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November 28, 1990
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
1. (U} Contr-acting Authority: Virginia Contracting Activity, P. 0. Bo;:
x}656=:, l~ashington, DC 2~I~~Sir-b5b:".
~:. (U) Authority Cited: iir U.S.C. ?~[~r4(c} (1}: FAR 6..YG~-1, "Unl.y one
+.=~a;~onsi bi e 5au.r-c~ ant no other- supplies or services wi 1 }. satisfy Agency
... (UI Description of Supplies/Services: The Defense intelligen_e Agency.
{DIA} pr-oposes to procure F'I~enomenological Research and Analysis Services
for a i)IA sped al activity program. E::ternal assistance f!!nds available for
th i s Crngressi oiial Directed Program total :#=1 , 7CrU, D[jII. [;ri;,
~l. (U} raescr_i~tion_of _Action: It is anticipated that a cost-plus-fi;:ed
fee. contract will be negotiated and awarded to satisfy this r-equirement.
Funds wi 13. incl~!cie both F;ulj and O`d~ as cited on F'urcl~ase Ftequest No.
5. (U} Reason for Authority Cited:
a. tS/NF) This action is based on the need to utilize previous
research achievements developed under other DOD'sponsored R?~D efforts. The
bulk of this prior RFD effort was provided by the Department of the Army's
Surgeon General Office tSGRD) in 1985 and spanned several years. This basic
and applied research effort involved Dr. Edwin May as the principle
researcher and program manager. Dr. rtay was at that time with the Stanford
Research Tnstitute (SRI), Menlo F'ark, CA. He has since joined the Science
Applications International Corporation (SAIG) and has taken his extensive
data base and key research assistants with him. Consequently, contract
reriuirements can only be satisfied by the Science Applications International
Corpar-ation (SAIG). By doing sa, duplication of effort can be avoided and
maxim![m research efficiency can be achieved.
b. {SINE) Ti-!is contractor is uniquely qualified due to their
e;,tensive background in interdisciplinary research areas that spans aver rr7
years. Tt-,is multidisciplinary staff will be available for consultation as
the need arises. The contractor has on its staff two physicists who have
extensive expFrience in phenomenological research involving psychoenergetics
investigations. One of these is Dr. Joseph Angela who has had over 1[a years
of involvement in this field in a project management capacity and at
applications research levels. The other physicist, Dr. Edwin May, is
regarded as the leading U.S. investigator in this phenomenological area. He
has been a program manager in this area since 1986, and has a fang term
involvement {over 19 years) in this field. His extensive work history
provides for continuity not available from any other individual. Ne is
recognized by investigators world-wide, and can easily remain current with
relevant foreign research.
Classified By: DIA DT
Declassify On: OADR
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
c. {5lNI=) The contractor has an e>;tensive classified data base which
has co-mingled with both government and pr-oprie?ary data that is essential
for this contract. It would require several. years fc:r a new contractor to
achieve the present :Level of e:;pertise and competence possessed by Dr-. May
and Dr. Angelo. This would create a seri.ou4 drl~~y ii; pi,rsuit of appropriate
research, in achievement of zipplicat.ion-arf.ente~~I results and in
under-standln~ pc~tentlal l:hr-eat p.osecl by slr,:ll.a.r fr;i'k:~lt~ii ctf_T'.1J.Ltle lri tlils
d. (C) There is also an "urgency" aspect. to this contr act. 1'he
Congressional direction inr_luded a time-critical tasr~: r e~uir-ing development
of a detailed term r-esear-ch plan for this a;~ea. Tf~e only way to meet this
tlmP_ Sensl.tlve effort is t. CJ 4.f't7.11~e ~;;1'otlri~~ t=%~.~iaF~llltlt~_S of SHIC.
b. tU) Efforts to Obtain Competition: D~.te to the uniqueness of this
research ar-ea, there are no other qualified research facilities and
personnel available to satisfy this contract. To bring other- potential
organizations up to speed would not be possible without unacceptable de).ays
ar additional costs.
7. tU) Action to Increase Competition: Every eff or-t will. be made to
release research results as widely as possible to attract other potential
researchers. Nat only will this be accomplished thr-ougl-, specialized (and
properly classified) channels, but also appropriate portion will be released
at unclassified levels to attract interest in academic facilities.
S. tU) Market Survey: Based an the significant advantage that SAIC
possesses in this area, a Mar l:et Survr~~y would not ser-ve a useful purpose at
this time.
9. (U) Interested SOLtrCes: No other source has es:pr-essed an interest in
this requirement, ~____-~
l0. (U) Other Factors:
a. tS) Acquisition data availability: Bata from pr-evious government-
sponsnred research is available in DIA. Since this was part of a controlled
access project, every effort will be made to downgrade, and where practical,
declassify basic aspects of the research. This will, in time, generate a
s,rider interest in this field.
b. tU) Unusual and Compelling Urgency: One of the line items (b.l>
in the Statement of Work requires immediate response by the Contractor in
order to meet one of the Congressionally-directed requirements. This
requirement can only be satisfied via other than full and open competition
and by utilizing the existing SA IC capabilities.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
c. (U) Subcontr-actinq Competition; The same basic reasons for this
other- than full and open competition for SAIC also apply to subcontractor
selection. There are only a few individuals/facilities available that have
any established e:;pertise far suppartinc~ a portion of this unique research
area. It wo!41d not be timely or cost advantageous to the government for- the
Contractor to pursue competitive action for- the highly specialized suppori
that may tie required.
1j. (~~) Technica). Gertification:
I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are
included in ?h.e J?~A are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Name: Date: ~o~ 7EC !9 9G
T:. t1. e: Signature:
1:?. (U) f:'equirements Gertification:
and belief .
Name; ~~~ ? ~EI`~7l`.~C~ Date: ~'? ~R4
I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are
included in the J?cA are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge
Title: ~~ Signature:
1~. (IJ) Fair and Reasonableness Cost/Price Determination: A detailed
technical and cost proposal will be required from the contractor, SAIC.
Friar to award, the Government will conduct an in-depth analysis of all
technical and cost aspects of this requirement. Based on the outcome, a
fair and reasonable cost will be negotiated. Therefore, I hereby determine
that the anticipated cost far this contract action will be fair and
14. (U3 Contracting Officer Certification:
In accordance with FAR 6.303-2 (a> t12), I hereby certify that the facts and
representation under my cognizance, which are included in this J?~A, are
accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Contracting Officer
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3
~'cl'=E~:''.: ~=i~; ~i"r,= ?F r.,Y'*~QCi]C"i i.~ 1L~=,'~7. ~i 7. C.. cttlOii, i ;i iy i'-r~~"~ ~~~7i-C~'J~ ~hE~ -~C~i_s lY"~;T;:=.tit O?
~?~-IEi~l~~i'Ici~it:li_~~ISIGAL F;~::~kr~f:C1-I AhfI? Af~A~'f5 [S on a.n ath~t- ': ht~n ; !.! L 1 .~.nJ c~pr n
Ci7ff~E?t1 ~ 1 Gri ~J~-~Sl = ~"~I.FYSIIct!'1~. 'tG 'r~"ice ca~.!t.Ilt_;l'] ~:~~ ~-i~~ .'t !.+ 1: ,, 5. L~, r~!_#ti rr i
, ~~!b ject to _a.~ai i abi.l i ty~ ci ~~ ; uncles, an;j j?r-~vi ~.l~~~ that thN
5(;Y"`I7.Cc5 ~iii~~r'v~ 7t OI`iF~Y"ty Il~l"t?ln C?~'SCY'1!iEi~ ilaV? ;7tllt''.i'"W7.5r i3t~Efi ailt:~l0lrl:.E~i! tu'r"
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000390004-3