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(NOVs ktyltzv Approved ForQdlease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B011 00700019922 0 WASHINGTON. C.C. 2O505 S7o-r3zt / 15 MAY 1980 Mr . Say Tour J. Rub in Executive Vice President The American Society of International Law 2223 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Dear Mr. Rubin: This is in response to your letter of May 5, 1980, to Admiral Turner setting forth the Society's concerns with respect to the Forei n Relations of the_ United. States series. Please be assured t as ency shares your concern regarding the timely publication of Foreign Relations. We have and will continue to cooperate with the Department fate with respect to this publication consistent with Admiral Turner's responsibilities as Director of Central Intelligencc to protect intelligence sources, methods, and activities, We appreciate your bringing the concerns of the Society to our attention. Sincerely, Chief, r onna .ion Services Directorate of Administration Distribution: Original.. - Addressee I - ER 1 - 1)IIA 1 - CRI) w/basic 1 - ISS Subject I - ISS Chrono C/I c (15 May 80) ISS Registry Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 HONORARY PRESIDENT HARDY CROSS DILLARD 'RESIDENT ALONA E. EVANS _XECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SEYMOUR J. RUBIN DIRECTOR OF STUDIES SUN LAWRENCE HARGROVE May 5, 1980 Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 HOMAS BUEROENTIIAL DAVID G. GILL MONROE LEIGH SECRETARY MICHAEL H. CARDOZO TREASURER JAMES R. PATTON, JR. Dear Admiral Turner: As a learned Society, the American Society of Interna- tional Law is deeply interested in publications of our Government concerning the foreign relations of the United States and also in the publications of the United Nations. The Society's Committee on Publications of the Department of State and the United Nations each year issues a summary report of what has been published in the field. The Society is particularly concerned with the timely publication of Foreign Relations of the United States. At its 74th Annual Meeting in late April, the Society passed a Resolution regarding the value of Foreign Relations and expressing concern regarding the gap between the period recorded and the actual publication of the record. The Resolution provides that the concerned persons and agencies in the U.S. Government be informed of the Society's interest in timely publication of Foreign Relations. I therefore enclose herewith the Resolution adopted by the Society on April 28, 1979 together with the report of its Committee on Publications of the Department of State and United Nations. It is our earnest hope that the way can be paved to facilitate the dissemin -l -on of the informa- tion our scholars need. ISS Registry Appr ve For Release 2002/01/08: CIA-RDP94B01194R00070001 .fl AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 2223 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20008 (202) 265-4313 CABLES ' ' AMINTLAW" Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 DD/A Registry U Ca U w: Approved Fo leas 2002/01/08: CIA-R~P93B0119 000I~7A 00R1-L2A~ THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF 1NTERNATfb 2223 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D. C. 20008 (202) 205.4313 CABLES "AMINTLAW" SEVENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING The American Society of International Law RESOLVES: To reaffirm its great interest, and in particular that of international lawyers, legal scholars, international relationists and diplomatists, in the timely publication of volumes of Foreign Relations of the United States, as a means of providing the information necessary for scholars, practitioners, and the public generally to better understand American foreign policy and diplomacy and to encourage meaningful and responsible democratic participation in foreign policy issues, as they have significant political, legal, business and economic consequences internationally and domestically; RESOLVES: To reaffirm the public's right to know, the need to foster openness in Government, the need to limit classification and accelerate declassification, and the desire of fostering a wider understanding of the foreign policy process and its juridical aspects in particular; RESOLVES: To reaffirm its continued interest in the publication of the documentary record of American diplomacy by the Department of State in the volumes Foreign Relations Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved ForuRelease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l1 000700010022-0 of the United States and to express its concern at the continuing gap between the period recorded and the publication of the record, despite announced efforts to narrow the gap; to make known its concern involving possible reduction in size and quality of Foreign Relations, because of both budgetary constraints and increase in other responsibilities of the Historical Office; and to note with concern also delays in publication of other principal publications of the Department of State; RESOLVES: To call upon the Department of State to expedite the declassification of records in accordance with Executive Order 12065 of 28 June 1978, and to publish the volumes of Foreign Relations within twenty years of the period covered; RESOLVES: To call upon the Department of State to make renewed efforts in support of its Historical Office to speed up the compilation of the volumes, to expedite their prompt clearance for publication, to assign priority to such publication, to expedite its publication. to ensure a publication of sufficient size and quality to maintain the preeminence of its kind in the world, and also calls on all other concerned agencies of the Government to give their full cooperation, in particular, the Department of Defense, the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency, and also; Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For !Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l1 000700010022-0 RESOLVES: To call upon the President of the United States and the Secretary of State to give their continuing effective interest and support to see that the program of bringing the Foreign Relations series nearer to currency is actually accomplished as soon as possible within the established guidelines and rules. April 17, 1980 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For'1~'elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B011900070001 0Q222-0 ThE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL AW April 16 - 19, 1980 Report of the Committee on Publications of the Department of State and United Nations John A. Boyd )Co- Paul C. Szasz )Chairmen Stuart S. Malawer Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved FoP Release 2002/01/08: CIA-RDP93BO11 000700010022-0 Report of the Committee on Publications of the Department of State and the United Nations The following part of this report, except as otherwise indicated, relates to formal publications of the United Nations issued since 1 January 1979 and largely during the calendar year 1979. This means that in general only sales publications are covered, and not mere work- ing documents of any tiN organ or conference. In some instances, a preview is given of some publications on which work is progressing. The information here presented should be considered supplementary to that in the earlier reports, the comments in which are still applicable except as otherwise indicated herein. 1. GENERAL PUBLICATIONS: YEARBOOKS, REPERTORIES AND RESOLUTIONS 1. The United Nations Juridical Yearbook 1977 (ST/LEG/SER.C/15; Sales No. E.79.V.1 was issued. 2. The United Nations Yearbook 1976 (Volume 30) (Sales No. E.78.I.1) was issued in 1979. The effort to make this publication more current. - pursuant to part I of General Assembly revolution 31/208 - has not yet borne fruit. 3. The next supplement of the Repertaire of the Practice of the Security Council covering 1972-19714 is to be published in the spring of 1960. 4. A Table :%f Contents and Subject Index to Supplements Nos. 1-3 to the Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs was published in 1979 Sales Nn. E . (9.V .? . At lei ;- t Vol uune I Arti c.l e 1-50) of Supplement No. N (1 September 1966 to A December 1969) is expected to be issued during 1980. 5. The Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization issued in September 1979 GAOR, 3+th Session, Suppi. No. 1, A/54/1), was no brief as that submitted iii .19(8 (see para. TA of th i a Committee's 1979 Report). 6. The ninth edition of Everyone's United Nations (A Handbook on the United Nations its structure and Activitie: x,.79.1. , providing in a well-indexed 1+77 pages a most useful compendium of information about the United Nations and the agencies related to it, was issued during 1979. Approved For Release 2002/01/08: CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 UN Approved Fo1?Kelease 2002/01/0$2: CIA-RDP93B011000700010022-0 II. TREATIES 1. The first monthly Statement of Treati.es and International A reements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretary-General- issued during 1979 covered April 1976 s";T/LEG/SER.A/350) and the last one Dec. 1976 (ST/LEG/SER.A/'358). Thus the backlog of this publication has now increased to three years -- though the rate of increase has finally slowed down. 2. Multilateral Treaties In Respect r)+' Which the Secretary- General Performs Depositary Functions: Dist of Signatures, Ratifications, Accessions etc. as at 31 December 1978 S'1' LE(f SER.D l2; Sales No. E.79.V.7 was issued in April 1979, and covered a total of' 288 United Nations and 11I+ League of Nations treaties . 3. During 19'j9, only 7 volume.-, (the Jowost number yet) of the UN Treaty Series were issued, bringing the total number published by the end of that year to 855. In a report to the General Assembly (A/34/L66), the Secretary-General indicated that the annual accretion of registered treaty texts amounts at present to the equivalent o)f cone 40 volumes, and that he hoped that, subject to the adoption of certain budgetary proposals he was making, the backlog could be stabilized at about 260 volumes (i e. the equivalent of about 8.5 years of regis- trations). Elimination of the backlog would require s,pncial. and heroic financial measures, which he proposed in a separate report. (A/C.5/314/1F0) but which were not acted on by the Assembly. It. No cumulative Index to the UN Treaty Series has been issued since the 1977 publication of No. 1.1, which had covered up to volume 750, including treaties registered to 21 September 39j0. III. CODIFICATION 1. Volume I of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1978, containing the Summary Records of the 30th session of the Commission, appeared in mid-1979 (A/CN.4/SER.A; Sales No. E.79.V.5). Volume II, Part One (A/CN.4/SER.A/1978/Add.l(Part I); Sales No. E.79.V.6(Part I)), containing the documents of the Commission':- 30th session except its Report, is scheduled to appear In June 1980, Volume IT, Part Two (A/CN.'/SER.A/1978 Add.l(Part 2); Sales No. E.79.V.6(Part TI)), con- taining the Report of the Commission to the General. Assembly (A/')>/lO), appeared in mid-1979. 2. The Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 31st Session GAOR, 3 th session, Suppl. No. 10 (A/34710)) appeare at the beginning of the 34th session of the General Assembly in a pre- liminary version, which will be reissued in printed form sometime in 1980 as Part Two of Volume II of the 1979 Yearbook of the Commission. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/8_ CIA-RDP93BO119 000700010022-0 The Report included, inter alma, a full set of the draft articles- on Succession of States in Respect of Matters other than Treaties, as well as newly adopted texts of and commentaries on draft Articles 28- 32 on State Responsibility and draft Articles 39?-60 (amendment and modification of Treaties; invalidity, termination and suspension of the operation of treaties) on Treaties concluded between States and International Organizations or between two or more International Organizations. Furthermore, the Report contained the results of a study of a workintg group of' the ILC concerning; the status of the diplomatic courier and the dip]omatic bag not accompanied by diplo- matic courier. 3, During 1979, Volumes 11 and III of the Official Records of the United Nation: Conference on Sucecs.;ion of States in Respect of Treaties A CONF. 0/1 /Add.I, Sales No. E.79.V.9 Vo.l.umne IT)) A CONT. O/lb/Add.II, Sales No. E.79.V.lO (Volume III))were published. Volume II contains the summary records of' the ]978 session and Volume III sets out the documents of the Conference. f+. The third edition of' the haudbot k The Work of the Inter- national Law Commission is still in process of preparation and further expansion, and is now scheduled to be issued during ]980. 5. Due to the transfer of the Trade Law Section of the UN Office of Legal Affairs to Vienna during 1979, no volumes of the Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International. Trade Law were published during that year. 6. The Report of UNCITRAL on the work of it; 12th session (GAOR, -4th session, Ouppi. No. 1` 7 (A/31) t , appea turfing the >> + t session of the General As:;embly. It contained, inter el La, b?ief reports en its consideration: of the draft UNCITRAI, Conch iatieen Rules and of the possible legal aspects of the new international economic order. IV. JUDICIAL 1. The 19'79 volume of Reports of Judgements, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice will contain certain procedural orders in respect of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the order concerning the request for the indication of provisional measures in the case con- cerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States v. Iran). 2. The fifth volume of Judgements of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal. (Judgment Nos. . '(-230 has, not been issued. Judgment numbers 237 to 252 af)pearcd in mimeographed form. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08-: CIA-RDP93B0119000700010022-0 V. MISCELLANEOUS 1. During 1979, Volume 3: 1978 of The United Nations Disarma- ment Yearbook (Sales No. E.79.IX.2) appeared. Like its predecessors it covers extensively the relevant developments relating to disarma- ment and arms control. Earlier in 1978, a Special Supplement to Volume 2: 1977 of the Disarmament Yearbook was published: Status of Multilateral Arms Regulation and Disarmament Agreements (Sales No. E.7 .IX.2 , containing the text of 9 protocols, treaties and conventions that deal with disarmament, and indicating the signatories and parties as of 21 March 1978. 2. A new periodical, Disarmament: A Periodic Review by the United Nations, is now appearing regularly twice a year, in May and October. Though only of limited legal interest, it is a source of up-to-date information about conferences and committees working in the field of disarmament and arms control. 3. A Volume IX of the Official Records of the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea appeared in March .l 0 containing the records of meetings of the plenary and of committees during the 7th session and the related documents. (Volume X had appeared in 1978). 4. As part of a series of legal. handbooks, the Economic Commission for Europe published, during 1.979: (a) A Guide for Drawing up Internat-ionnl. Contracts between Parties Associated for the Purpose of Executing a Specific Project ECE TRADE 131; Sales No. E.79.II.E.22); (b) UN/ECE General Conditions oC Sale : For Dry (Shelled and Unshelled) and Dried Fruit ECE A',RI +1; Sales No. E.79.II.E.15 ; (c) UN/ECE Arbitration Rulcs: For Certain Categories of Perishable Agricultural Product:.CE'/AGRI }3; Sales No. E.79.II.E.13 ; VI. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL 1. The following bibliography of legal interest was published by the Dag Hammarskjold Library of the United Nations: Apartheid: A selective bibliography on the racial )oli(_:i es of the Gover.iment ' the Republic of South Africa 1970-197i ST/L?i 13/SER._I 2d) Gales No. EjF.79.I.7 . Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Jl-1 +~S r Approved For'elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l19V000700010022-0 Department of State Publications The following portion of this report describes recent publications of the United States dealing with international relations. I. General Publications 1. Foreign Relations of the United States The Department of State published during 1979 the following two volumes of this series. United Nations: Western Hemisphere, Volume II, 1951. (Publication No. 8962; 1673 pages United Nations, Volume III, 1952-54. (Publication No. 8951, 1581 pages) The following volumes are scheduled for publication in 1980; Central and Eastern Europe; Soviet Union, Volume IV, 1950. (Publication No. 8987; 1515 pages; April 30, 1980) National Security Affairs; Foreign Economic, Volume I, 1951. (Publication No. 8975; 1736 pages; April 15, 1980) European Security and the German Question, Volume III, 1951. (May 1980) The Near East and Africa, Volume V, 1951. (June 1980) Korea and China, Volume VII, 1951. (No date scheduled) Western European Security, Volume V, 1952-1954. (September 1980) 2. Digest of United States Practice of International Law 1977 (Stock No. 044-000-01720-2; $12.75 per copy) The 1977 edition of the Digest, edited by John A. Boyd of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, contains 15 chapters dealing with such topics as the implementation of President Carter's human rights policy, Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For`krrelease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l1M000700010022-0 the constitutionality of the transfer of U.S. property to Panama in the 1977 Canal Treaties, the litigation concerning the return of the Crown of St. Stephen to Hungary, the Bermuda II Agreement concerning Air Service between the United States and the United Kingdom, the U.S. resolution imposing a mandatory arms embargo against South Africa, the 1977 U.S.-Canadian Agreement concerning Transit Pipelines, the announcement of America's first deepwater port, and the new-Special Consular Services Handbook on Protection of American Nationals Arrested, on Trial, or Imprisoned Abroad. Of special interest to lawyers is the chapter on private international law featuring key portions of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Rules of Arbitration and the 1977 arrangements between the American Arbitration Association, the U.S.S.R. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce concerning the firms and Soviet foreign trade organizations. For the first time the Digest est contains an Appendix. Entitled "Sovereign Immunity Decisions of the Department of State: May 1952 to January 1977" and edited by Messrs. Michael Detlev F. Vagts, and Bruno A. Ristau, this Sandler, Appendix quotes extensively from previously unpublished diplomatic notes concerning the immunities of foreign states and their officers over a quarter of a century. The 19.78 edition of the Digest is scheduled to be published in late 1980. II. Treaties and Other International Agreements 1. Treaties and Other International Acts Series As of March 19, 1980, the TIAS series, which provides the text of treaties and agreements in pamphlet form, reached number 9642, an addition of over 435 titles during the preceding calendar year. 2. United States Treaties and Other International Agreements Volume 29 will contain five parts to publish the text of U.S. agreements entered into in 1978. As of March 19, 1980, part one had been published. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For1telease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l1 000700010022-0 3. Treaties in Force: A List of Treaties and Other international Agreements of the United States in Force on January 1, 1980 (Department of State) This publication, compiled in the format of its predecessors by the Treaty Affairs Staff of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State, will list the treaties and other international agreements of the United States on record in the Department of State on January 1, 1980, which had not expired by their terms or which had not been denounced by the parties, replaced, or superseded by other agreements, or otherwise definitely terminated. The first section includes a listing of all bilateral treaties and agreements, while the second lists multilateral treaties and agreements, indicating all states parties. Current information on the publication of titles in this series is provided in the monthly issues of the Department of State Bulletin and the bimonthly issues of International Legal Materials. 4. Treaties and Other International Agreements of United States of America 1776-1949 This 13 volume series, compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans, former Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs in the Department of State, constitutes a complete chronological list of agreements entered into by the United States during the years'from 1776 to the end of 1949. iII. Miscellaneous 1. Department of State Bulletin The Bulletin is the official record of U.S. foreign policy. Published monthly, it includes the text of all major foreign policy speeches and other statements by the President, the Secretary of State, and senior Department of State officials. It also contains U.S. treaty actions with charts, graphs, tables, photos, and other information. Subscription information may be obtained by writing the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20402. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 S, - 4 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l194R000700010022-0 2. U.S. Partici action in the U.N.: Report by the President to the Congress for the Year 1978 Scheduled to be released in April of 1980, this annual report will contain approximately 300 pages of material organized under the following five headings: (1) political and security affairs; (2) economic, social, scientific, and human rights affairs; (3) trusteeship and dependent areas; (4) legal develop- ments; and (5) budget, administration, and institutional management. 3. United States Contributions to International Organizations: Report to the Congress for Fiscal Year 1978 (Department of State Pub. No. 8997) The Secretary of State's 27th annual report to the Congress indicates that U.S. contributions to interna- tional organizations and programs other than international financial institutions totaled $897,607,903 in fiscal year 1978. The report, which is scheduled to be published in the spring of 1.980, will follow the format of previous reports and contain about 110 pages. 4. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands The 1979 annual report by the United States to the United Nations is scheduled to be published in May of 1980. Each year the material is.organized under such headings as political, economic, social, and educational advance- ment. TThe appendices contain information concerning population, employment, agriculture, manufacturing,. communications, health, and the like. The 1978 Annual Report was released in May Of 1979 (Department of State Pub. No.. 8972; International Organization and Conference Series 140). Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l194R000700010022-0 ST-5 Approved For*elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194Ft000700010022-0 5. Selected Documents This series of pamphlets, which presents excerpts of speeches, communiques, reports and the like on issues of special interest, published the following documents in 1979: "President Carter's Trip to the Middle East: March 7-14, 1979" (No. 10); "The Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty: March 26, 1979" (No. 11) ; "SALT II Agreement: Vienna, June 18, 1979" (No. 12); "SALT II Agreement: Vienna, June 18, 1979" (No. 12A); "SALT II Agreement: Vienna, June 18, 1979" (No. 12B); "Vienna Summit; June 15-18, 1979" (No. 13); "U.S. Hostage Case to World Court: November 29, 1979" (No. 14) ; "World Court Rules on Hostage Case: December 1979" (No. 15); 6. Special Report This series of pamphlets reported on the following topics during 1979: "The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks" (No. 46; revised May 1979); "President Carter's Visit to Egypt: March 8-10, March 13, 1979" (No. 52); "President Carter's Visit to Israel: March 10-13, 1979" (No. 53) ; "Implementation of the Helsinki Accord, Sixth Semiannual Report, December 1, 1978 - May 31, 1979" (No. 54); "Compliance with SALT I Agreements: July 1979" (No. 55); "Verification of SALT II Agreement: August 1979" (No. 56); "World Administrative Radio Conference: August 1979" (No. 57); Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194^0700010022-0 ti sT-6 "The Planetary Product: October 1979" (No. 58); "Senators' Report on Refugees: October 26, 1979" (No., 59) ; "U.S.., International Aid Efforts: November 13, 1979" (No.. 60) ; "Basic Data on Sub-?Saharan Africa: December 1979" (No. 61) ; "Implementation of Helsinki Accord: June 1 - November 30, 1979" (No. 62); "Trade Patterns of the West, 1.978: December 1979" (No. 63) ; "Trade of NATO and Communist Countries: December 1979" (No. 64); "Indicators of East-West Economic Strength, 1978: February 1980" (NTo. 65) ; "Trade of Non-NATO Europe, Japan, With Communist Countries; February 1980" (No. 66); T. Current Polio This series of pamphlets presents information regarding U.S. foreign policy positions in the form of important testimony before congressional committees, original manu- scripts by experts, and-speeches by Department of State or other U.S. Government officials. The following list describes. the pamphlets published in 1979: "Rhodesia" (No. 59; March 1979). A March 7, 1978 statement by Ass;istant. Secretary -for.-African Affairs, Richard M. Moose. "Law of the Se-d: A Test for he United Nations" (No. 60; March 1979). A March 14, 1979 statement by Ambassador at Large Elliot L. Richardson, Special Representative of the President for the Law of- the Sea Conference. "U.S. Human Rights Policy" (No. 61; April 1979). A February 28, 1979 statement by Mark L. Schneider, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. "SALT II and National Security" (No. 62; April 1979). An April 4, 1979 statement by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l19 000700010022-0 "Peace in the Middle East: Achievement and Future Challenge" (No. 63; April 1979). An April 3, 1979 statement by Ambassador-at-Large Alfred L. Atherton,Jr. "The U.S.-Canada Maritime Boundary and Resource Agreements" (No. 64; April 1979). An April 5, 1979 statement by Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Thomas R. Pickering. "The Facts of SALT II" (No. 65; April 1979). An excerpt from a January 30, 1979 speech by Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Leslie H. Gelb. "SALT II: The Path of Security and Peace" (No.,66; April 1979). An April 25, 1979 address by President Carter. "Implementing the Human Rights Policy" (No. 67; A May 2, 1979 statement by Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher. "Human Rights in Latin America" (No. 68; June 1979). A May 18, 1979 statement by Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs. "Energy and Foreign Policy" (No. 69; June 1979). A summary of a June 5, 1979 speech by Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher. "Sanctions: Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Decision Explained" (No. 70; June 1979). President Carter's Statement of June 7, 1979. "Current Situation in Indochina" (No. 71; June 1979). A June 13, 1979 statement by Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Richard C. Holbrooke. "SALT II: Secretary Vance's Testimony" (No. 72; July 1979). July 9 and 10, 1979 statements by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "SALT II Senate Testimony" (No. 72A; July 1979). Statements during the Senate testimony on July 9 through 11, 1979. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 "Limiting the Strategic Arms Race" (No. 73; July 1979). A July 24, 1979 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. "International Energy Problems" (No. 74; July 1979). A July 1.7, 1979 statement by Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Richard N. Cooper. "America and The Developing World" (No. 75; July 1979). A July 23, 1979 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. "SALT and U.S.-Soviet Relations" (No. 76; July 1979). A July 25, 1979 statement by Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. Malcolm Toon. "The Middle East 1978-79: Forces of Change" (No. 77; July 1979). A July 26, 1979 statement by Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Harold H. Saunders. "SALT II: Armed Services Testimony" (No. 78; July 1979). A July 30, 1979 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. "SALT II: The Choice" (No. 79; August 1979). An August 1, 1979 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. "National Security and the Law of the Sea" (No. 80; ,July 1979). A July 14, 1979 statement by Ambassador at Large Elliot: L. Richardson, Special Representative of the President for the Law of the Sea Conference. "American Power and.Global Change" (No. 81; August 1979). An August 2, 1979 statement by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. "SALT II: The Sense of Horror is Missing" (No. 82; July 1979). A July 16, 1979 statement by Ambassador at Large Gerard C. Smith. "African Refugees" (No. 83; July 1979). A May 8, 1979 statement by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Refugee and Migration. Affairs, Frank Sieverts. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93BOl194R000700010022-0 Approved For`ItIease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0119` 000700610022-0 "U.S. Policy on Lebanon" (No. 84; August 1979). An August 29, 1979 statement by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young. "Press Conference: Soviet Troops in Cuba" (No. 85; September 1979). A September 5, 1979 press conference held by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "China: Looking to the Future" (No. 86; August 1979). An August 27, 1979 address by Vice President Walter F. Mondale. "Vision of Peace" (No. 87; September 1979). A September 17, 1979 address delivered by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. "U.S. Statements on Science & Technology" (No. 88; August 1979). August 20-31, 1979: message of President Jimmy Carter, opening address by Ambassador Theodore Hesburgh, Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to UNCSTD, and Ambassador Hesburgh's closing statement. "The Antarctic Treaty" (No. 89; October 1979). A September 17, 1979 address by Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology, Lucy Wilson Benson. "UN: Common Needs in a Diverse World" (No. 90; September 1979). A September 24, 1979 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Currents of Change in Latin America" (No. 91; September 1979). A September 27, 1979 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Soviet Troops in Cuba" (No. 92; October 1979). An October 1, 1979 broadcast by President Jimmy Carter. "Background on the Question of Soviet Troops in Cuba" (No. 93; October 1979). Background information on the question of Soviet troops in Cuba, with questions and answers on some of the specific points raised during briefings held prior to the President's broad- cast to the nation, October 1, 1979. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 "NATO and American Security" (No. 94; October 1979). A June 30, 1979 address by Richard N. Gardner, U.S. Ambassador to Italy. "Kampuchea: Growing Humanitarian Crisis" (No. 95; September 1979). ASeptember 27, 1979'address by Richard C. Holb:rooke, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. "SALT II: Summation" (No. 96; October 1979). An October 1.9, 1979 opening statement by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "NATO's Fourth Decade: Defense and Detente" (No.' 97; October 1.979). October 10, 1979 addresses given by Vice President Walter F. Mondale and Dr. Zbigniew B.rzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. "U.S.-Soviet Relations" (No? 98; October 1979). An October 1.6, 1979 statement by Ambassador Marshall D. Shulman, Special Adviser to the Secretary of State on Soviet Affairs. "Communism in Africa" (No. 99; October 1979). An October 18, 1979 statement by Under Secretary for Political Affairs David D. Newsom. "Emergency Aid in Kampuchean Crisis" (No. 100; October 1979). President Carter's announcement on assistance for Kampuchea and a press briefing by Father Theodore Hesburgh and Ambassador Henry Owen, Assistant to the President for Economic Conferences, and leaders from the private sector. "SALT II: Where We Stand" (No. 101; October 1979). An October 26, 1979 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "U.S. Foreign Policy Achivements" (No. 102; October 1.979). An October 24, 1979 address by Matthew Nimetz, Counselor for the Department of State. "Third World Challenge to World Communications" (No. 103; July 1979).. A July 19, 1979 statement by George A. Dalley, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For'elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l19 000700010022-0 "Continuity and Commitment" (No. 104; October 1979). An October 30, 1979 address by Matthew Nimetz, Counselor for the Department of State. "Inter-American Challeges for the 1980s" (No. 105; October 1979). An October 23, 1979 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Humanitarian Call to Action" (No. 106; November 1979). A November 5, 1979 statement by Secretary Cyrus R. Vance. "Urgent Need for Worldwide Relief" (No. 107; November 1979). A November 8, 1979 statement by Matthew Nimetz, Counselor for the Department of State. "The Challenge of Peacemaking" (No. 108; November 1979). A November 6, 1979 address by Harold H. Saunders, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. "U.S. Statements on Iran" (No. 109; November 1979). Statements made about the situation in Iran since the occupation of Ithe U.S. Embassy in Tehran. "Iran and Energy" (No. 110; November 1979). An excerpt from the November 15, 1979 address by President Jimmy Carter. "Relief Efforts" (No. 111; November 1979). November 13, 1979 remarks by President Carter, Father Theodore Hesburgh, and Mrs. Carter. "Four Treaties on Human Rights" (No. 112; November 1979). November 14, 1979 statements by Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Patricia M. Derian. "National Security and U.S.-U.S.S.R. Relations" (No. 113; November 1979). A November 19, 1979 address by Matthew Nimetz, Counselor for the Department of State. "Flexible Exchange Rates After 6 Years' Experience" (No. 114; November 1979). An October 31, 1979 address by Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Richard N. Cooper. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 ST-12 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 "News Conference on Iran" (No. 115, November 1979). A November 28, 1979 news conference by President Jimmy Carter. "Statement to U.S. on Iran" (No. 116; December 1979). A December 1, 1979 statement by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Donald F. McHenry. "U.S. Relations with the Caribbean and Central America" (No. 117; December 1979). Collection of recent statements and information on U.S. relations with the Caribbean region and Central America. "Oral Argument on. Iran Presented to World Court" (No. 118; December 1979). A December 10, 1979 oral argument by U.S. Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti. "Human Rights in Africa" (No. 119; January 1980). An excerpt from an October 31, 1979 statement by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Rights Stephen B. Cohen. "Security of the Western Alliance" (No. 120; December 1979). A December 10, 1979 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Statement. on Iran to Security Council" (No. 121; December 1979). A December- 29, 1979 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Strengthening NATO's Defense" (No. 122; December 1979). A. December 12, 1979 statement by Secretary Vance and the text of the joint communique issues at the con- clusion of the joint meeting of NATO Foreign and Defense Ministers in Brussels. "Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan" (No. 123; January 1980). President Carter's Address to the Nation, January 4, 1980. "Soviet Invasion Attacked in U.N. (No. 124; January 1980). A January 6, 1980 statement by Ambassador McHenry and the text of the draft: Security Council Resolution S13729. "TV Interviews on Iran and Afghanistan" (No. 125; January 1.980). A January 1.1, 1980 interview of Secretary Cyrus R. Vance and a January 6, 1980 interview of Deputy Secretary Warren Christopher. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For'Iease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l19 000700010022-0 "U.S. Seeks U.N. Sanctions Against Iran" (No. 126; January 1980). January 13, 1980 statements by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Donald F. McHenry and the text of the draft Security Council resolution of January 13. "New York Times Interview" (No. 127; January 1980). Excerpts from Secretary Vance's January 15, 1980 interview with Bernard Gwertzman. "U.N. General Assembly Acts on Soviet Invasion" (No. 128; January 1980). A January 12, 1980 state- ment by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Donald F. McHenry. "Progress in the Peace Negotiations" (No. 129; January 1980). A January 17, 1980 address by Ambassador Sol M. Linowitz, Personal Representative of the President to the riddle East Peace Negotiations. "Interview on 'Meet the Press'" (No. 130; January 1980). President Carter's January 20, 1980 interviews on NBC's "Meet the Press". "State of the Union Message" (No. 131; January 1980). Excerpts from President Carter's State of the Message to Congress dated January 21, 1980. Union "State of the Union Address" (No. 132; January 1980). President Carter's State of the Union address on January 23, 1980. "Human Rights in Jeopardy" (No. 133; February 1980). A November 15, 1979 address by Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Patricia M. Derian. "CSCE and East-West Relations" (No. 134; January 1980). A January 24, 1980 statement by Matthew Nimetz, Counselor of the Department and Under Secretary- designate for Security Assistance, Science and Technology. "Meeting the Challenge in Southwest Asia" (No. 135; February 1980). A February 1, 1980 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Foreign Assistance Programs for FY 1981" (No. 136; February 1980). A February 5, 1980 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. "Statement on Olympic Games" (No. 137; February 1980). A February 9, 1980 statement by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 "The U.S. and the Nonaligned Movement" (No. 138 February 1980). A February 4, 1980 address by )Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs George A. Dailey. "National Security Goals" (No. 139; February 1980). A February 19, 1980 address by President Jimmy Carter. International. Refugee Assistance Programs" (No. 140; February 1980). AFeburary 21, 1980 statement by Ambassador Victor H. Palmieri, U.S. Coordinator for Refugee Affairs. "Horn of Africa" (No. 141; February 1980). A February 25, 1980 statement by Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs William C. Harrop. "Tanzania and Uganda:" (No. :142; February 1980). A February 26, 1980 statement by Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Robert V. Keeley. "Tales of Afghanistan, Moscow Style" (No. 143; February 1980). An article by Ambassador Marshall D. Shulman, Special Adviser to the Secretary of State, written for WorldPaper in February 1980. "Afghanistan: America's Course" (No. 144; March 1980). A March 3, 1980 address by Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance. 8. Government-Sponsored Research on Foreign Affairs: A Quarterl_Re ort of Project Information (Department of State Pub. 8943; Stock No. 044-000-01684-2) These four quarterly reports, released in March, June, September and December of 1979 list research projects involving the application or advancement of the social-behavioral sciences and humanities as these bear substantively on. foreign affairs and international relations. 9. Foreign Affairs Research Papers Available (February 1979 (last formal list issued); April and July, 1979 (informal lists)). These publications list: the new accessions to the Foreign Affairs Research Documentation Center, with pertinent informa- tion needed in order to borrow such materials from the Center. The formal listing was terminated because of budgetary reasons by the February 1979 issue. The July 1979 issue was the last informal list published. '`'ST- 1'4 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved Fo?elease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0l102000700010022-0 10. SALT II Basic Guide (Department of State Pub. 8974; General Foreign Policy Series 311) This 16-page booklet, revised July 1979, discusses the background and provisions of the SALT II agreement. 11. Refugees: An International Obligation (Department of State Pub. 9005; General Foreign Policy Series 320) This booklet contains a reprint of an article on the international refugee situation which Dr. Harry F. Young, Bureau of Public Affairs, wrote especially for the Depart- ment of State Bulletin of December 1979. 12. Sub-Saharan Africa and the United States (Department of State Pub. 9112) This 46-page publication covers aspects of the regional profile of sub-Saharan Africa and issues relating to U.S. relations with that area. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 S r-i 6 Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Publications of the Arms Control and Disarmanent Agency 1. World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers 1966-1977 (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmanent Agency Pub. 1.00) This 16.5-page document, released in October of 1979, contains statistical information on military expenditures, arms forces, and value of arms tranfers as well as information on weapons supplies to developing regions. 2.' Documents on Disarmanent 1977 (U. S. Arms Control Disarmament Agency Pub. 101) This 922-page compilation (including an index) is the latest in a series of vo:Lurnes issues annually since 1960 containing basic documents on arms control and disarmament developments. Like its predecessors, this volume includes statements and reports to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament as well as draft agreements and conventions, statements of governmental representatives, proposals before the United Nations, and the like pertaining to France, Japan, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other states and organizations. 3. Eiahteenth Annual Rejort to the Congress of the U. S. Arms Control. and Disarmament Agency (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Pub. 102) This report, covering the calendar year of 1978, contains 84 pages concerning such topics as Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Comprehensive Test Ban, Non-Proliferation, and Anti- Satellite Talks. It was released in May of 1979. 4. Nineteenth Annual Report to the Congress of the U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, submitted to the Congress on March 7, 1980) This report, covering the calendar year of 1979, contains 167 pages concerning such topics as Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, Standing Consultative Commission, Comprehensive Test Ban Negotiations and Non-Proliferation. 5. "U.S. and U.S.S.R. Propose Multilateral Treaty Banning Radiological Weapons" (U. S. Arms Control and Disarm- ament Agency, Pub. 103) A one-page discussion of the proposed multilateral treaty. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved ForIkoeo'lease 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B0119000700010022-0 6. "SALT II and American Security" (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; revised edition; released June 1979; Stock Number 044-000-0174-0) The format of this 16-page document is one of questions and answers on the topics of strategic forces and the ramifi- cations of the SALT II agreement. 7. "The American Experience With Peaceful Nuclear Explosions" (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Stock Number 044-000-01690-7) This 7-page booklet discusses the origins and applications of the U. S. program of peaceful nuclear explosions (PNE's). 8. "U. S. Reaffirms Commitment to Arms Control Process" (U. S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; Feb. 1980) This bulletin contains the text of Ambassador A. S. Fisher's statement of February 7, 1980 to the Committee on Disarmament. Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 Approved For-Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 ROU1 "4G AND R ORD SHEET .Return of Batch #16 of FRU3, ',55-57, volume XI, Galley P STAI N' (Om for ds,Isiattuian, room JFQfpb4,, a,ui M. :2h U; j fONWwR[HRU N ir1M .'Don - In view of -the 1moratorir 41I1d my own an i EIl1 -p cacess.in _ extended absence from 20 key. I think it best that Batch 16 of the galley proofs be retufnir;d't CR3 for central control. Because of reuccup;ation with higher prior?it.y workr it mkt on 1 May that I could hegWWW ti re v i eat. That review stowed that hi stovians were Intent i ny CIA doc nr,n is and that had been c4ivzn ttii c l a s s i f i ed forme for back use. Editorial Notes, fu reflected an unawareness l irni tatluns that `CIA mu* to the proposer ct sckc:sur rlfornation. here serious r ifferenc resolrution bef4re - si ? 1r.e on Batch #15) or a hat has compir,a~: A: t, ) i sclosures. u the extent that I w ealiwing this futf~'ity r have made notes on th 1 - C/CRD 1 - ISS Subject -( 1 - ISS Chrono /ISS:ydc (27 May. 80) Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93801194R000700010022-0 AviZ?bie Approved For Release 2002/01/08 : CIA-RDP93B01194R000700010022-0 0 UNCLASSIFIED ^ USE ONLY ^ CONFIDENTIAL U Approve,&I,For %ftj"W2AW RE W9$ ET94R000700010022-0 NPIC Photos and Negatives FR ,a n o,.a .ervices Staff 25X1 Hqs. TO; (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) (,/RM ISS 80-259 OP?ICER-S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment) Edgar: The photos and negatives attached are for delivery to Ben Rule, NABS, through official channels, i.e., your Division. These photos have been requested by a number of people in the media and elsewhere. !en Rule have worked out a ea.. a have declassified the photos and we are sending them to. MARS for their disposal as they see fit. This will avoid our having to pass them out every time we get a request, i.e., we are giving them to NABS and any request we get for them in the future will be transferred to MARS Fix it please. Di stribution: Ori g PRS - Addressee Watt s Y1 Atts : ads 1 ISS Subject " 1 - ISS Chrolio C/IS dc (8 April 11)80) Handwritten note : "These have been sent to us by of NPIC." STATIN?L vORM -42 610 USED A F~~t s#ease a9p2fU(M D f P93 11 E 0NC10001 oP]z2 -d! NCLASSI F i ED