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Document Release Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 -i !'~.~~~ 7C h!C-r SHEET Source No. Date Task Initiated Suspense Date Task/Targeting No.: Method/Technique: Target Data Desired: l , DESCRIBE KEY TAB T FEA--~ S aspe~ color, motion/dynamics): - Emphasize the following: __ (include forms, shapes, spatial - Do the following perspectives: - Ground-level ' - Overview - Other: function, (include meaning, Pureose, 2. IDENTIFY KEY TARGET e~n~ a of people, if present) : natu activity, YP - Emphasize the foll?wing: 3. IF PERSONALITY! DES~R~ '' w~ ~4. OTHER : .f.Q~~"a'~'~~ ~. ADDIT~L GUI- D-~E~ (See attached) v ~ ~ ~~ y roved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-00789800240022 01-1 ? pp Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA? Task/Target No. Session No. B. PERSONNEL DATA: Source No. Monitor's No. Beacon/Sender No. ~yy .0~ C. SESSION DATA? Date Task Received Session Date Start Time Stop Time Method used Aids/Distractions ~ (PIs) Pre-session hunches (AVs) Date Summary Returned D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY' Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Summary of Information I initially felt as if I were perched on top of a gigantic evergreen tree with a spectacular view of the surrounding area in three directions. There were snow capped rolling hills and mountains to the front of me with less snow-covered terrain falling away on either side. There were large gaps or barren spaces within the terrain as if some of the ground cover had been removed. I then perceived traveling extremely quickly through or by a number of small towns or villages. The movements of the people, action scenes and general procession of activities within these settlements were speeded up. Everything was happening in a much faster-than-normal speed. Much of the surrounding buildings and streets were a blur of white. There was a general feeling that these scenes were pioneer or colonial in nature. At any rate, older in content, style and feeling than contemporary settings. There was an elaborately shaped object which appeared to be flat and made of a heavy metal. It's appearance was from the side. It appeared to be supported by an inappropriately small device or attachment to a much larger structure. At this point I began to lapse into another set of scenes and scenery involving vast open plains. It was dry, dusty and the wind was kicking up. There was a wall of smoke or dust moving across horizon from left to right. This scene also had a feeling of same age to it; again, almost pioneer. I essentially spent the rest of the time just looking out over the expanses. The terrain was alternating colors of greens, beiges and browns. There was the occasional shrill of a large bird soared overhead. It felt quite isolated and serene. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release~b"I/07 : CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved Fo~,~e 2U+9~41~6~3'~07 ~: CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 -~ ~,~aEC Y H~ SHEET ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ i~ ,~^~ Source ~o? Date Task Initiated gttspense Date Task/Targeting ~o?s Method/Techniques Target Data Desired: 1. DES_ CRIBE KEY Tm~ /dy A-- T aspects, solar, Emphasize the following: _____ - Do the following perspectives: _ Ground-level Overview (include forms, shapes, spatial Other: function, 2. IDENTIFY KEY TARGET CO---TENT (include meaning, purpose, natu activity, type/nature of people, if present): - Emphasize the following: ~? IF P'ERSONAL.ITY~ DESK E' wF `,/''~4. OTHER a ~. ADDIT_~ ~- GUI E'~ (5ee attached) v u a~ ~~'~ y A roved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220 01-1 pp CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-00789R002400220:001~'~ Iced to the gunnels, a huge Laker loaded with iron ore for South Chicago steelworks squeaks through the Soo Locks in late January. Shipping normally freezes to a halt from mid-December to April.'To help the region's wintertime economy, an experimental Nnlioital Geographic, August 1973 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 ~~ ~~~ ~~~L ~~u~ l 2~ ~~ ~'~ a c~ KS ~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 , Approved For Release;h20Q1 ~/,~7 Q ~ ~ ,~, IA-RDP96-007898002400220001-1 AppFti~,Fo,~lse 2001/03/0: CIA-RDF'=Q~89R002400220001-1 ~.r.. ..... ~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDOOZ9R002400220001-1 Approved For Release 2001/0~/0~7`'~IA -00,8902400220001-1