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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450015-7
Paragraph 5 lists the areas in which
the member-states of the Economic Community
agree to reconcile their economic laws and
carry out a coordinated policy. They are:
entrepreneurship; the market for goods and
services; transport, power engineering and
information; the money and banking system;
finances, taxes and prices; the capital and
securities market; the labor market; cus-
toms rules and tariffs; foreign economic
relations and currency policy; standardiza-
tion, patenting, metrology, statistics and
accounting; and state scientific-technical,
investment, ecological, humanitarian and
other programs (including programs for
eliminating the consequences of natural and
other disasters) which are of common inter-
est to the Economic Community. Paragraph 3
stipulates that relations between the Eco-
nomic Community and former states of the
USSR which remain outside the community
shall be structured on the basis of gener-
ally recognized principles and norms of
international law, and that questions of
common interest which require settlement
shall be decided by special agreements be-
tween the community and the other states
The founding of a Banking Union on the
principles of a reserve system is provided
for and the functions of this union are
listed in Chapter Four. Article 24 pro-
vides for creating a number of special
funds within the framework of the Economic
Community's budget, including a fund for
targeted programs and a fund for emergency
situations and eliminating the consequences
of natural and other disasters. Chapter
Nine stipulates, among other things, that a
council of heads of governments of the mem-
ber-states shall be the highest coordinat-
ing agency of the Economic Community. The
functions of an Interstate Economic Commit-
tee operating as the executive-managerial
agency of the community are defined. Chap-
ter Ten lists specific questions in regard
to which agreements among the member-states
shall be concluded after the treaty is
signed. Chapter Twelve contains provisions
in regard to sanctions against member-
states which violate the treaty, procedures
for ratification of the treaty and special
agreements within its framework, and admis-
sion of new member-states and states with
observer status to the Economic Community.
Article 64 stipulates that the treaty shall
go into effect after being signed and rati-
fied by at least three of the states which
wish to join the community.
*See the Daily SNAP, October 17, 1991, p.
3, col. 1
(SNAP 911018)
Author: Volkov, 0.
Primary Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda, Sep-
tember 27, 1991, No. 222 (20222), p. 2,
cols. 2-4
Abstract: The article r e p o r t s on contro-
versy over research of unco_nve i,q,l_phys--
i ca fi el d end mi ttarry _applications of
his work. Some scientist ar-c said to,._be,-
lieve that 'psychotronicgenerators' based
on new p ysical-princ- iplescanbe used for
remo 1 p peop,le's minds end behav-
ioror,,andLLthat origin al_weapons for this
purpose can be developed on the basis_of,
rators of "spinor (torsion)" or"micro-
lepton".f.Telds, inparticular. Other sci-
entists are highly skeptical of such re-
It is recalled that a resolution enti-
tled "On the Unsound Practice of Financing
Pseudoscientific Research out of State
Sources" was published, together with an
opinion submitted by the USSR Academy of
Sciences' department of general physics and
astronomy, on July 4 of this year. The
USSR Supreme Soviet's Committee on Science
and Technologies issued this resolution.
It accused several ministries of spending,
wwt out r expert review, half a bi l -
on rues on
se doscti~ scientific deve ments involving spinor or
micro a ton fields with which scientists
are a ready familiar. The resolution -named
the USSR Via stiof De ense Mi noborony)
the USSR Mini ry off ucl ear Power Engi -
neering and Industry, the USSR State Secur-
ity Committee KGB and the USSR Cabinet_of
Ministers:' Ii tar -t_ndustrial,Commission
as cT i ents an sponsors. of this work. ,_e
than 20 institutes were-identi,iedas ec-
r ai n a cadeyrst on this 1 i
of Sciences,',-
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450015-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450015-7
stitute of Materials-$cjen. ,.,P
which is headed by academician Trefilov.
The interagency scientific-technical center
'Terit `...{formerly the Center for&Unconven-
M ona echnologinesof the USSR StateCom-
mittee or Sci1, .
n ece and Technojogy) was
dentifled as the ountry, s "chief".f.irm
enga a in developments in the area of un-
conven Accordi o -un-v.-- -.:
fied data from A. Akimov, director of this
center, the cost of unconventional-field
projects as een 23 million rubles in Min-
o orgy's sector alone while the overall
amount wTh h has been allocated for such
research tFirough al l Yof the di ffe t' chan-
ne s is as great as 500 million rubles.
-"peeking more iln'formation about uncon-
ventional-fields research and the purposes
of this research, the author spoke to an
associate of the USSR Supreme Soviet's Com-
mittee on Science and Technologies and sub-
sequently went to the armed forces' General
Staff. He was told that the committee had
received no information in this regard from
Minoborony, the KGB or other agencies in-
volved. Representatives of the General
Staff referred the author to the USSR Acad-
emy of Sciences' Section on Problems of Ap-
plied Science. Nikolay Prudnikov, deputy
chairman of this section, said that it
sometimes orders projects to be carried out
for the General Staff, but he disclosed no
details of this work. One such project,
which was called . _"Ohe i
~,;~ye (de-i ndfv~l-
ua ization7,'-is mentioned. It is recalled
tiaf in 1986 a scientific r ea .c zn
R r s,
t ute irmed the academy's sectio r at
the "institute"was prepared to carry out
this prof ect An associate of the section
w'Tio knew more about the project was not
available for questioning, however. At the
"Vent" center, the author was told that di-
rector Akimov was away on a business trip.
Ye. Aleksandrov, _corresRond.tng-?in m er
.of the USSR
Y,-9 f Sd 9aces-Algid- -Ag, i -
ientlficopponent of Akimov's,.sent theau-
thor report of ti gC . terfor UQE6J
tional TecTinogtes. According to this
document, the Genter, is engagedresearch
o long:- ance pro. uct Qn_9f_ .med .ea] - ~ -
logical and psychophysical effects on
tra.opthe' and opulation, using torsion
radiations; and also., i n __resea:rch of medi -
calbio,.iogical.,protectio_n._of ,trops_ .and the
o ulation_ gains, effe ts_.Qf_such
tions. Aleksandrov,expressed dobath
ui merit capable of producing such effects
can be eveloped. A letter which the edi-
o`rs received from Aleksandrov is quoted,
in which the scientist denounced research
of unconventional fields as pseudoscien-
tific, citing a decision of the academy's
department of general physics and astrono-
my. Aleksandrov wer t, so far as ?-to .accuse
state e nLerpri Ses of. produc ng, fake__ "fi td
enerators" and selling them to defense
agencies for arge sums.
Scientists who hd opposing .. ..._. , -Xi eys o f
unconven1ona~ fields research reportedly
include V Kaznacheyev, who is believed to
bring y.,in i;}i s direction for the ~d'e-
rise co,Uplex and has. signed an-intern:a-
ti onal convention on the npn-.use of "mental
weapons" A. Ve nik, corresponding member
Belorussian Academy of Sciences, who
has put forward a number of theories; and
other academy figures, who have published
works abroad. The author suggests that the
Academy of Sciences organize a roundtable
discussion on the topic of psychological
weapons, with all sides in the controversy
(SNAP 911018)
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distribution list should be addressed to:
Attn: Edward Humphrys
WPAFB, OH 45433-6508
Recipients of the Daily SNAP are advised
that SNAP is intended solely for U.S. gov-
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450015-7