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- 3t HT/HI(.0Approved For Release 2001/09/07: CIA-R4'd 78fT04753A000400010001-8 No. Pages: COPY NO.: ?TOP SECRET INTERNAL USE ONLy HTAUTOMAT FILE COPY riTETiNAL tj7 OKLY Alagoz Border Study Armenian SSR IITAIITOMAT FILE COPY INTERNAL USE ONLY Declass Review, by NIMA/DOD HTA-M37-57 15 July 1957 ?0 rl k 5'7 'MB NO. BOX NO. FOLDER NO, TOTAL DOCS HERElltat II1V 840008:71r: Gru 1011s P r T s O' Lr t vte T 424:4 Ati CONTAINS SENSITIVE COMPARTMEHTED INFORMATION WARNING: HANDLE VIA TALENT CONTROL CHANNELS ONLY DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANCE IN CLASS 0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENC:E AGENCY r I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TCt: TS 43 0 ?.?". NEXT REVIEW DATE: _ a HI 74.2 OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS AUTH: HR 70-2 InATE.01.:At, /2 R5VIF.Vitelt This document contains information usable only within the TALENT CONTROL SYSTEM. It is to be seen on a MUST-KNOW BASIS ONLY BY PERSONNEL ESPECIALLY INDOC- TRINATED AND AUTHORIZED. Reproduction is prohibited unless approved by the originator. ZQP SECRET?MIN Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 ". Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 25X1D Approved For ReleattrOZip 8T04753A000400010801-8 m-37-57 Alagoz Border Study Armenian SSR This memorandum is for record purposes only. No distribution win be made. Requirement DP?,HTA-R9-57 requested a photographic study of the USSR-Turkish border opposite Alagoz in the Armenian SSR to determine the type of terrain and Soviet border obstacles that exist. A study of recent aerial photography over the city of Yerevan was also requested to provide current information pertaining to items evident on old ground photography furnished by the requester. aerial photography and Army 100 inch ground photography were analyzed along with a written report furnished by the requester to determine the section of the border for which the study wa3 desired. After location of the correct section, the photography was studied to determine the terrain and border obstacles. The 100 inch ground photography was a valuable aid used in conjunction with the aerial photography since the aerial photography was oblique and mostly cloud covered. For the southern portion of the border area concerned, only the ground photography was usable. Data pertaining to the border obstacles and the area between the border and the Alagoz Railroad StationtWeannotated on Turkish maps at a scale of 1:100,000. Since parts of two maps were necessary to cover the area, the two parts were joined together to form one map and photographically reproduced. Vertical aerial photography covering the city of Yerevan was useo to answer specific questions asked by the requester pertaining to items on grollnd photography taken within the city dating frum 1947 to 1951 The city plan of Yerevan was used to locate the features about which current information was desired. To answer aims of the questions it was necessary to obtain additional ground photos of the particular feature concerned. GX photography of 1942 was also utilized. Dif- ficulty in obtaining the detailed information desired vas encountered due to the haze and poor quality of the aerial photography. One annotated and one unannotated map of the border area along with the text plus three photographic enlargement of the border area were sent by courier to the DD/P Talent Control Officer on 15 July 1957. The information desired about the city of Yerevamalong with the ground photography furnished by the requester were also included. One copy of each of the above items is on file in ETA-Geographic Branch. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 25X1D Approved For Releas CI ikti110,8T04753A000400010001-8 MAP RVERENCP.S: OTHER: Turkey, 1:100,000; Sheets: TUzluea (rrii-15) and Suregel (xvi-15). Turkey, 1:25,000 Herta Oenel Direkt3r1ug5 (Arabic text), Turkish-USSR R.,rder, Sheets: 14-16. ANS, Series 1(502, Sheet IX 381-10. Scale 1:250,000. ANS, Series 1501, Sheet IX 381-11. Seale 1:250,000. US Target Complex Mosaic - Series 25, 0325-9995-0-25N. Revised City Plan Yerevan, September 1955, attachment #1 to Yerevan City Irief. (fUrnished by requester) STIA - 2084, 7 November 1956, pages 15 and 16, (furnished by requester). Approved For Relea 01/4tr 9/07...?1A EYFliVIT04753A000400010001-8 25X1D Approved For Release 2 1/09/07i ClArRDP78T04753A000400010001-8 Alagoe Herder Stuey Nt-- 37-57 This report is in answer to informatien reepested pertaining to the route used by a subject while crossing the USSR - Turkish border eppesite Station in the Armenian MR. a.eriaJ. photography 25X1D ground photography were stualed in preparing this report. Information obtainable was limited because of cloud cover and oblive photographyover the border area cencerned. A. The Subject is reported to have crossed the border between border stones No. 46 and 47. Between these two points, area A as shown on the enclosed map would be the easiest area in which to cross the Axpa Stream. The banks of the stream in area A are loe and have a gradual incline. The stream itself is narrow and ahallev. However, after a heavy rainstorm, it would probably become a raging torrent. Immediately north of area A on the map the banks of the stream are also low and gredual, however, this is north ef the area the subject is reported to have crosseA. South of area A the stream banks became higher, steeper, and Mae rugged. Area A on the enclosed nap sieves with the mute the subject is reported to have taken in creasing the border from Alagoz. It should be noted that the route described by the subject would t ke him neer the observation post shown on the map. B. If the subject returns by means of the same route he reportedly used to "escape" he would encounter the following. After crossing the Arpa Stream the terrain to Alagoz is relatively level with some low hills. Approximately 400 meters beyond the stream there is a good road which goes along the border between it and the ploughed strip and fences. Approximately one kilometer beeand the road towards Alagez is the area or a pleughoe strip arid fences. From study of ground photography a ploughed strip approximately six feet vide is evident and then a fence is evident. There are indications of another ploughed strip on the Alagoz side of the fence. There appears te be a series of poles estimated to be about six feet high and from 70 to 100 feet apart located parallel to and immediately before trie first ploughed strip. The poles are spaced too far apart to be a normal type fence. Atter crossing these barriers the rest of the route to Alagez is in an area where there are some large fields under cultivation. Just before the village of Alegoe there is a drainage or irrigation ditch which would have to to crossed. Depending epen the exact route traveled, a secend ditch may have to be crossed. The subject would h ve to pass through ar near a new housing area (new since 1943) of Alagos before reaching the railroad. Approved For Rele e 200;1100 : CIXbP78T04753A000400010001-8 25X1D 25X1D Approved For ReleasepO1anflt-R8T04753A000400010001-8 14-37-57 After reaching the railroad tracts at Alegoz, it is Asa that the subject would either take a train or obtain a ride to Yerevan. NOTE: P4nt B on the enclosed map is a &mist Border op_osit.e a Turkish Border Post with a connecting foot path and bridge across the stream. Point C is a deep and vide tran2h extending from a steep hill side to the edge of the stream. There are observation t very along the trench. This installation was still under con- struction in butappears completed on photography.111111! is apparently a check point for rail and road traffic. Yerevan City Study The following is in answer to specific luestions pertaining to items evident on ground photography furnished by the requester. aerial photography was studied to answer the questions. C. Graphics Register photo CIA 105165 1. The scene is basically the, same. The wall around the L-shaped peninsual ,Jf land appears to b Ne been extended as well as the hedge an the inside of the wall. 2. The height of the two retaining walls is where the two walls join and ft. same distanc)11111.111 the apex. 3. The area between the two walls near the apex appearo to contain nothing more than grass. However, a low hedge may exist along the inside of the walls. D. Graphics Register photo CIA 183677 Trees and vegetation appear thit same about the grounds ftf the Opera and Ballet Building. NOTE: Street on north edge of the building has been widened and paved. E. Graphics Register photo CIA 61676 1. The trees on the right sidt of the stream are present are larger. They begin about 150' mvey fram the bridge. Approved For Release - 2 - 1/09107i :flipRNeteT04753A000400010001-8 IA,110 25X1D 25X10 25X1O 25X111) Approved For Release /0107. : CIA-RDP781:04753A000400010001-8 M-37-57 2 No new buildings have been placed immediately near toe trees. However, a large new building has been constructed on top of the hill at the end of the bridge *crows from Yerevan. Other small, new buildings have been constructed behind the large building. The buildings across the river from the trees are still present. However, the trees themselves should provide adequate corer, NOTE: The street approaches to the bridge on the Yerevan side are incorrectly shown on the map "Revised City Plan Yerevan" Sept. 1955, attachment #i to Yerevan City Brief (Project 0-76-55) F. Graphics Register photo CIA 167115 1. The park represented in the photo is present photogrephy. 2. The park is situated in the "Molotov" University ex and is approximetely 600 ft. 1 275 ft. 3. In the center of the park there is an Observatory. A walk goes around the Observatory and across the park in both directions dividing it into quarters. Etch quarter appears to be covered by trees. The immediate area around the Observatory appears open. The monument shown in the picture is at the east eel cf the park outside of the fenced enclosed area in which is found Vie observatory. The trees seen in the picture are not around the monument but rather behind a fence enclosing the .in part of ta-4. park. 25X1D 4. On the photowsphy the immediate area around the monumentligglAgre been changed in pattern and replanted in lowslirdblibin-ybordiering the walks and well smantaisuhl. The area around the monument is open except for the low scrubbry. NOTE: New buildings have been constructed bordering the pork. ^1. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 25X1D/ AX) QVITi%VN %,?.?? ra, )14Tozatrir, a Qom 10001.-8 stie414ic. BORDER STUDY CIA/RR-HTA-H37-57 " 1 F - ----- LEGEND Fence and Ploughed Strip o Observation Tower ? Observation Post Scale approximately 1:100,000 /UM -'2,-4-111311,1 ileitafaraz T. - Vey& - 1rArt4. ' flap Reference: Turkey, 1:100,000; Sheets: Tuzluca (XVII-15) and Suregel (XVI-15) ? .11\ ? ? - ? - L 010 j TO Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 LEGIB Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 - Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 l!N USSR 4HMLNI1N XYtKr..VeAN II N 44 30 E. riA AND BALLET. ICIAL USE ONLY THEATER OF Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 IIPOPOOPIMP11.1.11111"......."1111111.111. Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8 , tNI. SECRET-A=1M TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2001/09/07 : CIA-RDP78T04753A000400010001-8