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Publication Date: 
August 27, 1991
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Approved For Release 2000 no- IFr00792R000500610003-3 Author: Musafirova, 0., correspondent (Kiev) Title t USE OF PSYCHO7'ROPI C BIOGENERATORS DURING A PUTSCH CLAIM Primary Source: Kamsoma s aya pravda, August 27, 1991, No. 194-195 (20194-20195), p. 6, cats. 2-3 Extract: Who could have thought that the unsuccessful attempt of a coup d'etat would give impetus to our investigation of modern methods for control of the human psyche? Viktor Sedletskiy, vice-president of the USSR League of Independent Scientists and head and chief designer of the center "Forma" of the USSR Association of Machine- Building Technologists of the international consortium "Ekoprom," related: "As a specialist and a legal person, I contend that production in quantity (which is fundamentally important) and testing of psychotropic biogenerators has begun in Kiev. I cannot assert that it was Kiev generators which were used during the- putsch. For such a statement to be made, the generators' specifications would have to be known. The fact of their employment is evident to me, however. "What are psychotropic biogenerators? They are electronic equipment, which pro- duces the effect of control in the human organism. Specifically, the left and right hemispheres of the cerebral cortex are af- fected. The so-called project 'Zombie-5' of the United States is based on this. "Similar work is also being conducted in the Soviet Union (specifically, in Kiev, at the Institute of Materials-Science Prob- lems, in one of the departments, the labo- ratory of which is located in a residential district of the city, there are blogenerat- ors that were produced at the 'Oktava' plant). Let me say on the basis of my per- sonal experience that I am also the author of a prototype of such a generator. I com- pleted the work in August of 1990. The ex- periments we conducted on animals. We did not conduct experiments on humans. Now, however, as I have learned, such ex- periments are under way on highly-paid vol- unteer testers. "One month ago, I officially informed Ye. K. Marchuk, Ukrainian SSR state minis- ter for problems of defense, national se- curity and emergency situations, of my views regarding this matter (psychotropic biogenerators are real and their use for evil purposes is possible). I did not, however, get a reply. "Why did the system fail during the days of the coup? Lacking experience, the putschists did not know that, in order to achieve the intended response, the 'influ- enced' soldiers must not be allowed to merge with the people on the streets." (SNAP 910912) Title: SORBENT FOR TREATMENT OF POST- RADIATI0 NOROMES IN PIM CTION Primary ource: Sovetskaya orusstya, May 28, 1991, No. 102 (18183), p. 2, cols. 2-6 Extract: Production of a truly miraculous material, which came into being through the cooperation of scientists of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and industrial special- ists of the Gomel region, has begun at the Svetlogorsk production association "Khim- volokno" (man-made fiber). Its prosaic name -- carbon fabric sorbent brand AUT-m -- can be understood only by specialists. But one probably couldn't find anyone who at some time or other wouldn't want to use an AUT preparation. The sorbent's charac- teristics make it possible to use it in the form of tablets, granules, dressings or suspensions in the treatment of the most diverse human diseases and pathologic con- ditions. Burns and trophic ulcers, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, al- lergic and skin diseases, psychoneurologi- cal disorders -- this is a far from com- plete list of ailments which AUT helps to overcome. But most importantly -- it has been shown to have high activity in the treatment of post-radiation syndromes and in accelerating the elimination of radio- nuclides from the organism. (SNAP 910912) Title: Ya. S. BUGROV (obituary) Primary Source: Vec ernyaya Moskva, July It 1991, No. 130 (20514), p. 4, cot. 7 Ilhfi T~.4i..y ~viw #(L611 Zn--,2- -0 5- / /7 2- Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP9 - 0792R000500610003-3 T 21 OTT2 d 2T:TT 2E, 9T ddH