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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 SECRET/NOPOkN PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE UTIFIJ.IGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER 9003 SESSION NUMBER:: 01 DATE OF SESSION:: 7 FEB 90 DATE OF REPORT 7 FEB 90 START:: 1430 END 1505 METHODOLOGY SOLO VIEWER IDENTIFIER 003 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSIONg Determine the current location of a vessel identi+ied as the Determine the destination o+ the drugs. Locate the point o+ deLivery bearing the Code name 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING:: Utilizing Encrypted CoordinaLes '-'00524/972649, determine the location of the target vessel believed to be en route +or Cali+ornia. Determine the location of the ports o+-call where the illegal drugs will be delivered. Determine the location of the suspected delivery point identi+ied under the Code Name COMMENTS:: No inclemencies noted. A Summary of Information is attached to this report. (S/NF/SK) EVALUATION (S/NF/SK) SEARCH EVALUATION:: HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SECRET/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BY:: DIA OYN DECLASSIFY IOADR e-Pei, -4041..-1 oi Approved For Release ) 2003/09. /04 : CJA-RDP96-00789 ( 2,6' - I 007.11,000,1--2 SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 rking paper Proj. no? 900 Date? / Feb 90 :1 war' 00'3 Sci:)ssion? 001 Monitor? 032 Timei? 1534-1525 Summary of Information Site is a location on a high bluff or cliff overlooking a coast line. In the immediate vicinity is a wooden-frame structure with weathered white ..... painted siding. The structure ";PPMS old and not well kept up. The way down to the water is very steep, and at the bottom the waters edge is line with large rocks upon which waves crash with a good deal of force. Access to the land here from water craft is very difficult. There does seem to be a rock jetty or breakwater here, but it seems more to be intended for' erosion control than boat laruling. It is very stormy at present, with low scudding clouds and a stiff wind. The water is very rough. Result of dowsing indicated two points on coast one in the northern portion of Redwood National Park, the other in the, vicinity of Rockport, both in California. Handle Via SKEET Channels Only SECRET Approved For Release 2003/09/04 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 2,2(2 -7, q Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 2 5"-L( SG1J SG1J - 4_4 t,t-( I I ( / Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-007891400150074 01-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 / V &I '14,4 41-24'7 - ! Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 p ApprovOlfor ReleasV0/03/09/04 : ClirDP96-00789R,01:135007400p-L ut i-7)/(4 (1, LAIR? 117?17- -e476F/ Lvirl-rk inele6? , 5:2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500/40541-2 Viewer : y Date: 90o.2 u7 Time: /-& Session #: o / "nA44 Lekti" d/t-tr-0-0-40(4/1-16 0A,e 1? eir-41-4'w Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 AT:proved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RD 42? amitrt RIVER s I. ft, L. Earl Pt.St.George Crescent City. Requa RECW000 NATIONAL PARK / 078 ROOM2S1,74.0901-2 NAT'( MON Smith - .7."'-"'-'".... I Seuad Valley s, _ ort Dick 1st' Happy DEL camKlamathp NO TE ) ??30rleans Q ? ei ellchsiern e ??rick .,, HOOPA MU Y N RES Tria/ded Haw/?rinidClad 41' moinie - HooPa ? Area/ ' ? L.ue--I 'Me ? ? , Kor bel Th 8umb* Bai r 110. . s? ? Ere ? 40. , aeKside ? Fernill);Ivitele v? ? ? 04 ? 1oar; tolnenase :Iv: et e r t /Alto, :0 Hydesville n Cap. Rio Dell ? ? a C ret , Z ()Bridge areedechro( ScoR epperw ?A etIdl eiP 47 Weott? hivelyville 1 COYRGHT %Is ( *1- 11ornhrnn1cn Horse Cr. Yreka) Mon Grena ort lonAs (Th 1 Gazelle.? Edgewoo ccill0 )We 0 Clear Creek Si scr Greenview Somesbar EtnaO C Ilahanj,. *x? ?1 , Sawyers Bar 0 /0 ) orks of _ ATrinity Cecilvi 1/4,pente Wt.110)/Cr, lye r Clait Ettgle 7, Helena L1,`T "mita Goeda 40. Pt.0?Igad I Fort Sewa'rd weaverville WHISK( YrOwil fr C.ASIA TRINI Y 57:It NAT'L R(C. ARCA hasta ? 4, , I ? Big Bar ? Hay Naylor r 01 Ono9 ? 011indaO , Redd'ltg CottonV Platilifeivor) Red Eiluff Ger he Teharr .4.dway 4 Rockport C. Vince/no Westport Fort Bragg Caspar Mendocin Littleriver Albio POUND VA (I IsY -) D R) -/ llia(A lli,//c Pasken ta n COVri() 1 (14 ) G C4C n_t_Gior-iiie r ir rib44r-, J? Corr-1.N Laytomoille ?? ' -751. W !Hit Fdwooil Compiche (Th\,9Val ley o C) Ca peiia Navarro 0 Elk .70r rnd Ark,. I!-.,' He4 5S?to?nPkate?s?I- Uppei\t,,,i2-r?q/ Lake COLU Lucerne!) rI.Clearlakc 39? Manchester Pt. Aroma Point Arena 71 5 Referral Declassification by NIMA/DoD 0 Gualala Annapol Stewarts Point o Hp 1.Kelse ?jj:le;v1;+.4ty.... TrOranro 4^..sville owe, r Z.-v. erd a lakef"\ o S CP u o Gey Nita' town i\11434.' 0v11 HealekbiltaliSi ga Angw;h1.54 el- C.41? 0 eroc IC 4) ? os,a, ebastpol+ An dso ODeer Park 00S.4 nta ?k t o 0 \ v taton ontt Bodega Ba Bodega Ilea Boztega romoies Pt St?tlele" Rohner! lnvernes PI. REYES NAT'L SEASIIORE Cotati9 (}paekoN @,) Toknaleto jrn ARIN 0. 38? Novat so Rayaa S?RafI Mill 6 ( Ce..( Golden Gate Fr Release 2003/09/04 :g1A-RDP96-00789R003500/11410011!... rtc,C0 SAN FRAtik-v-a Pacific av oRkh Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 TASKING SHEET February 7, 1990 (Wednesday) DOWSING TASKER 1. EEI: The customer desires to know three locations. These locations are called TARGETS A, B, & C for the purpose of this dowsing. Each target represents specificly tasked EEI. a. Locate TARGET A on the dowsing page, provided. b. Locate TARGET B on the line which is on the dowsing page. c. Locate TARGET C on the line which is on the dowsing page. 2. Clearly mark and label your location for each target, and return the sheet to 018 for collation. Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2 Approved For Release 2003/09/04: CIA-RDP96-00789R003500740001-2