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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200650064-1
4 tC'R :`y C't( 1lB(~ `= ~!?4P~)Q'R"ale li er' to (~...,(eoa
Existence of the "Jinluo" Line ( Meridian Channels )
Department of'Physir s and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh I
I'iitsburgh NAIR Center for Biomedical Research )
Rcflexolc>l,v (nlanipulatirig areas on the feet to affect the rest of the hody) was listed as
"IIt';(r }117;I l'" i; ? s','Ct^nl I 1;11('`4 c'(": j rt :Ivi n th r i l'ItiVC thc,'rl!ples ~~'lar{!If(a ~~~/llbs, 4b'hv
l(r1i. inc .is (-(itclaln ("In", 'ov'cmbei 4, )9J~, (.1inl)alCd with the I11()rC C1cd16IG
treatments like acupuncture, while in fact they are both based on the same ancient Chinese
theory of "Jinluo" system, the critical "meridian line network" which links virtually all the.
hunl;ul land animals as well rel~loitedly) parts and passes the "cli" through them to maintain'n
health and vitality. "These- channels are also strongly believed by most Chinese parapsyc~hc11c.1~~.ic +'~
researchers as well as gigong masters as the pathway of the subtle energies which carries p:,,
infornlatiun IL Lha & 7'. McConnell, "Parapsychology in the People's Republic (,/' Chili,.;.
1979- I91c;9". J,A`)'I'R,,s5, 119-74,5(1991)].
T1:'hcre are huge number of papers on relations between Jinluo system and psi functions
published in China since 1979. Some reported. the ESP message's propagating speed alorig the
lines as i typically 15 to 50 centimeters per second among the gifted EF1113 (1-Exceptional
Functions of ITuman Body, the Chinese term for ESP and PK). children and qigong masters
(Zhuang.tianxiung, et al. (Inst. of Space Medico-Engineering, ISt'vIE), "Measurements on Human
Electromagnetic Energy Field", Ziran Zazhi(Chinese Nature Journal), 11, 43-51(1988)], a figure
well above the control grciup's ((1 tt) 14 centimeters per second). They observed that once the
lit 1kC illi' r?"a(Jl their I(>Ct'll(:-a(h th(' Clf`;irec1 1~~~1~ 11i(1r ,'t'i
appears as an " image~~ on a special V screen" there. There are as many patients receiving the.
Jinlou-theory based traditional Chinese medicine thera,~y regularly today as those using e,.1c l
medicine, in the country where one fourth the earth's population lives (many actually use both
simultarlcously since it is not unusual for a Western medicine doctor, "Xi-Yi" as called. I,,
etc.), since they took the existence of the Jinhuo system as an,we11 established fact right Ircin
their birth.
No convincing anatomic evidence of these channels was found so far, but the hot subject is
carried in many state-funded Chinese traditional medicine centers, research institutes and
universities. Professor Zhu Z,c)ngxiang, who leads a group in the institute of Biophysics of thtc
Chinese Acadciny of Science. (Academi(i Sinicra) claimed that from 17 y'ear's careful studies in
Ills tal), they ilad proven there arc. really 14 Jlrlltlo lines in the human body by at least thre=e
indehcndent and distinctive hiophysicaI feature.;, including low electric iul,cd:;ncc, Ili :11 ('lcuHHic
potential, and acoustic or therih1C .Taphic coliductive rhar:letcristirs :ts COMIh:lrcd 'xith tll('
('ha1111c1 s adj:RCCllt arL'a~. Also, is 111('V rcIpotied, the most n11pOrt:1n1 I L'rl(ll;lll phen((1I1C11(!1"
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200650004-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200650004-1
propagating during needling at an acupoint), hats 1_accn cx.tensively studied and verified by
classical physiological experiments such as ECU, EEC, ENIG (electruiiayograph), EGG
(electrogastrograph), local impedance rheograni, etc.. 171m Zong.viang, Xu Ruirnin, et ctl., ",1
,Saul), on the Low Impedance clrarar:terisTICS of-the' ,1Ieridiun I,ines before and after arnptuation",
Ziran Z_azhi, 9, 281--287(198(3); 7/t11 Zlin,Sr.6mg, "111e Aclna;t.ces and Prospect in Phvsiolo,r,,ical
and Biophysical Approaches to the Ac u,"r.cnctrcre Meridian System", Ziran laZIti, '.1,
327-332(1986); Zhu Zongxicurg, et ul., ;IcupunCturs Research, 5. 308- (1980), 7, 1(9 , 23,5'- ,
299- (1982), 8, 73- (1983), etc.J. A dcu}ilcd c kpc:rirncratal channel location reap had b-eu
produced by 19199. These claims have brnut;ht wide attentions awnrig Chinese. scit=mists and
t;CW,`, tai.. '! 4. l,.`,(' ;t? ;try t,.; 'I it? r;;'I l ti l_ '. :,C;i;r. ,
of general believe that, the channel c,-,stem a lie'; c the non-equilibrium physiological dynamic
processes of the living body and therefore it will trot hn detectable in vitro.
According, to a recent rcpc1rt of the official Xinhna. News Agency (Si'ptetnber 20, Beijing,
bay Zhu Bai/utta), Chinese and Soviet ,cienti,st?; aae rc3opcratirrl.; closely to ftn-thee reveal the reality
of meridian channels by modern flir>physicad rracans, aid major progress has bean achieved.
From the source, the rescarrh center headed by Professor Zhu signed a collaborate
agreement with the Institute of Cytological llirrphysics, Soviet Academy of Science, to lunch a
series of rnorphologicat) and biochemical experiments in Jinluo. The Soviet scientists would
investigate the special structure of the chatnncls Iry optical and electron microscopes, as well as to
measure the lines objcctively by biochemical (('r7: v?lniC) Methods.
The news reports that the scientists from the both sides had made exchanges fre(IueutlY
since May, 1190. A delc(,ation led b" Prt)i tenor Z111) via;ited flier Soviet in the pay:~ 1ru~c~. an.?
1)r. 1`.l u ov 01;T.i fi(rw
radiology department, is working in the Professor Zhu's lath in Beijing. The report says the
Russian researchers have successfully detected. acupoints which on the whole agree with the
Jinluo map made by Zhu's group.
Also from other Xinhua reports, Ur. Qiau Xucsen, the pscnninent Chinese rocketeer, Dr.
Robert Jahn(PEAI, Princeton UniversirO's fsrct:dccessr_tr of the Goddard Professorship in the Cal.
Tech. Jet Propulsion Laboratory who t,r-cu providing ;h+.- crucial supports to China's psi
studies from the very hcginnin~., was ~~.r~rrtcd by the party a o_nc-of-the-kind "Outstanding
Scientific Contribution Award" which was dcsc-ribcd as the highest hone; ever to a sc ientist its
China. The Chinese government had also started a "Ieal n from Ur. than" movement tl;ruuttirout
the nation's scientific and technologic;rl units. Ill the I,raiil awardiu c,~rc~r~c?ny attended by the
party's top leaders, Dr. Qi;rn nicrntioncd 111:1( he will airs to further ar,_lvanre the "S