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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 15, 1988
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Approved For Release 2000/0 9 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0037000700014 it kI\IC)I::"i::1F:t1\I 1 1:1::i t:l 1" E3 t..1 1\I (:3 i?? I::i I: (?1 W A f::t l\I :1: I\I G:3 1::31::1 t..1 IR 0::1.:1:3 AND f I E::: "I? I ?I :1I:) 3 :I: I\I V C:1 L.. V f:::: I:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . .......... . . . . . . . ................ ...... .... .... ................. .... . . . . . . . . . .................. . . . . . . . . . ........................................ ...................................... . . . . . . . . : ............. . . ........................... F'F:U)aI::0:"I" :1:C)I\I I\II.Jlvl 'sl:::;I" 10 1\1 li t t::3i.,2 J. r.'. I')(1.1 :1. 5 NI'?I"I.-I(::il:)1::11....i::11sV:: F., V VI:::WL::I::: 3:)1:::1\1"II::" :1: I::I?c: {::}11.11. 1 w (3l 1\I E:" ! 1::) NIT 11:31:3 T 1.11\1 I:) 'C'. i71:i. I"1 k"i '1?. iii: I' i~'r'1:EE:?'.?. ..... t'. !'1 t{. i.J is ? l'?~ i"' :I. {:a i" :: C:i es.' ?.? t?:a i '1:'. a. '1:: (:a J. i_I :::::;:> {~. I,.. a. L':! a. r'1 i::j f?t i?::?. c?::: ?..~ [:?:. I?t 'i:. ;~~. r?1 i::1 t:. I" i c:: m a..1.:1. 'L to P" y t t::i I'? ?::: i::? {i:> ? ?::I J. 1::} .I. t::} r'ii t::c'L :1. c:: a:a c is::i. v :i. 1::.1 ?c:?:' `s N a?.A r" I ci tiii {::i i::::I. ?:.} .I. t::i {::j :I. t.:: a:d .. 1 . t t... 't:. t::} I'.. f t:: I' I k'ri.' ...r t..} f": a. 't'. 'y' J. ?i:?'.ia J :I. I"1 V' {::! .i. V ?ii` {::1 !. I"i '~:. i"Y tir? Frr? V {?i}? C 1 :. :3!::[111(:x I;t::i...'.sai:::i:::t::?::> :::} .?: a..ra't:. t?::?. t:a tea ~. ~::. h'1 t:. I?t {?~?.ii i?; L) J. e f 1::i (1:3/1\11 = l 1:3 k::) c C:1 Iv1IvI F :I\11?? 1:3 ."I(tf\II\I1:::.1..,.1::Y 1..11\IL....' II(.'iI\II.)1....I:: V .1. (?1 1::Y1 ?.I:;:.1:::."1" 1.1 ............ _......._ ............................................ _...................... ......... ........................................... ...................._........,. r f.::: l l.... :1313 f:i l i:1:;11..1:C RED ................ ............. ............. ..................................... ................... _.................... , I\I1::11?" 1::11:13\I 1.: E_. I3'' D '.I: (1 ( 3:) "1? I~f::::(,l...(11J1::3:1: f ( i)I\I:: 0:1i'~I:)I::t Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700070001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 CIA-RDP96-00789R003700070001-4 SESSION SUMMARY SG1J !SESS/ON: /ZFE,B&', a9or)-/ozo~vff ;EQUALITY There is a teehn9 of equa/f dmorys/ these people . #veryonc in1hi Comm (J 7ity has various Asks and resloonsihi/fees, but not one person or task is held it h~hcr es1eer77or irnporf once. All are equal. This ;idea or concept goes beyond 'us f People arxa ,tasks. Ifs ds if fhcy e%eve 1*1 everythiny I's Just as irnporld,-21 s dnythii~y e/se. f=or exdh7,o/e, 3r' L-7121 descrves as much co,?siaera71or" a's dne%ohant I,bccc?&sc, each one serves the innportdri/ ,r1u17efion o/2 4'cepi' the 176'41rt/ oro%r ci fhi' js ire helcdace. gHILDREN_ These people 1ec l /ha/ chi/c/rcn dre (heir most imporfon/ *se/ Chi/oIrcr quo not belong to ?'he >`'arr?i/y 041t, c7s M&C1 as they 'o lo the corrnrnun!fy. If would be ust as correct 1a address dray 0do/fma/c as (afher (Y-9 if would ores po'tcrne/ ~'a~ and v/ec- Versa, $E'L l EFS The people here are very telly/?rjs am/ sppir" f ua/. lloc~err, hc/r >Pt of God is very much dIjferent /han curs. They pcreciuc God as the yi-c t mystery, force /ha/9overru a// th i~xs ire fhc U/7/verse. They be/reve /ha/ 1h s ds dearer) s, d cor~eiovsness, sorra~ fhi; //V/ cgl/cV be o'cscriberl es the '11,4-- force *' T cy seem' /8- be very Close to na4lre rar)a' be/revs fhd/ 71s c'arkioc,s /ICc ecyn be GYlrk/, Coco /1,09 SG1I --~ GAOL s/GN46 11kc Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700070001-4