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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0030003 1. TITLE Contractor's Progress, Status and Management Report ;. OESCRIPTION/PURPOSE r0 re s s of 3.1 The Contractor's Progress, Status and Management Report indicates the p g work and the status of the program and of the assigned tasks, reports costs, and informs of existing or potential problem areas. 4. APPROVAL DATE (YYMMOO) 860905 k to the project management networ , or and and any e.- Problem areas affecting technical or scheduling elements, with -backgro recommendations for solutions beyond the scope of the contract; f. Problem areas affecting cost elements, with background and any recommendations fo solutions beyond the scope of the contract; g. Cost curves showing actual and projected conditions throughout the Contract; as h. Any cost incurred for the reporting period and total contractual expenditures - of reporting date; i. Person hours expended for the reporting period and cumulatively for the contract; j. Any trips and significant results; (cont.-on page 2) 10.1 Contract - This data item is generated y t e con discrete work task to develop this data product. 11") white 10.2 Format - This report shall be-typewritten on standard size (e.g. 8 1/2N by paper, and securely stapled: Pages shall be sequentially numbered. All attachments shall be identified and referenced in the text of the report. The report shall be prepared in the contractor's format and shall be legible and suitable for reproduction. 10.3 Content - The report shall include: a. A front cover sheet which includes the contractor's name and address, the - contract number, the nomenclature of the system or program; the date of the report, the period covered by the report, the title of the report, either the serial number of the report or the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) -sequence number, the security classification, and the name of the issuing Government activity; eriod; b. Description of the progress made against milestones during the reporting probodm c. Results, positive or negative, obtained related to previously-identified problem areas, with conclusions and recommendations; d. Any significant changes to the contractor's organization or method of operation, t the milestone chart. DATA ITEM DESCRIPTION S. OFFICE OF PRIMARY RESPONSIBIUTY (OPR) N/SPAWAR 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS b h tract which contains a specific and DO Form 1664. FES 85 Prewous edipcH+a obtdeM. Approved For Release. 2000/08/08.: CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008-9 q-c Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008-9 DI-MGMT- 80227 7. APPLICATION/INTERRELATIONSHIP (Cont'd) 7.4 Paragraphs 10.3.f, 10.3.8, and 10.3.h herein should be tailored on DD Form 1423 when such cost data is already submitted through a sophisticated cost reporting system under the contract. 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS (Cont'd) k. Record of all significant telephone calls and any commitments made by telephone; 1. Summary of Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) status, including identification of proposed ECPs, approved ECPs, and implemented ECPs; M. Contract schedule status; period; n. Plans for activities during the following reporting p o. Name and telephone number of preparer of the report; illustrations, p. Appendixes for any necessary tables, references, photographs, and charts. *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986-704-037/50176 Page 2 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008=9, App 'oved For Release 2000%$760YW-g89R003000390008-9 Technical Report - Study/Services Contract ? ??Kw~r~hw/?vwrb~L Documentation of studies or analysis conducted by the contractor. scot "'to v#C&'v ?rlrc? ?IYY~t? A-5029 October 1967 0'VV4CK or Vftted ""W Scrw?.w~.~. ? wc?c?cuC98 rr..w.'.n b+.CA ??, J"C" MY1rb(S46J Y peso. ?w#\w..oft. ?wYC:iGu? 1. The eontraetos shall provide technical reports, as directed by the procuring activity, which fully document results of ?11 studie or analyses conducted. The reports shall be prepared in .accordance v the format and general instructions as indicated below: A. Format (1) Title Page - Identifying the report by providing cc tract number, project name or purchase description title, task number and reporting period. ? (2) Table of Contents (3)? Section I - Including the following: (a) Introduction (b) Summary u i?.?., a brief statement of results obtained fror the analytic effort. (c) Conclusions and a condensed technical substan- tiation therefor. (4) Section II - Including a complete and detailed description of the analytic results which led to the conclusions included in Section I above. b.' Genetal Instructions (1) The report and all attachiuents shall' bety~e written or ot:*erwise clearly lettered and' shall be duplicated using- hon-fadin oa?~...1664 Approved For Release 2000/08/08.: CIA-RDP96=007$9003000390008-9 ?"s 1 ?? -2-. ink. Approved For Relea )2Oc 08;:hMA2RbP96~1O :~90g3(!9d$u3'd letter size paper ~a?'x2O~ 6* or a%"xll??). (3) When attachments are included, they shall be fu21y identified; 'referenced in the text, and folded to conform to the size paper used in the report. (4) Security classification and distribution'sarkings shal conform to the requirements of the contract, purchase description and security requirements Ch eck]ist, as applicable. C 'Page 2 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008-9 AfjMBtl dRlfeMP28e5M08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008-9 10 July 1984 Pursuant to paragraph 1, Block 10, Preparation Instructions", the contractor shall prepare documentation of the results of this effort as follows: TECHNICAL REPORTS a. An interim technical re ort, shall formally document the efforts and results of t e perio and at the date specified in the Delivery Schedule. b. A final technical report shall formally document all efforts and results of the project and be delivered as specified in the Delivery Schedule. c. The text of both interim and final technical reports shall be submitted to cover periods and at dates specified in the contract, and shall consist of the following technical elements in the order given: (1) Summary - The summary shall serve as an indication to a potential reader of the content of the report. The summary shall be an accurate reflection of: the substance of the report. It shall be brief, clear, and complete; and shall contain, as a minimum: a statement of the purpose of the work, the methods used, a summary of results, and conclusions. (2) Preface - The preface shall contain statements to indicate authorization for the work, numbers and titles of, the project/task/subtask under which the work was done, the relationship of the work to the overall program; acknowledgment of the contribution of others not listed as authors; references (publications, lectures, conferences, reports, etc.); individuals contacted (names, title, organization, address, telephone number, etc.). (3) Copyright permission - Copyrighted material shall be used in the report only upon written consent of the copyright owner. If copyrighted material has been used, a statement that permission has been obtained to use such material shall be included in the preface. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, prior to his submission of the final manuscript, to furnish a listing of all data used in preparation of the manuscript. Although a copyright check may be performed as part of the Government inspection, failure on the part of the Contractor preparing the -report to list all data used in its preparation shall be considered a latent defect and the Contractor shall not be relieved of his responsibility for any copyright violation(s). (4) Body of report - The body (or text) will be determined by the nature of the wor eing reported. In general, the body should include: a statement of the problem, the background, approach to the problem, results, discussion of the results, conclusions, and recommendations. (a) Introduction - This section snail state: the purpose(s) of the contract, a breakdown of the problem into component parts, a reference to programs related to the purpose, and the scope of the work during the period covered. Each concept considered shall be identified in this paragraph. q-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390008-9