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ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 TCS 46lo/63-KH M/EB x+53/63 22 October 1963 Copy MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Military-Economics Division, ORR Chief, Ballistic Missiles and Space Division, OSI 25X1 D THROUGH: Chief, Requirements Branch, Reconnaissance Group, CGS FROM: Chief, CIA/PID (NPiC) SUBJECT: Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test Facilities, USSR REFERENCE: (a) Requirement C-DDI-3-8o,555 (b) CIA/PID Project C 1270-63 1. This memorandum is the second part in response to your requirement dated 9 September 1963, which requested descriptions of the plant ar test area; chron- ology of the plant and test area, where possible; photo reproduction of the best quality photography of the facility; determination of the function of the probable bunker/deflector; and determination of the transportation and security capabilities of the plant and test area. 25X1D a. The line drawings are unrectified projections of the photo images 25X1D taken fr good quality KEYHOLE photography on for Sterlitama.k, Mission for Perm, and Mission for Krasnoyarsk. - 25X1D b. Though the photo analysts believe the mensuration to be accurate, all measureme ts must be considered approximate due to the inherent limitations of KEYHOLE photography. Scale and height factors have been provided by TID/NPIC. 2. Significant Observations - Sterlitamak (53-+N 56-OOE) 25X1 D a. The Sterlitamak Suspect Solid Propellants Test Facility is located approximately 7 nm north of the city of Sterlitamak in the USSR. The test facility is adjacent to Explosives Plant 850. This test facility is one of five which are identical in part and are located at Biysk, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, and Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy in the USSR. b. Though the plant and test facility can be negated on the basis of dating of its initial construction is not photographically possible. The plant covers an area of approximately 5,500 by 4,000 feet while the test facility covers approximately 1,800 by 1,300 feet. The plant is road and rail served and the test facility is road served only. The plant is, at least, partially- secured by a double fence. The test facility, which is separated from the plant by a single fence is also double secured. It is possible that the outer fence isc' a solid nature.. Declassification review by NIMA/DOD Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400038-8 SUBJECT: Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test TCS L+6io/63-KH Facilities, USSR M/EB 453/63 25X1 D c. reveals the 25X1D absence of several salient features at the test facility. The plant appeared essentially complete. By both plant and test area appear complete. d. The most thorough analysis of the Sterlitamak complex has been made on the test facility. (1) An "H" shaped building (which is possibly up to six different buildings separated by possible blast walls) is multi-leveled and appeared to be 25X1D in the final stages of construction. in Fight return from the roof 25X1D suggests that the building(s) may still have been under construction. Confirma- tion of the completion of this building(s) cannot be made until This does not imply that the building(s) was not complete before this time, but rather that the photography would not allow its verification. 25X1D (2) The test cell is not revetted or mounded at the Sterlitamak facility and appeared essentially complete in The cell is road served .at the end which faces a probable bunker/deflector approximately 260 feet away. The road is of a wide turn radius nature. 25X1 D 25X1 D (3) The probable bunker/deflector can be observed in However, a goncrete facing (later its most revealing trait), cannot be observed 25X1D in and cannot be confirmed until Though the concrete facing suggests a deflector role, a road serving the rear of the probable bunker/deflector leads to the possibility of an instrumentation role, also. Measurements of the probable bunker/deflector should be considered relatively unreliable due to an extreme distortion of high images. (4+) A group of staggered or offset buildings similar (if not identical) in function and appearance to analogous buildings at Perm, Biysk, and Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy can be found at Sterlitamak. The buildings are found in the plant immediately adjacent to the single fence dividing the plant from the test 25X1D area. There are now eight of these buildings. These buildings do not appear in 25X1D Three are present in All eight can be observed by - These buildings are possibly rail served. 25X1D 25X1 D e. Chief recognition features within the plant are four circularly revetted buildings which are connected by overhead piping or covered walkways; and an apparent flow line (represented by annotations 1-4 on the accompanying line drawing) of buildings which are connected by covered walkways or conveyors. Similar features can be identified at all five of the other suspect plants. These features indicate that at least two different explosives bases can be Approved For Release 2000/08/,04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 SUBJECT: Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test TCS 4610/63-KH Facilities, USSR M/EB 453/63 produced. The proximity of all of the features of the plant to one another limits the analysis of the plant at this time. Mixing, casting, batching, and resting functions cannot be specified due to a rather unique plant layout. Approximately 15 minor buildings have been added to the plant since as indicated on the accompanying line drawing. 25X1 D a. To identify each building photographically in the test area and the plant by function would be speculation and therefore presumptuous if unqualified. For this reason the buildings are described by measurement only. b. Accompanying this memorandum are line drawings which are numbered and color coded to indicate the chronology and dimensions of each building. 25X1D 25X1D c. One 20x enlargement of the facility as seen on Mission is included herein. 4+. Significant Observations - Perm (57-58N 55-52E) a. The Perm Suspect Solid Propellants Test Facility is located within the confines of Kirov 98, Chemical and Munitions Combine. The Combine is located approximately 13 nm west of the center of Perm, USSR. The suspect test facility is rail served and is secured by a single fence approximately 4+,500 by 1,700 feet. b. The suspect test facilit cannot be negated on any available photo 25X1D cover. First KEYHOLE coverage in reveals the Perm Test Facility in an undetermined state of construction. Several salient recognition features are not present at the test facility in these features are 25X1D present. The test facility is rail served (the only one of five similar test facilities to be so served) and is identical in part to facilities found at Biysk, Sterlitamak, Krasnoyarsk, and Kaaiensk-Shakhtinskiy in the USSR. c. The test cell at the Perm facility is rail served at the end which is closest to the probable bunker/deflector. The probable bunker/deflector is approximately 250 feet from the end of the test cell. d. The plant area, which has not been read out for the purposes of this memo, has the capability of producing several explosives bases. e. The staggered or offset buildings, which are also found at the Biysk, Sterlitamak and Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy facilities, were first visible at the plant in They are separately secured and each appears to be probably rail served. 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/0$/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 SUBJECT: Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test TCS 1+6l0/63-KH Facilities, USSR M/EB 14-53/63 f. A separately secured area which is approximately 1,800 feet south of the test facility, is approximately 1,300 by 1,150 feet and has several large, unexplainable revetments. No determination can be made as to what is being revetted. g. Included in this memo are (1) a line drawing of the test area indi- cating chronology and measurements, and a line drawing of the test cell and its relationship to the probable bunker/deflector, and (2) a 20x print from Mission 25X1D 5. Significant Observations - Krasnoyarsk (56-02N 93-02E) a. The Krasnoyarsk Suspect Solid Propellants Test Facility is located adjacent to old Explosives Plant 580 (not to be confused with the new plant which serves the test facility) approximately 5 urn east of the center of Krasnoyarsk, USSR just south of the Yenisey River. It is one of five similar (identical in part) facilities also found at Biysk, Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy, Perm, and Sterlitamak in the USSR. 25X1D - b. This facility cannot be negated on any available photo cover. First KEYHOLE coverage in finds the test facility in a mid-late stage of con- struction. Several of its now salient features were missing however. The new plant, which is directly associated with the test facil ?y, was being added to at 25X1D this time, also. B , construction at the test facility appears to have been completed. Construction has continued at the plant through No 25X1D confirmation of the plant's completion can be made at this date. c. Though the plant is road and rail served, the test facility is road served only. The plant, which covers an area of approximately 5,000 by 4,000 feet is secured by at least a single fence. The test facility (covering approximately 2,500 by 1,000 feet) is double secured with one of the fences appearing solid in nature. d. The most significant feature within the Krasnoyarsk Complex is the test facility, which will be discussed in detail. (1) An "if" shaped building (which is possibly up to six different buildings adjacent to one another and separated by possible blast walls) is a multi-leveled, irregular shaped structure which is probably identical in function to analogous buildings found at Biysk and Sterlitamak. It appeared to be in an early stage of construction in The building(s) completion can be con- firmed in 25X1 D 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 SUBJECT: 'Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test TCS 4610/63-KH Facilities, USSR M/EB 453/63 25X1 D (2) The facility has two test cells which are annotated A and B. Test Cell A was first discernible in It appeared to be essentially complete at that time. Overhead piping or covered walkways connect Test Cell A to a revetted building approximately 300 feet away. The front edge of the test cell faces a probable bunker/deflector approximately 240 feet away. 25X1D Test Cell BY the older of the two cells, appeared essentially complete in Cell B is also connected to the same revetted building the Cell A is. Again the connection is made by overhead piping or covered walkways. The front end of Cell B is approximately 75 feet from the 45 feet high probable bunker/deflector which serves it. 25X1D 25X1D 25X1D (4) The probable bunker/deflector serving Test Cell A is at least 60 feet high. It was first discernible as being under construction in However, confirmation of its completion cannot be made until when its concrete facing (the most easily identifiable feature at all five suspect facilities) is apparent. The probable bunker/deflector serving Test Cell B was complete (with concrete facing) in Though a deflector role is suggested in each case by the concrete facing, no final judgement of this function can be made. There is little or no suggestion that the probable bunker/deflector is served to the rear by any road or trail. 25X1D e. Chief recognition features within the Krasnoyarsk plant are six circularly revetted buildings which are interconnected by overhead piping or covered walkways; and two flow lines represented by Bu.ildingss 31-42 and 23-25 on the accompanying line drawing. The two flow lines are connected by covered walk- ways or conveyors. These same recognition features are found at the plants adjacent to the other suspect solid test facilities. It can be stated that this plant is capable of producing at least two explosives bases. An analysis of mixing, batching, casting, and resting functions has not been accomplished in this case since the proximity of the features of the plant to one another limit the analysis to the above. The major features at the Krasnoyarsk plant have remained unchanged since However, several large buildings of unidentified function have been constructed at periods which are indicated on an accompanying sketch. 25X1 D T. A final observation at the Krasnoyarsk facility is some scarring which is noted to the front of Test Cell A in Though the funnel shape of this scar suggests the possibility of a blast mark, it is the opinion of the photo analysts that no conclusive statement can be made on the basis of the photography available. 6. General Observations - Krasnoyarsk a. To identify each building photographically, in the test area and the plant, by function would be speculation and therefore presumptuous if unqualified. For this reason the buildings are described by measurement only. Approved For Release 2000/08%04-: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400038-8 SUBJECT: Soviet Suspect Solid Propellant Test TCS 461o/63-KH Facilities, USSR M/EB 453/63 b. Accompanying this memorandum are line drawings which are numbered and color coded to indicate the chronology and dimensions of each building. 25X1 D 25X1D c. One 20x enlargement of the facility as seen on Mission 25X1A 7. The photo analysts on this project are and they may be contacted on extension 2079 sho you have any further questions concerning. this project. 8. This project is not considered to be complete until dissemination of published report. Enclosures: 1 - Seven (7) line drawings _.(CIA/PID/MEB-P-223/63 thru P-229/63) 2 - Two (2) tables of mensuration 3 - Three (3) enlargements (CTA/PID/MEB-P-23o/63 thru P-232/63) Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A0002004t 1 to: T(5 4610/63-Ka M/EB 453/63 (1) 525 by 80 (37) 150 by 50 (74) 190 by 40 (2) 385 by 70 (38) 165 by 40 (75) 155 by 50 (3) 285 by 70 (39) 60 by 40 (76) 380 by 105 (4) 320 by 50 (40) 165 by 70 (77) Two sections (5) 175 by 45 (4) (41) .280 by 50 115 by 70, 115 by 90 (6) 110 by 110 (42) "H" shaped (78) 130 by 80 (7) 110 by 70 Two wings - (79) 175 by 65 (8) 340 by 80 140 by 20 (80) 390 by 85 (9) 265 by 90 Center section - (81) 250 by 70 (10) 115 by 50 145 by 25 (82) 95 by 50 (11) 90 by 60 (7) (43) 105 by 40 (83) 30 by 30 (12) 120 by 60 (44) 160 by 25 (84) 95 by 45 (13) 165 by 90 (45) 170 by 30 (85) 110 by 45 (14) 175 by 75 (46) 45 by 30 Wing - 90 by 60 (15) 110 by 50 (47) 60 by 60 (86) 80 by 75 (16) 105 by 50 (48) 525 by 100 (87) 380 by 60 (17) 395 by 60 (49) 265 by 60 (88) 70 by 60 (18) 125 by 40 (50) 250 by 90 (89) 110 by 100 (19) 205 by 40 (2) (51) 245 by 110 (90) 125 by 60 (20) "H" shaped building (52) 250 by 100 (91) 105 by 40 a. 280 by 85 (53) 255 by 60 (92) 85 by 60 b. 95 by 85 (54) 230 by 50 (93) 170 by 45 a. 150 by 80 (55) 200 by 75 (94) 130 by 50 d. 165 by 80 (56) 145 by 60 (95) 65 by 35 e- 125 by 80 (57) 180 by 50 (96) 70 by 50 (21) 400 by 50 (58) 170 by 110 (97) 200 by 50 (22) 135 by 65 (59) 110 by 40 (98) 60 by 60 (23) Two sections (60) 95 by 25 (99) 825 by 160 90 by 80, 90 by 60 (2) (61) 140 by 50 (100) 580 by 110 (24) 170 by 70 (4) (62) 375 by 150 (101) 310 by 75 (25) 220 by 50 (63) 300 by 140 (102) 310 by 105 (26) 100 by 70 (64) 265 by 105 (103) 310 by 90 (27) 140 by 70 (65) 225 by 100 (104) 310 by 90 (28) 30 by 30 (66) 185 by 105 (105) 310 by 105 (29) 105 by 30 (67) 180 by 90 (106) 180 by 70 (30) 160 by 90 (68) 180 by 90 (107) 105 by 60 (31) 75 by 60 (69) 190 by 90 (108) 95 by 50 (32) 115 by 85 (70) 175 by 65 (109) 40 by 40 (33) 365 by 85 (71) 60 by 60 (110) 95 by 70 (34) 460 by 110 (72) 115 by 90 (111) 210 by 80 (35) 105 by 80 (73) 165 by 80 (112) 100 by 60 (36) 40 by 40- Wing - 45 by 45 (113) 100 by 30 STEM! ITIr/,K TEST FHC/L 77 ~-\ ~, FVPLO5/VES PL/I/vr Atlnch~^?cnt 2 lo; CC; 1,( 10/t I' Kil w/HI 453/63 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400038-8 ~vr~ ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Attachment 6 to: (1) "H" Stied Building (3) 200 by 210 a. 300 by 75 (4) 80 by 80 b. 100 by 95 (5) 1.15 by 55 c. 145 by 80 25X1 D (6) 5 by 75 d. 160 by 80 (7) 35 by 70 e,, 125 b 70 (8) 95 by 80 (2) (1) 355 by 75 (2) 330 by 50 (3) 300 by 75 (4) 190 by 80 (5) 205 by 80 (6) 195 by 80 (7) 330 by 65 by 20 (8) 330 by 65 by 20 (9) 165 by 105 by 45 (10) 45 by 35 (21) 225 by 85 (22) 135 by 85 (23) 350 by 110 by 55 (24) 130 by 65 (25) 125 by 70 (26) 125 by 65 With Leg - 115 by 80 (27) 120 by 80 With Leg - 160 by 70 (28) 215 by 65 (11) 775 by 30 by 15 (29) 185 by 65 (12) 690 by 75 by 25 (at highest) (30) 300 by 115 (13) 695 by 45 (31) 340 by 100 Structures at ends - 130 by 60 by 35 (14) 790 by 50 by 40 (15) 825 by 75 (16) 205 by 75 (17) 185 by 75 (18) 100 by 75 (19) 150 by 60 (20) 220 by 85 (32) 220 by 65 (33) 395 by 60 (34) 310 by 60 (35) 48O by 50 (36) 365 by 75 (37) 645 by 80 (38) 525 by 80 (39) 380 by 75 (40) 460 by 65 6 10/63-KH TCS 4 M/E 453/63 (4i) 300 by 65 (42) 390 by 80 (43) 405 by 85 (44) 215 by 60 (45) 220 by 60 (46) 120 by 50 (47) 315 by 45 (48) 250 by 45 (49). 410 by 50 (50) 200 by 35 (51) 55 by 35 (52) loo by 55 (53) 105 by 40 (54) 90 by 40 (55) 155 by 60 (56) 120 by 50 (57) 230 by 35 (58) 85 by 40 (59) 120 by 50 (2 bldgs) (60) Storage buildings 170 by 55 (8 bldgs) ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 25X1 D Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA tp 78T, 0004W4009, 1 x, Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78TO5439A000200400038-8 25X1 D