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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. 93-204-P Session No. 01 & 02 :8. PERSONNEL DATA: Source No. 049 Monitor's No. N/A Beacon/Sender No. N/A C. SESSION DATA: Date TasJc Received 15 SEP 93 Session Date 17 & 20 SEP 93 Start Time 1110 Stop Time 1210 Method Used CRV Aids/Distractions (PIs) Preoccupied with move. Pre-session Hunches (AVs) None Date Summary Returned 21 SEP 93 D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY: The target is currently associated with a location which is WSW of the city of Mogadishu. The following attributes are associated with this location: - a flat, dusty area bordered by a curved wall along one edge and a straight wall along another edge (see diagram 1). These two walls intersect. There is an object reminiscent of a tower which sits within the level area. - the "tower" object (see diagram 2a) has a large, cylindrically shaped tank-like feature on top. There is a wooden plank platform which sits a short distance below the tank. - this location is associated with water. There is also a strong odor which smells like dried fish. - there is a structure which occurs nearby and on the same side of 'the street/road of the wall-tower feature mentioned above. This structure gives strong impressions of having had two functions: "a hanger converted into a warehouse" or "a warehouse which has been converted into a hanger". - a twin engined aircraft is stored within this structure (see diagram 2b). It has been "civilianized"; that` is, a military aircraft converted into a civilian aircraft. It has what seems to be overly large engines about mid-wing. The wings appear to go Approved For Release 2`003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 through the middle of the engines. The mode of travel by ..which the target is moving is via an open bed truck which is used to transport large, flat pieces of rock or stone (see diagram page 3). This truck has the following associated with it: - there is a hidden compartment hidden in the bed. It is camouflaged by the large flat rocks which the truck routinely transports. This compartment is being used to hide "combat" related objects: hard, metal tubes and large amounts of similarly shaped objects reminiscent of large-ammo or projectiles. - this truck has a second distinctive feature: a green metal/ woad tool or storage box which sits. at the front of the cargo bed section. - this truck is bringing these large, flat pieces of rock or stone into the city of Mogadishu. The origin of this rock is close to the mountainous area. The rock is taken from the side of the foothills rather than "up" from the ground. - one can see this area (reminiscent of a quarry) with binoculars from Mogadishu. - there is a "stop" between the location where the rock is taken from the earth and Mogadishu where weapons/ammo are placed in the compartment. - the wall-tower location, the structure containing the aircraft and the weapon/ammo "loading" point are all within the same vicinity of each other. The target is protected...more like "warned" or alerted to patrols in his general vicinity by (Viewer's Note: I'm almost embarrassed to mention this, but...) a f lock of goats!!! The warning signal is the presence of a single black goat within a group or flack of white goats. I know...I know... Additional, seemingly unrelated, objects are depicts on page 4 diagrams. No relationship with the aforementioned could be ascertained during the operation. 2) Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 Approved For Release 20 ~ 04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 S~~ 1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 Ca~ Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 ~t~.S2~ a~~ "~b Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 ~~~~ Approved For Release 3/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 C I Approved For Releas~4/18 : CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 ~,, ~,,.,~., ~ ~ ~gS 0 fLTF" D V t~ t ~ E lu 7t Fit) t C,PYR.~HT............. .j ............::................... H ~ :....... ~ ...................... C3 -- _ .......b4 rauavilk (cap.j..... ............... ved. For? Re~ease? ?~0~ Djambala ..................................... Obock IjJIBOU.T{ ` : .; ? .. ~ . ~djoruap ;;:: o 'pjlbotit~ ~?~. . s` ~~ Zei la . C~ r;,:. ikhil ~ O.. r~abie ~ ~~ ,6 ~a ~?.Borama Bulhar `~~ -j GAI.BEED Dire Dawa ? ..i ?Adad e ;~ jjjg~'"~Nargeys~ G ` 1 ? A ~ o oAwareh naaabur H A~~? R Dolo. .~~?let Oddur ` ~uuq~ 7igiegto rI t; urn O j t_.__. - - --, arbahaar~ey ~ OBaYdhab `~~ i~DO ~: E&ur Acabao U(anOh ardera ( ODinsor J Ba BAY '~' --^~ CorioleS /'~n~` OTHER FEATURES Alima (riv.) .................................. C4 Congo (riv.) ................................ 8 4 Crystal (mts.) ..............................? 83 Oja (rrv.) ..................................... 83 tvindo (rrv.) .................................. C3 Kadei (riv.) ................................... 84 Kouitou (riv.) .:.............................. C3 Likouata (riv.) ............................... N'Gounit (riv.) .............................. 84 Niari (riv.) ................:................... A4 Ogoou~ (rrv.) ................................ C3 SanQha (rn.) ................................ C3 Ubangi {rn .................. EQUATORIl1L GUINEA TERRITORIES Bioko 78.000 ................................ A3 RIo Muni 203.000 ..........................83 CITIES and TOWNS Bata 27.024 ................................. B Luba 19.933 ................................. A Malabo (cap.) 37.237 ...................... A Mbini 14.503 ................................ A OTHER FEATURES Biafra (bight) ................................ A Bioko list.) ...................................A Corisw (isl.) ................................ A Elabey (isls.} ..:............................. A Fernando Po (Bioko) (isl.) ....................................... CITIES and TOWNS ganda ......................................... Bitam 5.936 ................................. Baoub . .......:............................... . Chinchoua .................................... Gacobeach ................................... Fougamou ................................... . Franceville 9.345 ........................... Igu+ifa .......... ............................... Kango ................................ ....... . Kemboma ................................... Koula-Moutou 8.032 ...................... t?alara ........................................ Lambart~nb 17.770 ........................ LastOUrsVllle ................................ Lekoni ............105.080 ................~ Libreville (cap.) Makokou 5.005 ........................... Mayumba .................................. M'Bigou .................................... M~douneu .................................. Mekambo .................................. Mimongo ................................... Minvoul .................................... Mitzic . ....................... ............ Moanda 10.709 .......................... Mouila 15.016 ...................:....... Mounana 4.000 .......................... N'Oendd ........................ ........... N'Ojolb .................................... Nyanga ................................... Okondja ..................................~ Ombou~ .................................. p,Nendo .......~ .:......................... -Genti148.190 ..................... . .~....... . 84 -,~.~,,,,, ...... , .. .........................: c ~ 04/ d'+~riGrlA RDP96~00789R00~00~a ~ ~ ~~~~~?~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ X41.700 3 .......................8 Semb6 ................. ...04 Sibiti ....................................... Souanlcd .............................:........ 83 7,anaga ...........................:............ 84 Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9 TASKING SHEET SOURCE NO: 049 DATE: 15 Sept 93 SUSPENSE: 16 Sept 93 1200 Hrs_ 1. PROJECT NUMBER: 93-204-P 2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of Choice 3. BACKGROUND: This tasker is a follow-on to the special proiect of 1 & 2 September 93 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: 5. COMMENTS: Coordinates: 114251/503142 SG1A Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-007898002500170008-9