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Document Release Date: 
December 4, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 11, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002100150035-5.pdf198.18 KB
Approved For Release 20.01/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150035-5 P~7EEErl~~E IIVTEt.~lC;EN~CE ACaEh1~Y ~n~n,.~~er~~ rorv, ~.c. 2o3C~t-~~~~t SU~3.JE(~7': Requirement for Access to I7IA SIJN S'I`RFAK Project Tn. Candidate for Indoctrination `.you are about to be indoctrinated for access to an extremely close-hold Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) program - the DIA SUN STREAK Program. Access to this program nay require you to undergo a polygraph examination. Additionally, the restrictian:~ contained in the SCI Nondisclosure Agreement, wh1.c?.7 you previously signed, are binding upon your access to the SUN STP.EAK I'rogr~~m. If you agr.e~~ to the above, sign and date where indic~~ted below. If you do not agree to the above, your indoctrination will be terminated at this point. .Tr~CK VORONA Assistant Deputy Director .for Scientific and Technical. Intell.igc~nce Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150035-5 a #VAME (la.~t, fa.rst., m~c~c~le a.nitr.a C:I ?~~~~~~,~~~~R00210 '~~SQ~ p5~5one Number _ ~. _._e_._..^..__ -- ____ ._.. ~T ~ ~ __, SSN: GRAI)E .-C ZV JOB TITLE l1JS~2uGfia~t~. ~~'St~'u~.___.._ ..._ _._._ _._ f ~___ ...._...~..._..,._~._______._. ~-~ I CERTIFY' T~~AT TI3I ABOVE-NAMED INDIVIDUAL MEETS THE RIj~QUIREMENTS FOR ACCESS TrJ C'LASST'FII:D DEFENSE INFt~RMATION INDICATED BELC)W. P,CCESS AtJTH?RIuATInN '1'O CLASSIFIED TNFC)RMATION SGFOIA3 L'RO~:IEC'T' ATJTH~JRI LF`D : SUN STREAK DATE : I ~ VVt0. rat +~~' Authorized by BRIEFING ACKNd~TLEDGEMENT 1. I acknowledge I have been briefed concerning the project indicated above. Raving received highly classified information relating to the United States Government, I am aware the unauthorized disclosure could ser_~ously damage the national security and the transmission or revelation of .auch information to unauthorized persons could subject me to prosecu?- tiora under the Espionage Laws (Ta.t.le 1S, USC, Sections 793, 794 and 79S) or other applicable laws including the Uniform Code of. Military Justice. 2. I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will never divulge, publish, or r_etreal by word, conduct, or any other means such information or knowledge except when necessary to da so in the performance of my official. duties in conraection with the project indicated above and in accordance with the laws of the r:Tnited States, unless specifically authorized in writing in eacrr and ever~y case by a duly authorized representative of the United States Government. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservat.i.on or I~urpose of evasion and in absence of duress. 3. I acknowledges that. information I receive is provided only to persons approved for the project and that the information. may not k?e further ~livr~rlged without specific prior written approval from the I?roject Fleac~cluarte:r.?s. All access is restrit;ted to "must-know" based upon one's pre:serrt position of functional use. 4. I understand that in the event I am reassigned from my present. position, I will notify the office granting access to the project indicated f.or briefing on actions deemed necessary at tyre time. SICaNATCTRE t'rF BRIEFING OFFICER. SIGN. TURF CJF IN IDUAL BRIEFT:'D SG1D Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150035-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150035-5 DEBRIEFING AGREEiUIENT 'l. I hereby reaffirm my acknowledgement of being briefed, on the DIA SLiN STREAK Project, the text of which appears an the reverse of this form. 2. :I certify I have surrendered and no longer have in my possession or custody any classified information or material acquired as a result of this associatic~r~. ~3. T further acknawledge and agree T have a continuing individual re5pan- Isibil.ity to the United States Government far the protection of such infer-- ar.ation and ~termi.natian of access to information concerning this project does net relieve me of my obligations under this oath ar any other previously executed ac~reement:~ or those impaled by law. 4. I take this ab.ligatian freely, withaut any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and in absence of duress. SIGNATURE OF DEiiRIEFER SIGNATURE OF ACKNOWLEDGER __ I DATE PRIVACY ACT STATF..M.ENT AT1TkiORITY~ 10 U.S.C. 8012; 44 U.S.C. 3101 and EO 9397. PRINC:CPAL Pt.iRPOSFa FOR GRANTING ACCESS TO A CLASSIFIED PROJECT AND TO AUTHORISED ACCESS TO PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ROiTTIi'dE USE : TO RECORD PROJECT ACCESS . USE OF SSN IS NECESSARY TO MAKE POSI7'IV~, IDENTIFICATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND RECORDS. DISCLC);y~.1R1=; IS VOLUNTARYc FAlLLiRE TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION AND SSN WILL RESU.T.~~' IN ACC~;SS $EING DENIED. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150035-5