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lease 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP78 01932A000100200008, 8 _ CONFIDENTIAL e j.4 C9Ct / /2 H 7 I G.Z O3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE-NC WHITE HOUSE SUPPORT STAFF I)IHI C:TOH: WHI i E IHOUSI SIT [JAI ION ROOM ISSAG DISUMs 1,2, 01030OZ and 020300Z Ds Jan-74. Various Press There is some fighting in Quang Duc Province, but action countrywide is at one of the lowest levels since the start of the cease-fire. A government operation to retake two border outposts in Quang Duc Province is going poorly,-but South Vietnamese press spokesmen report that the operation is continuing. Dis(rihulion. 25X1A Lt. Gen. W1I16rs 25X1A 25X1A Date: Jan 3 e 14.73 Item No.: 1 RETURN TO ARCHIVES & RECORDS CEE 11"'IEAIATELY AFTER USE ..n.d- ! a 1,616 umer Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved Approved For Relpase ~ 01932A000190200098-8 a7 F"""" CONFIDENTIAL PAGE OF A `roved For Rele f se 2g9p&Q9/14 : CIA-RDP78S01I932A00010020000&-8 - pp C 1eA @cr/Gv y1ztvH 17No.Za3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WHITE HOUSE SUPPORT STAFF /TEEN Date: Jan 3, 1974 Item No.: 2 25X1A I)IRI C1OR. WIHI1 L HOUSE SI 1 UAI ION ROOM Cambodia: The Military Situation US n S -vi0'-'-B A -`EP - Various Press. Government forces made some progress on Route 4 front when they captured an outpost sixteen miles southwest of Kompong Speu city. Other government units nearby continue to meet Communist resistance. Along Route 5, the Cambodian Army's 7th Division is still trying to clear a section of the highway 15 miles northwest of Phnom Penh. A recent high level rallier has indicated that the Communists plan to launch a major offensive in this area to defeat the division, thereby opening the way to attacks on the capital. Although Communist commanders hope to be able to carry out such attacks this month, the rallier stated that 1~ t the offensive could be delayed until March if troop reinforcements Di;1riI)UIiOfl: Lt. Geri. Walter, Mr. Proctor. [' r. Lehman 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A FILE r Ir m ? .r d.rlo..~l~r.r~on .rh.d I. ul F O II ., i, ?a.m n ar.TOry ?!e 111. ml f!I .r lal Ir,irl~~on? or ar.I Dare Imp..r~hr. ro D. :__ a- m. or .. nu Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved S rS id' fReIeas 32A000100200008-8 2 SECRET PAGE OF Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP78SO1932A00010020000a-8 According to a late report from Phnom Penh, sa six rounds of 105 artillery were fired on the capital during the night. This is the first report of 105 mm artillery being fired on Phnom Penh during the current Khmer Communist offensive. Late press reports claim that the Communists fired seven 122mm rockets at the center of the capital early today, reportedly striking a refugee center and a military hospital. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP78SO1932A000100200008-8