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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 HUMAN PARANORMAL CAPABILITIES Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 Research in Human Paranormal Capabilities (Quarterly) Volume Two, Isue Two (Published June 15, 1984) How to subscribe to Research in Human Paranormal Capabilities: This first publication was first published in March of 1983. It publishes reports on reseach experiments in China on human paranorma capabilities, as well as papers on special topics, classical research, exploration in Qigong. theory, and foreign research on human paranormal capabilities. This is a quarterly publication. Each issue is 0.50 Yuan. For the four issues annually, it is 2 Yuan. How to subscribe: Bank draft (send to Shanghai Commercial Bank, Xu Ban-Hua Branch Office, Nature Magazine, Account Number: 7100216) or Postal Money Order (Shanghai Post Office Box 5056, Natur Magazine, Mail Order Group). When remitting money please write the name of organization or person and address clearly. Editor: Research in Human Paranormal Capabilities, Editorial Department Publisher: Nature Magazine Press Shanghai, POB 5056 Printed by: 12th Shanghai Municipal Printing Plant Distributor: Nature Magazine Press Domestic Distribution (Shanghai Publication Number 361) Price: 0.05 Yuan Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 Research in Human Paranormal Capabilities Volume 2, 1984 (Original issue was published March 15, 1983) TABLE OF CONTENTS (Research Activity) Special topic: A Memorable Important Day 3 First Board of Directors Meeting of Neimenggu Human Research.......... page 7 by Mi ?Rui Breaking through the Obstacles of Space for Psychic Writing ............ page 22 by He Qin-Nian An Experiment of Using Psychic Powers to Break Needles and Make them Whole Again, by Lin Shu and others ................................... page 27 Analysis of Tests on Transmission of Sensations through Channels in 25 Psychic Children--Test and Analysis, by Li Guan-Jun ................... page 31 An Experiment into the Psychic Magnification Effect, by Nai Chi-Jing.. page 43 Reliability of Experiments in Human Psychic Vision, by Bo Jin-Hua and others ............................................................ page 47 Health through Jinggong, by Lyu Ji-Tang ............................... page 58 Some Ideas on Our Understanding of Diagnosis by.Human X-ray Vision.... page 66 Letters from Readers ...................... 70 A General Discussion of Parapsychology .............................. page 75 A Psychic Student in Japan (Asaihi Shimbun Weekly) .................... page 90 Suggested Chinese Renditions of SOme English Language Terms ........... page 6 Pictures: Commemorative Activities of the China Human Science Commission (Preparatory) (Drafts submitted by Zhu Run-Long, Zhang Nai-Ming, and Qi Jing-Xi) Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/0? 07 : CAA-ftDP96-007928000300330001-8 LN734-85 A MEMORABLE IMi'ORTANT DAY: r Speech by.-C*rd-- Fifth Annivet y Of_,Re~earc Beijing, March 1f, 1984) At The Symposium To Commemorate The n.. ma .wearazao.r ia1._._Capa-- ities,-1n China. Today is a very important and very.memorable date, it is the anniversary of the first publication in the "Sichuan Daily" of Tang Yu's paranormal capability to distinguish Chinese characters with his ear. This is a very important event in modern China. From March 11f 1979 to today, it has been five years. A few days ago, I '; sawa,summary of the past five years written by Comrade Ho Qing-Nian. It is truly worth while recalling what has happened over the past five years. We have had many experiences, and have probably learned many lessons. These should be summed up in a careful manner. This is a very worthwhile thing to do, because th\s is a major event in mans understanding of ;_ve w__-l - +h ob e e j ct Recently, at a conference on new"technology revolution held by the National. Defense Sci nce Industries Cot r on1 p Fed out uestion C tiis maye a sign othe new sceience revolution to cone. I did not state it this directly, I only said that the new science revolution,refers to systematic science, thought science, and human science. It seems that the first two are acceptable to most people, but when I spoke of human science, during the dis- cussion, someone disagreed. When_,the conference__w?s eg, Comrade Zhang Zhen- - Huan elaborated on this point for a while. He gave an explanation to those comrades who had never seen for them se lves and so did not understand the truth of the matter. He also gave a counterattack against those people who are always confounding right and wrong and who criticize without go-odd reason. Therefore, we can see from these examples that ours is not going to be an easy task. Human science is not comprised of paranormal capabilities alone. It also includes Chinese medicine, and Qigong (translater-s note: Qigong is a system of breathing exercises and breath control which is believed to be a source of energy, physical and/or psychic.) These are very difficult to research, and are difficult for most people-to-accept. Therefore, at the Conference on Qigong atQinghua University ,,mow---x:~.we~ .~.. after the spring festival this year I stated that we were,.. facing a struggle in the defense of dialectical materialism. Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan stated-on the basis of rational reasoning, he could make the judgment that we were wrong. How is this possible? This is contrary to Marxism-Leninism. It i8 contrary to dialectical materialism. At first I did not see the question this way, but later I came to understand that it was this kind of question - it is, of course, a question on the ideological front. It is different opinions on what is understood. It is a difference in understanding. Really, it is a ques- tion of whether ' g._want ial_eGt,icl.,,,-ate,alism or do e want mechanical m` atiialism or'idealistic materialism. Since it is such a major question, do not entertain any hopes that we will meet with easy success. This will be a very Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 bitter struggle. I believe, that facing such a major problem, that we are better off to imagine that it is going to be difficult than to believe it is going to be easy, be simple. Do you comrades agree with me? This is the first problem. -- - The next question is that we must be very serious and thorough in our work, very scientific.. I have heard that just recentlypTang""fit has lost his special as lities. This is one example. It illustrates that we should record everything very scientifically. Like this child Tang Yu. It seems that some things like his process of development, his age, specific circumstances, were not recorded.. There is no proper record.. For another example, like Qigong cure for some diseases. There are lots of rumors to this effect, so it makes people feel that there must be something worthwhile. looking into. However, are each of the case records in compliance with modern medical. standards? Are the records complete? I have made this suggestion before. in the past: In cases where Qigong has effected cures, the medical history must be recorded according to standards generally recognized by modern medicine. If we should actually have such a treatise and cannot get it published in a medical journal in China, then we can take it to a world-wide authoritative journal for publication. They will not argue or make fun of-us.. If the author signs his name and swears that it is true, and they see that it is in accordance with recognized medical standards, they will publish it. Our work must be up to generally acceptable standards.. This is one of the conditions of science. An article published which meets these requirements, which is the result of a scientific experiment, may serve as a reliable case history. I want everyone to talk this over and see if this isn't the way this should be done. This is my reasoning: A physicist carries out an experiment, his subject is something dead. However, man is alive. He is subject to all kinds of influences. Therefore, in these medical researches, we have to look for the statistical records. Individual instances are not enough. As for paranormal capabilities, these are active.. This is subject to even more influences. Therefore, we must carry out our observation very scientifically, use scientific methods, have complete data. It is because of this that we say we must study very carefully how to improve our work in the future. This is 'TI e second question The third question. I feel that we should find some way to improve orge ani2a- tional work for*academic exchanges . At the Conference on Qigong held at Qing Hua University, IYonly attended a few hours of meetings. I did not attend in the afternoon or the next day. I believe the exchanges are lacking in depth. We should have more exchanges, not a couple of days every six months. Shouldn't we have more of them, and.for a single sitting - morning or afternoon, at the most an additional evening. At present, none of us is specializing in this kind of research as a profession. We are doing it in addition to our other profession. So it is difficult for everyone to get together for two continuous days of meetings. men tetings. little So w moeouldldp t th, it be better to have more academic exchanges, and exchange Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 I am presently receiving.a lot of research material. It is more than I can handle Also I do not understand it. I looked up Comrade Chen Xin-Tong t"his research institute and asked them for their opinion. Here they had some ; material written b Comrade Song Kong-Zhi on a XZ-20 Information Diagnostic Instrument. There was a lot of debate over this. Just glancing over material like this, it seems incomplete. Only a little of the work has been done. Just a drop in the bucket. Do you think he did a complete job? No, it wasn' plete.. Most of the material I receive is like this. These kind of things, of themselves, cannot be considered very scientific, or not sufficient. However, he did do some work. Of all the work that has to be done, he did do a. portion of it. There were some results. Although he was unable to completely..solve a problem, however, if'there is a very large amount of this kind of material, if I uncover a little bit here, you uncover a.little bit there, and he uncovers a little bit somewhere else, gathering from all sides, after a while, we may be able to make something out of it. Just like a psychic trying to make out a character. At first all he can make out is a rough sketch. He can only make out something close to what it is. Then it becomes a little clearer. It looks. like the character "FEI." Then it becomes a little clearer. It is the character "BEI." This must be a long process. At first it is very confused. It seems as if there is something there. After a while, it looks even more as if there is something there. Finally, we believe that there truly is something, and we are not afraid to say that Yes, this is what it is. 'Actually, thinking in terms of images is just such a process. It is.just that the process is very rapid. If we analyzed a slow motion film of the images, it would be just the same. Under normal conditions, when we are reading or listening, the process is very fast. However, if we measured it in milliseconds, and magnified the time one hundred times, then it would be just the same as the situation we talked about before. When we do scientific research on something, it is always this process. There- fore,,I do not agree with the school of thought that states that scientific research isalllogical reasoning. That is not the case. If it were all logical reasoning, there would be. no creativity. Anyways, one and one are two: two and three are five. Tfie teacher teaches it and the students know it.' There is a premise and a conclusion. The results of the inferences are known. Also, the methods are known. Where is there an y creativity? That portion most central to the creativity of science is guessing. That is thinking in terms of images, or inspiration (sudden realization of the truth.) In scientific work, logical reasoning is used in the final proof. This is because you have to convince people, so you have no choice but to use logical reasoning. When we are tackling a problem as difficult as this, we have to rely on everyone's efforts to find aAanswer. We must have discussions in depth. The XZ-2O-Information Diagnostic Machine work was done by the comrades at the Human Information Research Lab of the Henan Provincial Posts and Telecommunications Research Institute. The work is not complete. There are some shortcomings. But they did do some work. If some other people did some work, and. everyone put everything together, we might gain a better knowledge. In our work, these little Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 drops in the bucket are very important. Do not hope that some person someday out of the blue will become a genius. Genius comes from non-genius. There has to be long and difficult work. We need to have this kind of spirit. Think- ing for the benefit of all. Wouldn't it be better to have more frequent meet- ings? To have half day meetings instead of two days at a time. Because. everyone does this in addition to his regular job. We have a better job with academic exchange. We have to have them in more depth. This is the third question. There one more question. What we are facing is going to be very diffi- cult. I jam afraid it is going to be very difficult to gain a lot of support a short time. In trying to develop traditional Chinese medicine, just to get it written-into the constitution was actually very difficult to do. Our work in researching human science will be many times more difficult than that. There- fore, solidarity is of the utmost.importance.forus comrades. At present, we are l struglin_in defense of dialectic materialism. Surely we can have solidarity among our won people.''.With the presupposition of such a major task, what problems could possibly be too big? We also have to consider that noone_ has had any great accuracy in doing research on this topic. Therefore, it is only normal that there should bea great number of opinions. All questions are still under discussion. But we must still have solidgr,ity in our work spirit. Why do I say this? Not long ago.I rec .eived a letter from a graduate research student from a scientific and technical university ofthe Academy of Science. He wrote about cooperation between outside units in research. He said that at first they cooperated all right, but recently the. relationship between the two had deteriorated, and made a mess out.of the laboratory. I don't know if this is really so. That they have conflicts so bad that it looks like it is almost violent. I hope that nothing like this happens among us comrades. If any problem comes up, we can talk about it. We can't let any harm come to the laboratory. Of course, we don't know for sure that this really happened, but it serves as a warning. We must resolutely keep anything like this from happening. If I have said anything wrong in my few opinions, I hope you comrades will correct them for me. ,Suggested .-Chines.eRenditions For__Some...English Language Terms: Chinese English By: Li Zai Kun Teyi (Gongneng). Chang Psifield Teyi (Gongneng) Zi Psitron Teyi (Congneng) Jiegou Psistructure Teyixinlixianxiang Parapsychological-Phenomena Teyigongnengyanjiu Psychical Research Xingtaifashengchang Morphogenic Field, Morphic Field Xingtaigongzhen Morphic Resonance Siweigance Thought Reading Yishibianhuantai Altered States of Consciousness Teganjuetijian Parasensory Experience Qian (Zai) Yishi Subliminal Consciousness Qian (Zai) Suzhi Subliminal Self ~e~e~e~e~'C**********~Y~ *****************~e************~e****~e~t~'e~' *********************** * -6- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 First Board of Directors Meeting of Neimenggu Human Research Commission On March 10, 1984, the Neimenggu Autonomous Region's Human Science Research Commission Board of Directors convened their first meeting. Attending the meet- ing were Honorary Chairman Yun Shu-Bi, Chairman Wu Wen-Wu, Deputy Chairman Liu Jin-Zhu, and Board Members Liu Zhong-Ling, Li Shao-Pai, Li Zhi-Yi, Tang Xue- Zheng, Yuan Shi-Xian, Xu Feng-Shan, Zhao Mei, and Zheng Xian-Dong. At the meet- ing, Comrade Wu Wen-Wu passed on the spirit of the Chengtu, Sichuan, Human Science Conference of March of this year. He summarized the work in Neimenggu Autonomous Region over the past several years, and studied the 1984 work report. 1. Following rapid developments in modern science and technology and pounding by the waves of the new production revolution, human science is smashing all resistance and-difficulties in becoming one of the major sciences. It has brought its brand new features into the field of science. 2. Looking back over the past several years work in human science in Neimenggu, we have carried out work to bring out psychic capabilities in young people; carried out repeated experiments on young people with psychic abilities carried out relevant examinations and research on children?with.psychic ability;, carried out experience exchanges with our sister provinces and municipalities to learn from each other's work; at last years Fourth Plenary Session of China's Human Science Research Commission (preparatory) was convened in Neimenggu, and we did the organizational and hospitality work for the meeting; we attended national academic and discussion meetings on human science where we studied and understood national developments and experiences; we established an Autonomous Region Human Science Commission and some subordinate study groups. 3. Arrangements were made for work in 1984 (rough sketch). 4. Finances (rough sketch). Article submitted by Neimenggu Autonomous Region Human Sciences Commission. ***********~e~e~`e~e******************~C****************~Y~C~C3c~C*******~C~ ****~C*****~C~C***** China's Human Science Research Commission (Preparatory) Holds Ceremonies To Celebrate The Fifth Anniversary of .Ian Science Research On March 11, 1979, "Sichuan Daily" reporter, Comrade.Zhang Nai-Ming reports that elementary student Tang Yu from Dazu County in Sichuan has the ability to distinguish characters with his ear. One after another, from all over China, it was discovered that Jiang Yan, Wang Qiang, and Wang Wu from Beijing; Xu Rui-Hua from Hebei; Mou Feng-Qin from Beilongjiang; Xie Chao-Hui from Hubei; Hu Lian and He Xian-Qin from Anhui all have this kind of ability. This phenomenon has drawn the attention of science research workers, and from distinguishing characters by ear to human paranormal capabilities, it has expanded to the research into the human sciences. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 In September 1983, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the China Human Science Research Commission held in Huhehaote City in Neimenggu autonomous region, it was unanimously agreed that March 11, 1979, would mark the beginning of human science research in China. It was hoped that on March 11, 1984, the various provinces and municipalities would hold all sorts of commemorative activities. The main celebration was to be held in Chengtu, Sichuan. Following is a summary of activities there by reporter Mi Rui. In.Chengdu, Sichuan, celebration activities were jointly held by the China Human Science Research Commission (preparatory) and the Sichuan' Province Human Science Committee. Standing member Xie Yao-Qi of the China Human Sciences Research Commission presided over the meeting. After briefly stating the purpose of the meeting, he said that since March 11, 1979, when the "Sichuan Daily" published the article about Tang Yu's ability to distinguish characters with his ear, exactly five years have passed. In those five years, research in paranormal capabilities has been suppressed and attacked by some people. This is good, because it causes more people to be concerned about research in human paranormal capabilities. It causes greater developments in research. It attracts even more research workers to take part. Finally, it enabled paranormal capability research to enjoy the concern and support of party central and national leaders, and with the direction of the party this research has been continued to be carried out. Finally he stated that in the revolution of new technologies, research in the human science will be in the forefront, and will make new contributions to the four modernizations and the new goals. Standing committee member and concurrently Secretary-General of the China Human Science Research Commission, Zhu Run-Long, gave a report to the meeting recalling the situation in human science research during the past five years. His report was divided into four portions: the past achievements, the present situation, and the outlook. He said that generally, the past five years may be broken down into four parts. March to September 1979 was the first part. During this time newspapers from all parts of China reported a total of 19 children with psychic abilities. This period concluded with the article in objection published in the "Peoples' Daily." From September, 1979, to Au_gust,__1981, was the second period. This was the developmental stage. The following were land- marks in this stage: 1, Human science research formally mounted the stage of science. A large number of researchers began researching using modern scientific methods. 2. Many research papers were published in formal scientific journals such as "Natural Science." 3. From "distinguishing characters by ear" to a concept of paranormal capabilities, and gradually evolving into a systematic concept of human science, and the scope of research broadened even more. 4. The first and second symposiums on human psychic sciences were convened and experiences were exchanged by teachers and students from more than 50 universities and colleges and research workers from specialized research organizations. 5. We established a mass academic body - The China Human Science Research Commission Preparatory Committee. 6. We received the broad support of the older generation of scientists with Comrade Qian Xue-Lin as a representative-as well as support from all walks of life. September 1981 to June 1982 was the third stage. -8- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 This was the struggle stage. It began with the publication of the major points of Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan's speech in the "Wen Hui Bao." Some people labelled human psychic science research as "running counter to marxism," "Idealism," "Fuedal Sorcery," and "The Researchers are a Bunch of Idiots." They believed that human psychic ability was "magic" or "trickery." In February of 1982 Yu Guang-Yuan made a report to the Academy of Science which was published in Toto in the "Peoples' Daily," along with a public overall rejection of human psychic Research. On the other hand, the China Human Sciences Preparatory Commission felt that human psychic capabilities were reality in a subjective existence, and that it should be researched. The commission requested the national science committees to divide up into two sides and conduct a scientific verification. Articles continued to be pub- lished in journals such as "Natural Science," "Exploring Nature," and "Human Psychic Ability Bulletin." Joint experiments were conducted by personnel from some of the major universities and scientific research units. Results of these reports were reported. They felt that the question of the existence of human psychic abilities was a question of practice. The results of the experiments were reliable, and can be reproduced. The psychic abilities of "Distinguishing Characters by Ear," "Teleportation,": "Psychic Writing," and "Breaking Through the Barrier of Space" exist objectively. Under the support of the leader from the National Defense Industries Commission, Comrade Zhang Zhen-Huan, the results of the experiments were reported to the Central Committee Propaganda Department, Party Schools, as well as the leaders of the Party Central. In April and June of 1982, documents were issued by the Central Committee Propaganda Department. These documents pointed out that this research could continue to be carried out, thus putting a stop to this argument. The fourth stage began in June of 1982. This is the stage of thorough research. In November of 1982, the Third Session of the.Preparatory Commission was convened.. Here plans were made for research work andexchange work. In April of 1983, the "Academic Symposium on the Human Body Functions" was convened in Kumming. In June of the same year an "Academic Discussion Conference on Quantum Physics and Human Science" was held. in Beijing. In September of the same year the Fourth Preparatory Commission Meeting was convened in Huhehaote in Neimenggu, where more specific arrangements were made for each type of work. At present, we are trying to get a grasp on more thorogoing research, attempting to make some breakthroughs in our experiments. Looking back over the achievements in research of human psychic functions over the past five years, Zhu Run-Long felt that they were: 1. The existence of these abilities 2. The latent universality and its inducibility 3. Multiplicity of its manifestations 4. Physiological changes in those with psychic abilities 5. Physical observation of strange phenomena of objects toward which the psychic energy is directed Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 6. Initial probing of the observation of the mechanics 7. Relationship between human psychic functions and Qigong 8. Theoretical research on Comrade Qian Xue-Lin's theory of the human psychic state 9. Research into an even larger human-universe concept 10. Effect of human psychic functions on philosophy 11 Research into social implications of human psychic functions II. Academic Exchanges: Having dedicated publications - "Research of the Human Psychic Functions," and "Latent Human Abilities." We have scheduled national and regional conferences for exchanges, and have attended some inter- national academic exchanges. III. Organization: We have a force of researchers, and we have begun to form aforce o_`_spec1aTized researchers. Our leadership structure is beginning to take on dimensions. When speaking of the present time, Comrade Zhu Rui-Long said that at first this research caught the attention of the leaders of the Party Central Committee. This amply reflects the superiority of the socialist system. Under the leadership of the party, research into the human psychic functions will snreyo~urjs7n 7- its development nest, the support of the older generation of revolutionaries such as Zhang Zhen-Huan, Gao Zhi-Guo, Yang Chao, Die Chun Rong, and Lyu Bind-Kui: end the concern ancIguidance of the older generation of scientists such as Qian; Xue=Ln, Zhao_ZhongYao,_BeiShi-Zhang, and Yang Long-Shenallowed research work to cont.n~e,_tc~ be mo thoroughgoing. All of our troops have been tempered and. tested. Research has continued to be more thoroughgoing. The level of under- standing of the parents of psychic children has been raised, and they are willing to make sacrifices for the research of human science. However, there are also some detrimental aspects. In most units, this kind of researc has not been in- corporatecC into the national an There is a lack of fund,.ing. There is no way. to assure the health of psychic children or to guarantee theii promotion in schpol. We have not been able to gain social acceptance for the time, titles, promotions, and work of scientific researchers. These are problems which we will have to ?olve"fn the future. Finally, Comrade Zhu Run-Long said that we are full of confidence for the future. We have to take full advantage of the situation, overcome obstacles, and create our own conditions, suit measures to local conditions, work dili- gently, and in the wave of the new technological revolution, make some contribu- tions for the four modernizations. Next, Comrade Zhou-Pu,_ manain& director of the Sichuan Provincial Human Science Research Committee, gave a report on the work in Sichuan on research work on human psychic functions over the last five years. Comrade Zhou Meng- Pu's report points out that Sichuan province is not only the birt p race o-f human psychic functions ut that it has always been the center for this kind of itesearchThe"support of the Sichuan provincial leaders for human psychic Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 research has been consistent throughout. The broad masses of scientific and technical personnel were tireless in their efforts. They have made very pleas- ing progress in "Recognizing Chinese Characters by Ear," "Teleportation," "Rela- tionships Between Qigong and Psychic Function," "Research in Human-Universe Concept," and "Research into the Mechanics." Comrade Zhou Meng-Pu stated that efforts would be redoubled in the future to do an even better job of human science research in Sichuan. Amidst enthusiastic applause, Sichuan Provincial Political-Commissar and Secretary Yang Chao-Tong gave a speech. He spoke first of the new technological revolution, then he switched his topic to human science. He believes that human science is: 1. A combination of biological science, life science, and human science - a new field of science. It is the finest of complex systems. 2. It is a composite science made up of natural science and social science. 3. It is a new science composed of electronics, systematic science, and human science. Therefore, we must move faster and conscientiously carry out research on human science. He said that gaining the knowledge that we have today was a develop- mental process. Next, Comrade Yang Chao-Tong of what we should do in the future. He believes that: 1. The present foundation of human science research must be deepened and broadened. We must conscientiously analyze the present state of traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong, human psychic functions, and brain science. 2. Then we must find ways to make breakthroughs and continue to persist in our storming the fortification battle. We must combine electronics and human brain science. I especially emphasize the joint research of computers and the human brain. We must use computers to analyze human brain functions. We must absorb a large number of people who have studied electronics and use them in human science research. We must emphasize the circulation of talent. 3. We must pay a great deal of attention to inducing psychic functions. He believes that this inducing work is very important. That it is the primary guarantee for research and experi- mentation in the human psychic functions. He specifically proposed the adoption of the three following procedures - traditional induction, Qigong induction, and information induction. He also expounded on these three types of induction. To facilitate the development of induction work, he suggested adding attached middle schools to traditional Chinese medicine universities and colleges, and consciously accept a number of children with psychic abilities, cultivating them in depth. 4. From our present state of being partially out in the open, we must work toward becoming completely open. Make it become part of the (national) plan. He believes that it will take another three to five years for this to be completed nationally. Comrade Yang Chao-Tong feels that the reason we have been moving slowly is because of the interference we have encountered. If we ignore human science research, then we are apt to fall behind in the wave of the new technological revolution. Comrade Yang Chao-Tong also emphasized solidarity. He hopes that all -11- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 of our country's research strength can be forged into a single cable. Like the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing his or her special prowess, but also with a single, common goal. Comrade Yang Chao-Tong also suggested.that the Sichuan Provincial Human Science Research Committee could publish a "Bulletin" and some briefs.. He hopes that the Provincial Science Commission and the Science Association will support human science research work. Finally, Comrade Yang Chao-Tong excited and inspired us when he said human science is a science which is an amalgamation of things old and new., Chinese and foreign. It is possible that the breakthrough will come in. China. There- fore, there is a.very bright future for this research. I want to congratulate in advance each and every one of you seated here for your even greater achievements which will bring glory to our Chinese Peoples Republic. The speech by Conrade Yang Chao-Tong stirred wave and wave of applause. Also speaking at the meeting was the Deputy Chairman of the Provincial Science Committee, Zhang Ting-Yu; Advisor, Huang Liu; Provincial Science Association Chairman, Xie Li-Hui; Deputy of the Provincial Health Department, Ren Chang-Fang; Editor-in-Chief of the "Peoples Daily", Li. Ban-Li; and Comrade Wu Wen-Wu who came here from Neimenggu at special request. That afternoon, an academic reporting conference was held. Comrades from the Chengdu Telecommunications Engineering Institute, Sichuan University, and the Chengdu Institute of the Academy of Sciences gave individual briefing on their recent research. Beijing Delegate He Qing-Nian and Qian Xin-Sha also spoke. In addition to members of the Sichuan Provincial Human Sciences Research Committee, Comrades Gu Ying-Wu and Zhai Tian from Anhui; member of the Yunnan Provincial Science Association and Deputy'Chief of the Yunnan Chinese Medicine College, Yang Xue-Ren. The "Sichuan Daily" reporter who was the first to report the human psychic function phenomenon, Zhang Nai-Ming, also attended the con- ference. On the same day, commemorative activities were also held in Chongqing. More than 140 people attended meetings there. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Deng Er-Xin of the Chongqing University. Comrade Du Wen-Cheng, Deputy Chairman of the Chongqing Science Association spoke at the meeting. Reports were made by Comrades Zhin Shu-Ran of the China Human Science Research Com- mission (preparatory), Feng Bao-Wei of the Chongqing University, and Huang Xi- Ting of the Southwest Normal College. First to be discovered and reported in China, Tang Yu (he is now in middle school) and his father were taken to Chongqing to attend the meeting. Before the meeting concluded, Tang Yu and other psychic children were presented with momentoes and respects and appreciation was shown to their parents. -12- Approved' For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For, Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Yongchuan special district where Tang Yu's home town. is also held commemorative activities. Those attending discussed what had happened over the last five years. They unanimously stated that they would give their best personal efforts to continue human science research. In Beijing, comrades.Zhang Zhen-Bao, Qian Xue-Lin, Lyu Bing-Kui, and Professor Yang Long-Sheng, who have all along been supporting and concerned with this research, attended meetings. Comrade Chen Bai-Laing from Beijing University who had recently undergone surgery also came to attend the meeting. Comrade Wang Chu Who attended the first Human Psychic function Science Discussion Con- ference, as well as Comrades Liu Yi-Ming, Lin Shu-Huang, and Zhang Zong-Qi also were there. Also attending were comrades Chen Xin and Mei Lei who had attended the International Academic Conference hosted by Bridge University in England, indefatigable researchers Yang Jian-Hua, Liu Yi-Cheng, Xu Bin-Zhang, and Cao Jian from the Academy of Chinese Medicine System, as well as research workers from the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute, Beijing University, and Beijing Normal College. Furthermore, parents of psychic children who have supported this research from the beginning, Jiang Zi-Xun and Wang Wen-Hua, were also there. Jiang Yan, who was just an eight year old girl five years ago, also came. She was the first child in Beijing who was discovered to have the ability to "distinguish Chinese characters by ear following the "Sichuan Daily" publication of Tang Yu's psychic abilities. Accompanying her were Wang Qiang and Wang Wu, red faced children with sparkling eyes who. thirst for knowledge. Comrade Zhang Zhen-Bao borrowed a Chinese idiom to describe the meeting - the virtuous are all assembled here, both young and old. If the "virtuous" may be described as those intellectuals who wish to.make some contribution to the Chinese people, then this is an accurate description of the attitude of those attending. Comrade Lin Shu-Huang, member of the Standing Committee for the China Human Science Research Preparatory Commission gave the opening address. Then Comrade Wang Chu gave a report on psychic testing. He reported on the results of psychic testing of two psychic children during last summer vacation and this spring. vacation by himself together with Comrades Chen Bao-Liang, Liu Yi-Cheng, Yang Jian-Hua with the cooperation of Comrades Luo Cheng-Lie and Liu Gui-Lin of the Qufu Normal College in Shandong. Contents of the test were the ability to see something on the other side of a wall or in another building and the ability to make out messages. The procedures of the testing were very strict, the results were positive and repeatable under specific conditions. However, they feel they have to conduct another series of tests before they can make a judgment. They are planning to continue testing during summer vacation this year. There was an atmosphere of cordiality and enthusiasm at the meeting. Com- rade Chen Bao-Liang, member of the Standing Committee of the China Human Science Research Preparatory Commission enthusiastically stated that the reporting of Tang Yu's ability to "distinguish Chinese characters by ear" was a very impor- tant event. It drew the attention of China's scientific circles, and research was begun. Although we have had many difficulties and setbacks over the past five years, the correct policies of the Party Central and the State Council have Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 allowed us to persist and filled us with confidence.. I believe that in this research of ours, we are. moving in the forefront of human knowledge. Recently, with the approval of the State Council, the State Science Commission published six policies. The first of these points out that: "Do not view new accomplish- ments created by contemporary mankind as heresay." A famous biologist gave encouragement to me and Comrade He Mu-Yan several times. He said, "You must keep on going." Many of the older instructors at Beijing. University also support this work. Therefore, no matter how difficult things become, we will persist. Naturally, we must not be too impatient. It is going to be a long struggle. All those attending were greatly interested in China Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute's Comrade Song Kong-Zhi's briefing on experiments on "Obstacles to Breakthroughs in Space." Comrade Chen Xin, Standing Committee Member of the China Human Science Preparatory Commission,spoke next. He said that this work of ours has garnered the support of our leaders. Deputy Director Qian has given us much direction on scientific research methods and styles of work. Director Zhang Zhen-Bao and other leading comrades have paid a great deal of attention to this work. The major question at the whether the phenomenon we are studying is actually real. Here, I can once again declare that the experiments we have conducted prove that these phenomenon are real. We conducted our own experiments repeating the work done by.the comrades of the Beijing Normal College. Prior to the Second All-China Human Psychic Functions Science Symposium, Deputy Director Qian emphasized, "We must direct human psychic research so it is done in a scientific manner." We have done just this. If we hold another conference like this five.years from now, I do believe there will be some great changes. Professor Zhao Zhong-Yao spoke very happily. He said this work of ours is very important. On the other hand, it is very difficult. Being both important and difficult, it is of great significance.,' This research includes the human factor, which is different from the physical experiments of the past. This is a new kind of work. The first step is to verify its reliability. The second step is to clarify exactly what it is. For example, how is the information carried? A lot of time will have to be spent clarifying this. We must dis- cover its laws to develop new knowledge. The first step has already been taken, and we are on the second step. Attention must be paid to researching its applicability. For example, its uses in medicine. Say there is something in the body. If we can see what it is, this is very useful. There are many other aspects which are worthwhile researching. Sadly, I am too old; otherwise, I would be taking part in this research. I come now to listen, and I am very happy. Grey haired Professor Yang Long-Sheng said that he and Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan were classmates in school, and Professor Zhao Zhong-Yao was our teacher. I believe that if we can resolve this question of human psychic abilities, I believe that it will be even greater than the theory of relativity, and it would have even greater effects. It would mean many changes for mankind. Not only physical changes, but ideological and philosophical changes as well. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Even though the time was approaching noon, everyone was still very atten- tive. Finally, Comrade Zhang Zhen-Bao offered the following thoughts on the situation at present and what should be done in the future. He said that we are a group of people struggling to ferment a new scientific revolution. We have laid a little foundation, but that foundation is not solid enough. We have accomplished the following: The first stage has been completed. This was the struggle with Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan. He lost. This is symbolized by the six policies which were announced at the All-China Scientific Work Conference and approved by the State Council. Within these six policies, it is said that: "In natural science and technical work do-not raise opposition to spiritual pollution." Comrade Yu Guang-Yuanin, in the 1982 "Philosophy Yearbook," wrote a special article accusing. human psychic research as being spiritual pollution, Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan did not abide by this stipulation, so his defeat was preordained. This was because he ran counter to the idealectics of materialism. We cannot compromise on questions of principle. We are standing on firm ground, because we have a basis of facts. It will be a long time before we know how to explain these facts. It will require painstaking efforts. There will be more struggles yet to come. We need not be affaid. We have fought to do this. Any new progress will depend on solid experimental work. We also need theoretical work. This is even more difficult. How many years did it take Newton and Einstein? Of course, we have Marxism, the thought of Mao 7e-Dong, and the superiority of the socialist system. We will advance more rapidly. We have al- ready seen some results in our experiments. In the future, we need to do our research work very solidly. Also, we must collect, a broad range of material. There is so much material that we have not collected. Exactly what is it that psychics can do? We do not understand nearly enough. There are lots of unsub- stantiated stories that have to be conscientiously checked out. Also, is psychic ability in actuality a function of the brain? Is it purely a function of the brain? There are differing . opinionson this and it should be thoroughly checked out. We are experimenting on people. This is very complicated. It is not like experimenting on physical objects. Therefore,.material must be gathered very carefully. In investigation and research, we must have a division of labor. Each person must work on one specific area. He must not try to do the whole thing. At the same time we must recognize that there is a major role for the leaders, especially for the leaders at the higher level. In my position, I can only play a small part. I have to work for the leaders, let them see for themselves. I have to get financial support. There are quite a few people coming from foreign countries for exchanges. We have to look into this, see which ones we may conduct exchanges with, and which ones we may not. That three hour conference was really a concentration of knowledge. The general feeling was one of solidity, depth, and solidarity. Moving forward toward one goal. This was expressed by Comrade Lin Shu-Huang just before the meeting ended when he said the message from this meeting was taken to the central meeting in Chengtu by delegates which went there. That was that we ernestly hope that we may form like a national chess board and expand our work in this newly opened field of knowledge with better leadership, better organization, and better planning. -15- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 The Shanghai Municipal Human Science Committee convened a large scale academic reporting conference at the Shanghai Transportation University on March 3rd. Among those attending were members of the Shanghai Human Science Committee, and research workers from the. universities and colleges and research units. Also attending were cadre from party and government agencies, parents of psychic children and people from-all walks of life who are concerned with human science. More than 400 people attended in all. The meeting was presided over by the responsible person of the Shanghai Human Science Committee, Comrade Zhu Yi-Hi. She said that the March 11, 1979, "Sichuan Daily" publication of Tang'Yu's ability to "Recognize Chinese Characters by Ear" aroused widespread attention. In order to explore the secrets of the human psychic functions, human science research work in China has gradually developed within certain limits. This meeting we are holding in Shanghai today is in the spirit of the Fourth Preparatory Committee Meeting for the China Human Science Commission. This is a branch meeting. The main meeting is in Chengdu, Sichuan. Chairman He Zong-Yu of the China Human Sciences Commission (preparatory) went back over the last five years of human science research in China. He said that over the last five years human science research has travelled over a rough and bumpy road. Because the existence of human psychic functions is an objective fact, people have gradually paid more attention to it. Most of all has been China's famous old professor Qian Xue-Lin, and leader of China Defense Science Industries Commission, Zhang Zhen-Huan who have given us their support. Researcher workers from colleges and universities all over China and workers from scientific research units continued to: carry out research. Parents and teachers of psychic children actively cooperated. Over the past five years, we have already had a number of achievements. She said that these five years can be.broken down into four stages. The first stage was a discovery stage - the half year from March to August of 1979. On March 11, 1979, the "Sichuan Daily" published an article on the child from Dazu County in Sichuan, one Tang Yu who could distinguish Chinese characters by ear. After this was verified and reported, Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Yang Chao, personally carried out some tests on Tang Yu. Thereafter, children with similar abilities were discovered in various parts of China. Because these things were so contrary to ordinary knowledge, "Peoples Daily" and some other people rose up in opposition and refuted it. The second stage was the development stage. It lasted about two years, from September 1979 to September 1981. In July of 1979, representatives from the "Natural Science" magazine went to Beijing to attend a meeting on Qigong scientific research. At the meeting, he heard that several children with psychic abilities had been discovered in Beijing. Together with some science workers who had attended the meeting, they tested these children. They repeatedly carried out many experi- ments with two of these children. They verified the fact that-these psychic abilities actually existed. When they returned, they published several relevant articles about this in the September issue of "Natural Science" and in following issues, demonstrating the reality of these abilities. This attracted even more Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 scientific workers interested in this work and the interest of people from all walks of life. All at once newspapers,. magazines, movies and television were all reporting on this. Psychic children continued to be found. Comrade Qian Xue-Lin visited the editorial department of the "Natural Science" magazine. He gave them his support in this work. Following the suggestion of old'Qian, the China Human Science Commission Preparatory Committee was established. The third stage was a stage of controversy. It lasted from September 1981 to June of 1982, about six months. Because of several not too accurate reports at that time,'a social controversy was aroused. Comrades with opposing viewpoints believed that psychic abilities was trickery, magic, and.ran counter to Marxism. On Septemver 26, the,"Wen Hui Pao" published a speech by Comrade Yu Guang-Yuan. Following this, a full text of Yu Guang-Yuan's speech was published in "Knowledge is Strength." In the face of this, the China Human Science. Commission convened its second preparatory meeting. They unanimously believed that they should respect the-truth, and that the research work should continue.. With the support of the leader of the National Defense Science Industries Commission, Comrade Zhangzhen-Huan, psychic children gave demonstrations in the central propaganda department, party schools, and for comrades Ye Jian-Ying and Fang Li. Scientific research personnel from universities and colleges all over China and from more than twenty units from science research agencies carried out joint testing of psychic children from all over.China. And,once?again they proved that this ability actually exists. In.June of 1982, following all the efforts described above, the central propaganda department issued a document that pointed out that this kind of research work could continue. This brought an end to the controversy. The fourth stage is the -present stage of going even deeper. From the last half of. 1982 until today,_it has been more than a year. Looking back over this journey, we can see the crooked path that we travelled. Through diffi- culties and hard work, we gained the support of the leaders, and that is how we are where we are today. As for what we have reaped in the past five years, Comrade He Zong-Yu said that we have had an abundant harvest over the past five years. 1. In scientific experiments we have demonstrated the reality of the human psychic function, as well as its universality, inducibility, and multiplicity; changes in physio- logical phenomenon of EEG, blood flow, temperature of main and collaterial channels and accupuncture points, and the (Chinese medicine) pulse condition; changes in the physical phenomenon of light, electricity, magnetism, and radio- activity. With various types of testing, a valuable amount of data has been accumulated on all of these. 2. On the theoretical aspect, Professor Qian Xue- Lin has proposed the theory of "The Human Functional State." The proposal of this theory has summarized all of the phenomena we have seen, and it draws a clear line between all sorts of mystics and agnostics. It has laid a foundation for our research work. 3. Organizationally, we have already formed our research forces, and our leadership structure has already reached certain dimensions. -17- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 As for the work in the future, Comrade He Zong-Yu said that there is a future of development for this research work. The leaders are paying a lot of attention to it. Everything depends on our doing sure and steady work. Even if there are great difficulties in our work, ideologically we should be confident of early results. Following the conclusion of comrades Ho Zong-Yu's speech, there were academic exchanges. Professor Zhou Ying-Qi of the Shanghai Aquatic Products College and Professor Zhang Ming of the Shanghai Physical Education College represented the Shanghai Institutes of Higher Learning Joint Research Group in giving reports on "The Optics Phenomenon of the Human Psychic Function" and "Training to Induce Psychic Functions in"Adults (college students)." Comrade Chen Bi-Tong repre- sented the Shanghai team for using Qigong to prevent and cure nearsightedness and gave a report on "The Effectiveness of Using Qigong to Prevent and Cure Near- sightedness." Finally, Comrade Shu Wen, advisor to the Shanghai Higher Education Bureau, gave an address. He said that after hearing the previous reports, he was full of exceitement. He said he hopes that we will be able to persevere in this kind of research work, and that we will keep on having success. He said that there will always be differences of opinions on each new thing when it first comes out. There is nothing strange about this. We must believe in the reality of its objective existence, but we must also allow others to express their doubts until we have clarified just exactly what it is. These doubts may be used as an in- centive for our work. Of course we are opposed to those people who come down with a big stick., put labels on us, or are subjective and preemptory. He pointed out that we should not play down our own personal achievements, but neither should we be too overboard in our ideas on things that have not yet been verified. This is the only way to guarantee the smooth progress of our research efforts. After the meeting, a video of research on the human psychic functions was shown at the audiovisual classroom. More than 400 attenders excitedly watched the video on Chinese and foreign research. XINJIANG - The snow has melted and the spring returns. In the southern part of the country, there are nice balmy spring days. In China's western frontier city, Wulumuqi, spring is just now approaching. On March 12, 40 XINJIANG provincial human science researchers held a meeting at the Xinjiang Military Region General Hospital. Deputy Secretary of the party cell of the Autonomous Region Science Association, Comrade Yang Yong-Qing, presided. She recalled the journey of Xinjiang's progress in human science. She pointed out that the present situation is excellent. She called on work hard and press human science research work in Xinjiang to a new stage. Comrade Liu Xing of the Xinjiang Military Region General Hospital passed on the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Preparatory Committee for the China Human Science Commission. Comrade Fang Jie, Deputy Group Chief of the Preparatory Group for the Xinjiang Human Science Committee reported on Qigong research over the past several years. Also speaking at the conference.was Comrade Wang Qun, Deputy Group Chief -18- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 of the Qigong Studies Group; Huo Shu-Hua, Secretary General of the Committee for Combined Research in Chinese and Western Medicine; Professor Wang Wu-Ji, Director of the Psychology Department of the Xinjiang Medical Institute; Assoc- iate Professor Guo Tong of the Xinjiang Medical Institute; and Comrade Cui Zhi-Qiang of the Party Branch of the Xinjiang Science Association. FUJIAN - On the morning.of 11 March, a.meeting was held at the Fuzhou West Lake Hotel by the Fujian Provincial Qigong Research Committee under the auspices of the Fujian Provincial Science Commission. Attending the meeting at special request was third year middle school student Huang (translators note: complete name omitted purposely in original text) who gave a demonstration of psychic abilities. Among. those attending these commemorative activities were cadre, specialists, teachers, and research workers from more than 20 units as well as provincial and municipal departments and bureaus including the Provincial Old Cadre Department Work Committee, the Provincial Geriatrics Association, the Provincial Science Association, the Provincial Electronics Association, the Provincial Society for Computer Applications, the Provincial Psychological Society, the Provincial Physics Society, the Provincial Genetics Society, the Provincial Public Health Department, the Provincial Medical Society, the Provincial Research Institute for Chinese Medicine and Herbs, the Fujian Medical College, the Fujian Chinese Medical College, the "Fujian Daily" News Agency, the Provincial Television Station, the Provincial Peoples Broadcasting. Station, and the Provincial Peoples Publishing House. Huang successfully recognized Chinese characters by ear, as well as psychic sight and long distance perception, convinced everyone in the audience which responded repeatedly with enthusiastic applause. ZHEJIANG - A symposium was held in Hangzhou Municipality. The delegates were instructors and research personnel from the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Commercial College, Zhejiang Industrial College, and the Hangzhou Meteorlogical Institute. Professor Dong Tai-He, member of the China Human Science Commission (preparatory) and member of the faculty of the Zhejiang University Optical In- struments Department, reviewed the human science research work over the past five years. Qian Jiang-Hu and Zeng Shu-Shi, who are parents of psychic children, represented parents of psychic children and spoke on their behalf. They, ex- pressed their indignation at people who slandered them as "frauds." They promised to support resolutely human psychic research in the future, just as they have done in the past, and to work hard for China's four modernizations. At the meeting, five psychic children gave demonstrations on "recognizing Chinese characters by ear," reading a closed book, and teleportation - pulling out a watch. All were successful. Those attending the meeting expressed their hearty congratulations, and held a heated discussion on these phenomena. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792ROO0300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 SHAANXI - An assembly was held at the second.attached hospital of the Xian Medical College on March 11. Among those attending were Xian Meng-Xun, director of the second attached hospital of the Xian Medical College, as well as comrades from the Xian Telecommunications College, Shaanxi Normal University, and the Xian Transportation University. Presiding was Comrade Wang Xing-Zhong, member of the China Human Science Commission (preparatory). The comrades attending reviewed the history of frustrations over the first.five years. They unanimously expressed that no matter how great the difficulties, they have decided that they will continue on with research in the human psychic functions to create new and better work. conditions. Comrades attending.the meeting suggested that in addition to doing a good job with "human paranormal capabilities", we should strive to make further progress in popularizing and reporting our work, so as to facilitate the exchanges between various areas. GUANDONG.- On;.the morning of March 11, a meeting was convened at the Guangzhou Medical College. The meeting was attended by specialists from some of the Guangdong provincial scientific units, medical colleges, and institutes of higher learning, as well as some Qigong instructors. Shi Tan, former Vice President of the Southwest Industrial College, and Professors Deng Tie-Zhu and Song Da-Ren of the Guangzhou College of Chinese Medicine attended by invitation. Conrade Liu Ru-Chen, member of the China Human Science Commission (preparatory), presided. Comrade Li Zi-Quan of the Guangzhou College. of Chinese Medicine gave an overview of human science research in China. At the meeting, some people suggested the establishment of a preparatory committee for the establishment of a Guangzhou human science committee. This support received the enthusiastic support'of all those attending. After a heated discussion, Comrade Li Ze-Quan of the Guangzhou College of Chinese Medicine was nominated to be group chief of the group which would include doctors, reporters, and cadre among its seven members. They would be responsible for the preparatory affairs for establishing a human science research committee. SHANXI, TAIYUAN - on 10 March, the Taiyuan Municipal Human Science Research Committee convened a symposium at the Shanxi University. More than 20 people attended. Associate Professor Sun Meng-Jia, of the Physics Department of Shanxi University, presided. He gave a briefing on the exploration of the human psychic function in Shanxi. Comrade Kui Shou-Zhang, Director of the Taiyuan Municipal Human Science Research Committee, described the Fourth Plenary Session of the Preparatory Committee for the China Human Science Research Commission. Teacher Quyang Jiang, responsible person for the Shanxi Provincial Thought Science Research Committee, also gave an address at the. meeting. During the discussion, everyone had some good suggestions concerning human psychic function research. At the same time they told about using Qigong to build up the body and to cure diseases. All those attending resolved to persist in the research of human psychic functions, and to make what contributions they could to China. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 ANHUI, WUHU - On 11 March the Anhui University Human Psychic Functions Research Group held a meeting at the Anhui Normal University. Associate Professors Qian Xiao-Hu and Chen Jing-Yu and more than 500 teachers, students, and workers from the Anhui Normal University attended. In addition, Doctor Xu Kui-Wen of the Anhui Municipal Public Health Anti-Epidemic Station; Wang Cong-He of the Anhui Municipal Meteorlogical Machinery Factory; and psychic children and their parents also attended. Wu Chun-Hua of the Anhui Provincial Educational Science Research Institute and other comrades sent congratulatory telegrams. Comrade Xia Xu-Quan presided. Comrade Xu Xing-Fang represented the research group in reporting "Review and Outlook." Psychic children carried out experi- ments on character recognition, choosing shapes and colors, and making flowers bloom. During the afternoon, a small scale discussion meeting was held.. They thoroughly discussed inducing psychic functions, exploring the mechanics, ex- panding the research organization and further developments in research. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 BREAKING THROUGH THE OBSTACLES OF SPACE FOR PSYCHIC WRITING AND SEAL AFFIXING By: He Qin-Nian (Beijing Municipal Chinese Medicine Research Institute) In the "Joint Experiment Report on the Reality of Human.Psychic Functions" there were records of tests carried out on "V's ability to do "psychic writing." The author of this article took part in making up the samples. The test at that time was to take a blank sheet of paper which the tester would sign, roll it up into a tube around a ball point-pen, and fold back both ends. This would be placed on the table in front.of the person being tested with three people watching at the same time. "Z" was only allowed to pick up the tube and smell it. Then he had to put it back on the desk. He was not allowed to open the tube. Then "Z" was given a fountain pen and another.blank sheet of paper. After "Z" had written on the second sheet of paper and stated that he had written'the same thing on.the piece of paper rolled up around the ball point pen, the observers opened the rolled paper. It was discovered that what "Z" had written on the second sheet of paper with a fountain pen was also written of the signed sheet of paper in ball point pen. The style of the characters was also ..very similar. To. do further testing to determine if "Z"'s psychic writing..could`break through the barriers of space,'; thiseexperiment used a sealed envelope. The results of this test are recorded below. Methods: "Z" sat in front of a desk, observer Wang Pin-Shan (Director of the Acu unc- tureDepartment of the Liaoning College of Chnese Medicine sat to the front and left of "Z". The other three observers Yu Shu-Zhuans--KDeputy Director of the Acu- puncture Department of the Beijing College of Chinese Medicine), Xan.Jiang-Zhneg (Researcher of the China Academy of Science Atmospheric Ph ysics Research Institute and He Qing-Niansat around and-'behind -'rZ" . See Diagram 1. In order to make a comparison between a sealed test and an unsealed test, a sheet of lined stationery was folded three times (with the lined side to the out- side) and placed in front of "Z" on the desk. Both sides of the paper were checked to make sure nothing had been written on them. "Z" was given a ball point. pen. and another sheet of paper. On the other sheet of paper, "Z" wrote in cursive script. The present time was 4:30 in the afternoon of January 22, 1983. What "Z" wrote was "How are you? Thank you.teacher." He also signed his name. At this time observer Wang Pin-Shan opened up the sheet of folded stationery in front of "Z". On the lined side of the paper he saw "How are you? Thank you teacher" written in.ball point pen. 'T's signature was also there. The penmanship of the two were similar. The back of the paper was checked once more. It was blank. After He Qing-Nian and Yu Shu-Zhuang repeated the experiment, another sheet of lined paper was folded and placed into a manilla envelope. On the face of the envelope was printed "Beijing Natural Diagnostics Research Committee" in red -22- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 letters. After the paper was placed in the envelope, He Qing-Nian used glue to seal the envelope. On the spur of-the moment he.also took out his personal ivory stamp and affixed his stamp along the horizontal. seam of the envelope. After this was verified by the other observers, the envelope was placed on the desk in front of "Z". Being watched all the time, "Z" picked up a ball point pen and on the front of the envelope wrote "How are you? Thank you teacher." Then he took He Qing- Nian's stamp and stamped the back of the envelope forcefully several times. The location of these stamps is shown in Diagram 2. When this was completed, "Z" waited 'a little while, and then handed the envelope to the observers. The time was 5:15. Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Stamps' 1, 2, 3, and 4 were on the face of the envelope (solid lines) and stamps 5 and 6 were on the paper inside the envelope (dotted lines). Results: The observers inspected the envelope, and verified that the envelope had not been tampered with. Then the envelope was slit open across the face along the middle line. The paper was taken out, and it was discovered that on the paper was written "How are you? Thanks, teacher." There were also two stamps on the bottom. (See Diagram 3). On the back of the paper were still the words "Z" had written earlier "How are you? Thank you..teacher", as well as his signature, thus proving that it was the same sheet of paper that had originally been placed in the envelope so no switch had taken place. The side of the paper with lines showed two stamp markings (both were the marks of the ivory stamp). By comparing the handwriting it can be seen that the characters on what had Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 been the blank side of the paper in the sealed envelope are very similar to the characters "Z" directly wrote with the ball point pen. They are both 'T's hand- writing. Checking the stamp imprint on the stationery, the size and shape is ex- actly the same as those on the outside of the envelope. The location of the stamp markings on the stationery are not the same as those on the envelope. (See Diagram Diagram 4a Comparison of Psychic Writing with Characters on the Stationery (top) and those Written on the Envelope (bottom) for Comparison. Diagram 4b Enlargement of Characters on the Stationery (top) and those written on the Envelope (bottom) for Comparison. The entire experiment lasted less than one hour. None of the observers ever left the area. "Z", the person being tested, remained seated in his original position while performing the psychic writing. The entire desk was within the observers' field. of vision. None of the four observers noticed "Z" doing anything suspicious. This was the third time this experiment was carried out. The former two occasions had similar results. Discussion: The results of the experiment shows: Even using a sealed. envelope, "Z". can use psychic writing to write on paper sealed in an envelope, as well as marking stamp the same way. This experiment suggests that it tie worth while investigating whether or not psychic writing may toe place outside of 'normal space and t Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 In testing 'T's ability to overcome the obstacles of space, we repeatedly used the sealed envelope test for observation. We discovered that,," Z" could ex- tract the entire sheet of stationery from the Sealed, envelope with the simplest. of movements while he was being directly observed. For example, one time the author of this article took a meeting notice, folded it twice, placed it in a manilla envelope, and used glue to seal the envelope. Associate professor Dai Ru-Fu of the Haerb n Indust University and two other people were present when the envelope was sealed. They checked that the envelope was well sealed. Then the envelope was handed to "Z". "Z" used the thumb and_forefinger of each hand to grasp the twoNVends~of` the envelope. Heheld the envelope up over his head and into the "light from a window. The light was very good from the observers' stand- point. We could directly observe the slightest move "Z". Because-the t was`able to slightly penetrate the envelope, we were able to see the outline of the paper inside the envelope very clearly. It was at this time that "Z" said, o you see the paper-moving?" All three observers saw the paper in the sealed, envelope slowly move upwards. At this time we fingers holding the enveaope-,very, closely, and they did not move at all. When the paper had moved up (against gravity) all the way to the top of the envelope, "Z" pulled his hands a- part.and all of a sudden the paper came out. (His left hand was still clutching the"' envelope and his right hand was holding the paper,) We immediately inspected t"[e`condition of the envelope, and it had not been altered in any way By holding the-envelope up into the it could be seen that the paper was gone Upon inspection, the paper that "Z" was holding in his right hand was~ truly the same meeting notice that had been sealed in the, envelope. I observe_the _everse process (placing a paper into a sealed envelope) Dang Qun, a researcher from""tie Academy of Science Biophysics Research Institute sealed a manilla envelope and handed it to "Z". With observers to his front-, back, left, and right, "Z" picked up the'envelope in his left hand and picked up a color photograph (one of a kind) in his right hand. Tien he lightly pressed it against the bottom of the envelope. He squeezed several t' mes with his fingers, and in a few seconds the picture disappeared. Upon inspec- tion, the seal of the envelope had not been broken. The envelope, was cut open and the one of a kind color, photograph was inside. During the entire process 'T's movements were very simple. From the time the envelope was handed to "Z", it never left the observer's field of vision. The entire process (from the time "Z" took the envelope, picked up the picture, until the picture was inside the envelope) was no more than a few minutes, eliminating the possibility of opening and reseal- ing the envelope, so we can only surmise that "Z" used psychic powers to move the picture inside the sealed envelope. This kind ofperceptual knowledge from direct observatioa_,._after repeating many times, forced the observers to consider: -the envelope sealed in 3 -dimensional space was no hindrance to,_.."Z"'_s:-psychic abilities. "Z can use these psychic abilities to overcome obstacles of space to quickly ex- tract a piece of paper from a sealed envelope, or to reverse the process to place something into a sealed 'envelope, or to cause writing on a blank piece of paper in a sealed envelope. During the process of these experiments, there was a speeding u wsfnZ" pulrate, and his face became very red... This indicates that there of "Z"'s pulse ...1 zcpenditure-of body energy. Just exactly is the inherent relation- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 ship between this expenditure of energy and the manifestation of psychic powers. At present, very little is understood about this. Af er the.psychic_r " ty ex- periments described.. above., were finished, "Z" was not especially tired. He talked and laughed easily. It maybe supposed that the energy expended by psychic func- tions is not too great for the human body. Generally, it seems to be relatively small. Normally, "Z" cannot complete psychic tests at will. He sometimes has to wait several hours or longer to successfully perform an experiment that only takes a few minutes. This shows that certain. conditions are necessary to move from the st ate to state. Amon these conditions whether or not the normal tie s chic erson' ben tested isywillin _ n.._.._ub . p g g to do it. This kind of sjective will is one of the foremostconditions. If the person being tested is subjectively unwilling, no psychic abilities will be manifested. However, if the person being tested is subjectively willing, after a period of preparation., a psychic state. often appears. This 'point illustrates that theFsubjective will (cerebral activities) is a crucial link in the appearance of the psychic state (but not the only link). Researchers from the Chna Aerospace Medicine Research Institute ha used an EEG to record changes in the brain waves of psychic children while using psychic powers to cause ob eats _ tp move.. There were.__ ea an of inite changes. This kind of'_ change is similar to the change when a.Qigong master goes-into a Qigong functional state. This shows that there is a definite pattern. It is not completely random. ,At_ present we know very little about the pattern of going from ?a normal state to a psychic state. The experiment of breaking through barriers to conduct psychic writing illustrates that once a psychic state is achieved, it seems the psychic is not restricted by normal 3-dimensional space. This is something that should be researched. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 AN EXPERIMENT ON USING PSYCHIC POWERS TO BREAK NEEDLES AND MAKING THEM WHOLE AGAIN By: Lin Shu-Lu (Beijing Normal College) Liu Mo-Sheng (Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute) There have already been several research reports on experiments on using psychi, powers to bend iron wire and break wooden sticks and making them whole again' This article reports the results of an,_experiment conducted on using psychic power`-foTbreak'needles and_making them whole again in April of 1981. Design: In order to eliminate any false. appearance, and to guarantee the strict- ness of the experiment, the experiment was designed to satisfy the following conditions: 1. The test object :(including the test object and the sealed container) must have several unique characteristics. 2. The container is sealed in an irreversable manner. 3. The experiment is closely monitored by more than one person. Making the Test Objects: 11 Test Objects. We selected at random a steel sewing needle of about lmm diameter. We used callipers to measure its total length I. Then we broke the needle into two parts (See diagram 1). We then measured the lengths L1 and L2. The person conducting the experiment kept L2, and L1 was used as the test object. After it was psychic- ly broken, a magnifying glass. was used to match up the break between Lland L2, and the length was check to make sure it was the same needle. The Experiment: 1. Chart 1 Outlines the Experiment. Time Testee Resul tsART ONE 81/4/26 Xizo-Jun Psychic breaking of needle.. 8/4/28 Xiao-Jun Psychic breaking of needle. 8/4/27 Xiao-Jun Psychic reforming of broken needle. Investigators Present Lin Shu-Huang, Yan Fu-Zhen, Hui Gui, Wang Su Zhen Lin Shu-Huang, Hui Gui Lin Shu-Huang, Yan Fu-Zhen, Wang Su-Zhen, Hui Gui Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Example of Typical Experiment: Time: 3:00 to 5:45 p.m. April 26, 1981. Location: A Xian Municipal Office Testee: Xiao-Jun People Attending: -Lin Shu-Huang, Yan Fu-Zhen, Hui Gui, Wang Su-Zhen Test Object: 1. Test Object: A number 1 steel needle, L1=39.40mm, L2=3.90mm. 2. The sealed container was a number 1 match box, with an-individual distinguish- ing mark on it. Diagram 2: People were arranged as in Diagram 2. The person being tested could touch the test object, but he could not leave the area or the sight of the monitors. Results: The L1 portion of the number 1 needle was broken psychicly. Reliability: 1. The person being tested was being closely monitored at all times during the course of the experiment'. 2. Those administering the test checked before and after the experiment to make sure that the wrapping and the marking of the sealed container was intact. 3. The persons conducting the experiment opened the sealed container: the L1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 portion of the needle had been broken. After checking the break seam and measuring the length it was ascertained that the needle was the original one. Electron Microscope Analysis of Broken and. Reformed Needles: 1. Analysis of the break produced through psychic powers. In May of 1981 we used an.electron scanning microscope to analyze the break in the needle broken with psychic powers. (1) (3) (2) Picture 1 shows the broken end of a number 4 needle magnified 50 times. Picture 2 shows thesame bro en..ed?magnified 1,000 times. Results of, the analysis shows that that test object was pulled apart and not bent until broken. TFiis result confirms the reality of breaking neeci es with psyc~i powers from yet anotier aspect, 2. Analysis of the seam following psychic reforming. In May of 1981 we used an electron scan microscope to analyze the seam of a -29- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 needle that had been reformed_with_psychic powers. Picture 3 shows such a seam magni ed~106 times. The results show that there is_ohe normal seam lines, and no sign of any we1Mng. This is do using common me hods. We feel the ability to break and reform needles__is_a,psychic ability which objectively exists, and that further research into this ability especially into the process of the super-precision reforming, could have major' and practical implications. I want to thank Yan Fu-Zhen, Hui Gui, and Wang Su-Zhen for their part in the experiment. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 ANALYSIS OF TESTS ON THE TRANSMISSION OF SENSATIONS THROUGH CHANNELS IN 25 PSYCHIC CHILDREN By: Li Guan-Jun, Li Jing, Zhao Guo-Xin, and Huang Gu. (Changchun School of Chinese Medicine) . In our process of testing child psychic Liu (X), we made the initial discovery that in his recognition of characters he was using transmission of sensations through channels, and sending it to the brain. This is how he is able to reecognize characters. To demonstrate this discovery, we tested 25 other child psychics, and the results of our observation follows: PERSONS TESTED: This was a group of 25 psychic children. After repeated tests, all showed relatively strong psychic powers. The group consisted of 3 boys and 22 girls. The oldest was 15 years old and the youngest was 7. With the exception of one preschoool youngster, all were middle school or elementary school students. The majority were in the third or fourth year of elementary school. They were of normal intelligence, and their marks above average. DATE OF TEST: From April to July of 1981. LOCATION OF TESTS: At various times in Hailong and Huadian counties of Jilin municipality, Qiqihaerh municipality, Fulaerjibeiman Steel Mill, and Tongliao municipality, Ganqika Huolinho Animal Husbandry Farm in Neimenggu. Room temperature was 15.5 to 27.5 degrees centigrade. PARTS TESTED: The testing was done along the channels, with the test card placed on the left "laogong" accupoint (wrist). TESTING PROCEDURE: Prior to testing someone took rectangular cards 5.5 X 6.5 cm and used a fountain pen, brush, or ball point pen to write red, blue, or black "test card" horizontally or vertically on the cards. The cards were then stacked and placed ina rectangular envelope in ready for use. Prior to the experiment, each of the categories to be tested was measured and recorded. During the test, one of the test cards was drawn at random from the envelope using the "double blind" method (neither tester nor person being tested knows what is on the card). The card was placed on the "laogong" accupoint and the feelings and reactions of the person being tested were recorded on a tape recorder. After recognition, each of the categories being observed was measured and recorded. Also, the person being tested ws asked to write out whether he saw the card as being red, blue or black and whether it was written horizontally or vertically. On those whose abilities were stronger, and recognized the cards faster (the average time was ten minutes) we placed an air bag on the upper left arm to conduct a channel blockage test. During the blockage, the blood pressure indicator was stabilized at the pressure of the systolic pulse.. The time of blockage used the time required for recognition as the standard. -31- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300330001-8 LN734-85 1. Skin Temperatures: A Shanghai transistor body thermometer was used to measure the temperature of the various accupoints along the heart channel before and after recognition. 2. Current Along the Channel: We used a channel electricity measuring device produced by the Beijing Aerospace College to measure the current at the various accupoints before placing the test card, and after recognition. These values were recorded for comparison. 3. Blood Pressure: We used a metered Sphygmomanometer to measure changes in the blood pressure from the time of placing the test card and after recognition. These values were recorded for comparison. 4. Pulse Rate: We placed a stethoscope on the chest outside the ventricles and measured the differences in pulse rates before placing the test card and after recognition. These values were recorded for comparison. 5. Blood Flow Graph: We used a blood flow charting instrument produced in Jilin with the standard resistance set at 0.1 ohm. The outgoing signal was patched up to a domestically produced Shanghai electrocardiograph. Two silver plated brass plates were used to measure both the blood flow of the brain and that of the arm. The plate for the arm was placed outside the "neiguan" and the "kongzui" accupoints, and that for the brain was placed on the forehead and the protrubance behind the ear. Before placing these plates, the skin was cleansed with alcohol and a cotton swab, and then rinsed with a biological salt solution. Electrocardiograms were taken both before placing the test card and after recognition. These were analyzed for differences. RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENT: 1. Transmission of Sensation: During, the course of the experiment, the psychic children described their personal feelings as: although there were some differences because of the length of time it took to recognize the cards, the common feeling was one of a tingling or heat in the hand which followed up the inside of the arm past the elbow, armpit, shoulder, neck and head. Black dots or flashing lights (a number of flashes) were seen before the eyes. Then an unclear picture of the card or characters was seen, which gradually became clear and the color recognizable. After recognition, most of the children felt dizzy, as if the head were swelling, headachy, or exhausted. A few of the children did not have any sensations. 2. Skin Temperature: Of the 136 skin temperatures taken in the experiment, 89 or 66.44% rose and only 24 or 17.65% decreased. Also, temperature increases of the heart channel increased most obviously. See Table 1 for details. The average increase in skin temperature for the "laogong" accupoint was 1.78 degrees sentigrade; for the "neiguan" (elbow) accupoint it was 1.18 degrees; the "quze" (armpit) acupoint was 0.72 degrees; the "jiquan" (shoulder) was 0.55 degrees; the "dazhui" (neck) accupoint was 0.74 degrees; and the "Taiyang" (temple) accupoint was 0.52 degrees. Statistically, the skin temperature differentials of the "laogong", "neiguan", and "dazhui" points were very obvious (P