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August 27, 1991
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-0 Author: Musafirova, 0., correspondent (Kiev) Title: USE OF PSYCHOTROPIC BIOGENERATORS DURING AUGUST PUTSCH CLAIMED Primary Source: Komsomolskaya pravda, August 27, 1991, No. 194-195 (20194-20195), p. 6, cols. 2-3 Extract: Who could have thought that the unsuccessful attempt of a coup d'etat would give impetus to our investigation of modern methods for control of the human psyche? Viktor Sedletsx~ i v i c e p re s i d en.t ~,Q f the USSR League o n sepen~dent.Sc~ enti sts an eaan@edsi ner. of the center "Forma" of the USSR Association of Machine- Building TechnoTogisfs of he intern.atianal consortium "Ekoprom,"?related: specialist and a legal person,-,,, contend that production in quantity.. (which is und'amen` ally important) and t s psychotropic biogeneratQ_ s beunin Kiev. I cann a ser t t s_K?ev generators which were used during the puf`sc is ` "FoF such- a s'tatement_=to be' made, the generators' specifications would have to be known. The fact of their employment is evident to me, however. "What are psychotropic biogenerators? pro.- The are eetroni.qui pment, which ~4t ces ttie effect. of control i n the human, orcansma. Specifically, the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are aft fected. The so cared project Zombe o t e United ,Mates ~.s used onthi Similar work is a so being conduc,ted in the Sovi eon (speci fi cal_ly, in Kiev, at f h ' e 1nst1 tute of Mater&--$ci ence .Prob.- lems, in one of the departments, the labo- ratory of which is located in a resident,' 1 district of t l.y, there are bi ogenerat- ors tfiaty?Yrere produced at the '4ktava' plant . Let me say on the basis of my per- sonal experience that I am also the~nhor., of a prototype of such a generator. I.4com- p Th e the word. i 0 August of 1990. The ,.e? - periments were conducted on ni s. We did not c"`~o'"nffu experiments on humans. Now, however, as Ih ave l ear d sucrh w e&- periments are under way on ighly-paid vol- unteer testers. Une month ago, I officially informed Ye. K. Marchuk, Ukrainian SSR state minis- ter for problems of defense, national se- curity and emergency situations, of my views regarding this matter (psychotropic biogenerators are real and their use for evil purposes is possible). I did not, however, get a reply. "Why, didthe, system fail during the d ys of the coup? Lacking experie th uutschi sts did not _( now it at i n er to achieve the intencie:d rpo,nse, the influ anrarl soldiers must not be_ al_1 owedao merge wit the ego e onthestreets. `SNAP 910T Title: SORBENT FOR TREATMENT OF POST- RADIATION SYNDROMES IN PRODUCTION Primary Source: Sovetskaya Belorussiya, May 28, 1991, No. 102 (18183), p. 2, cols. 2-6 Extract: Production of a truly miraculous material, which came into being through the cooperation of scientists of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and industrial special- ists of the Gomel region, has begun at the Svetlogorsk production association "Khim- volokno" (man-made fiber). Its prosaic name -- carbon fabric sorbent brand AUT-m -- can be understood only by specialists. But one probably couldn't find anyone who at some time or other wouldn't want to use an AUT preparation. The sorbent's charac- teristics make it possible to use it in the form of tablets, granules, dressings or suspensions in the treatment of the most diverse human diseases and pathologic con- ditions. Burns and trophic ulcers, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, al- lergic and skin diseases, psychoneurologi- cal disorders -- this is a far from com- plete list of ailments which AUT helps to overcome. But most importantly -- it has been shown to have high activity in the treatment of post-radiation syndromes and in accelerating the elimination of radio- nuclides from the organism. (SNAP 910912) Title: Ya. S. BUGROV (obituary) Primary Source: Vechernyaya Moskva, July 1, 1991, No. 130 (20514), p. 4, col. 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450024-7