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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
October 20, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 2, 1992
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
. , Pentagon
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
Research, Experiments, and Devices
U.S. Air Force Involvement
"Exhibits A-Q"
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
ri0 c
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jT r-! '-I C1 d' M t`? tO c'7 N ri N O lC) r-t 01 lf7 N 1.t) O d'
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W A I I I ri0 I UOririaO t 1 rI 11 OriOO
kr~G4UQWF~C7x Hb'~a`"zdaol
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
mm=n As =IBITS
1. 193, an omination was made of the
On January 26 and 27, ? ,.l ter his decease, had
technical papers of Dr. Nt larp.house in Newyork City. This ex-
been stored in the Nranbstooe of determining if any ideas of
amiaatioa was made for the pu"1~ I 'be
- cc
significant value in the preaePtr aipating in thise?ytamination were
found among his possessions.
Mr John C. Newington, New Yo.L- O;Vice of the Alien Property Custodian;
1?Sr. . Charles J. Eedetmieni, WWashi:..gton OYfico of the Alien Property
. John G. Tra.1~, office of SCiontifioSeaearcsh
Custodian; Dr MasDachu-
velopment. Massachusetts Iustitr a of Tschnolcgy, C3 Dide,
:efts; Willis George, Office of :naval Intelligence, Third :iaval Die-
trict; Edward Palmer, Chief Yooz?_a, 'USER;, John J. Corbett, Chief Too-
=' USaI.
2. The following o F's ahers. uhiris are regardo& as t7Pical of ili:cala
to 1 X32, amore remoaed
Tes1a's writings and thoughts in the period 1925 9
for the Fu-"poae of record and are listed bolo'. in the random order in
?jnich they were found, together -..ith a brief individual abstract.
Exhibit A
"Pooeibilities of =1octrostatic Generstars" - an undated
written about 193+ discussing the pcasibili-
article probab_y D-C power, of the Van .o
ties, as a 80=06 of him-voltP.ge
Graaff type of electrostatic belt generator. The article
tic principles amnloyad in thin
states correctly the electros
device end points out th:~t llca15 tio ions, though of
for eor..mercial high-power aPp
elesa tower, erected in 1902 on
3 vr
scientific value. Tesla
Lou Island, is stated in this memorandum to have been charged
to 30 million volts.
"Eesotivo forces of C?_*c.erine nrd D*nttmito" - an undated
memorandum involving some calcnlationaof the explosive power
of certain compounds and ~hcu deviating to a dicLasaioa of the
possibility of tr=smitti-;; power by Mechanical vibrations
along the earth's crust.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
ApprovFor Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900420001-4
nd 2igtJ.sa
a P~ariy',in~
uprocess of Lo-G $Oi irr?. P.afi; a,G deal+=o
e memoranQUm protaO rr'~ttan acau~ lid
the a and p tt~.th
filr roposing new theories of capillarity ani
surfaccee tension.. . Thie carrespgnaencecindica. that :.s had
been VUI-mitted to various indt
"r l to AmtorR re 'the eenerattcn of hi h ntlt sand. t..e
his doc=e
;.aw tic;les -
acceleration char ~ed Soviet engineers and
Vember 8, 19jj, auEwe5 oueations raised. by 16, 191.5? Prom
scientists regarding -esla's proposal of ist3y
deduced that the proposal conO rs_ad the go=-
this answer, it is by electrostatic ,years. Those means
17 supported on an
station of high voltages res 0
consisted of a high-VOitwse terminal P onveys
insulating column and. charged by a gaseous charge convey ground and terminal. T :e ideas captained
medium passing similar to the belt-conveyor
in thin memorandum are fail-17
theds proposer by Van de Gx-aa'f and.
electrostatic generate- _
do not appear to offer anj r..n+asual features.
Art of rroduei - Tetras tria3.
uArt of Telezeoa'rnCmi?cs OF in the form of a letter
c, ;
Motions at Distance" - his document, tur
house zlea.tic M~u~