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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00370073 ~/NOF: oRN SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) CRV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICES INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER- N-_.:l NICKNAM& None Lillii (::I1::: SESSION: 15 Sep firs TARGET COUNTRYs NIA REFERENCES: None SE.SS:I:ON NUMBER: 02 DATE OF RE :F'0RT w 16 Sep 87 MISSION STATUSa Closed "1'E:C:;F?fN:I MUTE ,i i' i 1.,.. I Zi .:D H C: RV SOURCE :I: DF:i:N"r :I; F :t: C;::F"E r 00- :1,. {S/NF/5f( :t:NTE:RVIE:WI:R TASKING? Prc:lject. N-1. is the first of five similar I::lr?c:l.iects (N??-1 thrc.agh N? :':.'i) , in which the Viewer will be tasked to deesc:r?:i? haee in detail a document that is being maintained in the D :I: A C< I n a previous session Source had reported in detail the data pertaining to "a document" and therefore it was presumed that the information was, in fact, relevant to the target document. I n this session the Interviewer was tasked to target the Source on the act.uaal structure where the document is maintained, the D IAC, and to obtain definitive descriptions of the structure itse:lf< There was no addi.ta.{..1nal tasking to gain additional data pertaining to the actual. 0 d{"1c::c_c{neerat:. or the interior of the building. 2 (S/NF ./51::) =. l:::ll~lt:au Source was t.olc::i only that this was a continuation of a previous seess:i on in which He had been tasked ? o ec:i?: document located within a specific building. f ic ca s ~ t p on . r i~1:1c7r .. Source recalled the, session and indicated that He would be able to 2 r?eac::qui r?e-e the "signal line" without the assistance of further readings of the encrypted coordinates provide during the initial. session, as per Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) < Source was fur?thfer told that He was to initially acquire the proper structure and to remain outside the building describing this structure in detail. 3. (t'"/NF/CFA") :INt::`.1._.I::Mi Nt::IF:::G:ir There were no r?e:portaabl incidents or anomali e-es wh1:i, ch may havee i.n+:luenceecl the data obtained in this `' session. Source was not told until just prior c7 the beginning of the session t..hat.. He would be tasked utilizing the CRV technique vice the Extended Remote Viewing technique in which Source is currently attempting to master?< This slight bit of "myster?y" was handled by Source without any noticeable hesitation or reporting problems. Z Approv2R1~a b0%0`8 (4 '. d6-7'9R003700730004-8 . Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700730004-8 /NOOFORN -- SKEET CHANNELS ONLY (w (t /1~Id='/t31 :? ERAIMARY. C3c.)"c::c:~? ?f ihc+c::I the 1't'tG:lc hlcyll i:aurnrniar?y whI c:h l?MiisSiii pr"(.,.?pr:ar,cie)cl ?f ca:l ]. c:)wi. nq 't:h?Y{?? session and $subrn:i. t.t.c:aci to the I ntcervi. e? wr., r within 24 I"}C:Yt..IP"Siii :-af t ?n t.I" e se s ii on (("t Y C::C1rYYi:A. E? !?Y"}Ea+Sii?s of the (_y1::)ti`wr'"1, 't't{?{FYi'1 Siiit"tmrYli1I'"y ("tisSiii (;){1?I") c.:{:am1.)iiar"f!c:i t:c:Y 'tI'1{"fir Ir1't:.ti:?r"vie,+t~Jtoi"?'s nc:itt?.??5ii acid i:a :I. ]. c::) rn :i. r;i Siii a rlc:l / c:) i'" c::: c::Y r" i"' t?? c: t.:1 c::) I" } S;a h'1 i v e:+ been v F,`'r" ..H' i. ed as is:1c:::c.:c??1:a'l:.i-al.Y:tea by ?(::t1{;~ :I:S?i t.:C::Yi`?v:i.e,w{-aY~'. 'The i.n?fc::)r-matI n Inr"ovi.di{::d in the i..lmm