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Progra~FtS{~~ed For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6
A 5 Year Plan for an AMP Program
Edwin C. May, Ph.D.
23 February 1994
Science Applications /ntemational Corporation
An Employee-Owned Company
Submitted by:
Science Applications International Corporation
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
1010 E! Camino Real, Suite 330, P.O. Box i4i2, Menlo Park, CA, 94025 (415) 325-8292
Ofhe~SArgo4ve~F4~c~vS~s1~~a~fl~04M~8s~rr?iAu6~~k~9~s0~7~-A~?t}O~~~D@Ot~4a?, seems. r~~son
PrograrX#~{Atmved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200~~~~ry 1994
Due to strong advancements in the three-fold area of anomalous mental phenomena (AMP): insight
into foreign activity, breakthroughs in research, and a substantial base of prima facie evidence for
AMP's capabilities in applications, we recommend that a comprehensive, integrated, systematic, 5-year
program begin in November 1994 for a total cost of $10.0 M. The goals to be achieved by the end of this
period will be:
? Task-selection. Which problems are best suited for an AMP-resolution?
? Personnel-selection Who, or what type of individuals are best suited as providers for AMP data?
? 'I~aininQ manuals. What are the best training techniques to improve the quality of the data?
? .ADriori assessment and data fusion. What is the best way to determine the value of AMP data and
how can the data be integrated with other appropriate information?
We define AMP as either: (1) the exclusively mental human ability to gain access to information that is
fully-secured by shielding, distance, or time; or, (2) the exclusively mental human ability to affect
changes in physical, chemical, or biological systems. A comprehensive AMP program must firmly inte-
grate the three areas of foreign assessment; applications, and research. In addition, such a program
must build upon the twenty years of accumulated knowledge of research and applications garnered
from previous programs. This note outlines atwo-phase approach fora 5-year integrated program to
achieve the stated goals.
Phase I -Start-up:
We recommend that during a 6-month start-up period (May through October 1994), we prepare for the
full program by initiating activity in all three areas of interest in AMP.
Significant political changes in the world have afforded us opportunities to engage in cooperative re-
search and applications with foreign scientists that were previously impossible. Therefore, for the for-
eign assessment part of Phase I, we will:
? Negotiate formal agreements with appropriate foreign research institutes and laboratories in the FSU.
Over the years, successful applications of AMP have clearly exhibited solid prima facie evidence for
AMP's capabilities. 'Ib address applications in Phase I, we will:
? Administer an orderly transfer of applications to the private sector and conduct base-line, applica-
tion test-bed trials in which total ground-truth is available to calibrate the new participants.
Recent breakthroughs in research indicate what is being "sensed" by AMP and that the brain reacts
similarly to AMP as it does to other sensorial stimuli, such as light flashes. Therefore, for research
during Phase I, we will:
? Conduct a series of highly focused, mini-conferences with national-class scientists to help identify
specific experiments that are most likely to reveal the fundamentals of AMP.
? Expand the current research facility to include an appropriate laboratory in which to conduct human
physiology experiments.
The approximate cost of the Phase Istart-up is $6011 K.
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Prograrryved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-00791 R00020~Y 1994
Phase II -The First Two Years:
In November 1994, we wiil begin the core of the 5-year program. Through subcontracting with foreign
research institutes, we will vigorously pursue an overall assessment of their work. Using the technical
and administrative techniques put in place during Phase I, we will apply AMP to problems of national
interest in a systematic way. Through careful analysis, we will then be able to identify cost-effective
applications. Depending upon the outcome of the mini-conferences in Phase I, we will conduct specific
experiments to improve both our understanding of AMP and its quality. Specific research domains will
? Using traditional approaches (e.g., hypnotic susceptibility) as an aide to selecting individuals with
native AMP ability.
? Developing AMP training techniques, which are based upon proven traditional methodologies from
leaning theory.
? Improving application evaluations to include a priori estimates of the accuracy of the data.
? Continuing basic research into the brain's response to AMP and into the physics of the phenomena.
The cost of Phase II from November 1994 through October 1996 is approximately $4.0 M.
Phase II -The Final Three Years:
During this time period, foreign assessment through cooperative agreements will be expanded beyond
our current contacts to include the People's Republic of China and Japan. Concurrently, we will begin
an orderly transfer of the application activity back to an appropriate government organization. Where-
as the research during these three years will be strongly dependent upon the experimental results from
the first two years, we are unable to be specific at this time. We can, however, indicate our general ap-
proach. Research included during this period will be:
? Required to show previous success and value.
? Focused at understanding the phenomena or improving the quality of the data.
? Natural extensions of previous research.
The cost of the Phase II from November 1996 through October 1999 is approximately $6.0 M.
Tb assure that the grogram addresses problems that are relevant to the government and that it meets all
accepted criteria for scientific excellence, we recommend significant scientific and policy monitoring.
We plan to increase the involvement of our in-place oversight committees, which have previously been
resource limited, by adding missing but critical disciplines to their membership and by increasing their
responsibilities to include developing criteria that must be met for the program to continue. Our cur-
rent Scientific Oversight Committee and our Institutional Review Board (i.e., human-use committee)
are staffed by Nobel prize winners, university department heads, and others renowned in the physical,
psychological, and medical sciences. Thus, recommendations for the program's continuation will be
based upon the reasoning of some of the best scientific minds in the nation.
We further suggest the development of a group consisting of: the government's program director, se-
lected recipients of the project's application and foreign assessment data, selected members of the proj-
ect's oversight committees, and the contractor's program director. This group would meet formally on
an annual basis with selected representatives of relevant Congressional committees for the purpose of
keeping them directly informed of the project.
We recommend that a comprehensive and integrated 5-year AMP program begin in November 1994 for
a total cost of $10.0 M. In preparation for this program, we further suggest a 6-month start-up phase
that will begin in May 1994 for a cost of $600 K.
During the life of the 5-year program, we will actively work to integrate the research and application
areas of AMP with an on-going assessment of similar AMP activity in other countries and will evaluate
to what degree this foreign activity poses serious competition.
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6
A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
1. Puthoff, H.E., Tazg, R., "Remote Sensing Experiments from March to August 1976," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (9/76), UNCLASSIFIED.
2. Puthoff, H., Targ, R., "Interim Engineering Report 1 "Advanced Threat 'Ichnique Assessment
(wvering the period 15 Apri1197S to 15 Apri11976), (U)," Project 7403, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (10/76), SECRET.
3. Targ, E., Puthoff, H.E., May, E.C., "EEG Correlates to Remote Stimuli Under Conditions of
Sensory Shielding, Bulletin of the APS, 21(1976),1306 UNCLASSIFIED.
2. 1977
4. Puthoff, H., T'arg, R., May, E.C., "Final Report (1977), "Advanced'r}lreat'Ihchnique Assessment
(wvering the period 15 Apri11976 to 15 April 1977), (U)," Project 7403, SRI International, Menlo
Pazk, CA, (7/77), SECRET.
5. Targ, R., Puthoff, H.E., May, E.C., "State of the Art in Remote Viewing Studies at SRI,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, IEE, 77 CH 1259-1
6. May, E.C., (Consultant), Targ, R., Puthoff, H.E., SRI International, "Possible EEG Correlates To
Remote Stimuli Under Conditions of Sensory Shielding, "Electro 77 Professional Program,
Special Session: The State of the Art in Psychic Research, IEE, New York, NY (April 1977),
7. Puthoff, H.E., Targ, R., May, E.C., "Psychoenergetic Research," SRI International, Menlo Pazk,
CA, (March 1977), UNCLASSIFIED.
3. 1978
8. "Photograph of Site (U)," Wright-Patterson AFB, OH (4/78), Project 7403, SECRET.
9. "Preliminary Analysis of 4 RV Experiments Run at DIA by SRI (U)," D]:A, Washington,
p ), Project 7560, SECRET.
10. Puthoff, H., Targ, R., May, E.C., `Final Report, Advanced Threat Technique
Assessment (Covering the Period 18 r o 15 April 1978, black tape bound, cream covers
(repro mats are under SRI 9-4016), (U)," Project 7403, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(10/78), SECRET. r
11. Puthoff, H., Tang, R., "Proposal No. ESU 78-12 Novel Intelligence Collection Techniques (U),"
Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (5/78), SECRET.
12. Puthoff, H., 'I'arg, R., "Proposal for Research SRI No. ESU 78-100 - Special'Ik~aining Techniques
(U)," Project 8465, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10!78), SECRET.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
13. Targ, R., May, E. C., Puthoff, H. E., SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Galin, D., Ornstein, R.,
(Consultants), Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute, San Francisco, CA, "Sensing of Remote
EM Sources (Physiological Correlates)," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, SRI
Project 4540, (Apri11978), UNCLASSIFIED.
14. Puthoff, H.E., Targ, R., May, E.C., "Psychoenergetic Research: Suggested Approaches," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (May 1978), UNCLASSIFIED.
15. Puthoff, H.E., Targ, R., "Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Local Targets)," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (11/78), UNCLASSIFIED.
4. 1979
16. Puthoff, H., Targ, R., "Proposal No. ESU 79-107 (extension to ESU 7560), Novel Intelligence
Collection (NIC), 'Ichniques (U)," Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/79),
17. May, E.C., "Executive Summary - GF Protocol: Task II (U)," Project 8585, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (11/79), SECRET.
18. Puthoff, H. E., Targ, R., May, E. C., "Standazd Remote Viewing (RV), Procedures: Local Sites,"
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (August 1979), UNCLASSIFIED.
19. Puthoff, H. E., Targ, R., May, E. C., "Experimental PSI Research: Implications for Physics," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (July 1979), UNCLASSIFIED.
20. Puthoff, H.E., Targ, R., Tart, C.T., "Resolution in Remote Viewing Studies: Mini-Targets," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (07x19), UNCLASSIFIED.
21. Puthoff, H.E., Targ, R., Tart, C.T., "Resolution in Remote Viewing Studies: Mini-and
Micro-Targets," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (06/79), UNCLASSIFIED.
22. Targ, R., Puthoff, H.E., Humphrey, B.S., 'hart, C.T., "Investigations of Target Acquisition," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (07/79), UNCLASSIFIED.
5. 1980
23. Puthoff, H., "Feasibility Study on the Use of RV Detection Techniques ... (Informal Proposal),
(U)," Project 8465, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (8/80), SECRET.
24. May, E.C., "Quarterly Reports 1 & 2 Phase 1: Hardware Construction and System Evaluation),
(U)," Project 8485, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/80), SECRET.
25. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., Hubbard, G.S., "8585 Final Report -Electronic System Perturbation
'Ilrchniques (covering the period 2 June 1979 to 2 August 1980 (U)," Project 8585, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/80), SECRET.
26. Targ, R., "Final Report Covering Period 1 May 79 to 31 March 80, Special Orientation Techniques
(U)," Project 8465, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/80), SECRET.
27. Puthoff, H., "Evaluation Sheets -Instructions to Analysts; Operational Target File; Summary
Evaluation Sheet; Detailed Evaluation Sheet; Request for Additional Information (U)," Project
7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (11/80), SECRET.
28. Puthoff, H., "Memo - AMSAA "10" CRV Task (U)," Project 8465, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (2/80), SECRET.
29. Puthoff, H., "Memo to Dan Murdock regarding Reactor Location Task (U)," Project 8465, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/80), SECRET.
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6
A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
30. Puthoff, H., "Letter to Kramar regarding Reactor Location Task (U)," Project 8465, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/80), SECRET.
31. ~GF Memorandum of Understanding (U),"DIA, Washington, DC, (2/81), Project 7560,
Collection Techniques
SECRET. 0 "Statement of Work: Novel Inte
(Psychoenergetics-Threat to U.S. and Potential Applications (U)," DIA, Washington, DC,
(11/80), Project 7560, SECRET.
32. Puthoff, H., Targ, R., "Proposal No. ESU 80-53 Novel Intelligence Collection 'Ii=chniques (U),"
Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (3/80), SECRET.
33. Puthoff, H., fiarg, R., "Proposal No. ESU 80-53 Novel Intelligence Collection'Ibchniques (U),"
Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (8/80), SECRET.
SG 1 J 34. Puthoff, H., "Memo to Regarding Categories of Operational RV Targets (U)," Project
7560, SRI International, Men o Park, CA, (11/80), SECRET.
35. May, E.C., "Quarterly Report 3-Phase II'Ibst Plan (U)," Project 85$5, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (5/80), SECRET.
36. Puthoff, H., "Letter to LaBerge Regarding R&D in GF Program (U)," Project 8465, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (3/80), SECRET.
37. Puthoff, H., "Proposal No. ESU 80-231 "Advanced Technology Assessment" (U)," Project 1560,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12180), SECRET.
38. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., "A Data-Base Management System (U)," Project 8585, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (11/$0), SECRET.
SG1J 39 "Letter from Perry (Under Secretary of Defense), to Army, Navy, and Air Force
Regar mg GF Activity (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (3/80), Project 7560, SECRET.
SG1J ao.
"Edited Version of Paraphysis R&D -Warsaw (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (2/80),
Project 7560, SECRET.
41. Targ, R., Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., Haray, K. (Consultant), "Psychoenergetic Research," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Proposal for Research, SRI International No. ESC 80-219-1,
(December 1980), UNCLASSIFIED.
42. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., Hubbard, G.S., "Electronic System Perturbation'Ibchniques," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 8585, SRI/GF-0088, (September 1980),
43. May, E. C., Puthoff, H. E., "Feasibility on the Use of RV Detection Techniques to Determine
Location of Targets," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, SRI/GF-0039, (August 1980),
44. May, E. C., Hubbard, G.S. (Consultant), "Phase I: Hardware Construction and System
Evaluation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Quarterly Reports 1 & 2, SRI/GF-0086, (June
45. Targ, R., Puthoff, H. E., Humphrey, B. S., May, E. C., "Special Orientation Techniques," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, SRI/GF-0091, (June 1980), UNCLASSIFIED.
46. May, E. C., Hubbard, G.S. (Consultant), "Phase I: Hardware Construction and System
Evaluation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Quarterly Reports 1 & 2, (June 1980),
47. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., Hubbard, G.S. (Consultant), "Phase II Test Plan," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Quarterly Report 3, (May 1980), UNCLASSIFIED.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
6. 1981
48. Humphrey, B.S., Langford, G., "Review of the Psychoenergetics Research Organization in the
Soviet Union (1960 to 1980), (U)," Project 3279, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/81),
49. May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 81-192 to VA Contracting Activity "NIC Techniques" (U), Project
3279, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/81), SECRET.
S0. Humphrey, B.S., "Memo regarding Security of Intelligence Project (U)," Project 3279, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/81), SECRET.
S1. FY'81 DoD Grill Flame Progress Report (U)," Project 3279, SRI International, Menlo
ar , , (11/81), SECRET.
52. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Feasibility Study on the ... of the MPS System ... (2nd Revision), (U),"
Project 8465, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (2/81), SECRET. .
53. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Feasibility Study on the Use of RV Detection Techniques to Determine
Location of... (Revised version of SRI 0-4351), (U)," Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (4/81), SECRET.
"DoD Grill Flame Progress Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (4/81), Project 9529,
55. Puthoff, H., "Proposal ESU 81-60 "NIC Techniques (U)," Project 7560, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (3/81); SECRET.
56. May, E.C., "Memo to 0 Data Base Management System, PI{., and Suggestions for
1981-1982 (U)," Project 7560, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (3/81), SECRET.
S7. Humphrey, B.S., "Associational Remote Viewing Protocol for Novice Subjects (U)," Project 9516,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (3/81), SECRET.
S8. Puthoff, H., "Proposal No. ESU 81-6 "NIC Techniques" (U)," Project 7560, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (1/81), SECRET.
59. Hubbard, G.S. (Consultant), May, E. C., "Macro-Remote Action: A Survey and Evaluation,"
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 3279-3, SRI/GF-0011, (January
60. May, E. C. Puthoff, H. E., "Feasibility Study on the Use of RV Detection Techniques to Determine
Location of Targets,",SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, SRI/GF-0038, Revised (April 1981),
61. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. 5.,1'arg, R., Puthoff, H. E., "ADemonstration-of-Ability Experiment
for Oil Exploration: A Protocol," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (April 1981),
62. 'Iarg, R., Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., "Psychoenergetic Applications," SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, Proposal for Research ESC 81-5, (January 1981), UNCLASSIFIED.
63. May, E.C., "Must Consciousness be Incorporated into the Wave Function? "A Technological
Schrodinger Cat Experiment," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (April 1981),
7. 1982
64. May, E.C., "Database Management Feasibility, Final Report Covering Period October 1980 to
September 1981(U)," Project 3279, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (1/82), SECRET.
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SG1J G6.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
6S. Hubbard, G.S., May, E.C., "Countermeasures: ASurvey and Evaluation, Final Report Covering
Period October 1980 to September 1981 (U)," Project 3279, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(1/82), SECRET.
67. Puthoff, H., "RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation (U),"Project 3279, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (2/82), SECRET.
6$. May, E.C., Hecker, M., "Final Report -Audiolinguistic Correlations with the Quality of Remote
Viewing Sessions (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (4/82), SECRET.
"Memo -After Action Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (2/$2), Project 4028,
69.~ "FY'82 Mid-Year DoD GF Progress Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (4/82),
o~ect 28, SECRET.
70. Puthoff, H., Targ, R., Humphrey, B.S., Harary, K., "Final Report - ')targeting Requirements Task
(U)," Project 3279-4, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/82), SECRET.
71. Puthoff, H., "GF Working Group -SRI-MICON-AMSAA Response to Gale Report plus Perry
Memo and Responses (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/82), SECRET.
SG 1 J 72.
"FY '82 End-of-Year DoD GF Progress Report (Admin Report), (U)," DIA,
Washington, DC, (10/82), Project 4024, SECRET.
73. Puthoff, H., "Final Report "Psychoenergetics Research in PRC (1982), (Covering period October
1981 to October 1982), (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/82), SECRET.
74. May, E.C., "Final Report "A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol (Covering the Period October
1981 to October 1982), (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/82), SECRET.
7S. Puthoff, H., "Final Report "RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation (Covering the Period
October 1981 to September 1982), (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/82), SECRET.
(U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (7/82), Project 4028, SECRET.
77. Puthoff, H., "Draft (Approval Copy), Final Report - Psychoenergetics Research in the People's
Republic of China (1982), (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/82),
"First Draft of 1983 Statement of Work "Psi - Threat to US & Potential Applications"
78. Puthoff, H:, "Memo to Regarding RV Training, FY'83 (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, A, 1 /82), SECRET.
79. Puthoff, H., "Proposal ESU 82-157 "NIC Techniques" FY'83 (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (9/82), SECRET.
SG 1 J 80. , "Memo to Vorona Regarding: GF Recent Accomplishments (U)," DIA, Washington,
D 2), Project 4028, SECRET.
81. May, E.C., Puthoff, H., "RV Detection Techniques (U)," Project 402$, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (3/S2), SECRET.
82. May, E. C., "A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final
Report, Project 4028 SRI/GF- 0226, (December 1982), UNCLASSIFIED.
83. May, E. C., "Investigation of a Novel Approach to Support Utilization of Landsat Data," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Proposal for Research SRI International No. ESU $2-127, (July
84. May, E. C., Hecker, M.H.L., "Audiolinguistic Correlations with the Quality of Remote Viewing
Sessions," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 3279-5, SRI/GF-0027,
(April 1982), UNCLASSIFIED.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
85. May, E. C., "Database Management Feasibility," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final
Report, Project 3279-7, SRI/GF-0010, (January 1982), UNCLASSIFIED.
86. May, E.C., "A Hazdware Approach 'Ibwazd Replicability," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA
(August 1982), UNCLASSIFIED.
S. 1983
87. May, E.C., "White Paper - Vulnerability of Physical Systems to Remote Influences (U)," Project
Preproposal, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (1/83), SECRET.
88. "Fact Book "Project Grill Flame" (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (1/83), Project 4028,
89.~, "Project Grill Flame "Operational Tasks" (Success Book), (U)," DIA, Washington, DC,
(1/83), Project 402$, SECRET.
90. Puthoff, H., Humphrey, B.S., "Project Compass Evaluation (U)," Project 402$, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (2/$3), SECRET.
91. ~, "FY'83 Mid-Year DoD GF Progress Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (4/83),
Project 4028, SECRET.
92. Puthoff, H., "Psychoenergetics 1984-1989 An Informal, Nontechnical Guideline (U)," Project
4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/83), SECRET.
93. Puthoff, H., "Support Document -Psychoenergetics R&D (Draft), (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/83), SECRET.
94. May, E.C., "Revised Edition of "A Remote Viewing Evaluation Protocol (U)," Project 402$, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/83), SECRET.
95. Puthoff, H., "Proposal ESU 83-99 "NIC Techniques" (U)," Project 4028, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (7/$3), SECRET.
96. Puthoff, H., "Psychoenergetic Research -Science Panel Meeting (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (8/83), SECRET.
97. Swann, I., "Co-ordinate Remote Viewing (CRV), 'Ilrchnology (19$1-1983), Three-Year Project
Draft," Project 4028, New York, NY, (9/83), SECRET.
"Three Year Grill Flame Program (wrap up report), (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (9/83),
Project 4028, SECRET.
99. "FY 1983 End-of-Year DoD GF Progress Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC,
10/83 ,Project 4028, SECRET.
100. May, E.C., "Final Report "Data Base Management Facility (Covering Period October 1982 to
September 1983), (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (1/83), SECRET.
101. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., "Final Report "Free World Psychoenergetics Research Survey
(Covering Period October 1982 to September 1983 (U)," Project 4028, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (1/83), SECRET.
102."DoD Psychoenergetics Program R&D (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (11/83), Project
~p~g-, RET.
103. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., "Final Report "QRT Tasking" (Covering the Period
October 1983 to October 1984), (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (11/84),
I "Memo to~Regarding Additional Tasks (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (5/83),
Project 5590, SECRE .
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena
105. Puthoff, H., "Memo: Special Orientation 'Ichnique (Stage 1 -Stage III (U)," Project 5590, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/83), SECRET.
106. Puthoff, H., "Memo: Special Orientation Techniques (Stage V -Stage VI), (U)," Project 5590,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (5/83), SECRET.
107. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 83-134 -Personnel Identification and Selection (U),"
Project 5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
108. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 83-144 "'T'arget Search Techniques" (U)," Project 5590,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
109. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 83-144 "Special Orientation Techniques (SI-III)" (U),"
Project5S90, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
110. Puthoff, H., "Proposal ESU 83-148 "Special Orientation Techniques (SV-SVI)" (U)," Project
5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
111. May, E.C., "Letter Regarding: No Proposal for Alternative Training (U)," Project 5590, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
112. Puthoff, H., "SRI Proposal ESU 83-147 "Geophysical Factors/ELF/RV Correlation Study (U),"
Project 5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
113. May, E.C., "Letter: Status Report on Screening/Selection Task (U)," Project 6600, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/83), SECRET.
114. Puthoff, H., "Draft Memo Regarding Expansion of Scope, DELEW-I-T., Letter Order No. 18
dated 7 November 1983 (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83),
115. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., Adams, M., "D.raft of ESU 83-147 -Geophysical Factors/ELF/RV
Correlation Study (U)," Project 5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/83), SECRET.
116. Puthoff, H., "Page Changes and Additions for the Fact Books (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (4/83}, SECRET.
117. Puthoff, H., "Draft -Status Report -Special Orientaiton Technique: SIII-SIV (U)," Project
5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (9/83), SECRET.
118. Humphrey, B. S., May, E. C., "Free World Psychoenergetics Research Survey," SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, SRI/GF-0258, (November 1983), UNCLASSIFIED.
119. May, E. C., Puthoff, H. E., "Personnel Identification and Selection," SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, Proposal for Research Number 83-134, SRI/CL-0004, (September 1983),
120. May, E. C., "A Remote Viewing evaluation Protocol," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final
Report, SRI/GF-0247, Revised (July 1983), UNCLASSIFIED.
121. May, E. C., "Vulnerability of Physical Systems to Remote Influences," SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, White Paper, SRI/GF-0223, (January 1983), UNCLASSIFIED.
9. 1984
122. May, E.C., "Final Report "RV Reliability Enhancement and Evaluation (U)," Project 4028, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (1/84), SECRET.
123. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., "Proposal -ESU 84-85 "Psychoenergetics Studies (U)," Project
7072, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (2/84), SECRET.
124. May, E.C., Puthoff, H.,"Summary Report "...Replication Studies (U)," Project 6600, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (2/84), SECRET.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
125. Puthoff, H., "NIC Techniques - FY 1985 Plan), (Semi Proposal), (U)," Project 6600, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (2/84), SECRET.
126. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 84-40 NIC Techniques (U)," Project 7408, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/84), SECRET.
127. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Psychoenergetics Program (FY 1985), (Proposal Plan), (U)," Project
7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (9/$4), SECRET.
128. Puthoff, H., "Memo to Record: Regarding Targ 'I~ip to USSR (U)," Project 7408, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (11/84), SECRET.
129. May, l.C., "Final Report "Data Base Management (Covering the Period October 1983 to
October 1984), (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/84), SECRET.
130. Puthoff, H., Thomson, M., "Final Report "'Lack 1 TYalning R&D (Covering the Period October
1983 to October 1984), (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/84), SECRET.
131. May, E.C., "Minutes Weekly Meeting (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(1/84), SECRET.
132. Puthoff, H., "Draft Proposal -ESU 84-157 "Special Orientation Techniques (SI-SIV)" (U),"
Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/84), SECRET.
133. Puthoff, H., "Draft Proposal -ESU 84-158 "Special Orientation Techniques (SI-SIV)" (U),"
Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/84), SECRET:
134. Puthoff, H., "Final Report "Special Orientation 'Ibchniques (S-IV)" (Covering Period 1
February 1983 to 30 April 1984), (U)," Project 5590, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/84),
135. Puthoff, H., Adams, M., "Interim Report "Geophysical Effects Study (U)," Project 6600, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/$4), SECRET.
136. Puthoff, H., "Final Report "Special Orientation Techniques": S-I, S-II, S-III, (Covering the
Period 15 November 83 to 1S December 1984), (U),"Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, (12/84), SECRET.
137. Puthoff, H., "Final Report "Special Orientation'Ibchniques": S-V, S-VI, (Covering the Period
15 November 1983 to 1S December 1984), (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/84), SECRET.
138. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Final Report "'Parget Search Techniques," (Covering the Period 1S
November 83 to 1S December 1984), (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/84), SECRET.
139. Adams, M., Puthoff, H., "Final Report "Geophysical Effects Study" (Covering the Period 1S
November 1983 to December 1984), (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/84), SECRET.
140. May, E.C., Saunders, D., "Final Report "Personnel Identification and Selection (Covering the
Period 1S November 1983 to 1S December 1984), (U)," Project 6600, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (12/84), SECRET.
141. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Draft Interim Report "'Izarget Search Techniques" (U)," Project 6600,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,.(10/84), SECRET.
142. Puthoff, H., Adams, M., "Draft Interim Report "Geophysical Effects Study" (U)," Project 6600,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/84), SECRET.
143. Puthoff, H., "Draft Final Report "Special Orientation 'Irrchniques: S-IV (Covering Period 1
February 1983 to 30 April 1984 (U)," Project SS90, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (7/84),
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
144. Puthoff, H., "Approved PDC for: Final Report "Special Orientaiton Techniques SIV (U)," Project
6600, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (8/84), SECRET.
145. May, E. C., "Data Base Management," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Project 7408-11,
SRI/GF-0269, (December 1984), UNCLASSIFIED.
146. Saunder, D., (SRI Consultant), May, E. C., "Personnel Identification and Selection," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, SRI Project 6600, SRI/CL-0028, (December 1984),
147. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C.,"Target Search Techniques," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final
Report, SRI Project 6600, SRI/CL-0026, (December 1984), UNCLASSIFIED.
148. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., "ORT Tasking," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Report, Project 7408-13, SRI/GF-0267, (November 1984), UNCLASSIFIED.
149. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., Leonard, R. S., "Psychoenergetics Program (FY 85)," SRI
(September 1984), UNCLASSIFIED.
International, Menlo Park, CA, SRI/GF-0266,
150. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., "NIC Techniques," SRI International, Menlo Pazk, CA, Proposal for
Reseazch, Proposal Number SRI ESU 84- 40, SRI/GF-0264, (May 1984), UNCLASSIFIED.
10. 1985
151. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Draft Proposal ESU 94-246 (R), "Psychoenergetics Program (FY
1985)" (U)," Project 7859, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (1/85), SECRET.
152. "FY 1984 End-of-Year DoD GF Progress Report (U)," DIA, Washington, DC, (2/8S),
Pro~408, SECRET.
153. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 84-246 (Rev-2), Enhanced Hu P o ect 7$59, SRI
Investigation (a 5-year Program Proposal, to begin in Fiscal Year 1985), (U), j
International, Menlo Park, CA, (4/85), SECRET.
endices to Proposal ESU 84-246 (Rev-2), - Part'Rvo (Section II),
154. Puthoff, H., May, E.C., "App > pro ect 7859, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(Compilation of Various SRI Reports), (U), 1
(4/85), SECRET.
155. Puthoff, H., Humphrey, B.S., May, E.C., "Final Report "An Automated RV Evaluation
Procedure" (Covering the Period October 1983 to October 1984), (U)," Project 7408, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (5/85), SECRET.
156. May, E.C., Hubbard, S.G., "Final Report "Photon Production" (Chinese Replication), (Covering
the Period October 1983 to October 1984), (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, (S/8S), SECRET. May 1 and
157. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., Puthoff, H., Hubbard, S.G. ` SECR
2,1985 (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (6/85),
158. May, E.C., "Proposal ESU 84-246 (Amendment to Rev-2), -Enhanced Human Performance
Investigations (U)," Project 7408, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (9/85), SECRET.
159. May, E.C., "Approved PDC for Originals of Viewgrapgh Material & Illustrations (U)," Project
1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (11/85), SECRET.
160. Radin, D.I., May, E.C., Thomson, M., "Psi Experiments with Random Number Generators:
Meta-analysis part 1," Proceedings of Presented Papers, The Paraps19 01234,a1 August~o1985),
Annual Convention, 'Ihfts University, Medford, MA, pp
161. May, E.C., Radin, D.I., Hubbard, G.S., Humphrey, B.S., Utts, J.M., "Psi Experiments with
Random Number Generators: An Informational Model" Proceedings of Presented Papers, The
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
Parapsychological Association 28th Annual Convention, 'Rifts University, Medford, MA, pp.
235-266, (August 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
162. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., Thomson, M., "A Figure of Merit Analysis for Free-Response
Material," Proceedings of Presented Papers, The Parapsychological Association 28th Annual
Convention,'Ibfts University, Medofrd, MA pp 343-354, (August 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
163. Hubbard, G.S., May E.C., Puthoff, H.E., "Possible Production of Photons During a Remote
Viewing Task: Preliminary Results," Proceedings of Presented Papers. The Parapsychological
Assoiiation 28th Annual Convention, Tufts University, Medford, MA, pp. 335-372, (August
164. Utts, J.M., May, E.C., "An Exact Method for Combining P- Values," Proceedings of Presented
Papers. The Parapsychological Association 28th Annual Convention, 'liifts University, Medford,
MA, pp.431-439 (August 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
165. May, E. C., Utts, J. M., Radin, D. I., Hubbard, G.S., Humphrey, B. S., "Sensor Disruption
Models," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Filial Report, (October 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
166. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigations," (A 5-Year Program Proposal, Tb
Begin in Fiscal Year 1985), SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Proposal for Research, ESU
84-246 (Amendment to Rev. 2), SRUGF-0281, (September 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
167. May, E. C., Humphrey, E. S., Puthoff, H. E., "Automated RV Evaluation Procedure," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 7408-12, SRI/GF-0276, (May 1985),
168. Hubbard, G.S., (Consultant), May, E. C., "Photon Production," SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, Final Report, Project 7408-10, SRI/GF-0276, (May 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
169. Humphrey, B. S., May, E. C., "Bacterial Mutation Study," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Report, Project 7408-10, SRI/GF-0277, (May 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
170. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance," (A S- Year Program Proposal to
Begin in Fiscal Year 1985), SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Proposal for Research, Proposal
Number ESU 84-246, SRI/GF-0273, (April 1985), UNCLASSIFIED.
171. Puthoff, H. E., May, E. C., "Psychoenergetics program (FY 85)" SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, Proposal for Research, Proposal Number ESU 84246, SRI/GF-0271, (January 1985),
11. 1985
172. Hubbard, G.S., Langford, "D-1, RV 'Il~aining Final Report (U),"Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (12/86), SECRET.
173. May, E.C., Hubbard, G.S., "E-1, Interim Report (PMT), (U)," Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (12/86), SECRET.
174. May, E.C., Lantz, N.D., " E-2, Interim Report (Search Interim), (U)," Project 1291, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/86), SECRET.
175. May, E.C., "Quarterly Report 4 -Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (U)," Project
1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/86), SECRET.
176. Humphrey, B.S., Lantz, N.D., "C-2, Final Report Screening and Selection of Personnel: The
Personality Assessment System (PAS), (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/86), SECRET.
177. May, E.C., "Annual Administrative Report (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, (12/86), SECRET.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
178. Humphrey, B.S., "A-4, Remote Viewing Evaluation Techniques (U)," Project 1291, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/86), SECRET.
179. May, E.C., "Quarterly Report 3 -Enhanced Human Performance Investigation 4/1/86 - 6/30/86
(U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (8/86), SECRET.
180. May, E.C., "Mid-Year Administration Report 1, May, 1986 ?- Enhanced Human Performance
Investigation (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/86), SECRET.
181. May, E.C., "Quarterly Report 2 -Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (U)," Project
1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/86), SECRET.
182. May, E.C., "Interim Report -Deliverable 1 -Objective A, Task 1 -Phase 1 Protocols and
Research Design Guidelines (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (4/86),
183. May, E.C., "Quarterly Report 1 -Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (U)," Project
1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (S/86), SECRET.
184. Hubbard, G.S., May, E.C., "Aspects of Measurement and Applications of Geomatic Indices and
Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation for use in Parapsychology," Proceedings of
Presented Papers, The Parapsyological Association 29th Annual Convention, Sonoma State
University, Rohnert Park, California, pp. S19-S36, (August 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
185. Hubbard, G.S., May, E. C., "An Experiment to Explore Possible Anomalistic Behavior of a Photon
Detection System During a Remote Viewing Test," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Interim
Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0296, (December 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
186. Humphrey, B. S., TYask, V. V., May, E. C., Thomson, M. J., "Remoter Viewing Evaluation
Techniques," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0291,
(December 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
187. Lantz, N. D. May, E. C., "Location of Target Material in Space and Time," SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, Interim Report, Project 1291, SRI/CiF-0295, (December 1986),
188. May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., SRI International, Pleass, C. M., University of Delaware,
"Measuring Remote Action Influence on the Vertical Component of dunaliella Velocity," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Interim Report, Project 1291, (December 1986),
189. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final'Ihchnical Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0294, (December 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
190. May, E. C., "Remote Action Hardware Construction: A Quantum Mechanical Photon
Experiment," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 1986),
191. May, E. C., "Intuitive Data Sorting: An Informational Model of Psychoenergetic Functioning,"
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 19$6),
192. Piantanida, T., Lantz, N.D., May, E. C., "A Remote Viewing Feedback Dependency Experiment,"
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Interim Report, (December 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
193. May, E. C. Humphrey, B. S., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, Quarterly Report 3, SRI/GF-0290, (August 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
194. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Quarterly Report 2, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0287, (May 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental henomena )
195. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Mid-Year Administration Report 1, Project 1291, SRI/GF-02$8, (May 1986),
196. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Quarterly Report 1, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0285, (April 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
197. May, E. C., "Objective A, Task 1-Phase 1 Protocols and Research Design Guidelines," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Interim Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0286, (April 1986),
198. May, E. C., "Objective B, Task 1 -Parapsychology Sources of Information Center (PSIC)," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Sub- contract B-76755, (April 1986), UNCLASSIFIED.
199. Hubbard, G.S., Braud, W.W., "An Experiment to Tbst Apparent Remote Action (RA), Effects on
Electrodermal Activity," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/86), UNCLASSIFIED.
200. Hubbard, G.S., Issacs, J.D., "An Experiment to Examine the Possible Existence of Remote Action
Effects in Piezoelectric Strain Gauges," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/86),
201. Hubbard, G.S., Storm, E., "A RNG Experiment to Tlrst the Effects of Source and Distance, "SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA (12/86), UNCLASSIFIED.
202. Hubbard, G.S., White, R.A., "A Resource Library for Parapsychological Literature and Related
Disciplines," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/86), UNCLASSIFIED.
203. Lantz, N.D., Kiermam, R.J., "Neuropsychological Assessment of Participants in Psychoenergetic
'Tasks," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/86), UNCLASSIFIED.
12. 1987
204. May, E.C., "Administrative Final Report (1987), (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (12/8?), SECRET.
205. May, E.C., "Final Technical Report -Enhanced Human Performance Investigation (U)," Project
1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/87), SECRET.
206. Utts, J.M., "G and D-1, Computer Search and Dowsing (U)," Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (12/87), SECRET.
207. May, E.C., "Fl-a and lb, RTvs Precig: Tack (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park,
CA, (12/87), SECRET.
208. May, E.C., Hubbard, G.S., Frivold, T.J., "Objective E, Task 1, Final Report (1/10/85 - 9/30/87),
(U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/87), SECRET.
209. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., Hubbard, G.S., Iantz, N.D., TYask, V.V., "Mid-Year Technical
Report, October 1,1986-March 31,1987 (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Pazk, CA,
(4/87), SECRET.
210. May, E.C., "The Cognitive Sciences Program: An Overview (1972-1987), (U)," Project 1291, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (3/87), SECRET.
211. McNelis, P., "The Enhanced Human Performance Project: An Assessment of the Effort to Date,
Project Review Group, 14 Apri187 (U)," HQ, USAMRDC, Frederick, MD, (4/$7), Project 1291,
212. Hubbard, G.S., May. E. C., Frivold, T. J., "Possible Photon Production During a Remote Viewing
Task: A Replication Experiment," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291,
SRI/GF-0302, (December 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena )
213. Humphrey, B. S., Frivold, T. J., May, E. C., Luke, W. W., Utts, J. M., Trask, V. V., "Fuzzy Set
Applications In Remoter Viewing Analysis," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report,
Project 12891, (December 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
214. May, E. C., Lantz, N.D., "Feedback and Precognition Dependent Remote Viewing Experiments,"
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0304, (December
215. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Technical Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0308, (December 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
216. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Annual Administrative Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0309, (December 1987),
217. May, E. C., Spottiswoode, S. J. P., (Consultant), Piantanida, T., SRI International, Walker, E. H.,
U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, "A Quantum Measurement Experiment With a Single
Photon Interferometer," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, (December 1987),
218. May, E. C., Pleass, C. M., "A Remote Action Investigation With Marine Animals," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
219. Utts, J. M., May, E. C., Frivold, T.J., "Intuitive Data Sorting," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF, (June 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
220. Utts, J. M., Lantz, N. D., May, E. C., Humphrey, B. S., "Computer-Assisted Search," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0305, (December 19$7),
221. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Mid-Year Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF, (June 1987), UNCLASSIFIED.
222. May, E. C., "The Cognitive Sciences Program: An Overview (1972- 1987), UNCLASSIFIED."
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Project 1291, SRI/GF - 0298, (February 19$7),
223. Hubbard, G.S., "The SRI International Cognitive Science Conference at Princeton University,"
(topic: "What constitutes proof of a controversial claim?"), SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
224. Hubbard, G.S., Bentley, P.P., Pasturel, P.K., Issacs, J.D., et. al., "A Remote Action Experiment with
a Piezoelectric'IYansducer," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/87), UNCLASSIFIED.
225. Hubbard, G.S., Utts, J.M., Braud, W., Experimental Protocol for Hemolysis: Confirmation
Experiment," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA (12/87), UNCLASSIFIED.
226. Lantz, N.D., "Review of Personality Assessment System," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA
13. 1988
227. May, E.C., Humphrey, B.S., "1988 Objective F, Task 1 -Fuzzy Set Final "Applications of Fuzzy
Sets to Remote Viewing Analysis (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/88),
228. May, E.C., "FY 1988 Final Admin Report (U),"Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/88), SECRET.
229. May, E.C., "LANE-MEG Report (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/88), SECRET.
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A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental Phenomena (U)
230. Lantz, N.D., "FY 1988 -The Effects of Hypnosis on Remote Viewing Quality (U)," Project 1291,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/88), SECRET.
231. Utts, J.M., "FY 1988, E1 and E2 Feedback Report "Feedback and Target Dependencies in
Remote Viewing Experiments (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/88),
232. May, E.C., "FY 1988 Final Technical Report (A-3), (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (12/88), SECRET.
233. May, E.C., "Objective E, Task 4 - FY 1988 Analytic Report "Forced- Choice Remote Viewing
(U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/88), SECRET.
234. May, E.C., "1988 Mid-Year Technical Final (U)," Project 1291, 5RI International, Menlo Park,
CA, (6/88), SECRET.
235. May, E.C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigations Final Report (U)," Project 7408, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (12/8$), SECRET.
236. Walker, E.H. May, E.C., Spottiswoode, S.J.P., Piantanida, T., "Testing Schrodinger's Paradox with
a Michelson Interferometer," Physica B, 151 (1988), 339 UNCLASSIFIED.
237. Humphrey, B.S., May, E.C., Utts, J.M., "Fuzzy Set 'Irrchnology in the Analysis of Remote
Viewing," Proceedings of Presented Papers, The Parapsychological Association 31st Annual
Convention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (August 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
238. May, E.C., Spottiswoode, S.J.P., "A Michelson Interferometer Schrodinger Cat: The Death of the
Observation Theories," Proceedings of Presented Papers, The Parapsychological Association 31st
Annual Convention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (August 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
239. May, E.C., Lantz, N.D., "Technology: A Mixed Blessing for Modern PSI Research," Proceedings
of the Parasychology Foundation Annual Meeting-1988, (June 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
240. Humphrey, B. S., May, E. C., Utts, J.M., "Fuzzy Set 'I~chnology in the Analysis of Remote
Viewing," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Project 1291, (December 1988),
241. Lantz, N.D., May, E. C., "Mass Screening for Psychoenergetic Talent Using a Remote Viewing
Task," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 1988),
242. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigations," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Report, SRI/GF-0284a, (December 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
243. May, E. C.,'IYask, V. V., "Forced-Choice Remote Viewing," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF- 0321, (December 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
244. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," Final Technical Report, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Project 1291, SRI-GF-0313, (December 1988),
245. May, E. C., Luke, W. W., Frivold, T. J., "Neurophysiological Correlates to Remote Viewing," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0316, (December 1988),
UNCLASSIFIED. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Annual Administrative Report, Project 1291, SRUGF-0317,
(December 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
246. May, E. C., Frivold, T. J., Humphrey, B. S., Utts, J. M., "Application of Fuzzy Sets to Remote
Viewing Analysis," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-
0318, (December 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6 B14
A proved For Release 2003/04/18: IA-RDP96- 7918000200280001-6
A 5 Year Program Plan for Anomalous Mental P enomena
247. May, E. C., SRI International, Honorton, C., Ferrari, D.B., Hansen, G., Psychophysical Research
Laboratories, "Meta-Analysis of Forced-Choice Precognition Experiments," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
248. Walker, E. H., U. S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, May, E. D., Spottiswoode, S. J. P.,
Piantanida, T., "Testing Schrodinger's Paradox With a Michelson Interferometer," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (September 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
249. May, E. C., "Enhanced Human Performance Investigation," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
Mid-Year Technical Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0310, (June 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
250. May, E. C., "Meta-Analysis of Precognition Research From 1935 to 1987," SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, Interim Report, Project 1291, (April 1988), UNCLASSIFIED.
251. May, E.C., "Psychoenergic Program Review (1972-1989), (U)," Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (4/89), SECRET.
252. May, E.C., "Memo for Declassification of Project 1291 (U)," Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (6/89), SECRET.
253. May, E.C., "Remote Viewing of Function a Prototype Analysis System for Special Remote
Viewing Tasks (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/89), SECRET.
254. May, E.C., "Remote Viewing Analysis of Function A Prototype Analysis System For Special
Remote Viewing Tasks (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, (10/89), SECRET.
255. May, E.C., "FY 1959 Final Report (6.0.1), Meta Analysis (U)," Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (3/89), SECRET.
256.0`Government-Sponsored Research in Psychoenegetics (U)," DIA, Washington, DC,
(2/89), Project 1291, SECRET. .
257. May, E.C., "Admin-Final, Task 6.0.4 (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA,
(12/89), SECRET.
25$. May, E.C., "A Suggested Program for Enhanced Data Acquisition (U)," Project 1291, SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, (4/89), SECRET.
259. May, E.C., "Psychoenergic Program Review (1972-1989), (U), Project 1291, SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, (4/89), SECRET.
260. Luke, W. W., Frivold, T. J., May, E. C., 'IYask, V. V., "A Prototype Analysis System for Special
Remote Viewing Tasks," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291,
SRI/GF- 0321, (December 1989), UNCLASSIFIED.
261. May, E. C., Luke, W. W., 'IYask, V. V., Frivold, T. J., "Observation of Neuromagnetic Fields in
Response to Remote Stimuli," SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291,
(December 1989), UNCLASSIFIED.
262. 'IYask, V. V, Lantz, N. D., Luke, W. W., May, E. C., "Screening for Remote Viewing Talent," SRI
International, Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, (December 1989), UNCLASSIFIED.
263. May, E. C., Utts, J. M., 'Il~ask, V. V., Luke, W. W., Frivold, T. J., Humphrey, B. S., "Review of the
Psychoenergetic Research Conducted at SRI International (1973 -1988)," SRI International,
Menlo Park, CA, Final Report, Project 1291, SRI/GF-0320, (March 1989), UNCLASSIFIED.
14. 1990
264. May, E.C., "Program Description Requirements (U)," Project 1291, SRI International, Menlo
Park, CA, (4/90), SECRET.
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proved ~or~elease ?003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6
A 5 Year r gram P an or Anoma ous Mental Phenomena (U)
265. May, E.C., Utts, J.M., Humphrey, B.S., Luke, W.W., Frivold, T.J., 'Mask, V.V., "Advances in
Remote Viewing Analysis," Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 54, (September,1990),
266. May, E. C., Luke, W. W., '13~ask, V. V., Frivold, T. J., "Observation of Neuromagnetic Fields in
Response to Remote Stimuli," The Proceedings of the Presented Papers of the Parapsychological
Association 33rd Annual Convention, National 4-H Center, Chevy Chase, MD, (August, 1990)
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200280001-6 B16