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September 1, 1975
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500730002-1
ease M03/09/1 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500730002-1
September 1975
PART A - Classical Theories and Experiments
Over the past 25 years, Soviet scientists have reported that abilities
such as extrasensor)--Perceptiont a rvoyance, an cclepatby have been
demonstrated in the laboratory undo _r ore ho 5ontrOlte linf dittodspoh-
ny o these claims have Deen NuuA~~.?~~ o?e in their cr-
y literature. Just iow far the Soviets have_rcally S
forts to learn about the mechanisms of human telepathy is not known. If true
-Ti the Soviet -reports are e`!P pplicationsaas interplanetarydcofmmunlications
ftrence can be ' us? d for such pP
or the guiding of intcrplonctary spacecraft. theSov10tsItavc _tccomplist~ed
a seintificbrcakthroudl- of tremendous_signilieancc.
For .iany years, any attempt to study telepathic phenomena was de-
nounced in the Soviet Union as and
however, thi attitude b. Y chan
psychology as a legitimate science was prompted to a consider.Ule extent
by the Party's recognition of othuandumcmechanics),iChehthcoryvofttrelativity.
rejected as-bourgeois idcalism
and cjbernetics3.^ In 19597Professor L.I.. Vasilcv publish.d his "Mysterious
Phenomena of' the. Human Psyche," followed in 1962 by his "Lx periments to
itn_ caused some
Mental Suggestion'.'' These t`'7OSib e publications
Western scientists. but the pOS n' implic
overlooked :in .ther.West. The first attempt to illustrate the possible
- i n t o.f ovic_t_rescarch in tcicp:itliy' ands
psychoklnesis.w8s'_Publishcd in 1972.
The publication of Vasilev's first book in 1959 was followed by the
appe3rance other. Sovieindicalyprether ss. Soviet
Sovietrparapsychology research
articles in th Soviet t pe ?r _ `
gained impetus and'sopltiistication, grow tog from a single taboratory into
a coordinated USSR-wide effort; laboratoriesd weralso 20 million established
s In
~cchoslovakia_.- Funds for research (rep
1973) are believed to be primarily from military sources. i s gh level
o to ort advanced Soviet iesearch'on human telepath ar beyond that v(
t e Vcst and the USSR became the leader In sponsoring and participating;
in international parapsyc110109y symposiums. Such international meetings
have served Soviet interests by allowing them to benefit from Western
After 195% lar a numbers of Soviet scientists began Investigating
telepathic coc\uni Minn. In 1965, a bioinformation department was formed
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500730002-1
The potential applications of focusing mental influences on an enemy
through hypnotic telepathy have surely occurred to the Soviets. The bulk
of recent telepathy research in the USSR has been concerned with the
transmission of emotional or behavioral impulses and the study of physio-
logical responses to PK exercises. etc. In their exploration of telepathy,
they are seeking the evenual capability to reproduce and to amplify the
phenomena so that control is feasible. Control and manipulation of the
human'co:asciousness must be considered a primary goal.
September 1975
According to both Soviet and Czech researchers, one major advantage
of studying psychotronic generators is the reproducibility of their ef-
fects; in addition, they can be activated by nearly anyone, with or with-
out any special psychic a'R litieg. The devices may have other practical
applications not related to parapsychology. The Czechs claim that irra-
diation of seeds with the energy enhances plant growth, and that industrial
pollutants have been precipitated out of water by its action (Figure 7).
These claims may be open to question, since in 1972, Zdenek Rejdak, head
of the Psychotronic Research Section of the Czechoslovakian Society for
Science and Technology, termed the experiments wi_h plants and water
A recent newspaper article,36 quoting Pavlita, reported that his
generators could serve as weapons; no further details were given. No
information is available on Czech efforts to develop psychotronic weapons,
but Pavlita has stated that some forms of his devices can exert both
favorable and unfavorable effects on living organisms, including man. In
experiments with snails exposed to the energy from a generator. a state
similar to hibernation resulted. When flies were placed in the gap of a
circular generator (Figure 6) they died instantly. In another test,
Favlita aimed a generator at his daughter's head from a distance of
several yards. Her electroencephalogram (FEG) changed, she became dizzy,
and her equilibrium was disrupted.
In their present form and size, Pavli:a'3 devices could probably
exert an effect on humans at only relativei'' s?i t range. It is po%::lble
that their size could be enlarged or their energy amplified, thereby ex-
tending their range. If the Czech claims for these devices are vaild,
biological energy might he an effective antipersonnel weapon. It would
be difficult. to defend against. since it apparently penetrates most conraon
fat-ms of insulation and. its reported effects (changes in brain wave char-
acteristics disturbance of equilibrium, dizziness) could result in
personality changes or physical discomfort which might alter combat
Soviet or Czech perfection of psychotronic weapons would pose a
severe threat to enemy military, embassy. or security funnctions. The
emitted energy would he silent and difficult to detect electronically
(although the.Soviets claim to have developed effective biological energy
sensors) and the only power source required would be the human operator.
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000500730002-1
September 1975
Soviet and Czechoslovakian researchers have accepted the reality of
paranormal. events and are primarily concerned with the formulation of a
unified describe the basic energy transformations involved.
The Soviet emphasis on the electrostatic and electromagnetic componerts
of the enerEy may play an Important role in the final determination (t
the nature of psychical phenomena. This emphasis on enertetics or irter-
act.ion effects has lead to the concept that man must be investigated as a
coapletc,,integrated unit.
Soviet and Czech psychotronic research will eventually be applied to
human problems. As this occurs, the question will arise whether thtt,
knowledge and the equipment developed will be used for the enhanecmer?t of
human freedom and socicl development, or for regimentation and enslavement.
Psychotronics could conceivably play a role in contributing to the s*,rvival
of the human species; by emphasizing the interconnections between all living
beings, it should help to reduce human aggressive tendencies. By the same
token, it could also be applied to increase such aggressive tendencies and
it has powerful potential for use as an effective weapon against groups of
men and key leaders.
The Czechs claim that a direct transfer of biological energy from
healthy to diseased or injured muscle is not only possible, but proven.
The Soviets do not restrict the possibility of such energy transfer to any
one physiological system, but state that biological energy transfer can be
utilized'to relieve human functional disorders of the nervous system, the
internal organs. and the mind. In all cases, such medical applications of
biological energy transtt?r are officially described as having beneficial
results. but this may not necessarily be true. By analogy, conventional
medical techniques can be beneficial, but when misapplied, can cause
serious damage, or even death. By the same token, there can also he
psychic" malpractice, although the Soviets and Czechs are not likely to
publicize ?tFiis fact.'
Roth Czech and US researchers have described Robert PnvlLta's w.,rk
with psychotronic generators as possibly the most important contemporary
development in the field of parapsychology and as a major contrihnti-sn to
the deeper understanding, mastery, and utilization of biological energy
for human advantage. Ju:ac as in the example of direct transfer of bin-
logical energy for medical purposes, the use of such devices is not
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