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Parapsychology Abstracts International analysis revealed no significant sun sign effects on political conservatism. - DA 4 03587. Muller, Arno. Accident-prone persons in the horoscope: Report on Part II of an astrological match- ing test (Vernon Clerk Test) and discussion of the to- tal study. Zeitschrift far Parapsychologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1988, 30(1-4), 230-235. 6 refs After critical comments on a publication of Part I presented by others, the results of Part II are reported. In seven independent tests the astrologers had to select out of three persons (one accident prone, two for control) the accident-prone one on the basis of official time records on the charts. The person was described, including his most serious accidents with date of occurrence. Whereas Part I yielded a slight positive result, Part II was distinctly nega- tive. The total result vindicates the conclusion that the astrologers were not able to identify persons with serious accidents with statistical significance on the basis of the chart. - DA 03588. Wiilti, Bernhard. Preliminary report on an un- usual experiment with Silvio. Zeitschrift fllr Para- psychologie and Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 1988, 30(1- 4), 236-242. 1 illus; 5 refs WC're brt an experiment in which a well-known al- leged paranormally talented person intertwined two frames made out of different materials (paper and aluminum) in an as yet unexplained manner. Although the mere exis- tence of the object cannot be regarded as ultimate proof of a paranormal action, the threshold for a conventional explanation is set high. Careful examinations of the object have not revealed any trace of technical manipulation. - DA ITALIAN LANGUAGE (Editors: Paola Giovetti; William Giroldini) LUCE E QMBRA Published quarterly in Italian by dell'Associazione Ar- chivio di Documentazione Storica della Ricerca Psichica (Silvio Ravaldini, director). Founded in 1900, it is edited by Riccardo Cesanelli, Lina de Boni, Giorgio di Simone, Pierangelo Garzia, and Paola Giovetti. The address is Bozzano-De Boni, Via Or- feo, 15; 40124 Bologna, Italia. Telephone (051) 33 27 05. 03589. Ravaldini, Silvio. From D.D. Home to "A" En- tity: Is mediumistic phenomenology adapting to the times and historical contexts to be better understood? Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Jan/Mar), 88(1), 1-9. 8 refs In the above article, the author makes an excursus in paranormal phenomenology, going from the English medium D.D. Home to the high level messages ("A" Entity) still being received through the excellent medium at the Parapsychological Study Center in Naples. Therefore, the certainty of the existence of an "interiority" in humans is confirmed by the various intelligent messages received during this span of time. At the same time, this "interiority" is also underlined by our modern philosophers (Assagioli, Tagore, Fromm) who cannot accept in humans an intelligence of a solely mechanic type. Life meaning will be found through the discovery and the acceptance of our own "interiority." Being able to read all the mediumis- tic messages--even the simplest ones, such as those that will be due to telepathy--with the detachment of a Vol. 7, No. 2 December 1989 research focus will make it possible to understand better the intelligent pattern of the spiritual universe. - DT/R.A.W. 03590. Piancastelli, Corrado. The interior in psychotherapy: Introductory statement of a research. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Jan/Mar), 88(1), 10-18. The author belongs to the new wave of parapsychol- ogy which, in Italy, is centering its research aims inside the man," where respect for the traditional and phenomenological extra-sensoriality are recognized as very important paranormal aspects. In support of what was said above mystical experiences are valuated and, above all, those obtainable by the superior method of autogenic train- ing developed by Schultz. The author talks about the sub- jective evidence in which a verified clinical death is fol- lowed by a return to life. These facts, verified even in hospital, show a fantastic consistency and provide an impor- tant analogy with mystic raptures, drug hallucinations, and the perceptions obtainable by autogenic training. The author attempts to identify an eventual structure independ- ent of the psychic one, as we know it, and he does not hesitate to call this possible structure the "soul." From within the general theory of personality, it will be possible to obtain the desired identification. - DT/R.A.W. 03591. Biondi, Massimo. Tables and mediums: History of spiritism in Italy. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Jan/Mar), 88(1), 20-30. In the 1900s, in a wine shop in Turin there occurred a typical poltergeist case. Attracted by the news that started to spread about the case, many scholars carried out some investigations (Prof. Lombroso among them). Within a few days, the phenomena stopped after a boy who was working inside the shop departed. Besides this one, many other poltergeist events have occurred in Italy in all periods. But scholars did not take a big interest in them, even if some of these researchers proposed very interesting theses and considerations. This article is taken from the book Tables and Mediums: History of Spiritism in Italy. It will be the first history of Italian spiritism from the last half of the last century to the First World War. - DA/R.A.W. 03592. Giovetti, Paola. Findhorn community in Scot- land: Conscience in the Aquarian Age. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Jan/Mar), 88(1), 31-41. This article describes the community of Findhorn in Scotland, where the author spent a period of time last year. She lived with the members of the community and spoke with the most representative ones. Findhorn is well known for its exceptional garden, which grows in a cold, windy and sandy place: The wonderful and extraordinary big flowers and vegetables that are obtained in Findhorn are the result of a new, respectful, and warm approach to nature and to the "spirits of nature," who are willing to cooperate with men if they change their minds. Today Findhorn is a place where people try to develop a new consciousness and a new way to relate to God, man, and nature: a consciousness for the coming centuries! - DA/R.A.W. 03593. Simone, Giorgio di. The interior area: From subjectivity to metaphysical objectivity. Luce e Ombra, 1988 (Jan/Mar), 88(1), 42-49. 6 refs After a sequence of quotations (Bhagavad-Gita, A. Munthe, C.G. Jung, R. Laing, A. Maslow), the author reaf- firms the importance of analyzing human interior space compared to the current culture that tries to repress its Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400110001-1