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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : - 789R002500230052-3 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE: 5 January 94 RATTNOF: PAG-TA memorandum S-28,131/PAG-TA suBJECT: PAG-73GT4nthly Activity Report - December 93 (U) THRU:PAG To.. PA 1. (U) Personnel: - PAG-TA has three civilian vacancies (two long- standing and one resulting from retirement in June 93). - No change in status on our submission for civilian hire to conduct foreign assessments. 2. (U) Administration: - Review of PAG-TA classified material holdings at DIAC has been completed. - Game plan update for move to Building 2845. Cost estimates from Fort Meade's Directorate of Public Works forwarded to DAL-2 for action on 30 Nov 93 with info copies to PAG and DAC-2. DIA action on the cost estimate held up due to current Congressional Resolution. DAC-2 will be our focal point for upgrading Room 111 for SCIF- level activity. Action underway to conduct the site survey for DAC-2. Move from our present location is still scheduled for 2nd Qtr, FY94. On-going dialogue with Ft. Meade/DIA points of contact (DA/DC) continues. - Other steps underway with regard to our move include: completion of the furniture requirements survey; and follow-up with Post Engineers on previously submitted work orders. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISSEMINATION CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES DECLASSIFY ON OADR OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIPSITIAR919fOi 9R002500230052-3 5010-114 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CI 171~ fl 89R002500230052-3 3. (U) Training: SG1I course. 4. (U) Travel: - None. 5. (U) Transportation/Logistics: - Dec 93 GOV mileage report forwarded to DAL-2 on 5 Jan 94. - Activity facilities continue to be "spruced up". - Supply account established at DIAC for Activity use. - Our Activity received a new copier machine on 29 Dec 93. SG1I The old copier was simultaneously turned-in at this time. 6. (S/NF/WN/SG/LIMDIS) Operations: :1 Dec 93: met with SG1J to discuss issues relating result , SG1J volunteered his services to conduct open source research SG1J in the area of non-lethal technology as it applies to our mission area. also offered his services in SG1J assisting us in preparing briefings if so asked. performs open source data searches for SAIC in support of our contract. SG11 - q lpc 93: Memo prepared and forward A riling the results of our meeting re g Physics Laboratory, regarding his work on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and his knowledge of equivalent Russian Programs. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISSEMINATION fib Approved For Releas-dCpA08lABM4&0A+4kbR6 ? 2 M 1''-g STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C 89R002500230052-3 SG1 B SG1J - 6 Dec 93: Messrs. met SG1J - 7 Dec 93: attended a meeting with corporate management representatives of Delfin SG1I SG1J SG1C Results of our meeting were forwarded by memo to PAG/PA on 17 Dec 93. Russian activity in the area of remote influence and provided a current assessment of the "Phoenix" devices. e e ist or of conducted a briefing in which he cover y - 8 Dec 93: chaired the monthly, interagency Scientific and Technical Intelligence Subcommittee - Collection (STIC-C) meeting. Meeting minutes published in the 26 Dec 93 msg announcing the agenda for the SG1J REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY oard --- aliambEEN~ Approved For Releal3@I0Ub>/$?-~-FtWR99-(Af10~3 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 9R002500230052-3 - 9 Dec 93: Self-initiated project data provided to Chief, SG1B SG1B PAN-3, regarding the intentions of the No feedback to date. Copy provided to PAG/PA. SG1I - 10 Dec 93: Met wit Assistant for Strategic Assessments, OASD for Special operations and SG1I low intensity conflict (policy Planning). handles the account for all non-lethal war_a_= Purpose of the meeting was to discuss our effort in the foreign assessments arena. Return meeting planned for 5 Jan 94. SG1 B - A PAG-TA directive on protocols for proficiency SG1I enhancement and operational projects is drafted. Directive to be published in Jan 94. reviewed and filed classified and open source literature on Activity related SG1I R&D efforts in Russia, FSU, Europe, China, - and SG6A Central and South America. has drafted a paper on QIGONG practices/applications in the PRC. 7. (C) Future Highlights: SG1I SG1I - 5 Jan 94: will meet wit Assistant for Strategic Assessment, or pecia Operations and Low Intensity planning (Policy Planning). SG1 E REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY Approved For STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CI R002500230052-3 SG1J 12 Jan 94: ii host the monthly STIC-C SG1J SG1J meeting. 13 Jan 94: meeting. Feb 94: ? attend the course. will attend the monthly STIC is tentatively scheduled to Seven Habi s o highly effective people" 8. (U) Other: - Enclosed FYI are individualSb33 monthly activity reports. SG1J 2 Enclosures 1. Activity Repo (S/NF/WN) 1 C 2. Activity (U) 1 Cy Repo 3. Activity Repo (U) 1 Cy REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY LIMITED DISSEMINATION Approved For ReleaWI0A@1@199@#f8Wkl60RN3 STAR GATE