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:iry tral a rs, are :ey Aa Pa psyroveou FObr Kel99?@eTMYdIf/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R0007J 70006-7 Vol. 6, No. 2 December 1988 has something to offer parapsychology. Gauquclin's hypothesis posits a correlation between ESP and the planetary temperaments of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon. The Moon is a "psi-hitter," closely fol- lowed by Jupiter. Next come Venus and Mars. Saturn is a "psi-misser." The hypothesis is highlighted from several angles: creativity, eidetic imagery, imagery, and tempera- ment. The hypothesis is illustrated with the cosmo- temperaments of famous paragnosts. In his conclusion, de Weert suggests that it could be interesting to test "moon-types" for ESP, in combination with traditional personality tests, imagery scales, and "cosmo-tests" (Gauquelin's questionnaire). He also claims that in this way the researcher could find out if there is a poltergeist or OBE temperament or even a UFO observer temperament. This can only be possible if relevant data (place, date, hour, and nature of birth, but also the source of these data) is available. Therefore, the author appeals to the psi researcher to note these data and make them available to interested colleagues. - DA 02976. Eeman, Werner. About drawing the wrong con- clusions. Psi-Forum, 1985, 2(4), 242-251. 2 illus; 11 refs Illustrates how people fit facts into their own belief systems. They ignore facts which contradict their views and amplify those which confirm their beliefs. Somehow, they stop their critical thinking and do not ask questions. This is illustrated by the influence alpha activity and biofeedback had upon psi researchers and the general public. After an initial exaltation of their benefits, there has been diminishment and finally loss of interest. There still remains a small group of persons who enriched them- selves and who are looking for the next scientific finding to exploit. - DA TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR PARAPSYCHOLOGIE 02977. Fcyerabend, Paul K. The strange history of astrology. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(1), 5-9. 9 refs This is a critique of an article against astrology by 186 eminent scientists published in The Humanist. The ar- ticle is compared with the Malleus Maleficarum. In both instances, the authors complain about the popularity of views that they experience as unpleasant and that they doubt. In contradiction to the eminent scientists, the authors of the Malleus knew their subject. Feyerabend states that the authors of The Humanist know nothing of the case they attack nor the findings of their own field. This shows clearly how scientists use their authority even in situations where they know nothing. He concludes that a scientist does not differ that much from the common person, and that there is no such thing as a "scientific way of thinking:' - DA 02978. Zikel, Robert E. French parapsychology during the spiritistic period. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(1), 12-1& During the era of modern spiritualism, interesting research on table-tilting was performed in France. The work of Chevreul and de Gasparin, anticipating Richet's leading role in French parapsychology, is discussed as rep- resentative of this "prescientific" period. - D.D. 02979. Michels, J.A.G., & Jacobs, J.C. An exploratory investigation of the paranormal powers of the subject Leo van M. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(1), 19-33. Five experiments are described that were carried out to learn whether the subject's presumptions that he had some paranormal abilities could be justified. The experi- ments were (1) paranormal perception of die faces, (2) paranormal perception of clock cards, (3) PK influence during dice-throwing, (4) paranormal perception of the in- terior of houses, and (5) paranormal perception of outside locations. All experiments were of predetermined length. Experiment 1 showed psi-missing when the subject's guesses were compared with the target of the next trial (p = .0008). Experiment 2, a classic telepathy setup, resulted in psi-missing (p - .02). Experiment 3 yielded chance scores. In Experiment 4, three out of five descriptions were correct (p = .05). Later analysis, in which exterior characteristics described were omitted, showed that only two descriptions were correct. In Experiment 5, the sub- ject described only one location correctly. In Experiments 4 and 5, the targets were selected by an otherwise unin- volved person. The experimenters did not know the tar- gets. Replication of Experiment 4 was planned because the subject showed a remarkable ability in describing specific objects from a distance. The replications could not be per- formed because the subject died of a serious illness soon after the experiments described here. - D.D. xxxxx. Weert, Theo de. Gauquelin's cosmopsychology: Part 1. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(1), 34- 42. 5 refs; 2 graphs Originally published in Psi-Forum, 1985, 2(3), 156- 163 [see PAL 029711 This is a cross-reference only. - Ed. 02980. Kasteleyn, E.W. The Netherlands under the spell of earth rays: A reconstruction of the divining- rod and earth rays issue In the Netherlands during the period 1930-1955. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(2), 2-54. 37 refs; 1 illus This is an extensive reconstruction of the dowsing problem in the Netherlands in the period 1930-1955. It is clear that the social "dowsing-hysteria" and the formation of a committee as a reaction played a central role. Now, 30 years later, the author asks how fruitful this period was in forming new insights into the mechanisms of the divin- ing rod. The most prominent figure in the debate was S.W. Tromp. His work was largely based on international literature that was unpopular with the scientific estab- lishment of the time. This and other "unorthodox" findings led to an unjustified emotional and unscientific reaction towards his work. It seems clear that the only aim of the Committee formed by the Royal Academy of Science was to put an end to the public uncertainty about the dowsing hypothesis and the selling of protection material. To the author, this Committee acted more as an inquisition than as an exploratory team. Recent findings in the biomedical sector suggest that dowsing has something to offer to parapsychology. Therefore, the author stresses the need for new research based on the work of Tromp. - DA 02981. Bierman, Dick J. Six years of Investigation into paranormal phenomena at Princeton. Part 1: Psychokinesis. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1986, 54(2). 57-64. The results of the PK series obtained by the Prince- ton group (Dunne, Jahn, & Nelson, Technical Note PEAR 85003, 1985 [see PAI: 02016]) are discussed. The variance effects in the three conditions (PK+, PK-, and baseline) might be compared with variance effects described earlier. The research is criticized on 3 points: (1) the fact that the determination of the target is not independent from the random source itself. In the instructed condition it is un- Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000701070006-7