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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 23, 1993
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003900680001-5.pdf506.49 KB
Approve For Release 2000/ 8/10 :CIA-RDP~fi-007 _~. , , o nu ~en+- - Lo~~~.e p~~ 1 /~r ` ~ ~ R 90068000 - ` d..~ 5~. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007898003900680001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007898003900680001-5 JOINT COMMUNICATIONS SERIES The Joint Communications (JC) series will involve the interaction of our remote viewers acting as senders as well as receivers. One remote viewer will be designated as the "sender" while the remaining two viewers will be the designated receivers of information during a specific time window set aside for this purpose. The time window will normally be from 1000 hrs to 1045 hrs . .,,e,,.-:..,,,.~.~.....~,~.. Immediately following the session, the two remote viewers who acted as receivers will finalize their independent summaries with supportive sketches The two remote viewers who acted as receivers will then compare their composite findings and agree upon a prioritized listing of key responses to the target. In all instances, the remote viewers acting as receivers must address the most significant target aspects. These will be identified as a distinct and se arate entr in the summary. Immediately following the session, the sender will also prepare a short summary of his "sending" activities that will reflect areas of concentration including the feeling/sensation/sound aspect associated with the target. After the four targets in this phase are completed, a tarcxet-RV script/sketch judging procedure will occur. All four targets will be placed in random order and analysts will attempt to identify their proper order based on the RV data. This is similar to the procedure used in the December 1992 communication experiment. Important Note: The sender(s) cannot discuss the target until after the judging process is completed. The two receivers cannot discuss their data with anyone else until after the judging process is completed. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007898003900680001-5 CPYRGHTApproved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007898003900680001-5 A ~nn~r~ai~icc~~t ~~zo~ilc~n.cnt to Jailedn.m.hiGion, Approved For Reler~~~`~bf~~'1~~~/~`~`x-~1b`I~'C~~9~`-~C~$~~i~003900680001-5 ~Irnnar~~ r~~hcrr~ghostsri~allzal~dto~~}i.ti~lsgaza~k Approved For Release 2000/08/10 :CIA-RDP96-007898003900680001-5 TASKING SHEET SOURCE NO: DATE: Q~ J SUSPENSE: ~ 4~ 1. PROJECT NUMBEI 2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of choice. 3. BACKGROUND: This ro'ect is art of 'oint communications series involvin the interaction of one remote viewer actin as a sender while the remainin two remote viewers act as receivers Burin the time window of 1000 hrs to 1045 hrs on this date. A co of the general protocol for this series is attached. and 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: FOR THE RECEIVERS) ----Describe the ke features sha es contours of the tar et. ----Determine the s atial relationshi s as well as redominant colors and back rounds at the tar et site. ----Determine the ur ose of the tar et structure s . ----Provide sketches in su ort of our findin s. --Identif and describe the most si nificant factor that is implicit to the tarp'et 5. COMMENTS ---- The "sender" will focus on the ke tar et elements. In addition the "sender" will also concentrate on a feeling/sensations/sound_ aspect that is associated with or kis im lied b the tar et. This will be recorded as art of the tar et material. ----The initial phase. of this exercise--w.ill have four targe ~ Appro`G~~dl`~o5f F~1-e~s'e Z~"Of~/0~~'~0~ ~I~'R~~96-007898003900680001-5