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CENTER F TING SLIP A ,~-,~y,e or Release UVA-RDP7813165733A000:7000-20012 Pas DATE DATE -3/6/70 TO INITIAL S D E REMARKS DIRECTOR 3 G~? t ?~~ 7 DEP/DIRECTOR (~3 EXEC/DIRECTOR ~OK~ rMZ~S :% SPECIAL ASST 4 ASST TO DIR Z k WA HISTORIAN . 000, - % ~M/! t Sow CH/PPBS DEP CH/PPBS EO/PPBS dA~ p 4 CH/IEG DEP CH/IEG EO/IEG JAS oj r4.4.. .. CH/PSG e k . DEP CH/PSG ms""'` ! EO/PSG CH/TSSG DEP CH/TSSG EO/TSSG ~~~rwa CH/SSD/TSSG PERSONNEL LOGISTICS TRAINING RECORDS MGT SECURITY FINANCE DIR/IAS/DDI `H/DIAXX-4 H/DIAAP-9 i/SPAD Declass Review by NIMA/DOD 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22;: CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approve Fo~dl~~l @Op~8/ FQIDP7IB05703A00 0020012-4 'VIC 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approved For Release 20 3/12I22-" 1 -lRQPT8605703A000Y0020012-4 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle East Photo Coverage by the U2-R or SR-71 ASSUMPTIONS AND TEPI1S 1. We assume that coverage of the Middle East will be acquired with either the SR-71 cameras, or the U2-R 11113 (11) or IRIS II camera systems using black and white film. 2. For the purpose of this memo conventional processing is defined as the single gamma spray processing currently available at all processing sites mentioned. Dual gamma viscous processing is considered to be unconventional. processing since it involves special equipment and trained personnel presently available Dual gamma viscous 25X1 processing, however, would be the best way to process all aircraft photography acquired in the Middle East since it provides optimum quality by assisting in compensating for over-exposure conditions. 3. This memo gives primary consideration to collection by one flight in a one-time crisis effort. For continual photo coverage over a long period of time, statements are included in the covering recommendations. 4. The preparation of major processing sites by various Government Agencies for optimum processing, reproduction and exploitation of photo products is an on-going effort, and therefore the information provided herein is subject to change. (e.g. NRO is now shipping dual gamma processing 25X1 equipment E J 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22;: CIA-RDP78B05703A000700020012-4 Approved Fer Re' ase 2003/12 SUBJECY': Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle East Photo Coverage by the U2-R or SR-71 5. NPIC can provide support in all fadets of reproduction and exploitation if needed and requested.. In any case, the original negative would be sent on to the U.S. for further reproduction and exploitation. Several alternatives are available for effective processing, reproduc- tion and exploitation of special mission products. Listed below are the existing processing and exploitation sites along with their major advantages and disadvantages.* 1e A. Aircraft Carrier - U2-R Only - Process and exploit film on an aircraft carrier: The OSA assures the Community that the capability for landing a U2-R aircraft on a carrier would be available. The main advantage would be rapid exploitation of imagery. Disadvantages include: 1. Conventional processing of the original negative would be under field conditions with equipment and personnel that are not checked out for this type of U2-R effort, and which have never processed original negatives from the 111B, IRIS II cameras. Dual gamma processing would require modifications to existing equipment or use of special "fly-away kits," and training of personnel. *See attached table. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22',: CIA-RDP78B05703A000700020012-4 Approved For Relea$ 2e 003/1 -11%1 I 605703A00070 77 SUBJECT: Existing Processi.nh mr, htion Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle East Photo Coverage by the U2-R or Sit-71 26x1 2. PI's, PI equipment and collateral on the designated air- craft carrier would have to be evaluated prior to the first mission flight, and might have to be supplemented. B.1 IU2-R or SR-71 with flight terminating in Europe and readout beginning within three-to-six hours. 1. Advantages include: has proven its capability for conventional processing of original negatives in a recent exercisek involving three missions. b. has a TKII facility staffed with at least 20 PI's, and can draw on the USAFUR for additional PI's (some originally from NPIC). c. PI equipment and collateral are available, with collateral especially oriented toward Russian equipment readout. ' EXSUI3COM is taking action to provide COMIREX exploitation target lists to the 2. Disadvantage: has never processed original negatives from the 111B, IRIS II cameras and the SR-71 cameras. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 T . Lc;~~ Fit Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78B05703A000700020012-4 Approved RcIc se 2003/1 05703A0007 0020012-4 M1 SUBJECT: Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle Bast Photo Coverage by the U2-R or SIZ-71 25X1 D. I I- U2-R and SR-71 with readout beginning within nine-to- eighteen hours if flight terminates in Europe, or three-to-six hours if flight terminates in U.S. 1. Advantages include: capability for dual gamma viscous processing had been proven. b. If a crisis type readout is desired, NPIC PT's and their collateral could leave for the site when it was known that the mission was successful. Readout could be begun at NPIC within a few hours after processing of the film c. Good reproductions could be provided almost 25X1 simultaneously with the processing of the original negatives. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approved For Release 200 klJO, "> 1305703AOOd SUBJECT: Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle Est Photo Coverage by the U2-R or SR-71 d. Complete photo science support (in the form of providing special enlargements, density cuts and special contrast transparencies, etc.) would be available to the PI's. 25X1 2.. Disadvantages include: Bad weather could delay flight traffic involving film shipments. E. SPPF Westover AFB - U2-R and SR-71 with readout beginning within nine-to-eighteen hours after flight terminates in Europe or three- to-six hours if flight terminates in U.S. 1. Advantages include: a. PI's, equipment and collateral could be sent to the processing site if crisis type readout is required when it is known the mission was successful. Readout could be done at NPIC within a few hours after the film is processed at SPPF. b. SPPF has proved its capability for conventional processing of original negative material. c. Reproduction of material could begin almost simul- taneously with arrival of the original negative. d. Some photo science support could be made available to PI's sent to Westover. 2. Disadvantages include: a. Bad weather could delay flight traffic involving film shipments. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 M Approved For Relea b. SPPF has very limited PI equipment available at this time. c. SPPF has never processed original negatives from the 1118, IRIS II cameras and the SR-71 cameras. U2-R and SR-71 with readout beginning nine-to-eighteen SUBJECT: Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle Fast Photo Coverage by.the U2-R or SIZ-71 hours after flight terminates in Europe or three-to-six hours if flight terminates in U.S. 1. Advantages include: a. [:::Jas proven that it can conventionally process the original negatives from both 111B and IRIS II cameras, and could handle the SR-71 film. b. PI's, their equipment and some collateral are at the 0 processing is complete at facility. NPIC could provide support as needed and requested. Quick reproductions can be made available to NPIC within two-to-three hours after original negative 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/22 : CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approved FoF Releas2003/12/ SUBJECT: Existing Processing and Exploitation Capabilities Related to Acquisition of Middle East Photo Coverage by the U2-R :or' SR-71 1.. The purpose of special aircraft photo reconnaissance of Egypt would be to increase our chances of detecting -- at an early date -- any Soviet delivery and deployment to Egypt of additional types of weapons systems. For that purpose, the quality of the photography as obtained and processed could be a critical input to the photo interpreter's ability to identify and distinguish between subtle shapes and dimensions such as of crates, differing versions of a given type of military aircraft, and relatively small missile systems. 2. Given the choice, the photo interpreter should be provided with the best quality film possible for the purpose. The best quality readout will be obtained through processing the film 25X1 and conducting 25X1 the interpretation at NPIC. The disadvantage could be the time this course would take -- some three to eighteen hours from the time of photography to the beginning of the readout depending on the place of flight termination. 3. If time is too critical to permit that course to be taken, then the best alternative way to serve the purpose would be to process and exploit the film at The disadvantages to this course include less than the best processing quality, less than the best exploitation con- ditions, and the probability that any significant finds must be verified by moving the relevant film to Washington for confirmation readout. 25X1 25X1 T 09 at OWN VIT Approved For Release 2003/12/22: CIA-RDP78BO5703A000700020012-4 Approved For Release 2003/121 $m5703A000700020012-4 ATTACHMENT 'to: 25X1 25X1 Conventional Dual Gamma PIs PI Photo Reaction i ON Viscous PIs Equipment Collateral Reproduction Science Time after S te Processing Processing Available Available Available Capability Support Flt Terminates Comments Aircraft Carrier yes no* yes yes yes Very limited no. Minutes Selected carrier should be checked prior to flight to determine specific quali- ty of capabili- ties. NPIC support could be provided if needed and re- quested. *A fly-away it may be provided for dual gamma processing; however, person- nel training would be re- quired. yes yes yes Limited no 3-6 hrs. -1- Approved For Release 2 25X1 25X1 *Dual gamma viscous processing will be available in a few months. 25X1 25X1 Site Approved For Release 20031121 Conventional Dual Gamma PIs PI ON Viscous PIs Equipment Collateral Processing Processing Available Available Available yes no yes yes yes yes yes no* yes no** 25X1 3A000700020012-4 Photo Reaction Reproduction Science Time After Capability Support Flt Terminates Comments Limited no =3-6 hrs. Extensive yes 9-18 hrs. *NPIC PIs would have time to be in place when film ar- rives. **PIs would have to bring their col- lateral. SPPF (Westover) yes no* no**' yes*** no Extensive yes 9-18 hrs. *DGV processing will be avail- able shortly. **PIS and collateral would have time to be emplaced prior to arrival of film. ***PIS could use film. handling table and scopes avail- able at site. Approved For Release 286241W "^2 ? GIA RDP75Bd5703A00 25X1 Approved Fq Conventional Dual Gamma PIs PI 25X1 ON Viscous PIs Equipment Collateral Site Processing Processing Available Available Available yes no yes* yes* yes* 057300700020012-4 Photo Reaction Reproduction. Science Time After Capability Support Flt Terminates Comments Extensive no** 9-18 hrs. *NPIC support (i.e., PIs, equipment, and collateral) could be avail- able in a matter of minutes if needed and requested. **Photo Science Support could be conducted at NPIC. 9th Strategic Recon Wing yes no yes yes yes Extensive no 9-18hrs. Beale AFB 25X1 25X1 -3- Approved For Release 2003112/22 rgIP