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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700150001- WARNING I\i(] i 7: CIc:::: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES ? i\iJ:) i"iE"I" INVOLVED ..... ..................... ........................_......................................................................._._...........................................................-..........-..................................._................_.,..._.............................,...................................... PROJECT 151t.J1"II:;I::i:i:: 880 5 SESSION Iul_Ji''II L :Fti :: 6 DATE (::JF'' Cil::::f::iE l: (jI\i:: 880419 DATE OF REPORTu S8040) c' 'i'?tR :: 0841? I::::i iI:) u 095:.. i`'ii::::'THt::1I:)(::Ji....(::I(: Y :: =.i R V VIEWER :I: I:)I:ii:I\rr I I::r :I: LFt I: 01(3' S MISSION: Determine :,_.., nature and scone of aii!1 event(s) s:.I"}Ca1..4..%a!P" importance ...I"}t:a .I.i' i't:'.iii:'r"ii;'?~'t.: t:: . ...i._r I :::! the US. Prior to describing the event and its significance, access and describe !.. I i a::: military forces, diplomatic activities, sociological and factors factors of the society (:I.os) involved in the event. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Using the boxy moving object (from 880411 session) as ::a "' starting ' point continue t". i.:; view and describe the {evert designated by coordinates 681001 / 187(:3:1.:1. P'= I'-t::;'4-a.t::.t:~ sketches i::; ~,- your in support viewing. ,'. (SJNP:?1c;P:::) C:.(::JlviNIEPI.Tsa Viewer had a physical inclemency due to h i s broken rib. The viewer again reported problems working through an AOI.... Drive of the Kennedy assassination (as in the last session). i l `iN l::::l I r s' i=;F;iu; 1 CQ( NNl;,"-.,, f;i> C11+lLY SPECIAL ACCESS i:: i :(;!L.) :t is E:.:D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4 (:NF?(::JF41'.i ............................... CLASSIFIED BY: r):[( (DT) DECLASSIFY (::Ji\l:: O(?1I:)Fi Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700150001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700150001-5 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: f 1::;1"' 1. 1. 1. rc..a~.. REPLY TO ATTN OF: i:). .+ SUBJECT: j.......~...,.._,._ SUM11"ARY (Cl~,:)ty) SG1J TO: :i. ?::>'t:'.:i. {:' Vi is 1,:;i l c:} 1" c:l id 't: {af w a {r i I:::, R C:38 i".aw(? L:ifY1E'r?:: 1::3 47 End flocle (::)? P.1 R:i 11 S 11 t viv I"11..1f~i, iay /?1s Eiiua?v:?i5:L 1"I Cat :L (:a l"; W9) CLL(??11"1(j I. E:? t U a:l f l CI t'.1"1 e 't'. a r" ( d:'??'t". event, t..t E5 :1. 1; c:i 't.. I"} Lit C:: t.A e ' !::}(}?: ':' {::;Ia 7(?iiSC:: t tt f rc:arrl 'LI'ic::: Iplr"(:?:dvi c:.tS k?fi?E 1 C:}( I :. k E::: {:;i 1 d"1 I'l a. i"1(:rl I::} ;5 r? c:: c? I::} !'.: a. c:a r'1 ?:?: c::: c:a r r- c:: a. t:a f:. i? } ra ?::> 1::1" c:; l?1 i:,l :t y w :i. 'L. i l 7. rx ?::> 1:: E3eiii:Eiil(::;1"I `?"i? I::;(:."r'r"Eii?(::iI"i i.i) rill"I C:}I::}F@l"Y""'t'.: c:; (:}l:aE:i?{:i iYi(::}'V 1. 1'l{:;1 L':;t:}:It?!C::'t:. ('~;'{rr}I..17.c:::I.e'') _a.Ar?r'r.:;t_t1?;{::IEE?(::l t:}y wtl;:a't:. l,:ll::}I::}E::? ;:a'1: as :t :I. ) _I.. I'l :I. is J. ?::i f c:} .1..1. (::} L J k::? (::l t.1 V J. fY1I::; I:.. 1 (::; I'l E:i o 4' L: e :I. f i (.:1 i:l c::,t_tr'1c:1 l::c:)y :i. r'1 c::l ? ?. 't:.!?1 i. ?::1 J. ?::i 4 (:a:1.:1. r..) VJc ca LAID t {_} 1'... 1?) (: .. L.~ t'" trE tai E''!"1 t: t:: :I. iYI ii?{? ,I t1-1e I:: ; Ci i:ar' {::} UJ Eii t. t..] I:a tiE1 ;a fYl ea I"; i::t I"; Ca cft I:a I:a E'ri'ca I'" ""; t. {:.; In e, r .r 4 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00370019"01-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700150001-5 :c ? :_years old by the time the ll?er:Cc?r. the "present'' r . C. Going back to refine the time l i n e , :f. cued myself t:c::t move l:c::t that point on the time line of the actual moment of the event, and to expand it. This resulted i. rY II 1) Perceptions of the person, as before, r i d i n g along in 1 an open-topped conveyance. 2., t?I..YeI'?e::i was a sudden bright light and "commotion" off to the person's r i g h t , out (::a'4 h i s vision. I???1(: never sees the actual event. ) This is followed by a M00 shock wave), followed by t?::: i::)+ :: ?Y 1... } i::: i::Y .I. 1. it: i::: 't:.:i. i::Y r'Y i::~.f..f? t::Y r...k. .L .. ? ?k: i:7 i:a is-~ ::; f:~ I,.. a. I::i t} t:: I"i ~:?:, 't:. t..t r.. f{:. of 1:, L.Y i:rt arid t?r a .....:.i. i"1 i a l`. I_.i iri.' i::Y i::i `.?: 'N i'tt i::Y'd :I. I't (::I i::i I::Y ..} i?:?: i::: 't". (4? r.:r t::? t: 11. a. t::? c?:r fi5 `iii J. i:] I"1 ~ sil tr:, ca .....i.. ... ..... i.a.. i t: : iii ... , < , v .., ..y .. a :I. I"i 'I:?: 1"Y t J. I'l t..t fi:. '. Vf. C:3 ffii. ;:v I"i i:a i:a i"' :I. I::! t t'i e 4 I"1 t (J te:. t::l I'1i't". d c ..., .: t::t :I. it t :? t::i .3. i?Y f Y :I. J I. i :S ~::~ :I, I. i"' t t..! ~/ :I. f:a i::' S I?_: i:::''t:: t:::1" i Ei? '.iii J.1 cw 'i' .. i i") t.. I, V.1 e vi 1. I"'i (::I,. Id itl 1'\.15:.11....1::: V :I: (.) . L... S (31\11 ... Y ......... ....... ................................... ,.............. (?l l.... (1(: t:::l:::: t::i 4::i I i l:::: t ? t.1:1: l=iL?': S } ......................................................................................................................................... 1\It::iI":"t:ll.z14i ......................................................................... BY., DI A (1)"I" 0 A 1)1::: Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700150001-5