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Document Release Date: 
July 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
October 23, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400037-9.pdf80.94 KB
ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400037-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400037-9 Approved For Release 2000/08104: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400037-9 /2 Declassification review by NIMA/DOD 25X9 INIENWOMOIN FCR: ATTYNIZIatz TCS FM, ARCH 237/63 .23 0 7.tober 1963 Copy TOO: Chief, Requirement-0 Branoh, Reconnaissance Group, ccs maw cie, CIA/FID(WIC) susrmr: Search of Tarim Basil_ RXISMNICW: Requirement Wo. C-513-50,640 CIA Project No. C 1375-63 25X1A 25X1D I. A search --1" a wt or the Tarim Beksin covered. by =Mat Mission revealed a large installation that apparently has four- distinct ,lomponeut.., nemel,y, laboratory, housing, adninij4ation, and suport, vh.1:h II located at 39-401 75-03E,- x nautical mile (nea nni of Xeshgar, China (39-28N 75-t11. The installation. is served by g:bod roads and relatively wide streetz, and is se- ? cuvecitor a combinatian wall end renew. Vnriau sectioruz o: the installatinn appear separately. secured. At least thirty- large researohilaboratory-type butlaings, thirty-five ePert- meat buildings, a number --af individual homes, approximately thirteen large aftdmdstrative/classroom-type 147?41A? ing,s. n nubbler ot.larga tite,ragla and eupport tyjm tuildinge. and Leveral large and small uaideatitiod biaildizw.are evident. 2. It appears that the installation ha z it* own power pleat. Comtruction activity is ttillevident at the installation; :low- -evw, it is probably or expansion purposes tince- the itallati,m appears, completed end operational. 3. The earliest gOod ualit phota the installa- tion is KEXHOLE Meta* and it al)pear that the Installation had been completed at that time no major changes are evident on the current cover. 25X9 25X1D Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78T05439A000200400037-9 ?eoSit'Ll RUFF mcs Abu/63-m Ptee 2 ,to analyst on this project is Memel/ be contacted. on extension a935 shmajl!!!!!!!!!!!'ll questions regarding the requirement. 6. 2bis nnwornndun is sent in partial responae tp? the reference& requirement. A pbotograPh viii be lforwarded a4.7 soon es evallAble. 25X1A 25X1A