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Publication Date:
May 25, 1964
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Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300320014-2
Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78TO5439A000300320014-2
OMIFIW~- 4016
TCS 2225/64-KH
14/EB 268/64
25 May 1964
1?=-IORANDUM FOR: Chief, Ballistic Missiles and Space Division, OSI
A'1-= TTION: 25X1A
THROUGH: Chief, Requirements Branch, Reconnaissance Group, CGS
SUBJECT: Fnotographic Analysis of Various Static Test Areas, USSR
RJCES: (a) Requirement C-SI-4-80,91+2
(b) CIA/PID Project c 84-64
1. This memorandum is in response to your requirement dated 7 January
1964 which requests: (a) Orientation sketch of Voronezh Static Test
Facility showing location and dimensions of new cells, "crane", new large
building, and depth of "flame bucket" and height of "crane." (b) Sketch
with dimensions of test stands at Kurumoch Static Test Facility. (c) Sketch
with dimensions of Krasnoyarsk Static Test Facility showing new test stand
and possible component stand. (d) Sketch and dimensions of rocket blast
marks noted at Voronezh, Dnepropetrovsk and Kurumrioch on Mission - 25X1 D
2. All photography through =HOLE was analysed for 25X1D
this project. All measurements given were either directly from TID (NPIC)
or made with the use of scales provided by TID (NPIC).
a. Voronezh.- The "new cells" (item 1, Figure 1) must be considered
only possible due to poor quality photography. The reported blast mark at
this structure must also be considered possible since there may be a building
or revetment which, in this area, cast a shadow of this shape. The dimensions
of the possible "new cells" are approximately 170 by 70 feet. A structure
(item 2, Figure 1) apparent at the edge of the ravine has considerable height
and can be identified as a verticle test stand. Poor quality photography
precludes identification of a "crane" in this area. No "flame bucket" can be
identified. The "new" large building (Item 3, Figure 1), approximately 200 25X1 D
feet square, was present in Portions of the building are very
indistinct indicating the posse 1. i y that there may be two separate structures
instead of one. Poor quality photography prohibits the determination of
heights of any structures within the facility.
b. Kurumoch. Accurate sketches of the test stands reported on
KEYHOLE Mission could not be made. Figure 2 is a line drawing showing
25X1 D
Declassification Review by NIMA/DOD
Exci 2 trc, ! ;t:
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SUBJECT: Photographic Analysis of Various Static TCS 2225/6+-KH
Test Areas, USSR M/EB 268-6)-+
their position in relationship with the original verticle test stand (Item 1).
Some of the smaller buildings and less prominent roads have been omitted from
the drawing. Since the images are small and indistinct on HIE-14- photography,
no meaningful comparison sketches were made of the test stands. Tae cronology
of the stands remains as indicated in previous reports. -t,
c. Krasnoyarsk. Careful examination of all coverages of this 25X1D
facility indicates that there is no "anew" test stand. The verticle test
stand and its associated control building observed on Mission are the
same structures as those reported on previous missions. The possible com-
ponents test building lies approximately 800 feet southwest of the verticle
d. Figures 3 and 4 show the blast marks at Voronezh, Dnepropetrovsk,
and Kurumoch as they were found on KEYHOLE Mi.ssio
25X1 D
who may be
contacted on extension 2079 should you have any further questions concerning
this project.
3. The photo analyst on this project is
4. This project is considered to be c
Four (1+) line drawings
(CIA/PID/MEB-P-444/64 thru
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