of Torreon, Coahuila, who was pre- - tending to be a cAtel~ngHeahadmin~hisspossessionafour3plastic bags~containf the Fiesta Real H ing a total of 12 ounces o~ pure cocaine. He co~F~ssed that he had brought it from the southern part of the republic in order :o sell it for $2,000 per bag. ~ The purchase and sale transaction arranged at the Pronaf hotel did not take place, apparently because of Che arrival of the police. Moreover, Juan Mendoza Contreras, aged 32 and also a native of Torreon, Coa- huila, was intercepted at the inspection station aC kilometer 28 of the Pan- = American Hi8litersWOflfuel,Vwhich had anfal~enbottom conCainingptraces~of hold 10,000 - marihuana. - The driver, a shipper ~~inhthegsecretccompartmenraofhhisatruckefrom Irapuato, a shipment o� marihuana Guana~uato. The Federal Judicial I~lice announced that they were investigating where and to whom that shipment was delivered. The two individuals under arrest, as well as the cocaaboutntotbe turned over at the Federal Judicial Police facilities yesterday, to the Fedexal Publir_ Ministry~. 2909 CSO: 5330 78 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MCXICO RESULT5 OF 19~8 ANTIDRUG CAME'ATGN DE5CRIBED Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 1 Jan 79 Sec B p 10 (Text] buring Che pe1�iod from 1 January to 7 December 1978, aCrong druga and na:cotics ehe value oP which was esrimated at over 500 mil~.ion pesos on the "blACk market" ~n the United States were seized and destroyed, as a result of the untiring ePfort expended by the Federal Judicial Police in Che staCes of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila and Tamaul~pas. This announcement was made by the coordinator of the agencies of the Federal Public MinisCry in the three aforementioned states, Alfredo Aaron Juarez Ji- menez, upon reporting the resulCs of Che statist:ics prepared on the produc- Cive work done by the Federal Judicial Police. Juarez Jimenez explained thaC, during the aforementioned interva'l, the fol- lowing drugs, weapons and vehicLes were confiscated: As of 7 December, seizures were made of: 100,983 kilograms of marihuana; 38,136 kilograms ~f heroin; 6,052 kilograms of cocaine; 10 kilograms of no- vocaine; 91,506 toxic pills; 2.5 kilograms of peyotes; 475 weapons; 55,747 cartridges o.f various calibers; 83 loaders and 262 vehicles of various makes and models, as well as two aircraft. - During the course of Che battle against the drug distributors, Che Federal Judicial Police arrested 986 presumed drug traffickers. - Juarez Jimenez added: "This is a reflection of rhe persistent effort that the Federal Judicial Police have been making in compliance with the mission that _ has been assigned them by the attorney general of the republic." 1[e went on to say that the work done by Comdr Margarito Mendez Rico, coor- dinator oF the Federal Judicial Police in the thzee states had been out- standing and e�.fective, because he has dealt the drug txaffic heavy blows since assuming his position in this area. Comdr Margarito MendeL Rico, for his part, declared: "We know that it is ' virtually impossible to put an end to the drug traffic, but nevertheless we shall contine to combat this type of activity on all levels, because ' ;hat is the mission that has been assigned to us." - 2909 79 CSO: 5330 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 MEXI CO MARIHUANA SHIPMENT CONFISCATED IN SAN 1.UI5 POTOSI Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO D~ NUF~'~ I~AREDO in Spanish 14 Dec 78 Sec B p 3 [Text] AC a stakeout set up by the Feder~l Judicial Police along the River- side Highway at Ciudad Camargo, Tamaulip~~s,.last Tuesday three individuals who were carrying a harmful shipment of marihuana in a car were captured. The drugs were from San Luis Potosi, and were being taken Co the bor- _ der for subsequent shipment to the United States. At Che coordinating agency of the Office of the Attorney General of the Re- ~ = public, Aaron J~arez Jimenez told EL DIARIO that Comdr Magarito Mendez Rico and his forces had arrested three persons who were carrying 250 kilograms of marihuana in a 1972 Dodge Mona~o car. _ Tt~e vet~~~cle was driven by Ariel Doblantes Torres, aged 28, a native of Ira- puaCo, Guana~uato, who was accompanied by Homero Beltran Aguirre, aged 28, and Ezequiel Garcia Reyes, aged 30, a native of "Rancherias," Tamaulipas. All three confessed that they were engaged in drug trafficking. They Had a Ton in San Luis Potosi During the questioning to which they were~ sub~ected by the Federal Judicial Police, the three arrested men provided very important information on other individuals involved in the criminal drug business. _ They also confessed that they had another ton of marihuana in San Luis Potosi, ready to be shipped to the border. Based on the information supplied by the three arrested men, Comdr Margarito - Mendez Rico notified the Potosi capital, and forces from the Attorney Gene- - ral's Office detailed to that district arrestea four more persons, and con- fiscated the drug shipment. 80 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 c~ ; , ~�y.I ~ ~MY . t r' � . e^A.. . y. S + + , i,i+~V.'.-� ~ r.. 'f~'A, , rr ! ~ . ~ { : It'` c .o~i ~ , ~ ~ "�r ~ ~ r ) . ..;t.. p ~ ~ t, fi , ~ ~ t~ ~ ti ~ _ S a~' 1 J 1 ~ ~ 4~ T f~_.. A 4 4 J~ T, 1 ~ 1 ~~~t}~., . ` ~/wU ~ ~r + w ~ 1 ( .y` ~ . .I~ a'~~ OA.F ~i~~( 4. h i~y r ~ , � }~1 ~ y; . r . t~'' t . v'~~'1 r . . pf ? ~ 1 , � . ' 1.:~: ~ ~ ,~I ~ ~ ~ h' ~ ~ y, ~ ~ ~r ~F tiii4< ~ ~f:i ~ . ! ' ~'~i: . , i,) ; Guadalupe Beltran Miguel Angel Ismael Zavala Gomez ; y, , ~ e ~ : ~ _ , t . _ ~ . ; ~ , ,~;,1 ' ~ j~ { . 1~;` ~ ,:c~~. ~ Y~ \ � - \ . / Roberto Gonzalez Veliz 2909 CSO: 5330 $1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 MEXICO SHIPPLRS OI' COCAINE FROM SOUTH AMERICA CAPTURED Culiacan EL 50L D~ SINALOA in Spanish 2 Dec 78 p 12 ~ [TextJ City, :l December--~ight international drug traffickers who had been operating in five countries were arrested by the Federal Judicial Police _ when they were bringing 1.38 billion pesos worth of cocaine into Mexico. _ The di~ugs were intercepted by the federal police upon their arrival from Co- = lombla in a 10-seat Cwo-engine plane which landed at the "E1 Desempeno" farm .located in Ocozingo, Chiapas, sltuated on the banks of the Uaumacinta River, c.l.ose to the Guatemalan border. Those ~nder arrest are: Alvaro Cardenas Anaya, Luis Crespo Rodriguez, Jose Au- ; del Valdovinos Molina, Roberto Rivera Rivera, Marcos Fidel Rodriguez, Jose ~ ~ del Carmen Pavon and Alfonso Rodriguez. The first-mentioned individual is ~ the head of the powerful "gang." ~ . 1 The arrival of the plane h~d been awaited since the first Sunday in November, ~ _ but for reasons that were not explained there was a delay, and iC did not arrive u~til last Sunday. The aircraft, a Piper Seneca II PA-34, with re- i gisrration numbcr FiK-1693-P, from Colombia, brought 150 kilograms of very pure cocaine to Mexico, to be sold �irsthand to "dealers" from the United States and Canada, for $60 million. ; i The attorney general of the republic turned over the investigation to Gen Raul Mendiolea Cerecero, who assigned lst Comdr Florentino Ventura Rodriguez and his partner, .lcise de Jesus Mexueiro Kun~zy, Co the difficult mission ; christened "Operation Lazaro." ~ , 'Che agents mounted guards at some luxury hotels in the capital, after receiv- ~ ing the first inEormation sent by the police in the United States. , T}ie head of the ring in Mexico, Alvaro Cardenas, was followed by the police for several days, without results, until he made contact with Roberto Rivera ; Kiver~, who was using a forged passport bearing the name Jairo Parra Gonza- lez. _ ~ 82 ~ - i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 ~ubH~c~ii~nrl.y, ~I?~~ lul:~:~~r~ inuiici~;4~ ~o c~i~~ncG l.ui~ Cre~pn nnd Joae A~de1 Va1- dovind~, who wene ro Ch:L~xpus ro buy a~~rm which had a airstrip capable of pccommodating Che Cwo-engine plen~ ~.n wh~,ch the drugs would ar- r3ve. ' When all the conCacta had been made and the deal for the goods was closed, the ~udiciAl intervened �or the first Cime, and captured all of the aforementioned persons. Alvaro Cardenas Anaya was arresCed at the door of his residence aC 1011 AmbaCos, in the Lindavista development, and the others were apprehended at various hotels. The police knew Cha~ the chief suppliers of the drugs were rhe Colombians Alonso Rodriguez and Beatriz Rivera de Rodriguez, who had originally been the suppliers of the international trafficker Arturo Felix Coronel. Felix Coronel died the year before last during ~ practice flight on a clan- destine airstri:p in the state of Mexico, where the drugs brought in from Colombia and Peru were initially unloaded. After his deaCh, his assistant, Alvaro Cardenas, continued the deals with Peruvian and Colombian traffickers, and inherited the lucraCive husiness - which the Federal Judicial Police eliminated today. The arrested persons, Che drugs and the aircraft will be placed at the dis- posal of Che fourth district penal court. 2909 CSO: 5330 ' 83 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R004100010062-1 MEXYCO ~ DRUG THEFT AT HEALTH CEtITER PROMPTS NF:W INCINrRATION POLICY Ciudad Juarez EL FRONTERIZO Spaniah 29 Nov 78 Sec A p 2 [TextJ The agency of the Federal Public MinisCry will stop sending large amounts o~ str�ung drugs and depressanCs to the "A" Health Center. This decision was made yesterday by the head of ChaC institution for treat- ment, Dr Heriberto kerez Gonzalez, and by the federal prosecutor, Nurberto Salinas Navarrete, to prevenC another thefC such as the one which occurred recently. 'Dr Pere z Gonzalez said thaC, if a shipment of over 10 kilograms of drugs is seized, it will be burned immediately. For e~~:mple, when the marihuana does not exceed 10 kilograms in weight, it will kept in this establishment, but for only a few days, and not for ~ months as in the past. He said: "We only want to.have samples of the drugs lef t with us; we no long- er want to be the custodians of large volumes; because they are a temptation for addicts and, although there was no personal in~ury the last time during the robbery, who knows whether there might be one the next time. - "Let the federal prosecutor and the second district court be the ones to de- - cide what to do with large drug shipments. We are willing to burn them, if they wish." The head of the "A" Health Center added i'nat, from now on, they would accept - only small samples of drugs in each instance, so as to make the clinical and chemical analyses of them which are reauired. The as sistant agent of the Federal Public Ministry, Arturo Sanchez Gaytan, - stated yesterday that the amount of marihuana that was stolen from zhe "A" Health Center storeroom last week was under 5 kilograms. The social representative thinks that the apparent target of the thieves was the safe inside of the vault, since they must have thought that it contained heroin, cocaine and other alkaloids derived from opium, the resul,: of the most recent seizures made by the police. 84 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 IE Chi~ wcre sn, rhey werc disnppointed, because rhat safe was out of service ~ince 1962, when rhe combination was lost. Tt was recently used Co hold things orher. than dru~s. � Sanchez GayCan said that the amount of marihuana thaC was stolen had been � established by comparing the volume of grass that was Chere until the day of the incidenC with whaC was left after the nocturnal visit of two masked individuals who threatened the guard with a pistol Co force him to open the dooY~ for them so that ttiey could sreal the safe and some "cannabis indica." The inuividual making the sCatement said that Chere ts no explanation c~~ Che reasons why Che person who made the disclosure representing the adminis- tration o~ the treatment center claimed that the marihuana that was stolen amounted to over 30 kilograms. He also s~id that the Federal ,Tudicial Police, who have been in charge of the investigation since the day of the robbery, now have some "interesting information" about the presumed thieves. 2909 CSO: 5330 1 � 85 ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVE~ FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-R~P82-00850R000'1000'10062-9 3i JANUARY i9T9 C FOUO S179 u'2 OF 2` APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ - M~XICO ; - mttUCK bEttV~Et CAUGt1T WI1'll MARIHUANA SliiE'~~T IN 'TI~tAU1~IYA5 Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA ir~ ~pant:~h 2? Dec 78 S~c B p 2 ('Text ) A ton ~t' n~arihuana bnund for the "black marker" for drugs in tt~e ncrth- ern Unit~c' ~tates was seized nn Wednesd~y by ag~nCS of the FedeYal Judicial Polic~: in the vir.ini~y of the town of Ri; 8ravo, Tamaulipas. Tti~ druss wer~ bcing shipped by Rosendo VnzauEZ Colin, who was broughr Co this town so Chat the ~cderal Judicial~Police could intensify the investiga~ tion to its final consequences. It wns announced that, on Wednesday night, federal agents i�tercepted a 'double-whe~led 1976 Chevrolet truck, with license plates W-7453, which was being driven by Rosendo Vazquez. Thf~ seizure of this vehicle and its driveY took place near the officea of the border customs service in Rio B_avo. The Federal Public Ministry agency annaunced that they had some previoits information about th~ activities of 7azquez Colin and that they ~eye3e8rch- - iearned that he had recently received a shipment ~f marihuana. ed the af.orementioned truck cover~d with canvas, which ostensibly was carry- - ing 12 metalcrate~~ containing electronic spare parCs. The crates in ques- tion contained hundreds of marihuana bricks weighing a total of 1,000 kilo- grams. - ~ Rosendo Vazquez said that he was only hired to drive ChP truck. Ne also ' gave the name of the owner of the drugs, who was still being hunted by the ~ Federal Judicial Police yesterday. Psychotropic Substances Seized Federal Judicial Police agents detailed to Reynosa, Tamaulipas, seized a shipme~t consisting of 43,800 toxic pills of the so-called "Catagon" typ~ yesterd~?y morning. The F~deral Public Ministry agency did not disclose any furttier i:.FOrmationt since it was said that it hopes to capture the owners and suppl:Ers of thc psychotropic substances. 2909 CSO: 5330 86 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 M~X~CO BRIC~S ~ MARIHUANA SHIppCR JAIL~b--`The secdnd distri~t ~udge is~ued an order for ehe ofEici~l imprisnnment of Itosendo Vasquez Co1in as ~n individual pre~umed guilty nf cnmmitting ~ crime egainsC health in the degree of possessinn and trnnsportnrion of marihuang. The ~zdministraCion of the Social It~habil.iC~tion - Ceneer annoUnced thar, on ~riday ~�ternoon, it had received the order signed = by the head of ChaC court, Luis G~rcia ltomero, for the preventive irmprison- ment of Vasquez Colin. As may be recalled, this individual was arrested on 20 necember by F'ederal Judicial Polic~ ngents who intercepted him near ~tio ~ravo, Tamaulipas, while he was driv~ng a double-wheeled 1976 Chevrolet Cruck with license plates VV-7453. In ehe vehi.cle. he was carrying 12 metal boxea - containing abaut a tnn of marihuana. He de~~ared that he was Caking the �d,rugs to Rio Bravo at the instruction of an individugl named Juan Gutierrez Rodriguez, an en~in~er employed by the SecreCariat ot Agricultur~ and Hy- _ drd~lic Resources. According to the arrested man, he was eo receive 5,000 pesos Eor driving the vehicle from Toluca to Reynosa. (Text] [Nuevo Laredo ~L MANANA in Spanish 31 bec 7ti 5ec A p 2] 2909 NEW MARIHUAIvA GROWING AREA5--Mexico City, 29 December--During 1978, in the permanent campaign against drug trafficking, the Federal Judicial Police seized 567 tons of marihuana, with an estimated black market value of 3 bil- lion pesos, according to a report from the Office of Attorney General of the Republic. 5amuel Alba Leyva, deputy attorney general of thE republic, stated - that the aforementioned campaign which he heads, with the cooperation of the regional caordinators of the growing areas, has brought optimal results, to - the point where there are now only small plots o� land on which the drug is bein~ Rrown. lle stressed the fact that, despite the inCensive battle that - lias bren wa~ed a~ainst the dru~ traffickers, parCicularly in the state of Sin~~loa, ttie latter have renched the Oaxaca mountain area, Guerrero, Puebla, Ver,~cruz ;ind l~ueretaro, locations where drugs r..d never previously been plant- ed :ind harvested. Alba Leyva added that, every day, over 80 helicopters and Small planes from the Attorney Ceneral's Office air team make flights for surveill;~nce and fumigation of the plantations. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo ~L DIARIO DE: NUI:V4 LAREDO in Spanish 30 Dec 78 Sea; A p 3] 2909 MICRATIOK AGENTS EXONERATED--Former migration agents Ricardo Hino~osa G~rcla and Rene Benavides Lopez, from Ciudad Camargo, Tamaulipas, have been acquit- ted of the c?~arges brought against them for crimes against health in the ~ 87 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 Jc~;re~ of trht~~pc~rtr~tic~n ~ind oEfirl.~~l 1i~bilir.y~. 'T~?e verdict fdr ~cquit~l wng hnnded down by thr y~~cnnd di~rrict_ .juu,~~., l~ui~ G;~rcia Knmprn, It ~11 - r~~sulCed from Ch~ f~tict rl~ar. rn 7.5 Novc~ml~er 19y7. th~ ~�oramentianed migr~- - tlc~n ,~~rntg confi~cnted ,h eru;.k r~e~r ~~amarf;r in:~d~d wtth t~ Con of r,~rihu~n~, nnd wi~rr unablp to ~~(~prehend th~ uwn~~rq n~ the ahipment. Ths mi~ration ~gcnr~ took the m:~rihu~~r~~ t� tk~e C~im~~rF;o mtlit.~ry headyunrtets, head~d by 5eCOnd Cav~lry ~t~pt .ie~,..a Vilit~7 C. ~nd Lt Et~mc~n ttamos, who gubse~u~nely ~bsCdnd~d ~nd return~:d the sttipmenl- to drug traffickers Gtlb~rto Garci~ gnd R~m~n Gnrcia, ~5 well a~ Armandd ttuiz. Nc~waver, r.h~ mi~ratian ~genCg w~re ~ implicat~d b~~cause rhey had rianqnorr.ed tti~ m~~?�i.hunn~ shipmpne t~ rh~ he~d- quart~rs. 'Cl~e defend~ts o~ ttie acct~s~d gur_~:ec~ded in providit~~ ~ufficienc ~vidence to provc~ that r.he two mi~;rat~~~n ~~~~nC~ w~*r~ dissnciaeed from the r.rime of which they had been ~cc~_~~,.d. ['1'~xt] (Nuevo L~redo ~L llIAkYO D~ NU~VO LAIt~bO in Sp~ntgh 30 n~ ~ SeC U p 6] 2~09 IhiP1~.1SONl;b TitAi'1'I~'K; ~"IFt~~N5i~~ItRF:D--Yesterd~y, a dan~ernus individual who huf: been servin~~ 13-yeax jgil term for h~ving enga~ed in marihuanx trafficking w~s rel~�;~~ed from the Social Ftehabilitation Center and taken ro the prison in T~~mpico~ Tamaulip,~s, heavily guarded by Federa]. Judicial Pnlice a~ents. He is Conrado ~rias r(artinez, whom Che thixd district ~udge sentenc~d to 13 years' imprisnnmettt and a~ine of 15,000 pesos or, if in default, 2 morc months in ~ail, for his guilt of th~ commissi~n of a crime against he~lth. As rtcorded in Eile No 177-976, the Federal Judicial Police arre9ted Frias Mar.ttnez in Reynosa, as he was driv:n~ a dump-truck loaded with marihuana. - The arrest took place as ~'rins MarCinez was returning from the UniCed 5tates, where he had taken the marihuana shipment; but since he had not found the ~ custnrr.... to whom he was going Co sell the drugs, he decided to return Co nation.,I territory wiCh the drugs. A few months ago, Frias Mdttinez peCition- - ed the Social Prevention and Rehabilitation Department for a Cransfer to the a Tampico prison, because his relatives live in that to~rn. Yesterday, the transfer was allowed by Che competent authorities. (Text) [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 4 Jnn 79 Sec B p 3~ 2909 THR~~ DRUC 'CZARS' SENTENC~D--Yesterda y, three czars of the drug traffic who tiad been enga~ed Eor several years in the purchase and distribution of large shipments of drugs were given prison sentences by the second disCrict ~udge. They are Zoilo Davila Saldivar, alias "E1 5andillon, antonio de Leon GarCia _ and Saul Cuzman Jasso; who will serve ~a~l termss~ecCivelrg aThey werehall8 yeara and 2 months and S years and 10 months, re p Y f~,~,nd penally liable for the commission of a crime against health in the - various degrees. At the same time, the judge ordered the seizure of the 200,000 pesos in cash whic~ were confiscated from Saul Guzman Jasso, a sum which he had in his possession at the Cime o� his arresC as a result of the federal agents sale of 400 kilogra~s of maYihuana. or~ 4 April of last yea~, arrested Zoilo Davila in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, bzcause they had in- ~ formation that he was engaged in drug trafficking. Upon being interrogated, he admitted ihat heo ramsetonSaulrCuzmana [Text] [NuevoiLaredo Et MANANAainunt he had sold 400 k 1~ 5panish 5 Jan 79 Sec B p 3] 2909 sa APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 HCItOIN TRA~rICK~~ AItK~ST~b--F'~deral agenCs yropped ~gn~cio ~e11o Cruz while he w~:~ in ~ 1973 Mexcury cgr with stnte o~ Cnli.�o::~ia license pl~eee 504-LNT. Updn nnticin~ hi~:a ncrvous m~nner, rhe police qu~geioned him, ~nd h~ eaid rhgt t~e wag w~ieing for his partner, P~dro Carci~, to make a heroin sdle. A f.ew hour~ later, rh~y went Cn Pedro's ho~se, wher~ th~y found him; ~nd, updn senrching his clorhe~, th~y dtscnvered a corked coneainer wieh ~ sample of herdin. pedro s~id ehat he had beett giv~n ie by ~dreino Hern~ndez Cgmpoe, n resid~nC of Nn 589 5an Luis Aven~e, in the Loma Linda districr~ They Chen went to tha~ reyidence and, in Che b~throom, found ~ polyeehylene bag cdtttain- ing 67 grams of heroin (two portions)~ each v~lued at $2,500. [Texe] [Mexic~li LA VOZ b~ LA ~I20NT~ItA in 5panish 21 Dec 78 Sec B p 12] 2909 TIt~1~'F'ICKCRS is5CAP~ F'~b~RAL JATL--Two dru~ trgffickerg who were under inves- tigaeion in ehe town of Iteynoe~, mamaulipas, fled from th~ lockup nf the reder~zl Pros~cutor's Office, taking advanCage of the negligence of th~ po- lir.emnn who w~y gu~rding them. The entity headed by Comdr MgrgariCo Mendez ~ico ~nnounced that the ~ederal Judicial Police have 1aLnched an intensive ~ search to recapCure Zenobio 5algado and Jose Ramirez, who were being probed for a crime ngainst health. ~L bIARIO was told that ns a result of the es- cape oE Cl~e two drug traffickers, the Federal Prosecu~or's Office in the town ~ ~ of Reynos~ would take penal action againse uniformed police officer Facundo Rodriguez ~scalante, since he is held responsible for the escape, The Fe- - deral Judicial Pnlice headquarters obCained reports to the effect that Mar- _ garito Mendez Rico's forces had arrested Zenobio Salgado, who was identified as the owner nf a shipment of marihuana that was seized early this week along - the highway to 5an Fernando. Upon being questioned, Salgado said that he had been given the marihugna by an indivtdual named Jose Ramirez, from the port of Matnmoros; and they arresCed the latCer as well, taking them to Ciu- dad Reynosa, Tamaulipas, where the probe was made. Last Wednesday, Salgado and Ramirez fled from the Federal Judicial Police ~ail, and now police offi- cer Facundo Rodriguez Escalante is in Crouble with the law. (Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL DIARIO DE NUEVO LAREDO in Spanish 15 Dec 78 Sec C p 3] 2909 _ COCAINE FROM COLOMBIA SEI?.Eb--1'apachula, Chiapas, 6 December--The Federal Judicial Police seized 4 kilograms of pure cocaine, and arrested twa drug - traEfickers who were bringin~the drug from Cali, Colombia, in a small plane. The plane with re~;istration number N-98-980 was flown by William Taylor - Stirew~lt, accompanied by Karen Louise, ~nnd they were bound for Los Angeles, C.~lifornia. They said that they had made an emergency landing at this air- port. (Text] [Nuevo Laredo FL MANANA in Spanish 7 Dec 78 Sec A p 2~ 2909 tl?~ROLN CON~ISCATCD--San Luis, Sonora--Carlos Landeros Buentiempo, the agent of the ~ederal Public Ministry in this town, stated that the supplementary inves[igation being conduci:ed by that entity will determine whether Fernando Conde Quintero, Arnando Celis Bolanos~ Francisco ~Tavier Martinez Valdez and Manuel Roman E'reciado, who were arrested and placed at its disposal by Fe- deral Judir.ial Police agents, as individuals presumed guilty of crimes against he~lth, should be held for trial. It was learned from the probe 89 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~on~fucted by tl~;(_'11C:~ un~ler ~~rdei�s i rc~m t;roup r_hiEt C~rl.c~s rt,iC~~~ tan V~ildez th~l� npproximately 1~ram ~f t~etotn wris 1'~und o~~ ,4rn:~ir~do Celis I~ol.anos, fnllowing wh ich eh~y p~ iz~d s~~~ i l l envr.l f r~,n~ rnandc? C~nde (~uinrero, who Cold . CViem th~~t he t~ud purr.hasr~l lt. wt.ti~ C~~1~;:~ l~ol~nog. AC the sumc locatic~n, they urrested i'rAnri~r.o .Ji~Vi~'1' h~�11.tJ~I1CZ Valdez and Matiucl Itoman preci~do itincanes, wl~n ~rrivrd ~r. t1~E~ wl~tlc~ Cl~e ~eder~l Jt~dic~.~L polic:r. were thert ~nd confe:3scci i:ha~: tl~ey h~d r_o;re tu buy r.he drugs, ~n ~dcllCion ro ehe heroin, a 5mith anu G'~_,~snn speci~l 38 calibcr pi~rol wiCh 3ix u3~ble cnr- Cridges was geix.ed by thc a~;enC3 .['Text ~[r' ~xicali LA VOZ U1s LA FItONT~RA in Spaniah 2g Nov /8 5ec I3 p 12~ 290~J ~ i VARIOU5 UR1;~5 S~IZED--Within the wesCer.n r~:fiinn between ehc boundaries oi~n- 5lnnloa and Uur~ngo ihe Cederal Judiclnl I'olice discov~red three pop~.y p tation:~ cdntaining 93,000 bloon,~-ng ~nd producing p1~nCa, and arreseecl aix , drug tr~ffickerr. Zn thc vi~inity of thF plantation, the police captured ~learsr Carcta ~(ozua, ~'~J ronso ~~.guirre IZi zarro, Attgel Rica Mar~les, Cipri- Fino riorua, Alfc>,~~~, 7,~mor;~ and I'rancisco Garcia Guerrero, seizing from. them 400 gram~~ opium gum and Cwo special 39 caliber pistols. Furthertnore, on th~ banks of the itto Bravo~ beCween the settlements of Miguel Aleman and C~margo, Tumaulipas, Chey disr.overed 31 bags and 70 packag~s, containing 750 kilogram~ of packed marihuana which had been abandoned; and, for this reason they opened an investigation. [TexC] [piedras Negras EL DTARIO D~ PI~DRA5 NFGRAS in 5panish 4 Dec 78 p 1] 2909 CONFI5CATEb MARINUANA BURNEU--Marthuana valued at ~everal million pe~os ~ which was recently confiscated by the Federal Judicial Police in connection with the permanen~ campaign against the drug traffic was burned yesCerday on the ~;rounds of the "Macario Zamora" military headquarters, in tY~e presence of federal, civilian and militaxy officials. The Federal Publ.ic Ministry agent, Jaime Eugenio Torres Espinosa,threw the firebrand on the heap of bricks and packages of marihuana. In a matter of aeconds, the harmful drugs were enveloped in flames, because they had previously been soaked wiCh gasoline and diesel oil. Dr Eduardo Takasita Elizondo, head of the Health Center, was present at the event, as were other local officials. The destruction by fire took place at 1430 hours yesterday. According to Torres Espinosa the marihuana was worth over S million pasos on the black market for drugs in the United States. [TexC] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 13 Dec 78 5ec B p 2] 2909 CONVtCTED TRAFFICKER R~LEA5ED--Federal convict Roberto Mendiola Fuentes, who was sentenced by the third c~istrict ~udge Co a jail term of 9 years for his guilt in committing a crime against t~ealth in the degrees of pos- session and attempted trafficking of morphine, was released yesterday be- Nuevo - cause the Fourth Circuit United Court with headquarters in Monterrey, Leon, revoked the sentence since the powder which prompted the suit was not morphine or any other drug. This announcement was made yesterday by Julian Barberenu, secretary oc the third district court who, in compliance with the court's decionvictlisuincarceratedt~ toehave~him releaseduimmediately~ jail where the c 90 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 Mendinl.n I~uenr~s waH arre~eed on .12 November 1977 by federul ~genes who hgd informaeion Co ttie effece that he wns gning Co make a heroin sale witih JE~sus _ Hernandez Mendoz~. Both were arrested, and were found Co have in their png- gessinn a,jar Containing ~ moderaCe amounC of a ochre colored powder which - Che Reynosa EIeA1Ch CenCer clnimed wae morphine. However, the Department of Expert Opinions oP the Office of Ch~ Attorn~y Genergl o� Che Republic guar- ~~nCeed thge Che a�orementioned subst~nce showecl no reaction Co alkaloida, ~ ~nd thereforeits contenr w~s innocuous. [Texej [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in Spanish 14 Dec ~8 Sec C p 7~ 2909 COCAINE TIt~1FFICKFR5 CAUGHT--Mexico City, 11 December--It was announced to- dny ehat Che police confiscated 30 kilograms of cocaine valued aC $31 mil- ~ lion, and arrested Chree members of a ring thae was purchasing drugs in Co- lombi~ and shipping Chem to ~he United SCates via Mexico and Guatemala. The police said that Che cocaine was concealed in the upholsCery of cars that had been sColen in the towns of Ti~uana and Tapachula, and that the criminale intended Co Cake it to the city of Los Angeles, in the UniCed - States. One of those arrested, Gustavo Gonzalez Sanchez, confessed that he had made eight trips from Colombia during the pasC 4 u~onths, carrying cocaine hidden in his car. [Text] [Piedras Negras EL DIARIO DE PIEDRAS NEGRAS - in Spanish 12 Dec 78 p 6] 2909 CUSTOMS GUARD CLAIMED ACCOMPLTCE--A guard from the Customs Station who :.n- swers to the name of flvidio Arguello Villagomez was captured on Friday nighC by the Federal J~idicial Police, b~cause ehere was a warrant for his arrest issued by the second districr ~udge of the sCate of Michoacan. EL MANANA was informed of this by the coordin~ting oFfice of the Federal Public Min- isCry agencies. Federal agents under orders from Comdr Margarito Mendez Ri- _ co apprehended Arguello Villagomez. This individual is wanCed by the second district ~udge of Michoacan. In trial number 30-977, which is being held against a ring of presumed drug traffickers, Ovidio Arguello was named as an accomplice. For this reason, the order for his arrest was issued and executed. [Text] [Nuevo Laredo EL MANANA in 5panish 10 Dec 78 Sec B p 2] 2909 MARIHUANA, OPIUM CUM SEI7.ED--Mexico City--Agents of the Federal Judicial Po- lice confiscated over a ton of marihuana in the town of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. In a house in a remote area, the agen[s found 500 plants of the same grass, as well as 8 kilograms of seed. Moreover, on the Los Naran3os communal farm in the municipality of Culiacan, Sinaloa, the agents discover- ed 5 kilograms and 420 grams of opium gum, but were unable to capture any _ of the drug traffickers. [Text] [Nogales DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spanish 30 Nov 78 p 4] 2909 NI:RUIN DI5TRIBUTOR CAPTURED~-An individual c~ho was engaged in distributing heroin in the town of Santa Ana was captured by Federal Judicial Police Agents with 220 grams of that drug in his possession. 1'he pre~umed drug trafficker answers to the name o� Oscar Torres Valdez, and was taken by the Federal Judicial Police to Hermosillo for questioning. Torres Valdez - resides at 5 de Mayo and Del Rio Streets, where he was apprehended. [Text] ' (Nog.lles DIARIO DE NOGALES in Spanish 1 Dec 78 p 4] 2909 91 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 '1'UWN COUNCILrU1N M10NC TRAi'i~'ICKI?R5-~Yeseer~l~iy flve parsdns who were m~mbers - of ~ w~11 dxgr~nized rii~~; oE mari.huan:~ tr~f.iickers Ch~t had been npergeing for ~bdue 4 yeary, shippin~ 1ar~~~ ~~+m~~unt.~ of ChaC dru~ to Che country, wer~ rem~nded tn the di~tz�.i~t ~uclge. '1'f~e foregaing wae repore~d by Che Federal 1'ublic Mini~Cry A~~nr.y, which nokcd that Che fiv~ dru~ Crnf- fiCkere were arrE:~eed ir .~~n~ita, and arC: eAe lor~l Cown councilmnn, P~Uln Vega I~'i~rro; Cnearino Serdvig ~ornnel, Ang~1 'M~agallanes 7~mora, Andres Do- - minguez 5oCn and Jnse Loaiza lliar., all emplo~~~es of the "Hombres B~~nco~" communal f~rm in Che municipnliry ef 5onrita. 'Che five drug Craffickers were arre~ted by ~ederal Jud3cixl I'olicc ager.e~ after they found bage uf marihuana in the ce~lc~r oP a brickworks tn thac tnwn and, on the ~roundg, the remr~ins of several smnll airplanes whici~ had bc:en burned by ehe drug trnffickers after shippin~ the ~;~~ass. Those arrested told the coordinar- ing agent of the ~ederal 1'ublic Ministry ttiati about a month ngo Chey h~d shipped 2 l�ons of mari.hnana to the TJtiited 5tstes, ard that th~y had been operaring for F~`~uu~ 4 yearg. Th~ federal source announced that Che inve~- tigati~n is continuing~ and that it is expected that nnother six individuals - who were membexs of Ct~e ring will be arrestpd. [Text] (Nogales DIARIO DE - N~GALES in Spanish 30 Nov 78 p 4] 2909 CSO: 5330 9 2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ i _ P~RU BRIEFS - COCAINC SCIZ~b--Lima, 18 Jan (EI'L)--The Peruvian police has seized 132 kgs of basic cocaine paste, seven veliicles and plent}~ of cash in dollars and soles from a drug ring operating berween Lima and Bogota. Ten of Che ring - members h~ve been captured, but the group's leader, Peruvian Francisco Abanto, is sCill at large. The group used a crafts shop in L:Lma to camouflage iCs activities. [Mricirid EFE 3n Spanish 0731 GMT 19 Jan 7S~ PA] C50: 5300 93 , APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/08: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02108: CIA-RDP82-00850R000100010062-1 ~ - URUC}UAY ~ FIVE TRIED FOR MARIHUANA TRAFFICKINC} Trial G`ourt Heare Pleae ~ - Montevideo EJ_ PpIS in Spani~h 23 Deo 78 p 18 ~Tex) AFter an unexpeated turn oF events in their statements, ~ive per~one aoaused oP supplying snd in msrihuana ; are testifying bePorcj the Trial Court _ What ~as eimplq a report yeaterday has been cont'irmed by officie,ls (Na~rcotios Brigade and Na~tional Naval Prefecture) ; - now that it haa been disclosed that the suepeote had introduced marihuana through various pointa along the border. The Final degtination of the marihuana--ae has become oommon lately--were various emoking dens in very oonfidential locations, prererably ; ir. the Pocitos area. ~ The euspecte have records of eimilar ar