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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280001-1 t?' Approved For Release 200b108/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280001-1 - Or% _ uir bla. zi , DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW by NIMA/DOD 3/17/00- TCSi1o.,/523/ - IB .ils:J.-147/444 1514sich Copy 3-o. Mat4oR7IMOt FOR: ATTTIffI(Nif 2 5X TA p OBI THROUG Ilequiremeonts tru:nCh; Recc:mnaiss-nce Grcup, CGS - H Chief, (HYTC) SUBJWT.Ifi1ttion P.utes.fron ;_ttoneu, Laos to Couth Vletntra (2)' ZDI Feqtairement I. C-Dlli-J101Co (0 CI PID Pr--,,lect Bo. C las7/.:4 .1. This ne6Jrunlum is In res nee tu c. request Cr aeL.Ilcd stuay of made or tralic leading et und Qiutheastwara from Attopeu, Laos (12.'? 4:ijep 57,0 t r..7uth yietnam. 2. .A11 trails thst were located in th-A-axea prz.;tted n the enclosed,. - -ann7itated w..4p (pleVPID/Is-P-44.44). It nue:, 'be noted that pha-t.::, interpretation- I: trails in this area is limited by anze Jungle cover, und the IlmUngS sh0vn vere only th..:se that were clearly This doei net exclude the plbillty.orcither exlsting trull netvorks. .livever, it dc4s minimie,e the , pr..,b411Ity cf tr6.11b,:n4-Jt abic.:;wn. , Elapplies fioving trcfaxi ictt:.; _ c?mste.c;ver Itiltiezva a-utes 234. These rc..)...4s terminate In k4u.c.rag=*44-(1' 48.'4 - 3.ot.10 50,E), situated on the we bank of the Se Kong River-. .*Is river iz too deep for rcrdinz; since there ).e flz trtlge evluence ci ferry, ull gc.cdswu1c1 huve be handlpade onto uv4tlutl1e smull river cruft und transrx;red to the ,eutatern s.h.;re, oopzite MUong Noy. Sere another .single lane improved rcua, - 5 um's in length,?lez to the veitern abr.:re of the Se Ksmane onposite Att_)peu. Am at MdIng..M4y, the only tacilltIes,fer crossing the river ure h =Lai craft. 410 4! ? - b. Three sl.ng1e-14ne usimpr.oved roesia4e fr4.= the Attopea rea. The firSt e*tends T rues te. the northwest, where it iel*ves that endemic agrimtitural Boas-V. The seecnd road extends?l4.nlass;in n east,erly- airection, degenerates into a jeepable trail.. Ithe th rd fc-11cAted 7 na's &.)utheustliurd, wAsre it-ene4 lb pattern ct sm.111 footpaths. - !, 0. i 4:0a Approved For For ? . se 2006/08/23 : IA-ROP78T05439A000300280001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300289O01- ( ,TOP SECRET ?.' . .-'17. 4.10Tswe trulls portin 11. this,sketw:roaVAsam:y best be h_.nclie4 by , directing e.ttentli:in Up the accampi-lnyl:ne :=..nnittezi viv4s.. 11?:... n. t7.n:-ri: , e:f trt41S prt-?,ceeding 4:lster1y (.-...r s:zuth-eterly *As .-.1bservera. .,777.:.-wi ver, the wAssibility c.;.1 the t.. e .14.nule hi4ng netv..:.rks (,:f n4rr1.7 plIc1.44nimal - , . trail:a,- rustbe.- ke-ct. in * , 3* Ldaznaumt thItc!, stu4y., f1cesc,te ,thc Tt?c fsimvp c=stracte in 811th Itzt Kt Z:ju3 5a1z) t p4nk; nme.,SL 1:he La',1;i:n-uth Vletnup B.:;raor. At *24.s. =00141 Mal1t4177 cu4p3sv n. ero" whIch ec_111U be :,:bc.eviriez.l. trct.. ma's vest -Into 7,ti:Al territ.zry..71ic flr.iFt "5 UM turcl-1,-ne, the rem.4nder L2 nG sin.61c5-1-ne -r25X1D ' 25X1A Ima -i, c,n this 11,r,-ject -lie re Messrs. 1.1111MEMIMM vi zy eclat:acted c:12. exteilsi cal il544), u fa y ? reg...rdlog this reqluIrtment. This lz c.c i rtic..1 Lmsvor rcr4uire- neat. 25X1 A 25X1A .? a ARpl_?ayed For Release 200/08/23 : CIA-RDP78A5439A00030Q280001-1 . , INDOCHINA ? % 71 THAILAND 1250,000 trentc-1, ??????=m1m? C =I ? II= ? ?=I Fmssawasam re: 1 -7441.11 / ? fir Fcr, 41. 4110 1-5?',.:ible 411, ???.:. 9.,8 ? es ?'? SAIGON - Sca:e" 1 _250 Oa) "^, L'E.S AT VETE12 C,ECT,,Zt Approved For Release,2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280001-1 aninromminemmommomminsimow - Approved, For Relegse 2'O0/O8/23 : CIA-RDP78T05439A000300280001-i ? ........t.... , -..? .....?. ..., / .. --- - %.. -- . .1 ,.. --.?.- .,,.. 4 \- ...1.'-. ( N ? LADS.