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Approved For Release NPIC/TSG 10 November 1970 NPIC MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services Group, Projects & Programs Staff Monthly Report - October 1970 SUBJECT A. During October, the Projects & Programs Staff conducted staff functions for TSG [including 1) administrative and support services s for f the Group, 2) continuous control,a laaisonocontactlwith PPBS on ments and work orders, 3) working level and 4) with PSG on production matters] and was also in- budget matters, volved in the following actions: 1. Provided extensive coordination activities in prepara- tion for the Five Year Plan. Draft reports from the divisions covering the ADP Annex diAccomplishments ned into single coveri 1970 were received and comb Group. These were coordinated with PPBS. IEG, and PSG in the 2. Maintained coord~ha5ica~ dination,is necessary to re- matter of Requirements. During the month, over 150 place the former PMB activities. d al- though requirements or work orders were proceessed, dea anad la though most were routine, a number of these requred coordination with other groups. Continued further progress toward establishing a pro- ystem s 3? group requirements. This. s ect status report covering all gc should be operational in November. 1+. Provided coordination with PPBS to unify the Center's color requirements which achieved partial success. We are con- tinuing coordination in this area in support of PPBS and the Color Task Force. In parking-problems with the Support Staff. 5. Coordinated particular, the Staff assisted in a stand coordinated redis- of utilization of assigned parking permit permits following the study. tribution of some Mod- 6. participated in the NPIC Team Coordinating Building rimarily consist- ed for the 15+0 Light Table. This work p l c onsi ed of getting the names of escorts from iesetolLogistics Staff. escorts as necessary, and giving A revision of the escort duty schedule was carried out at the re- quest of ESD. DECLASS REVIEW Ai) MISOMPRe lease : CIA-RDP74W5171A000800030006-3 jowgrafab add dWa sllleat)" 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/0%AA-RDP7$95171A000800030006-3 SUBJECT: Projects & Programs Staff Monthly Report - October 1970 . Arranged and coordinated a series of briefings and tours 7 and TOPOCOM. 25X1 of TSG, including visitors from the Also arranged for TSG personnel to attend the two-day lecture on Narcotics at Headquarters. I 8. Provided TSG representation at the NPIC Training Selec- tion Panel on 14 and 22 October. 9. Provided-the Permanent Secretary for the TSG Career Panel who prepared documentation and coordinated activities for the meeting that convened on 20 October. Required reports were submitted to the secretary of the NPIC Career Board during the month. 10. Provided the Group Chief with a survey of the floor space occupied by TSG in preparation for reorganization and relocation of selected components. 11. TSG, Office of the Chief, provided for the EXRAND meet- ing of October, its planning, agenda, proceedings, minutes and _.. -? supplemental papers. Considerable progress has been made in Community coordination of R&D projects, joint procurement, up- date of the national objectives and matching these objections to the on-going or future projects. The month of October brought a culmination of a listing of all Community Exploitation R&D pro- sects, and an assessment of savings to the government due to community-wide coordinated rocurements. NPIC personnel involved 25X1 in these activities are Detailed reports covering these ac ons will be submitted and published through COMIREX. TSG provides the EXRAND Chairman, Executive Secretary, Secretary and Chairman of.the Task Team (NPIC member). B. During November the following significant actions are anticipated: '1. Arr-ange the TSG Career Panel meeting to convene on 24 November to consider promotions to'GS-11 and GS-13. 2. Arrange and coordinate Center Befforts to oreost the NCIA Research and Development Coordinating on 19 November. 3. Analyze and report on domestic travel and training ex- penditures and estimates through December. -The publication of-the NPIC Equipment Summary 1970. QLA -RDP78B05171A000800030006-3 Approved For Release 2005/V{ Approved For Rase 2005/06/08 : Cl SUBJECT: Projects &.Programs Staff Monthly Re ort P - October 1970 5. Arrange for a series of tours of PSG for TSG employees. TSG. 6. Arrange for a briefing:by IBM on some new equipment for 7. Submit final papers for the FY- This includes the final write-u 73 p Budget to PPBS. program narratives, and all spread fshthe CY-70 eets. TheCfinal1TSGecontri~l bution to the Five Year Plan ADP Annex will be sent to AID. 8. The EXPAND meeting of November feature a special briefing by NPIC expertise on the ment projects. EXPAND will also actt will cerial equip- aseagentolorformatdistributing the declared surplus of 940-type light tables to be made availa- ble during CY-1971 by NPIC. Distribution: Orig. - Addressee 2 - NPIC/TSG/PPS- 1 - NPIC/TSG/APSD - NPIC/TSG/ESD 1 - NPIC/TSG/RED Chiefs o ec s & Programs Staff, NPIC/TSG 2X1 Approved For Release 2005/0M RDP78B05171A000800030006-3 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1: 25X1; For4lease 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78B051700800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Projects & Programs Staff, TSG/NPIC SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 1. The following items of significant interest occurred in the APSD during October 1970: A. Administrative (1) I I completed the Agency mid-career course on 9 October 1970. A memo he subsequently wrote concerning items mentioned in the course that may be of interest to NPIC has had wide dissemination within the Center. (2) entered on duty in APSD on 19 October and has been assigned to the Image Evaluation Branch. (3) Branch resigned (1.) of the Image Evaluation the Agency on 16 October. anning Management course at this month. (5) I I was assigned on rotation the NPIC PPBS on 26 October. Exploitation Support (1) Interpretation (a) An image of what appeared to be a missile in flight photographed on the color portion of E: I was identi le as an emulsion original positive. APSD support thus pre- vented an erroneous interpretation reporting. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 clWJ? 1 ExcttCed trcm automatic du ngradlilg and. dcClaiSiileaf.l0t1 Approved For Release 2005/ 8): c Oi 8B05171A00080003 ed For Release 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP74&5171A000800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 (b) Specialreproductions of the Suez area photography from were evaluated as per IEG request. It was e ermined that the interpretation varies with solar elevation; i.e., the lower the solar elevation (within reason), the longer the target shadow and hence, improved interpretation suitability. Results were forwarded to IEG. (2) Operational Activities (a) APSD continues to support the Color Ad Hoc Committee by participating in meetings and accepting requirements through the NPIC member. The CTF, on 9 Oct., tasked NPIC to determine the solar elevation/exposure/usability relationship of the color for I _J The project was completed on 27 Oct. and results were forwarded to the Community as per CTF request. (b) Color Report was published during the month. (c) Division support of the Middle East aircraft missions continued throughout the month. The initial phase handling effort at the processing facility required almost continuous attendance of APSD personnel. A total of 8 missions was processed and evaluated this month. Division personnel were involved daily in providing information to NPIC components on mission status, camera data and film arrival time. Many hours of overtime were required during the month to stay abreast of this. high priority and satisfy the informational needs of NPIC officials. (d) A study was undertaken to determine if present weather editing procedures introduce problems in the printing of the duplicate positives. Cursory investigation disclosed Approved For Release ,G1A-RDP78B05171A0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Ap rov or Release :2 05/Or10'8 1: l -RDP78 171A000800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 potential/probable problem areas. As a result, weather editing procedures have been modified for use oni Work on this problem will continue. (e) A notebook, containing system data and photographs of. the Mission Quality Boards and film positives of the MIP chips was completed. The notebook was forwarded 25X1 (3) Photogrammetric, Statistics, and Investigations (a)' In support of a sensitive DDS&T project, the division completed two analytical photogrammetric math models last month. This month we have completed about 75% of the documentation and have generated simulated operational data aimed at model validation. (b) Several manhours were expended on the Revision and Update of NPIC Technical Publication NPIC/R-5006/67, United States Reconnaissance Systems. This was originally published as a compilation of data on air- craft, aerial cameras, and other sensors that are available for reconnaissance purposes. Since the original date of publication in 1967, some systems have become obsolete and some new ones have become operational. Our aim is to reflect current aircraft and camera data re- lated to Tactical Reconnaissance Systems. (c) Several manhours were expended on the foreign collection part of Task #2 of the Precise Measurement Study. The object here is to collect foreign dimensional information suitable for test purposes in establishing, accuracy of system photography. Our prime foreign dimensional information collecting efforts this month were Soviet Construction to Approved For Release 20 0 /08: C1, f ..DP78B05171A00080 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 lied 4Wt Release 2005/06/08 : C A-RDP78BO517 A000800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 .. 1i11: 11 li .7 shown dimensions to be stati ti s cal) significant. Roughl a s a istic which contains all the information in a sample about a. population parameter is considered sufficient in. that no other information can be obtained from the sample to improve the estimate of the parameter. (4) Densitometric, Statistics and Investigations (a) Several manhours were expended on an isodensity technical publication which is aimed to inform both the NPIC PIs and Management of the potential application of the isodensitometry capability available in the division. This technical publication will explain the instrumentation and theory of Iso-D analysis with illustrative examples. There are no existing documents that describe the in-house system with respect to NPIC applications. (b) The division has started acceptance testing of various sections of the Micro-D Support System. .(c) On three different occasions throughout the month, APSD expended several manhours providing special purpose Micro-D raster scans and microphotographic support to RED/ATB. Approved For Release 05/06/08 :p, CIA-RDP78BO5171 AOO P-1. 25X1 25X1 25X1 5 3`a rover Release 2003/ 6/0~: v7 P78BO5 71A000800030006-3 25X1 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 (2) Operational Systems: 25X1 25X1 I mission activity continues at a high rate. total of. nine missions. was evaluated this month.' System-related problems. were ex- perienced.on.several missions received during late September and the first half of October. A requirement was initiated on 3 Oct.?to summarize these problems for Camera representatives visited APSD on 6 and 7 Oct. to examine system problems and discuss the problems. A request for additional information concerning low frequency banding degradation was received by the division on 14+ Oct. This request was answered on 21 Oct. As a result. of the above efforts,. system problems have been reduced and image.quality improved. (3) (a) Five members of the division par- Support to R&D: tic* a special experiment conducted byl , in coordination with CIA/OSP. purpose of the experiment was to rank imagery in relation to a proposed new reconnaissance system. Division personnel also contributed to the design of the experiment and will assist in evaluating the resultant data. A final report will be issued under an NPIC cover within the next month. (b) The APSD hosted a technical briefing presented by on their type 2000 reproduction film and a potential camera acquisition film. Personnel from several com- ponents within the'Community attended, as did a significant number of TSG/RED and,APSD .technologists. (c) The division initiated and hosted several meetings between TSG/RED, APSD, IEG/PHD 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2 6 ? .ql* DP78BO5171A00080 030006-3 _, 14 ATTACHMENT. to.: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 or Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78 171A000800030006-3 and I personnel concerning a CCB proposal to investigate NPIC mensuration difficulties. As a-consequence, PAR 1885 "Improvements to Small Image Mensuration" waa written for presentation to the CCB at its December meeting. (d) The APSD also disseminated. the CCB PAR 164B final report on an."Operable Bread- board Automatic Label Printer" to PSG/R&RD/IRB, and held several discussions concerning it with Messrs. As a consequence, a meeting was e on ct. with PSG/Production Operations Staff, Ch/R&RD, and several ion to determine the impact of this new labeling technique on NPICI film dissemination. was designated to go to II to wa c e equipment perform and determine if the com- puterized information for each can of film already collected by I Iwould be of some use to NPIC. 2. The following items of interest are anticipated for the month of November: A. Exploitation Support: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (1) Interpretation: Special target oriented reproductions will be provided on (2) Operational Support: (a) Initial phase handling su ort at will be provided on are scheduled o accompany e ea D Senior Peg meeting at Wright Patterson AFB on 5 and 6 November. (b) I will attend the -6- Approved For Release ffjffl~/QA, CIA-RDP78BO5171A000 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 125X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approveq Syr Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78BOW1A000800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 B. Collection System Support: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5X1 (1) Systems,/Films Under Development: (a) Approximately 10 individuals from APSD are scheduled to visit the (b) will contain 500 feet facility in of SO-.255 color ma erial. cc) (2) on 18 Nov. All black and white material of will be optically titled. Operational Systems: (a) is scheduled for launch (b) program support is expected o continue during the month. C. Photogrammetric, Statistics and Investigations: (1) The division will continue with Phase I of the acceptance testing of various sections of the Micro-D support system. (2) It is anticipated that two speed letters (recently received) concerning requirements for further raster scan work on the Micro-D will be satisfied. (3) Installation and testing of the new optics for the ~032T will ]De' completed in November. Approved For Release 2Q/6 /, 8 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000 TUI t : bd~..~Ja~_, 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approve4or Release 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP78B71A000800030006-3 ATTACHMENT to: SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for October 1970 (4) Work will continue in supporting the task two foreign. control section of the in-house Precise Measurement Study. (5) An in-depth analysis ofIimage motion equations will be conducted during Nov. Chief, Applleu o a Science Division TSG/NPIC Approved For Release 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP78B05171AOq 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 hI SC f Approved for Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78Q171A000800030006-3 6 November 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Projects & Programs Staff, TSG, NPIC SUBJECT . ESD Monthly Report for October 1970 A. Noteworthy Events 1. Emer ency Maintenance Service - The Equipment Performance Branch received 77 requests for miscellaneous emergency service during October, an increase of 13% over the same period last year. Approxi- mately 70% were electronic type, 20% mechanical and 10% optical. These requests by operational components are: IEG 42 TSG 2 PSG 18 Army 2 DIA 11 IAS 2 2. Preventive Maintenance - Under the Preventive Maintenance program a total of 207 instruments were serviced, an increase of 8% over the same period last year. This included cleaning, repairing, lubrication, alignment, and replacement of missing or malfunctioning parts. Minor modifications were made as required. IEG 96 Army 4 DIA 92 TSG 2 PSG 11 IAS 2 3. Modification, Design and Fabrication Projects - Thirteen modification, design, and fabrication projects, the same number for the same period last year, were completed, in support of Center components including: (a) Designed and fabricated a special size alignment device with register pins for use by the Photo Lab in photo stripping operations. (b) Fabricated four (4) special type rings for securing tube magnifiers to light tables in PHD. (c) Mounted three (3) special type miniature lamps in an experimental light diffuser for use under the stage plate of a tir,; :rzriinn a: 1 Approved For Release 2005/ f.% ~T TIRDP78BO5171AO00800030006-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78BW171A000800630006-3 Ift0i 25X1 SUBJECT' ESD Monthly Report for October 1970 The diffuser is intended iewer . High Power Stereov to illuminate the film area immediately surrounding the field of view of the instrument's objective lenses, so that a P.I. can readily locate areas of interest. (d) Designed, fabricated, and assembled parts sstolmakee nn experimental film hold-dawn device intended for possible a tilted light table. tations were installed during (a) Five new jib remote s October. The remote equipment included two (2) Te~irimer. Units, two (2_) printers and one (1) Teletype p -i Miscellaneous Projects 25X1 has given EPB a preliminary report on the rs that moisture found. in the Zoom -e4ua carry- E a chemical reaction s the cement and foam used in the case ci ouldusing a the loom 2LIOR damage . and emitting a corrosive vapor problem resolved shortly. system. The foam will be replaced and the 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TEB traveled to 25X1 (f) on 28 October to on the 15 11g -a J.e and to assist receive maintenance training on unit. on pre-acceptance of first pr (e) EPB assisted the Reprographic Division, PSG, in acquiring a new set of special size rollers for use on its Headliner Slitter. 'These precision rollers were fabricated by the (c) On 1 October, ESD hosted a technical coordination meeting with members of G. The meeting was~~l~e to discuss mensuration electronic equipment reliability a uationlegy requirements in IEG. The discussion concerninguels (i t five resulted in prolonging the use of existing Q years) previously scheduled for replacement in FY-72 and FY-73- (d) EPB was consulted by the Research and Reference Division, PSG, on the suitability of al IP lotting table for p indexing operations. Arrangements were made for PSG to borrow a table from NRTSC for operational evaluation. EPB is prepared to provide further assistance to PSG in acquiring versions of this table modified especially for PSG's requirements. Approved For Release 2005/06/0iRD78B05171A000800030006-3 (b) 'n~ cases. It appea 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP7LBB 15171A000800030006-3 SUBJECT: ESD Monthly Report for October 1970 5. The following new equipment was tested for operational components: Zoom 2)i0R Pod 11[ .5X Mono Lenses 84 each 2X Rhomboid Lenses 19 pair 1X Rhomboid Lenses 34 pair .43 Rhomboid Lenses 48 pair Widespan Rhomboid Arms 21 pair 6. Automatic Target Indexing Device - Release of the Test Plan for this device has been delayed pending a firm delivery date. 7. Experimental Dry Silver Processor - Work on this T&E project projecta...D :Lazo -Repred .etion.Systems _Study.. has been temporarily suspended because of the assignment of a new 5X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5X1 and evaluate and collect data on types of diazo materials, printers and processors that are available and their feasibility of use in the 1l- 9. Sound Level Survey - A survey of the AID computer center, at the request of AID, was completed with a Memorandum Test Report dated 28 October 1970. 10. Zoom 240R Filar Eyepieces - A test plan was begun including a detailed preliminary flow chart for coordination and training purposes in a new approach to operational suitability testing. U. Image Definition Device - A new project, at the request of RED, to evaluate a prototype which contains a tracking light source developed by attended the Joint Engineering Management Conference in Chicago, Illinois on 29 and 30 October. 13. 1 Theory and Statistics classes. 14. "Reading Improvement" classes. ]attended in-house "Probability began attending in-house completed the 2-day Project Officers Indoctrination Course at Headquarters. Approved For Release 2045h& tA-RDP78B05171A000800030006-3 Approv,4,-For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP78J5171A000800030006-3 SUBJECT: ESD Monthly Report for October 1970 16. attended the 2-day presentation on "Drug Abuse" at Headquarters. 17. I Iwas named TSG Representative to the Suggestion Awards Commi-ee. B. Anticipated Events for November: 1. Testing of the Twin Stage On-Line P.I. Comparator will be completed in TEB and the Comparator will be moved to IAS for an operational evaluation. 2. Pre-acceptance testing of the Target Indexing Device (TID) 3. Publication of the TID Test Plan. 4+. Testing of the Image Definition Device. Electronic Engineer; will EOD in TEB. -6 Re-scheduled inspection of the X151+0 pre-production Light Table. u 25X1 25X1 Chief Engineering Support Division, TSG, NPIC Distribution: Original - Addressee 2 - NPIC/TSG/ESD I - NPIC/TSG/APSD 1 - NPIC/TSG/Ch 1 - NPIC/TSG/RED Approved For Release 200 8(6vT;'' El -RDP78B05171A000800030006-3 Approved- For Relea qNW 57 00 0/08 : CIA-RDP7 B 171A000800030006-3 ~.r~ 0 6 November 1970 ,/ Copy___________ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services Group, NPIC ATTENTION : Chief, PPS/TSG SUBJECT RED.Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) A. Significant Items of Interest for October 1970: 1. Dry Silver Materials Program. On 8 October 1970, SPPF, Westover AFB, Mass., visited Langley, Va., for the purpose of coordinating dry silver materials and equip- ment. On 12 October 1970, the first meeting of the NPIC Dry Silver Coordinating Committee convened under RED sponsorship. This group will meet periodically to disseminate information on the progress of the Dry Silver Program and to input requirements from the operational components. hnai;c', ExC1UZ?.d 9TGT1 & 4 dQ:iU=.T"s+lU"~ Q ~~ 2. 1540 Light Tables. Preacceptance tests will be performed on the first production model of these tables at the contractor's facility between 28 and 31 October 1970. This pro- gram is generally on schedule and indications are that 145 tables will be in-house by the end of December 1970. 3. High Precision Stereocomparator (HPSC). Difficulties with the coordinate counters and a computer breakdown have re- sulted in several weeks' slippage in the delivery schedule of the HPSC, The on-the-job training and test plans have been re- vised to-reflect this schedule change. The preacceptance tests at 0 facility will be in two parts. The first part (technical specifications) will be tested in mid-November and the second part (operational suitability) will be tested in December. Preliminary tests indicate that the IIPSC will exceed the resolution specifica- tions of the contract. 4. 10" Stage Stereocomparator. On 22.October 1970, the to inspect a mock-up of this comparator. detailed review o he instrument controls was performed and several changes recommended to the manufacturer. This project is on schedule. r- I Approved For Relea'j0 QIA-RDP78B05171A000 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved E r Release l SUBJECT: RFD Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) 5. Research in Mensuration Instruments. On 13 October 1970, personnel met with RED and Pfll) representatives to discuss the accomplishments and the future direction of this program. Early results from the automatic pointing task are encouraging, On 16 October 1970, briefed APSD 25X1 on the goals and accomplishments o this program. 6. Calibration Device for the HPSC. On 13 October 1970, an representative and briefed PHD 25X1 and ESD on the results of this feast t t y investigation. This in- vestigation reveals that this device can be built and it will accom- plish the calibration function to the precision desired. Project approval plans are underway to proceed with a contract to fabricate this prototype device. On ber 1970, the contractor and 25X1 Ito discuss certification of a scale for the calibration device for the HPSC. 7. Advanced Stereorhomboids. The advanced stereorhomboids have been returned to the Center from Tests at Q on a vibration-isolated mount produced resolution readings that exceed the contract specifications.. This contract has been closed out. 8. Improved Light Source Std. The final report on the Improved Light Source Study has been received from F_ I 25X1 The report summarizes the experiments that were undertaken and provides critical specifications for an optimized lighting system for a light table. 9. Image Manipulation Research Laboratory. The scanner and display equipment for the Image Manipulation Research Laboratory has been _completed and is ready for nce testing. This will occur at the week of 2 November 1970. Sh o ow. 10. Color Microdensitometerl . The first phase of the color micro ensitometer.calibration contract has been comp let, on time. The new objection lenses have been re- ceived and the unique color plaques have been fabricated. In-house experiments will begin in November. 2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 10 r-RDP78BO5171 ~ pproved,For Releae 00 0, 6/08: CIA-RDP7aRG5171A000800030006-3 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) 11. Herd Criterion The =Herd criterion has been applied successfully to operation, one-dimensional test data. The two-dimensional case is now being developed. bofh of the nd working on the igital image manipulation contract, accompanied for a briefing on the new acquisition films and t e op ica parameters. As a result of the discussions, is making essential changes to the com- puter model of the film an optical parameters--without which successful manipulation would not be possible. 13. EOI Imagery J A study was completed in support of personnel assisted in the design and analysis of results. Final report will be drafted early in November. . has submitted a . Literature Revie 14 w . preliminary draft of their literature and color vocabulary reviews, the initial products of the Color Training Program. Copies have been distributed to OD/IEG, RED, APSD, and DIAAP-9 for comments. 15 I On 22 October 1970, personnel complete the final phase of the human factors evaluation of the.OlOxlO Stereocomparator mock-up. 16.~~- IEG Support. 1IEG, and RED/TSG personnel have inif-late a research program to assist IEG in the exploitation of the color photography from 17. Training Packages. IEG, and RED/TSG personnel continued their evaluation an revision of the Target Training-Packages delivered to IEG. Work began on selecting an additional five targets for validation. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 18. 0 - Ground Order of Battle. , and :25X1 RED/TSG personnel completed data collection on t e Groun rder of Battle program, and began preliminary data analysis of the results. 25X1 Approved For Release 4/0 -RDP78B05171A000 00030006-3 7 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Apprc Top S111 U, ved For Release 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP789Qfi171A000800030006-3 SUBJEC'T': RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) 19. ATB/1DL personnel visited I to learn the current status o, and future plans for, their unconventional photographic material- This was in support of the forecast being prepared in RSB. li,:`s RS material was judged suffici- ently meritorious in resolutio.. _-nd state of development to warrant continued scrutiny for the i i 'cast. =provided little information concerning its plans; it has nothing significant on the market presently. 20. was visited to apprise the faculty of those re- search problems of interest to us which we would like to see included in the catalog of thesis research topics. In addition, a tentative schedule for four faculty-presented seminars was agreed upon. The o PAR has been approved through the DDI. 21, I TOC. visited I- E NPIC and discussed that firm's R&D in photomaterials and processes. Two projects involving applications of phase imagery were inter "` esting: one involved the reproduction of phase (surface relief) imagery by embossing it into the surface of a plastic receptor material; the other involved making a photographic print of the phase image. The former is of interest as a potential method for producing low cost, high quality photographic prints. The latter (claims) is capable of yielding more informationo from the toe of the D Log E curve. forward demonstration samples for our evaluations. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 22. Utility of Stereo Scanning This project is 25X1 in support of NPIC's effort to evaluate the value of automatic stereo equipment for the scan task. The first task of this study, "Machine Features Analysis," has been completed and the report is being analyzed by various NPIC components. This l analysis 25X1 arallel study (being conducted by 25X1 ed on a i b p ng us e is also ~~far; an engineering audit of the Automatic Stereo Scanne . ~atter project will-be completed about the end of this year. 23. Automatic Target Indexing Device -0 Most of the problems causing delay in delivery of this equipment have been re- solved. The new lenses have been delivered and are being installed. These lenses should bring the TID performance up to the accuracy predicted. However, a further delay in delivery is being asked for by NPIC so that an additional frame sensor can be added. This second frame sensor will greatly enhance the equipment's capability ne ative film with emulsion side up. Approved For Release 2000/08siP78B05171A00080003 4 Shipment date is now scheduled for 20-November r to use either poszt~ve or g - )proximately). This change-in-scope will cost an additional alI 2-5X1 25X1 25X1 25 X1 25X1 25X1 Apprc ved - Release I W/0 . 1 -RDP78130 lA000800030006-3 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) 24. Project an advanced strategic SLR system evaluation, is going -orwar in earnest. Although an NRO project, planning, target coverage, and evaluation of the imagery will re- quire considerable NPIC action. This program should continue through to approximately June 1971. 25. The distribution of the new activated with PSG support. 26. Proposals, Contracts, and Reports: 25X1 user's manual was 25X1 report on the chemistry of Dry Silver and RS was approved for distribution. b. A contract with I Ito produce cali- 25X1 brated color imagery (SO-242) of their model has been negotiated. 25X1 c. An unsolicited proposal has been received from on "ASR/240 Image Analysis System." I Camera on a frame-counting device. 0 a. The VHR Working Group has concluded its investigations and has drafted a final report which is scheduled for publication about 5 November 1970. b. The NPIC Near-Real-Time Study Group is being re- activated to carry out definitive studies necessary for advance planning in R&D and other areas. 25X1 is completing the final development of the NPIC Contract Information Program (PICCIP). This was demonstrated to RED personnel during October and will be presented to the C/TSG early in November. d. Modifications were made to the Twin-Stage Comparator to incorporate the features that were highlighted during the operational evaluation of this instrument. This contract is being closed out. 25X1 e. An 811xl0" Polaroid Camera has been obtained on loan from This will be circulated through the operational groups for evaluat'o Approved For Release.? .05/06/08 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A 0008000 25X1 25X1 d. An unsolicited proposal has been received from 25X1 25X1 Appr ved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP7SW5171 6-3 25X1 SUBJECT: RID Monthly Repar on Significant Events (October 1970) 28. Briefings and Consultations: contract, Dr. 25X1 der the a. es o ectures and began a seri laboratory demonstrations on photometry and testing of optical components. Members of RED, APSD, and ESD attended. osium and equipment b. HFS/ATB personnel conducted a symp evaluation on the effects of color hotogra hY on 25X1 visual performance at _ ., .,,,. ~aC ca e to assts Program. The meetin was conaucvz~u 25X1 cover. on 20-21 UCLODOT- test--a \tin developing a color/stereo acuity ..o,.., T"tnrnretation Research -Emanq e c. Extensive discussions werin hold with ltGcolorgphoto- to develop a long-range p graphy. d. Numerous briefings were delivered to Center management on RED's Color M program. Imagery Interpreta- e. Results from the FY 69-70 tion Research program octobrer IEG and TSG personnel on 27 and f. Color Technology imp lementation have R pro Photoscience Support rAR's are awaiting been briefed through TSG. o approval. RSB participated color tasks within the Center, h er ot plus coordinating 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 6 Approved For Release 2005/ ,IPV78BO5171AO00800030006 pprove ,For Relea e 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP7$ .5171A000800030006-3 25X1 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (October 1970) 28.. Briefings and Consultations (cont.) attended the MC?G meeting at the Pentagon and the FOC/MPR meetings at SAMSO. j. Several AQ meetings were held with ORD as a result .of the beginning of active testing. RSB coordinated requests for domestic and foreign test coverage, and for support from NPIC components.- k. briefed several groups within NPIC and of 29. Training: a. Several RED personnel attended the SPSE Color Symposium at the Marriott Motor Hotel on 22 and 23 October 1970. b. attended the DDS4T Course on Contract Management. c. I lattended a Management Grid course during 1 - October 1970. d. attended an Inertial Navigation Symposium at Holloman AFB. B. Anticipated Items of Interest for November 1970: Shipment of the TID is scheduled for 20 November 1970.. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Research & Engineering Division, TSG/NPIC 25X1 Approved For Release/fA-RDP78B05171A0008p0030006-3