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Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01 100090002-2TOP SECRET BASIC IMAGERY INTERPRETATION REPORT NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER LAN-CHOU HEADQUARTERS r- I GROUND FORCE FACILITIES CHINA DECEMBER 1911 Reviewed by NGA. TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 RCA-07/0172/72 COPY NO GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM AUTO ATIC DOWNGR G AND lacova "or Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Appro\ ed For Release 26062RZ Lan-chou Headquarters (Lan-chow MR NA MAP REFERENCE 36-03-30N 103-51-05E 25X1 USATC. Series 200, Sheet 0383-22, scale 1:200,000 25X1 LATEST IMAGERY USED NEGATION DATE REQUIREMENT: Departmental Requirement Cite: C1A/C-SRO 86, 362 COMIREX Basic Requirement Cite: BIZ G04+ NPIC/IEG/EGD/NKB Project 222995CT NOTE: This report is published as an interim Basic Report with the concurrence of DIA. fihV-,707/0172/72 /72 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2ft 0~JtRiFf fDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Appro ied For Release 210V?WMI 25X1 563A0011000900 7/0172/72 25X1 INSTALLATION: Lan-chou Headquarters, Lan-chou ME, China This installation is in the eastern part of Lan-chou on the southern bank of the Huang-ho River in Kansu Province, China. GENERAL: This installation is a large administration/billeting area. Although reported as the Lan-chou Headquarters of the Lan-chou MR, the installation probably houses addi- tional sovernmental administration facilities such as the Kansu MR Headquarters. The instalaation was present in 1961 with only minor changes occurring since the date of base coverage. Accuracy Statement: onversi.on from square meters to square feet was determined by the factor: 1 square meter equals 10.76 square feet. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA IRDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 TOP I Approved For Release 2004102123 : CIA-RDP78T04563A001100090002-2 Approved For Release 2004102123 : CIA-RDP78T04563A001100090002-2 oved For Release 2CTQJ 2 RbI Function/Description 25X1 4563A0011000 _ 07/0172/72 25X1 1"U I Overall Dimensiobs Floorspace Meters Feet' Sq Meters Sq Feet Area Aa - Administration and Billeting Area 4 barracks #2-5 8 barracks #6-11,17,18 3 barracks #14-16 5 barracks #30-34 1 barracks #13 (2-story) 1 barracks #12 2 barracks #43,46 (2-story) 1 barracks #42 (2-story) 5 barracks #54-58 2 barracks/admin bldgs #19,20 (2-story) 2 quarters/support bldgs #59, 63 1 quarters/support bldg #61 1 admin bldg #36 1 auditorium #44 1 poss dispensary #62 15 support bldgs #21,23,25-29, 37,38,40,41,47,53,60,64 2 messhalls #35,39 2 basketball courts #24,45 1 latrine #1 animal pens #22 1 parade field #51 1 outdoor stage #52 1 furnace bldg #48 1 landscaped area #49 1 main gateway entrance #50 with guardhouse Comments: Outdoor stage #52 probably also functions as a review stand. The landscaping in area #49 is not complete. Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Aa Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters/Support Area Ab - Billeting and Support Area 1 barracks #113 (2-story) 1 barracks #117 (2-story) 4 barracks #126,127,130,131 2 quarters/support bldgs #119, 120 3 quarters/support bldgs #103, 105,106 1 quarters/support bldg #107 1 prob admin bldg #104 12 support bldgs #101,102,109- 112,115,116,121,122,124,129 3 messhalls #118,125,128 2 basketball courts #114,123 1 latrine #108 Comments: Support building #110 may be a small kitchen. Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Jib Barracks Quarters/Support 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 21(W0:gHREVRDP78T04563A001100090002-2 Apl roved For Release :TERC$F3RETAl U/0172/72 25X1 25X1 Function/Description Overall Dimensions Floorspace Meters Feet; Sq Meters Sq Feet Area Ac - Administration and Billeting Area 8 barracks #135-138,158-161 16 barracks #140-147,164-167, 170-173 3 barracks #157,184,185 8 barracks #200-207 7 barracks #214-220 6 barracks #194-199 1 barracks #210 1 main admin bldg #132 4 barracks/admin bldgs #148, 149,174,175 3 barracks/admin bldgs #154, 180,208 (2-story) 3 quarters #188-190 4 quarters #191-193 4 quarters #224-227 2 quarters #221,222 16 support bldgs #133,150-152, 156,169,176,179,162,187,209, 211-213,223,228 5 messhalls #134,139,163,168, 186 6 basketball courts #153,155, 177,178,182,183 1 main gateway entrance with guardhouse #181 Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Ac Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters Area Ba - Vehicle Parking and Maintenance Area 1 prob vehicle storage bldg #91 1 support/admin bldg #90 3 support bldgs #92,93,95 1 prob grease rack #94 Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Ba Prob Vehicle Storage Area Bb - Vehicle Parking and Maintenance Area 2 prob vehicle storage bldgs #235,236 5 support bldgs #229-233 1 grease rack #234 Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Bb Prob Vehicle Storage Area Ca - Storage Area 1 storage bldg #98 3 support bldgs #96,97,100 1 messhall #99 Approved For Release 2 ffl 0?ff R CIA FT ~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved or Release 20QjffP2/3EC - DP78T04 Function/Description 25X1 ~63A0011000900QQA207/0172/72 25X1 Overall Dimensions Meters Feet Floor space Sq Meters Sq Feet Comments: Messhall #99 probably serves both Area Ca and Area Aa. Open storage of unidentified material (probably coal and an unidentified light-toned material) was located in this area prior to construction of storage building #98. Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Ca Storage Area Cb - Storage Area 1 storage bldg #254 1 storage bldg #255 1 storage bldg #259 1 adman/support bldg #258 2 support bldgs #253,256 1 basketball court #257 Comments: Support building #256 is probably an incinerator or a small heating plant. Probable agricultural material was stored in open in front of building 4254 on A kitchen may be located in the corner of building #259. Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Cb Storage Area Ha - D)pport Area 1 quarters/support bldg #66 1 quarters/support bldg #68 1 admin/support bldg #6 9 5 support bldgs #67,70,71,72 73 1 animal pen-65 Comments: Building #70 is probably a small heating plant. Floorspace of Major Buildings - Area Ha Quarters /Support Area fib - Support and Housing Area. 1 quarters/support bldg #79 2 quarters/support bldgs #80,81 2 quarters/support bldgs #82,83 1 quarters/support bldg #88 2 quarters/support bldgs #85,86 1 quarter s/.,upport bldg #89 5 support bldgs #75,77,78,34,87 1 animal pen #74 1 latrine #76 Comments: Item #78 is comprised of four small support buildings. Quarters/ support building #77 and one of the four support buildings comprising item #78 may be kitchen and dining facilities. This area is the least orderly of the support areas. 1loorspace of Major Buildings - Area Hb Quarters/Support 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 TOP SECRET Appro ed For Release 2jQjb2$RE1F- Function/Description Area He - Support Area 1 furnace bldg #245 10 support bldgs #237,239-244, 247-249 1 water tower #250 1 prob pumphouse #251 1 prob heating plant or incinerator #252 2 animal pens #283,246 25X1 4563AO01 1000900207/0172/72 25X1 Overall Dimensions Floor space Meters Feet Sq Meters Sq Feet Floorspace of Major Buildings - Installation Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters Quarters/Support Storage Prob Vehicle Storage 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2?Q( I~jt IRDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Appro ~ed For Release 2I0WRp -RDP78T 4563A00110009037/0172%72 Chronological Listing of Facility Changes, Vehicles and Equipment*, and Activity Area Aa - Administration and Billeting Area Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters/Support Area Ab - Billeting and Support Area Barracks Quarters/Support Area Ac - Administration and Billeting Area Barracks Barracks/Admire Quarters Area Ba - Vehicle Parking and Maintenance Area Prob Vehicle Storage Area Bb - Vehicle Parking and Maintenance Area Prob Vehicle Storage Area Ca - Storage Area Storage Area Cb - Storage Area Storage Area Ha - Support Area Quarters/Support Area Hb - Support and Housing Area Quarters/Support Floorspace of Major Buildings Barracks Barracks/Admire Quarters Quarters/Support Storage Prob Vehicle Storage The following base coverage Area Aa l barracks #13 added 1 outdoor theater #52 added 2 basketball courts #24,45 added Floor space Sq Meters Sq Feet Floorspace Sq Meters Sq Feet, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA- DP78T04563A001100090002-2 TOP SECRET App roved For Release 22(WOjg(RIT4~ 04563A001100090 - /0172t72 Chronological Listing of Facility Changes, Vehicles and Equipment*, and Activity Floorspace Sq Meters Sq Feet Area Ab 1 support bldg #101 added 2 basketball courts #114,123 added Area. Ac 4 quarters #224-227 added 6 barracks #194-199 added 1 support bldg #209 added 6 basketball courts #153,155,182, 183,177,178 added 1 storage bldg #98 added 1 messhall #99 added 2 storage bldgs #254,255 added 1 support bldg #256 added 1 basketball court #257 added Area Ha 1 support bldg Area Hb 2 quarters/support bldgs #81, 89 added Area He 1 support bldg #242 added These changes are reflected in the following chronology: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20ffP2 C ~DP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 roved For Release 2W2SKfff DP78 04563A001100090QQ -2)7/0172/72 Chronological Listing of Facility Changes, Vehicles and Equipment*, and Activity 25X1 25X1 25X1 Base data established. Vehicles and Equipment Small scale precluded identification. Activity Small scale urecluded identification. 4+ quarters #224-227 added 6 barracks /t194-199 added 1 support bldg added Area Ca 1 storage bldg #98 added a 1 messhall I/99 added Area Cb 2 storage bldgs #25+,255 added 1 support bldg #256 added Vehicles and Equipment Small scale and haze precluded identification. Activity None was observed. Floors ace of Major Buildings I I Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters/Support Barracks Quarters/Support Barracks Barracks /Admin Quarters Prob Vehicle Storage Area Bb Prob Vehicle Storage Area Ca 25X1 25X.1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20O/I92 Wt&fDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 App roved For Release 2T(WOSU Rf -RDP78T Chronological Listing of Facility Changes, Vehicles 4563AO01 1 00090=27/0172/72 and Equipment*, and Activity 25X1 25X1 25X1 Area Cb Storage Area Ha Quarters/Support Area Hb Quarters/Support Installation Barracks Barracks/Admin Quarters Quarters/ support Storage Prot) Vehicle Storage Facilities No changes to facilities were noted. Vehicles and Equipment Small scale precluded identifica- tion. Activity Small scale precluded identifica- tion. 25X1 Approved For Release 2fNO"' kWRDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approve d For Release 20T2&BCR 25X1 63A0011000900207/0172/72 25X1 Chronological Listing of Facility Changes, Vehicles and Equipment*, and Activity 25X1 Facilities Area Ca 1 support bldg #97 removed Vehicles and Equipment Small scale precluded identifica- tion. Activity Small scale precluded identifica- tion. 25X1 Approved For Release 2MI0l, 3R tRDP78T04563A001100090002-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/23 : CIA-RDP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approved For Release 20041,t3SP78TO4563AO01100090002-2 Approved For Release 2004 MRMP78TO4563AO01100090002-2