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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 21, 1988
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIAPDP96- 789FJD0370 PROJECT SUN TREAK (U) NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET NNELS ONLY -- -- ---- __ DATE OF SESSION: 20 JAN 88 SESSION NUMBER: 3 DATE OF REPORT: 21 JAN 88 END: 1130 START: 1007 ME,THODOLOGY CV ,_ ..... ._ VIEWER-' TTUENTIFIER 01 -1 --------------~ -- ------- (S/NF/SK) MISSION: Address the specific EEI of document location. 1. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: 011 was informed at the outset that this target had been worked before. The session began in Stage 4 without a cue (however, the coordinates were placed outside of the S4 matrix at the top of the page and the viewer was informed that place was desired). This strategy did not pan out and 011 was directed to locate a landmark. This tactic was also of questionable value and both monitor and viewer decided to review earlier session transcripts so as to reacquire the original "signal line". Movement exercises were then employed in an attempt to get an overall description of the -F ho a.a.qumed target structure. out in subsequent sessions. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: This was a tough session; much AOL had to bet worked through. It is this monitor's opinion that, based upon the data, the document is either located near the Mall (Washington, DC) or is in the SCIF at Ft Meade--which location is AOL remains to-be worked SGFOIA3 ZY WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE S0 ES AND METHODS INVOLVED ------------------------------------------- YNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-ikb#M-1T9RQ03730004-7 ,approved For Release. 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830004-7 CU4 enc ypted Coordinate - ..... the ca/or yc/%w..... 1c //n7 o inC/ine, /'ova, Younc'cc/ by ye//cu ....... dark, blue - black , hard, smoofi. ;oc, dark UF.' Coordinate - ..... ructure.......some/hin3 round.... dome -shape ..c CUE.' Landmark ..... there are rna,17y... /'c / l haf S ;IC ldca/inn is very close.. ai o' fhdt the /dot is con~cctcd ulifh fhc U. S, ir> c/~ chcc Co.nn7 1, ;,y wn4 ?r.~ ....., keep ae//'n,~ aver/ay c/ 4ashin~on, Z. C. t but have -lie j oress on hat the //CaI/ Is. Closer to!_ or an at Meadc...... a /a'r9c , mu/fr -storey, red WN Od Secure aiC _ _ Apt. break- 3r loot S'CIIF on Ft. Meade Zvi ldii?9 S'cem5 t stand out .. .. telycf may he /acatec/ in a 5c) rd? From the foO oPthe bvildin~ net the f&c of //i' bt;10-11 ~9 is a law, ? /df, round, mar,-,' ade stn tore .. AOL break- /i4.e a four fdin or a -does no/ always Contain wafer, "c,' One Furth rni/e .ta. fhc north - ...... a fa/1 r Pcakc , n?an -trade CT'urc _ _ _ _ Aoc. rnatchiy - _ _ ./hc Wdsh~r7 ton monurncnt pproved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830004-7'1