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April 26, 2000
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Publication Date:
January 13, 1992
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-00792R000600170003-1
Science Applications International Corporation
An Employee-Owned Company
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
Institutional Review Board
Standard Operating Procedures
dated January 8, 1992
(1) Policy. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory will operate in
full compliance with Company Policy on research involving human subjects, as promulgated in the
Policy on Research Involving Human Subjects.
(2) Location. The IRB will be based at the primary location of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, in
Menlo Park, California, but it may meet from time to time in other locations as circumstances re-
(3) Office of Record The office of record for IRB files is the primary location of the Cognitive
Sciences Laboratory, in Menlo Park, California. All records of IRB proceedings, background ma-
terial, correspondence and membership information will be maintained in a secure file at the Labo-
ratory in Menlo Park.
(4) Member hip The IRB shall be composed of at lease 8 voting members. A quorum shall consist of a
minimum of 5 voting members. Members of the IRB will be chosen by the Company so as to meet
all federal guidelines relating to member qualifications.
A chairperson will be appointed by the Company from among the voting members. Membership on
the IRB will be for a term of three (3) years, with reappointment at the pleasure of the Company.
Members may decline reappointment and may elect to leave the IRB at anytime.
(5) Meeting Schedule The IRB shall meet at least once each year, or more frequently at the call of the
Chairperson or the Company.
(6) uncti s. The IRB functions are as follows:
a) Review and approve all research activities involving human subjects, acting in cognizance of
all federal guidelines for such review; no research involving human subjects may be initiated with-
out IRB approval; research activities will be presented to the IRB in the form of one protocol for
each discrete and different experiment, and each protocol will have incorporated into it in the form
of recording the informed consent of research subjects.
b) Receive scientific briefings on the research activities of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
so as to become informed not only of those aspects involving human subjects but also of all other
aspects of the research as well; as a result, the IRB collectively or individual members may wish to
communicate with the Scientific Oversight Committee and/or the Laboratory Director or scientific
aspects of the research activities.
c) Receive briefings and written reports of research progress so as to be able to judge com-
pliance of research activity with the originally approved protocols.
1010 El Camino Real, Suite 330, P.O. Box 1412, Menlo Park, CA 94025 ? (415) 325-8292
App?rovec~ror:I 'e1 ?2?o1P0a1o9'9f? RD 6aOOt 9F# OOO6O 47OOQ eiOrlando, Palo Alto. Seattle, Tucson
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600170003-1
d) Receive and evaluate for possible new recommendations to the Company suddenly arising
new information about the approved research protocols, or the research subjects, which may affect
the health and safety of the subjects, the Laboratory Director, in accordance with federal guide-
lines, is required to bring such new information immediately to the attention of the IRB chairper-
son, and to the IRB as a whole.
(7) IRB Results, The IRB may approve research protocols as presented, may approve contingent upon
changes being made or may disapprove research protocols. Research of IRB deliberations will be
prepared in the form of minutes, the minutes will be signed by the chairperson and will be for-
warded to a Company official outside of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory who has authority over
this laboratory and can respond for the Company to IRB results.
(8) Administration Support. The IRB will have an Executive Secretary who is an employee of the
Company who maintains the records of the IRB, prepares minutes of meetings for the chairperson
and accomplishes such other administration support of the IRB as may be required.
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600170003-1 2