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Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 TOP SECRET NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER BASIC IMAGERY INTERPRETATION REPORT IYANKOVSKIY GUIDED MISSILE PLANT 25X1 DEPLOYED AMM FACILITIES USSR 25X1 DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD TOP SECRET 25X1 RCA-09/0006/71 COPY NO 1.19 7 PAGES GROUP I. EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND D liffr5$ For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 25X1 25X1 Approved Fo r ReleaseARAWE GI Ivankovskiy Guided Missile Plant NA 56-45-15N 037-07-12E ACIC. USATC 200, Sheet 0154-22, scale 1:200,000 NA UR ABSTRACT 1. The Ivankovskiy Guided Missile Plant consists of assembly buildings, shop and engineering facilities, as well as warehouses, support structures, and a small propulsion test facility. 2. The identification of probable KITCHEN (ASM) crates indicates that the plant is producing air-to-surface missiles. 3. The plant contains a larger variety of laboratory and testing buildings than other known producers of air-to-surface missiles and aerodynamic vehicles. This photographic evidence tends to support a research and development role for the plant. Recent expansion of engineering floorspace may indicate an increasing trend toward more design and development work at the plant. The plant has 55 structures, containing 128,650.0 square meters (1,384, 821 square feet) of floorspace. 4. This report provides a basic description of the facilities at the guided missile plant, including chronological development, probable functions, dimensions, and related data for most of the buildings and structures in the plant. The more significant items are discussed in detail. and contains a location map, a photograph, a line drawin , nc two a es. 5. This report is based on photography taken from INTRODUCTION 6. The Ivankovskiy Guided Missile Plant is situated on the western side of the town of Ivankoyo on the bank of the Ivankoyskoye reservoir (Figure 1). The plant is close to the confluence of the Volga River and the Moscow canal. Moscow is approximately 60 nautical miles (nm) south-southeast of the plant. 7. The plant is reported to be primarily a research and development installation. It was involved in seaplane production during the early part of World War II. From the end of World War II until at least 1952, the plant was one of the centers utilized for research and development of jet and rocket powered aircraft and horizontal flight missiles. Research and development work was also carried out on fuels, engines, and navigational equipment.1 BASIC DESCRIPTION 25X1 8. The Ivankovskiy Guided Missile Plant is secured by a wall and consists of 55 diverse structures. The plant occupies a roximately 200 acres of flat terrain and contains 25X1 of floorspace, including assembly buildings, sop and engineering buildings, warehouses, various support structures, and testing facilities (Figure 2). The probable functions, dimensions, and related data for all structures at the plant are provided in the table associated with Figure 3. 9. Approximately 35 percent of the available floorspace in this plant was constructed before or during World War II, when the plant served as a seaplane production facility. An 25X1 Approved For Releampos ftwff CIA-RDP78T04563 00080001 25X1 25X1 25X1 I5X1 680001000~ A-09/0006/71 25X1 25X1 25X1 AO 25X1 proved For FTWas0J18~ 04f~ 006/71 4563A0008 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 additional 33 percent was added after World War II and prior to the first usablel coverage obtained in I The remaining 22 percent was completed between 25X1 25X1 see Table 1). 10. The largest and most complex structure in the guided missile plant is the multisectional shop and final assembly building (item 21, Figure 3). For discussion, this building has been subdivided into probable functional areas. Seventy-eight percent of the building was complete in 1942, including sections B-E. Section A was constructed sometime prior to 1962. Section B is a long, narrow, multistory administration and engineering bay common to most buildings of this type in the Soviet Union. Sections A and C-D, which account for most of the floorspace of this building, appear to be devoted to the machining of parts and the subassembly of major components probably supplied from section D. 11. The guided missile plant also contains a mockup and prototype assembly building (item 14, Figure 3). In any research and development plant, considerable floorspace is utilized for initial mockup and prototype production of a missile planned for production. This initial effort is usually carried out in separate shop/assembly type buildings near -engineering facilities. Item 14 includes assembly, shop, and technical support sections. It is also situated adjacent to item 11, a large engineering building. 25X1 12. The new five-story engineering building (item 11) has accounted for the largest single increase in floorspace at the plant since The floorspace in this building, 25X1 is significantly greater than all the previously 25X1 existing (pre- engineering oorspace. This new construction may indicate a trend toward more design and development work at the plant. 13. The plant contains a larger variety of laboratory and testing buildings than other known producers of air-to-surface missiles and aerodynamic vehicles. Facilities are present for probable propulsion testing, possible aerodynamic testing, as well as for possible laboratory test buildings. The probable propulsion test building (item 45, Figure 3) consists of a two-bay structure and a paved exhaust deflector area. The southern-most bay is (Continued p. 5) Approved For Rele,.20p~/~$/q 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 ITEM 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 32 30 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 .59 Shen Wa ebase Sane Waehouse hot IC 8 ease utility carpenter slop sap Oil gel ng cartainer sari tacturing Voltage lest swllchlng cmtrol Engimeertng Sonority check Adman isbalim Mockup and prototype assembly Technical support b skassemhly c Final assembly Storage Storage Stol age Sloe age Warehouse aarahms0 Mate shop and erammby Machine slurp b Aaminislratim and mgioeering Macaoe shop d Sin basse0My e Final assembly dtill F Utility Forge/Poultry Pons aeradyn colic testing Berry son p Slap Pets laboratory/lest Eogtmaing labsalore Materials hand)ina Warehouse Sapporl Suppetl Storage l Tr enosh ipnine Vehicle sle rage Pumpleuse Shop Heating plant Utility GliI iy Pass laboralmyi'test Foss Ieheiatery/lest Flo pulsion testing Sta age Ohsmeatren Refire/pastliire nhecirml Assembly Machine shop/subas.umhly Storage Shop Ste rage Sleep Shop Shop assembly Totals LENGTH (METERS) WIDTH (METERS) DIMENSIONS HEIGHT LENGTH (METERS) (FEED WIDTH HEIGHT (FEET) (FEET) TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08105 : CIA-RD FL000SPACE PROBABLY SQ METERS SQ FEET COMPLETE Awing was addS between Piles of lumber and soul) cranes atn mtjanerrl so trim bldg. Pees al lamba crates, and 2 mall pares are adiacenlso 0880 bldg. Terminal eleclric pbstxtion mpplied ly hydroelectric plat. Wings are mly )64 fret) high. The main Sectlm Is Iron Slorfes. Three-eleny bl g. Three-story taste- Only me section was presmes in 1842, the second eras added Ire ~nd Inc el led was absent inl Irnolcdns a Iorostoy section em sic went nod Ausectaled 04010 N0 adjacent transshl peens yard. Associated with the hans.Nipnmt area. Associated ms the adjanenl tack. Overall dimensims. Plant appeared operational In 4942. Subsequent additions and nadlficatio ns mere not lolly apparent until IO The plait is proba My coal fired. TWO length 01 tin Slug mat dhlS in 1914. 0006-3 52 7 37 / 3 w ___ Completed d h d t d = R Completed between Completed between Completed between ar s an oa / -w-- Wall METERS 150 300 500 t 000 FEET FIGURE 3. LAYOUT OF IVANKOVSKIY GUIDED MISSILE PLANT TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78T04563A000800010006-3 RC d 5X1 25X1 25X1 ac es. ncremental increases and distribution of the floorspace at the plant from 25X1 OW =hroughIlare shown in Table 1. The chronology of construction suggests that the plant was at least partially operational shortly after World War II, since a significant amount of floorspace was obtained from the former seaplane production plant.1 Current Status and Production Activity 16. Photographic evidence indicates that the Ivankovskiy Guided Missile Plant is relatively active. New construction and crates and shipping containers were observed in the plant area. The construction activity consists of the completion of items 11, 49, and 55 devoted to engineering and shop/assembly floorspace. Production activity observed. is confined to probable KITCHEN (ASM) crates from 0(see inset Figure 2) through 25X1 25X1 0 Twenty-five to 30 unidentified crates were observed in the transshipment yard 25X1 adjacent to item 36 in I 17. This recent expansion of floorspace is devoted primarily to engineering. The expansion and the observed probable KITCHEN (ASM) crates and unidentified crates indicate that the Ivankoyskiy Guided Missile Plant has an important role in the overall Soviet air-to-surface missile development effort. Essential Services 2?x1 Appro ed For ReleasO$i" CIA-RDP78T045 25X1 -09/0006/71 25X1 3A0008000100 probably used for control and instrumentation while the northern bay, which faces the deflector, is used for testing. Each bay has a raised portion in the center, possibly for ventilation. Items 30 and 48, Figure 3, may provide engineering laboratory space as well as prefire/postfire checkout support for the propulsion testing operations. The possible aerodynamic testing building (item 25, Figure 3) consists of a small compressor bay and a testing section. It appears capable of carrying out the aerodynamic testing of small airframe models. 14. The possible laboratory/testing buildings (items 29, 43, and 44, Figure 3) are possibly used for propellants research and sampling. Chronological Development 15. Significant expansion took place in the plant during the 1950s and 1960s, similar to the rapid development that took place in most Soviet missile production and test f iliti I 18. Primary transportation for the plant is by water, although the plant is road served and rail transportation is available nearby on the south side of the Volga River. There is a small dock on the west side of the plant, providing easy transportation of materials in and out of the plant. The primary source of electric power is the Ivankovo Hydropower Plant south of the guided missile plant. Heat and water are apparently. provided on site. Presaat Square Meters Square PeoL Sy uara Motors Square Peet Approved For ReM i 8f0 25X1 AM 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78TO4563A000800010006-3 Appro REFERENCES (Continued) D 25X1 MAPS OR CHARTS ACIC. USATC 200, Sheet 0154-22, scale 1:200,000 REQUIREMENT COMIREX J02 NPIC Project 221329 Aircraft Plant to Podberezye, 25 Apr 56 (CONFIDENTIAL) "Latest usable photography as of Approved For R"ss Q8 05 : CIA-RDP78T04 63A00080 ed For Relea3D?OAV T: CIA-RDP78T0456 A00080001001 S-09/0006/71 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10& JE P78T04563A000800010006-3 Approved For Release 20 /StCRltTRDP78TO4563A000800010006-3