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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Relea~ Au~tharz Musaf~r~c~va, ~., cc~rre.spanderr~ (rc'~ev~ Title: USE OF PSYCf~tITRCrPIG BIC7GE'NERATt~RS F1U'F~ING A PUTSG'F~ ~ a Pr mart' Saurcez Kc~msamo s aye prayda, August 27, 199'1, No. 194-195 ('2t~I94-CQ195,?, p. G, cols. 2-~' Ex;trec'~: ~~tho could have thought that the unsuccessful attempt of a Gaup d'etat would give impetus to our investigation of modern methods far control of the human psyche? Viktar Sedletskiy, vice-president of the 'USSR League of Independent Scientists and head and chief designer of the center "Forma" of the USSR Association of Machine- Buiiding Technologists of the international consortium "Ekopram," related: "As a specialist and a legal persons z contend that reduction in quantity (which 1~, fundamentally important} and testing of ps,ychetrapic biagenerater$ has begun in Kiev. I cannot assert that it was Kiev generators which were used during the p~~tsch. For such a statement to be made, tFie generators! specifications would have tc- be known,, The fact of their empl ayment is evident to me, however. ''What are psychatrapic biogeneratars? They are electronic equipments which pro- duces the effect of central in the human organism. Specifically, the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are af- fected. The so-called project 'Zambia-5' of the United States is based an this. "Similar work is also beln conducted in the Soviet Union (specifically, in Kiev, at the Institute of Materials-Science Prok~- ]ems, in one of the departments the laba- r~~tory of which is located in a residential district of the city, there are biogenerat- ors that were produced at the 'Qktava' plant}. me say an the basis of my per- sonal experience that I am also the author ai' a prototype of such a generator. Y cam plated the work in August of I990. The ex- pe~rlments wire conducted on animals. We did not conduct experiments on humans. Naw, however, as T have learned, such ex- periments are under way an highly-paid vol- unteer testers. "Una month aggo, I officially informed Ye. K. Marchuks til~rainian SSR state minis- ter far problems of defense, national se- Approved For Release 2003/0 . ,~=RDP96-007928000600450012-0 curity and emergency situations, of my views regarding this matter (psychotropic biogeneratars are real and their use far evil purposes is passible). I did not, however, get a reply. "Why did the system fail during the days t~f the coup? Lacking experience, the putschists did not know thats in order to achieve the intended. re$panse, the 'influ- enced' saldi~rs must not be allowed to merge with the people on the streets,,' (S~NAp ~]10912~ Title: spRBE'NT f0R TREATMENT l1F Rt~sT- RACIIAT I4 NDRt~MF CT ION Pr mart' aurcd; Sovets aye a oruss~ya, May 28, 1991, No. 1U2 ('I818,3~, p. 2, cots. ~-6 Extr.xct: Production of a truly miraculous material, which came into being through the caoperatian of scientists of the llkra1nian Academy of Sciences and industrial special- ists of the Gomel region, has begun at the Svetlagorsk praducti~an association "Khim~ valakna" (man-made fiber. Its prosaic name -~- carbon fabric sarbent brand AUT~-m -~- can be understood only by specialists. But one probably couldn't find anyone who at sumo time ar other wouldn't want to use an AUT preparation. The sarbent's charac- teristics make 1t possible to use it in the farm of tablets, granules dressings ar suspensions in the treatment of the mast diverse human diseases and pathologic can- ditians. Burns and traphio ulcers, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the livers al-~ lergic and skin diseases psychaneuralagi- cal disorders -- this is a far from com- plete tilt of ailments which Af~T helps to overcame. But mast importantly -- it has been shaven to have high activity in the treatment of post-radiation syndromes and in accelerating the elimination of radio- nuclides from the organism. (SNAP 910912) Title; Ya. ~'. ~3UGRtlV (ob~tuary~ Primary dunce: Vac er~r-yaya Moskva, ,1uly 1, Y991, No. 13d ('~"t?614}, p. 4, cot. 7 ~~`~G'DP96-007928000600450012-0 21 d~GTL ~ ~T:T~ ~6: 9~ ~dN