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Approved For Release 2OOe 1 1F IA-RDP96-00792R000600320003-4 STS-CS-011 72 5. (U) Where the Soviets are going to go with Raikov's work is open to conjecture. There is some indication that the Soviets believe that Raikov's work and the CCAP device may unlock many of the mysteries behind ESP and other psi phenomena. If any of the above is true, this work may be a new way of looking inside and catching the subtle interplay between thought and body, psyche and soma. The CCAP device may have a much wider use than charting the mental states of reincarnated artists. PART D - Telepathic Hypnosis part of Vasilev's experiments in mental suggestion. See reference 62, pages 75 through 88. 2. (U) Parapsychologists in Leningrad and Moscow are involved in the telepathic manipulation of consciousness, now recording successes with the EEG. Doctor V. Raikov (see PART C of this section) is involved in this EEG research as well as E. Naumov. Naumov reports that mental telepathy woke up a hypnotized subject (by telepathy) six of eight times. Naumov remarked that as soon as the telepathic "wake up" is sent, trance becomes less and less deep, full consciousness returning in twenty to thirty seconds (137). In the Leningrad laboratory of Doctor Paul Gulyaiev (Bekhterev Brain Institute), friends of subjects have been trained to put them to sleep telepathically (138). wake, backed by columns of data, might be the most astonishing 1. (U) According to Ostrander and Schroeder (75), the ability to put people to sleep and wake them up telepathically fxm. a -Fince 5T yards to over a thousand miles became the most ~aroug yT tested and perfecte contribution of the Soviets to international parapsychology. It is reported that the ability to control a person's consciousness with telepathy is being further studied and tested in laboratories in Leningrad and Moscow. The work was started in the early 1920s but was not publicized until the early 1960s. The work was begun by K.O. Kotkov, a psychologist from Kharkov University, in 1924. Kotkov could telepathically obliterate an experimental subject's consciousness from short distances or from the opposite side of town. The work was documented by Vasilev (62) who conducted research of his own but could not reveal it under Stalin's regime. The reality of telepathic sleep- 3. (U) Why are the Soviets again hard at work on the telepathic control. of consciousness? Doctor I. Kogan, like Vasilev, is probably doing it for theoretical reasons; still trying mathe- matically to prove that an electromagnetic carrier of telepathy is possible. Why other scientists may be delving into control UNCLASSIFIED ' fh Approved For Release 2000/08'/C%FIP96-007?2R000600320003-4 ST-C;S-01-169--72 July 1972 of consciousness by ESP is another question. During telepathic sleep is an individual simply dreaming his own private dreams or does someone else hold sway? The current Soviets have not divulged the psychological details about their telepathic manipu- lation of consciousness. Vasilev describes some revelations in his book (62) but little else has been reported. Doctor Stefan Manczarski of Poland predicts that this new field of telepathy will open up new avenues for spreading propaganda. He feels. that the electromagnetic theory is valid and believes, therefore, that telepathy can be amplified like radio waves. Telepathy would then become a subtle new modus for the "influencers" of the world (139). Doctor Manczerski's wave ideas are still very debatable, but what about telepathy someday becoming a tool for-influencing people? 4. (U) Hypnotizing someone telepathically probably comes over as a more eerie, mystifying, almost diabolical act in the US than it does in the Soviet Union. The US is really just becoming adjusted to some of the aspects of hypnotism. Since the turn of the century, the Soviets have been exploring and perfecting the various advantages that hypnotism provides. In the Soviet Union, hypnotism is a common tool like X-rays, used in medicine, psychotherapy, physiology, psychology, and experimental pedagogy. 5. (U) The Soviets have been reportedly working on the effects of drugs used in combination with psychic tests. Vasilev used mescarine in the early days and more recently M.S. Smirnov, of the Laboratory of Vision, Institute of Problems of Information Transmission of the USSR Academy of Science, has been obtaining' psychic success with psil.ocybin (140). 6. (U) The tests that Vasilevhad perfected may have a more interesting future in them than the developer had imagined. Manipu- lating someone else's consciousness with telepathy, guiding him in trance ..... colorful uses are too easy to conjure. The ability to focus a mental whammy on an enemy through hypnotic telepathy has surely occurred to the Soviets. Iu espi.onag~~ _nt,7d tele_L thicall h ooze an ind;v idual with the Uost J np otir_ suggestion t.o steal classified documents or detonate important military equipment. The e mission is accomplished and the individ- ual does not even know that he has done an thin Ryz1 see appendix VI state in Psychic 41), "The bulk o recent telepathy research in the USSR is concerned with the transmission of behavior impulses - or research to subliminally control an individual's conduct." Visiting Soviet psi labs in 1967, Doctor Ryzl says WCLASSSIFIED Approved For Release 206NAM I ~ A-RDP96-00792R000600320003-4 ST-CS-O1-169-72 July 1972 he was told by a Soviet, "When suitable means of propaganda are cleverly used, it is possible to mold any man's conscience so that in the end he may misuse his abilities while remaining convinced that"he is serving an honest purpose." (140) Ryzl continues, "The USSR has the means to keep the results of such research secret from the rest of the world and, as practical applications of these results become possible, there is no doubt that the Soviet Union will do so." What will ESP be used for? "To make money, and as a weapon," Ryzl states flatly. SECTION II - CONDITIONING THROUGH SUGGESTION PART A - Hypnopedia 1. (U) The subject of hypnopedia or sleep-learning has been openly discussed in the Soviet literature for the past decade (142-161). One of the most thorough Soviet reports has been prepared by Bliznichenko (162) in 1966. Dodge and Lamont (163) have published a report that covers the field of hypnopedia in the Soviet Union through 1968. Further elucidation of this subject in this report, with the exception of a discussion of possible trends in this area since 1969, is believed to be redundant and unnecessary. 2. (U) The last decade of Soviet hypnopedia research has led -them into new concepts of memory improvement. It is believed that areas such as subliminal perception and subconscious learning with hypnosis were borne from the basic research involved in hypnopedia training. The most recent indication of new Soviet interest in utilizing the subconscious as a reserve for the retention of facts is a booklet written by L.I. Kuproyanovich (164). This book describes the equipment and technical means used for improving memory as well as the prospective uses of cybernetics for memory retention. One of the more interesting features of this book is a discussion on subliminal acquisition of facts. This is an area of concern when one is speaking of conditioned behavior or mental alteration. It is also an area seldom discussed in open Soviet literature. PART B of this section will briefly discuss some Soviet work in subliminal perception and possible uses for this technique. 3. (U) The following discussion on memory and hypnopedia is based on Kuproyanovich's report. The author states that the subconscious is one of the unused reserves for the retention of facts. Memory operation on the subconscious level takes place without our realizing UNCLASSIFIED