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) . , . Approved ForRelease2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00700730001-1 V, 4, 41MOINiiiii/N0FORN SKEET .CHANNELS ONLY PROjECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES. REPORT tr; WARNING NOTICEu INTELLIGENCE .SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED )ro. CONTROL NUMBER: N 1 DATE OF SESSION: 26 Aug 87 REFERENCES: None DATE OF REPORT: 27 Aug 87 NICKNAME: None TARGET COUNTRY: N/A SESSION NUMBER: 01 MISSION STATUS: Continuing TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 003 1. (S/NF/SK) INTERVIEWER TASKING: Project N 1 is the first of five similar projects (N 1 through N-5), in which the Viewer will be tasked to describe in detail a document that is being maintained in the DIAC. In addition to data pertaining to the document, the Source will also be tasked to describe the general configuration of the building in which the document is located (the DIAC), the actual room and the container. The Source- should not be initially told that the target is a document but can be told after the sessions begin at a time chosen by the Interviewer and only when necessary to avoid a "drive". It should noted that the.interviewer is still unaware of the true nature of the document represented by the label, "N-1". 2. (S/NF/SK) SOURCE TASKING: Source was told only that this was the initial session of a multi-session target and that He has not previously been targeted against this tasking. Source was further provided an coordinates of 250501/095323, as per Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) protocols. No other cues or identifying data was provided to Source prior to this session. During this initial session, it was determined that Source had positively identified the DIAC at which time He was told that He was to focus on one particular document in the building" and to describe the document in detail. 3. (S/NF/SK) INCLEMENCIES: There were no reportable incidents or anomalies which may have influenced the data obtained in this session. Source was not told until just prior to the beginning of the session that He would be tasked utilizing the ERV technique vice- the Coordinate Remote Viewing technique in which Source has been fully trained. This represented only the second ERV session conducted by this Source and seemed to be conducted without noticeable hesitation or reporting problems. Approved 4045408e(39,90/9m,:phgaggip,MR003700730001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700730001-1 -40111MMIMMONONOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY 4. (S/NFISK) SUMMARY: Source furnished the attached summary which was prepared following the session and submitted to the Interviewer within 24 hours after the session. The completeness of the typewritten summary has been compared to the Interviewer's notes and all omissions, changes, and/or corrections have been verified as acceptable by the Interviewer. The information provided in the summary was found to be complete and did not require further modification, clarification or additions by the Interviewer. n E (S/N/SK) COMMENTS: Source was quickly able to properly identify the location of the document in a manner which was strongly indicative of known data pertaining to the DIAC. Since the actual subject of the document is unknown to the Interviewer it is impossible to comment?on the veracity of Source's subsequent statements concerning the document. This data will be verified in the future through routine liaiscm and no additional tasking on document N-1 is foreseen with this Source. SG1J GS- DAC Or Approvedikiieralaidiegoora00/018109-: grIARtiPR. 9 qn91.97 8 9 R003700730001-1 Approved For Relea 1:11r4a0t131003700730001-1 Site involves a large, flat-sided structure with glass doors in front, with the front and center portions lower than the side. Squares and rectangles are the primary dimensional elements of the structure. Brownish green is a predominant color at the site. It is sunny, warm, and the whole area evinces a definite man-made, man controlled ambience. Large flat areas--perhaps parking lots and roads--are ubiquitous. Lots of cars and people are present. The structure of interest is administered by some 1 arge, widely spread ? or g an i ati on , " ,,uovernment or simi 1 at establishment. Inside the building f he first thing encountered is a large open area with 6 bar or desk behind which certain people sit to screen those who enter, to determine where they to go and what their purpose is, or even if they are supposed-to-+J-e?rrier.-It's essentially some sort of reception area. Beyond this are several different directions one could go, through various doors or down a hall with doors opening' off of it. Seems to be a white or very light grey color. Someone in the hall is wearing what appears to be a white coat. er- \1 cZ. r taskingl Jed , cted ,.,..14.0",i ted -access by a select c;jrc.-)up t'. amp o_ccup_at i.on? _assoc i. at i oris , or' p on si bill L ii 1 of whom share si-m1-1. at r 0 mon 1 i t i es -desig ,EA t d _by nd fo1 . the.. o c u men t d a C.:-? 13 h 1 1 Ji i? I iJ within the. -document p e to-A-herm' AOL of Constituti on. Document circulates very little; the fact that i--t-7e)4ists is and that itr(sztm-,,,'.-gt-r,4_eyed. , d referenced as "it is itttirective or Though perhaps AOL, the sense that it has to do technical and int1=6E-1471---,,-7747-pn7E.YeT47-TiTsafid g4ttlikkeatz14].i0-4.1.. e t c It i-74174-vp.c.litAlp7si.s., n s pm e-sense 1--;i24-."6,gF:f'S'.technical- in places, , iit capala4?3. tl.:es, and has airkm".izeri_AlmervLs, apaendi cps F7Ds ?anttr?--s} r:irr ? Fe/ ngs. principal component of document; General guidance, purpose section, outline, content, assigns overall responsibilities; ties ev.erything else together. section; Distribution, proportions, designation of. assignments, organized, melhodological organization, "deconfliction" - -resources addressed, avoids redundancy..." -how resources are addressed and deployed without poL',ti r'i i. n the way of other things. 77.rd section; Detailed responsibilities, chain of command, - authority, who reports to who, who can do what, "like" a task Di" ganization, large groups of assets grouped and subdivided to make it all manageable. ? 4th section; Involves/6ctuar:asets, quantities, abilities and limits" purpose, like00'46 7 but doesn ' t detail What belongs 4 , I o whom; itjust Ci04,-4.4.:4-ar..:7,?--'d-detaill1;77wh..7t#-.71.77-avail-abl-E, and- what itsan do. Assets aP-e 6rouped as to type - -least capable at beginningh most capable at end. Elye_or. more ( spmeAtaniv,47.,Tangible,-Selid, and usablev:like ._vehi-c7Ile IF?, are also involved. ?- 1 Approved For Release 20 Approved For Release 6-00789R003700T30001-1 l'5U1 sc.?ction: 1_0 t S ? -if.14.-1-riterritit-n-;7-g ?are codes in some ot to disguise but to convey information in a short space. Deals with location, nature, purpose, and other subjects dealing.with specifi.c_items Tor which each number stands. mi.--6-I-SCEInt-mf-E.Vti'CM7I5Ttl'c. Seems to be the last section of the document. 14!Ctl*of document _appear. Trdt 11177EIT6717.[S-Fi- Overall. feel-IT:sq.. it reminds one of a Aw,rplan. Some letters- in seem . E; Sudden ? .asn-of the word Cl-aSsificatioh of: document seems to be Top Secret, though not in so M Mvly-Exigliv,U7z4rds ..... that 's the sense- of it. A caveat , simi 1 ar to "ORSON" seems involved. Other, locally devised, informal caveats included which restrict the number of people who may have access to the document. Covar-:-.4.-S,'-44eland '-'20Mewhat rough, like -. Both ack .11. tt.EIT"JIILJ whi ch i s [at.i.a,..4,-.7--et7MI*T"'ItYV-175r1517'-'177"rdbi-11-favt.4-, though the year 1977 comes through as well Eintuitive analysis: perhaps a revision or evolvement of previous similar document]. ..AJ.T.JZift!i4Ordiiia;:.=Lrl:.0--Alrml.w..D:',.-,Age'rI-. Date is center bottom third of _cover. 1..a.f.-.t,-,J.ower-._cornpr,.-: has a?_lot of lettering., with a control ? Tilimber----er -log number or something. . Information was gathered by a group, a specific office, who -Compiled it frow:VarioAAS '66tside -Sources; other documents were used to compile it - -a synthesis- they cn mt.,,.,1. atc I I te whol a pi. cture. - di ici. tinont a.s _ni:Aintainc.:. has 1.ight. colored is light inside, has safe or I " safes !.1 . Look .jaoa+c -the t.h books and p, xi it; aT"'We-i2t-i-rig: LbJ 0 ways in door op i_7?ning inward the 0 sri. de ha 1. 1 :1 a I-1 Other deer IA OIL y with? t d CI 0 r_ 0 I:3 C.? risii nt.ciI Ii, L L roOM 1AI here me' t ng S d C:U," c..:5 CJLJi I t. Cliii ur --tzri.-nze]-:)w i t itkit-si Li a yl ight; o m d ,I ,,,Lf up cif f ?Lhe res---ftnt?t-b'b satlirtti rf r.' III Nc.:i.arby are ot h ptii-ret*.ZignOtalieart- i h-- 44AgC7rtte----. one, indirec.....1y. On the other side of the structure is the side the sun is on. It 's _Open grassy areas; not too away -is-'ft.-rfA:'fUUF7--Wlt'.h H.;:e an.. old theater. Approved For Release 6, 1