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Approved For Release 1131~-rRDP96-007898002600160018-8 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 203 01-6111 STATEMENT OF CONSENT DIA StJN STREAK PROJECT FARTIGIPANT SG1J Date : ~,~ fYIG.-- ~ ~ ]_. (S/NOFOP.N/WNINTEL) I, voluntarily accept assignment to the DI nd fully understand that: a. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) The DIA and DoD General Counsels have determined that the DSSP constitutes experimentation on human subjects. As required by Procedure 13 of DoD Directive 5240.1-R, approval for project activities has been granted by the Deputy Secretary of Defense. b. (S/NOFOP~N/WNINTEL) The aim of the DSSP is to develop highly skil7_ed personnel who are capable of conducting professional level intell~.gence/counterintelligence operations through t.~se of psychoenergetic methodology. Development of DSSP personnel will be accomplished with special training based on mission requirements. c. (C/NOFORN) Assignments in DSSP are governed by the sensitivity a.nd degree of expertise required for the position. I will be assigned. in accordance with my capabilities and experience, regardless of my rank or previous position. Due to the nature of training involved, the duration of my participation is indefinite. Records of my involvement will be available to project personnel, but otherwise protected under project security measures. ci. (C/NOFOR_N) The primary consideration in any career development or assignment action will be DSSP mission and operational requirements. I understand that exemption, interruption, or delay in normal career development patterns--such as branch schooling and assignment opportunities--may prejudice future promotion and assignment potential. I have been assured, however, that every effort will be made to preclude the adverse effects listed above on my career. 2. (U} PSYCHOENERGETICS (PE) include various processes by which individuals psychically interact with objects, locations, and or~,anisms . a. (IJ) I understand that while there is no demonstrated risk of permanent or temporary injury (including physical, psychological and./or da.tnage to participants' reputation) to project personnel beyond risks to which they would ordinarily be exposed in their daily lives, the potential for injury during some training cannot be conclusively ruled out. CLASSIFIED BY: DIA, DT Approved For Releas~T'~'d~~ LLli LL1J . vClaJ It ~b 800260016001 Approved For Release P96-007898002600160018-8 b. (S/NCIFORN/GTNINTI~:L) I may temporarily choose not to perform PL' at specific times, c.~r permanently discontinue participation without prejudicial effect. i'ermir~ation will be affected by nc>tifyir~g the DSSP Mana,c;er or in his absence, his designated acting 17SSI? ;tanager . 3. (S/NOFQItN/WNINTEL) As a participant in DSSP, and IAW I consent to tape recording, monitoring and transcribing of all operational ai'~rl trainin~T, interviews in which I am involved as an integral. part of the DSSP rryission. I understand that these recordings are subject to laeing monitored and/or transcribed by third. paY?ties not otherwise involved in operations or training. I waive any claim or right o.f ownership to all tape recordings and made in conjunction with DSSP, with the understanding that these tape recordings and transcripts are property of. the United States Government. 4. (S/NOFORN/WNINTFL) I fux?ther'consent to participate in any nonintrusive biomonit:oring activities that are necessary for. project rrri.ssion accompl.shmer7t. S. ([)) I hereby ackr7owlecl?,e receiving formal counseling concerning my assignment to DSSP. Basic operational and training procedures and them- purposes, as well as attendant discomforts, risks, and benefits have been explained to me. I understand that I may at any tame ask questions of project personnel. relating to areas unclear to me. I :Further understand that my participation in DSSP is voluntary and that at my rega.iest. T may at any -time be reassigned without :fear o~~~~~r~e personnel act ion . Approved For Release 2pQ~A48J~9~8~~R~P96-007898002600160018-8 ~,. - Approved For Relea 96-007898002600160018-8 DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 ~5 U.S.C. 552x) 1. Authority: Title 10, U.S.C. Section 3012. 2. Principal Purpose: To maintain a record of those ind:ividual.s who have executed statements of informed consent as participants in DSSP. 3. Routine U:~es: The Social Security Number is to be used to identify the individual, and the information is to be. retained strictly within ttie program. 4. Mandatory or Voluntary Disclosure: Inforrnatian is disclosed on a voluntary basis, but withholding information will render it irnpossib~_e to grant an ir.~dividual. access to or participation. in the program. Approved For Release 2000 -007898002600160018-8